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That Side of The World  According to Ullah ©

By Dr. Naseeb Ullah, Ph D. Media Studies

Special reports and analysis on the East Indian Nations & Surrounding countries

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Special news Analysis of reports from "That Side Of The World" 


India ’s supersonic missile launch compelled Pakistan to upgrade defence capabilities: FO

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan Thursday voiced its serious concern over India ’s testfire of supersonic interceptor missile and warned to “take all necessary measures to augment the country’s defence capabilities”.  “We are not oblivious to our defence needs and we will be compelled to upgrade our defensive capabilities through suitable technologies,” the Foreign Office spokesman said in a weekly press briefing held here at the Foreign Office.  India testfired its anti-ballistic missile Ashwin on May 15 capable of intercepting and bringing down hostile ballistic missiles. Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said “we reserve the right to maintain effective deterrence and Pakistan is prepared to defend its people and borders”. He mentioned that Indian actions were against the spirit of a peaceful and friendly neighbourhood and “would upset the balance of power in the region”. The Spokesman said following India ’s missile testfire, Pakistan had expressed its concern at the conference on Disarmament Plenary meeting held in Geneva about India ’s ambitious missile programme. To a question about India ’s gestures of maintaining relations with Pakistan on one hand and working against its interests on the other, the Spokesman said, “Normalization of relations between Pakistan and India would required sincere efforts, good faith and commitment from both the countries.” “We have already conveyed that the dialogue process will not be a concession from one side to the other, but with a modus vivendi [arrangement to coexist peacefully] in the inter-state relations,” he said. The Foreign Office Spokesman about the fifth meeting of the Quadrilateral Cooperation Group (QCG) held in Islamabad on May 18 said all members were making sincere efforts to bring Taliban and other groups to the negotiation table.  When asked about slow progress of QCG meetings, he said the conflict spanned over decades was taking its due course to settle. “We are dealing with a 36-year-old turmoil with 15 years of military efforts by the world’s powerful countries. These countries are still endeavoring for peace and stability,” he said. He said with just six months of its inception, the QCG had made sincere efforts with a unanimous opinion that peace should be given a chance, being the only option to move forward. About objections raised by Afghan side in the QCG meeting on Pakistan for taking no action against the Haqqani network, the Spokesman said that Pakistan’s sincerity should not be doubted.“Such negative statements strengthen the interests of those who do not want peace to flourish,” he said. When sought Pakistan ’s response on Afghanistan ’s draft deal signed with Gulbadin Hekmatyar group sidetracking the QCG, he said Pakistan welcomed the move.He said it was encouraging that Afghanistan on its own was engaging with other groups with an objective of enduring peace. To a question on the U.S not providing F-16 fighter aircraft to Pakistan , he said the Pak-U.S relationship should not be judged within the domain of this single issue.He said the matter was still under discussion in the U.S and the chapter had not been closed. About arrest of Foreign Ministry’s senior director, Shafqat Ali Cheema by National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on charges of human trafficking, the Spokesman said the Ministry would fully cooperate on the issue. He said the Ministry itself had initiated the reference against the director and it indicated a clear message that no concession would be made to any official involved in illegal activities.

Nisar tells Olson: Stable, peaceful Afghanistan in favour of entire region

ISLAMABAD : US Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan , Richard Olson called on Minister for Interior, Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan here on Thursday and discussed overall security situation of the region especially with reference to Afghanistan . Talking to Richard Olson, the Minister said, “stable and peaceful Afghanistan is not only in favour of Pakistan but the entire region. The only solution to Afghanistan issue is dialogue.” “We have reservations on United States policy for stopping funding to Pakistan for F-16 planes. In spite of this, all issues between Pakistan and US be resolved through dialogue,” he said. The Minister said Pakistan wanted to further expand its ties with US but for this Pakistan’s point of view and sovereignty be considered at all levels. Richard Olson said, “US appreciates efforts and role of Pakistan for durable peace in Afghanistan”. The Representative said in spite of some issues, the US government gave importance to its relations with Pakistan and wanted to further expand existing ties. US ambassador in Pakistan, David Hale was also present in the meeting. “We have reservations on United States policy for stopping funding to Pakistan for F-16 planes. In spite of this, all issues between Pakistan and US be resolved through dialogue,” he said. The Minister said Pakistan wanted to further expand its ties with US but for this Pakistan’s point of view and sovereignty be considered at all levels.Richard Olson said, “US appreciates efforts and role of Pakistan for durable peace in Afghanistan”. The Representative said in spite of some issues, the US government gave importance to its relations with Pakistan and wanted to further expand existing ties. US ambassador in Pakistan, David Hale was also present in the meeting.

Sri Lanka mudslide: Army fears 134 missing are dead

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan teams on Thursday searched for scores of people missing after a landslide fear there may be no more survivors. So far troops have rescued 150 people from the worst-hit site in central Kegalle district, but hopes are fading for another 134 still unaccounted for. No more people were found overnight, dead or alive - on Wednesday 14 bodies were pulled from the mud. Five more bodies were found at the site of another mudslide in the district, bringing the death toll there to 10. Landslides and flooding caused by days of torrential rain have hit many parts of the country, killing at least 43 people in total, according to official figures. Nearly 350,000 people have been displaced. In the worst-hit area, Aranayake district, three villages were buried after a huge section of hillside sheared away in the rain on Tuesday. Bad weather is hampering the army’s efforts to reach possible survivors. “I fear the missing 134 could be dead at this point,” Maj Gen Sudantha Ranasinghe, the officer in charge, told media. “But we will continue our operation to recover the bodies to give families some peace.”

Commander Chinese Navy conferred with Pakistan's Military Award

KARACHI: Admiral Wu Shengli, Commander PLA (Navy) China, has been conferred with Pakistan’s highest Military Award, Nishan-e-Imtiaz (Military). The award was given to Chinese Admiral in recognition of his distinguished services and significant contributions in strengthening the bilateral relations between Pakistan and China in general and Navies of both the friendly nations in particular. The award has been conferred by Abdul Quadir Baloch; Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions, during an impressive ceremony held at Pakistan Navy Dockyard.  Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff was also present in the ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by Ambassador of China, Air Officer Commanding South and other senior officers of armed forces. Admiral Wu Shengli is presently on a two day official visit to Pakistan on the invitation of Chief of the Naval Staff. Earlier, the Admiral also visited Quaid’s Mausoleum and laid wreath. During the day besides visiting PN units, the dignitary also met Naval Field Commands at Karachi.

Japan to give Pakistan 6.29 billion loan for eradication of polio

ISLAMABAD: The Government of Japan on Thursday has announced to extend a soft loan of 6.29 billion Yen (approximately USD 59 million) to the Government of Pakistan for polio eradication. Signing ceremony was held here in which documents exchanged between Takashi Kurai, Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan and Anjum Amin Assad, Additional Secretary for Economic Affairs Division. This loan will be utilized to procure 273 million doses of Oral Polio Vaccines for polio eradication campaign. The Government of Japan has focused on polio eradication, which is indeed a global challenge for public health. Since 1996, for over 20 years, Japan has supported polio eradication campaign in Pakistan by way of procurement of polio vaccine, strengthening the logistics for delivery through cold chain system, improvement in the treatment of vaccinators, dispatching Japanese medical experts, and so on. Thereby Japan’s assistance including this loan reaches approximately 22.6 billion Japanese Yen (approximately USD 212.5 million) in total. At the signing ceremony, Takashi Kurai said that Japan assistance this year of about PKR 6.2 billion is the biggest among all the assistance we have ever provided so far in this area. Sincerely, hope that this yen loan will be a finishing blow to polio infection and lead to the complete polio eradication where we can see all the children free from it.

General Raheel, US CENTCOM Commander discuss security situation in Afghanistan

RAWALPINDI : Incoming commander United States Central Command General Joseph L Votel called on Army Chief General Raheel Sharif in Rawalpindi on Monday. During the meeting matters of mutual and professional interests with special emphasis on security situation in Afghanistan came under discussion. The visiting dignitary lauded the role of Pakistan Army for bringing peace and stability to the region. General Joseph L Votel also laid floral wreath at Yadgar-e-Shuhada.

Operation Zarb-e-Azb, NAP testament of Pakistan 's commitment in  fight against terrorism

RAWALPINDI : Pakistan and the US on Monday shared resolve to enhance existing defence cooperation. This understanding reached during a meeting of General Joseph L. Votel, Commander US Central Command and Lt. General Muhammad Alam Khattak (Retd), Secretary Defence. They exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and enhancing defence cooperation. Pakistan highly values its relationship with the US which is spread over six decades and has seen progress in various areas including trade, economy, investment, energy, defence and people to people contact. It was discussed in the meeting that there is a need of further enhancement and diversification of defence relations by transcending from present confines of counter terrorism to the realm of conventional defence. Secretary Defence expressed concern on the issue of resolution of sale of F 16s to Pakistan stating that these aircraft are essential for over fight against terrorism. He further stated that Operation Zarb e Azab and National Action Plan are testament of Pakistan ’s commitment in its fight against terrorism and extremism. The Secretary also enquired about the status of roadmap regarding future reimbursement mechanism in lieu of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) beyond 2016. General Joseph L. Votel, Commander US Central Command acknowledged the role played by Pakistan Armed Forces in their fight against terrorism.He added that continued support from US in training, equipment and necessary funding will act as tools essential to fight against terrorist outfits. General Joseph Leonard Votel is a four-star General in the United States Army who has recently assumed the command of United States Central Command. Before that, he served as commander of United States Special Operations Command.

19 Military Operations underway in 15 Afghan provinces: MoD

KABUL : A spokesman for Afghan Ministry of Defense (MoD), Dawlat Waziri, said on Monday that 19 military operations are currently ongoing in 15 provinces in war-torn country. Speaking at a press conference, Waziri said that the military operations are being conducted in provinces including Wardak, Helmand , Kunduz, Kandahar and Kunar. “In the past two months, after we launched Shafaq military operation, hundreds [of insurgents] were killed and security forces seized a large amount of weapons, vehicles and other equipment belonging to insurgents. Dozens of insurgents’ commanders are among the dead and we are carrying out night raids to clear the insurgents,” Waziri said. He called on the people to support security forces, especially regarding their night raids, which are proving highly effective. He added that military operations have not yet launched in some parts of the north and also in Helmand . He said however that the air force and intelligence agencies have improved substantially this past year and that between 150 and 180 air operations are carried out on a daily basis. In the meantime, Sediq Sediqqi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior (MoI), on Monday acknowledged the security threats in Helmand are higher than in other provinces. In response to a question by reporters over the increasing of US troops’ combat role against insurgents, he said that Afghanistan needs the cooperation of foreign troops in combat against al-Qaeda, Haqqani, Taliban and other insurgent groups. This comes as the Taliban’s insurgency in Helmand is on the rise – but military leadership still appears reluctant to implement an important order issued by President Ashraf Ghani two weeks ago giving a free hand to security forces to fight militants from a harsher standpoint. Two weeks ago, Ghani said during an address in parliament, that the military leadership must carry out large scale offensives against militants raging war in the province. However, the order has still not been implemented. The reasons are unclear but this is putting a burden on the shoulders of overstretched Afghan forces, said critics. Critics also believe the delay in implementing the order is enabling the Taliban to expand its attacks on embattled Afghan security forces who are fighting the Taliban on multiple fronts and in some key districts in the province. This in turn is threatening the security of the provincial capital, Lashkargah city.

Pakistan calls for greater engagement across cultures to counter xenophobia

NEW YORK :  Pakistan ’s culture defines its humanity and reflects the spirit of a nation on the upsurge, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi has said, while calling for promoting greater engagement across cultures to counter xenophobia. “Today, the amazing outpouring of art and literature in Pakistan is the most forceful response to a tiny minority that seeks to impose an alien orthodoxy,” she told a large and distinguished gathering amidst applause at the start of the festival, the first time a Pakistani cultural festival has been held abroad. “ Lahore has arrived in New York ,” the Pakistani envoy said of the US city known as the one that never sleeps. “Nor does Lahore by the way!” Lahore, she said, has led the national engagement with modernity and it embodies the country’s unique identity as a modern nation and ancient civilization. “We are proud that for the first time a festival of ideas from Pakistan has been taken overseas.” Pakistan, the ambassador said  has a rich and diverse cultural heritage and artistic tradition, present cultural landscape is especially rich and prolific. The country’s literary ethos of had been going through remarkable change with a growing number of globally acclaimed writers spearheading this transformation. As for music, she said, the explosion being witnessed ranges all the way from traditional Qawali rendered with a modern twist; to a fresh crop of pop artists, all creating a diverse and distinctively Pakistani sound. Pakistani cinema was also seeing revival by a new wave of young independent film-makers who are charting and breaking new ground by tackling bold themes and using digital technology. “Authors, artists, film-makers and musicians all are producing works that form an extraordinary panorama of creativity, reflecting the vibrant cultural reality of today’s Pakistan,” Ambassador Lodhi said. The creative voices in Pakistan’s music, literature, art and in the media were emblematic of a living nation which was facing many challenges but negotiating them with the spirit and resilience. Pakistan’s culture was about attitudes that value openness and dialogue, the ambassador said. “Today, we are engaged in a battle of ideas and it is culture which helps us create space and diversity to enable us to forge a narrative of tolerance, openness and debate. Our response to those who challenge our centuries old tradition of peaceful coexistence, informed by our great Sufi tradition, is to get back in touch with joy and the freedom to create.” Asia Society, she said, provided a platform and showcasing different cultures from the Asian continent to build awareness and advance understanding in the US of other cultures and civilizations. “Art, it is rightly said, transcends borders and helps to build bridges across cultures and therefore is an invaluable medium to promote inter-cultural understanding,” Ambassador lodhi said. “At a time when we see the rise of intense xenophobia, nothing is more important than the need to listen to each other, build respect for the other and promote greater engagement across cultures. It is by enhancing our understanding of the values of cultural diversity that helps us to learn to live together better.”

Pakistani-American physicians urged to play role in development of motherland

FLORIDA: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Untied States Jalil Abbas Jilani has urged the Pakistani-American physicians to come forward and play their due role in the national development of their motherland. Addressing the Spring Convention of Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) in Florida, the ambassador also emphasized the community’s role in solidifying the bonds of friendship between Pakistan and the United States and the importance accorded by the Government of Pakistan to the welfare of overseas Pakistanis. Ambassador Jilani particularly urged the Pakistani youth to take lead in lifting the socio-economic and political profile of the growing Pakistani diaspora in the United States and assured them of Embassy’s continued cooperation. On the occasion, the Ambassador announced that the Embassy would be hosting the third Annual Convention of Pakistani American Community (CPAC-2016), which will be preceded by Regional Community Conventions in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Houston. He also highlighted a host of community-related initiatives taken by the Embassy which had made it more accessible and forthcoming to the community. During a Town Hall meeting, held after the Convention, the Ambassador briefed the participants of the APPNA Convention about the actions taken by the Government to counter terrorism, extremism and to promote economic development. He said that economic reforms coupled with decisive steps taken by the government against terrorists have resulted in better security environment and improved economic climate. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Ambassador said would bring about economic prosperity to the whole region. While appreciating the dynamic role of Ambassador Jilani, President of APPNA, Dr. Nasar Qureshi thanked the Embassy for its proactive role in engaging the community. APPNA is one of the largest ethnic medical societies in North America representing more than 15,000 physicians and health care professionals of Pakistani descent serving across the United States and Canada. The Convention was attended by a large number of Pakistani-American physicians from all over the United States. The participants acknowledged a great deal of improvement in the consular services delivered by the Pakistan Embassy and Consulates General in the U.S. During the Convention, the APPNA Council unanimously endorsed Ambassador Jilani as a lifetime member of APPNA for his “services to the Pakistani community and for promoting Pakistan-US relations.”

Pakistan rejects US conditions for sale of F-16s: Aizaz

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan needs modern F-16 fighter jets for its ongoing war against terrorism but rejects the conditions the United States has attached with their sale, said Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry on Saturday. Speaking to journalists, scholars and corporate leaders at a breakfast meeting in Islamabad , the foreign secretary said no conditions should be attached to the sale of F-16s because Pakistan plans to use the jets only for the purpose of fighting terrorists. The US State Department earlier this week said Pakistan will have to pay from its own funds if it wants to buy F-16 fighter jets, after the US Congress last month withdrew funds for the deal to force Pakistan to act against the Haqqani network. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad has said Pakistan knows how to deal with countries or institutions that may attempt to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). “The entire nation is united to make the project a success. If any outfit or a country has any problem with the CPEC, Pakistan knows it well how to deal with it. Certain elements want to create chaos in Balochistan but the entire nation is fully united to make the CPEC project a success,” he said while talking to media here Saturday. He said that F-16s issue has nothing to do with Shakeel Afridi. “We will try to convince the US Congress on the issue of purchase of F-16 aircrafts. Acquisition of these aircrafts is all the more necessary to fight terrorism. We will continue our efforts that US stand by us on war on terror.  We have paid a heavy price in war on terror in North Waziristan ,” he said. The law and order situation in Pakistan has improved after the launch of operation Zarb-e-Azb  and implementation of National Action Plan, he said. He denied that Daesh has a presence in Pakistan . “Whenever some breakthrough is achieved between Pakistan and India , then non state actors create some problem. We will deal with it and expose them and the conspiracy,” he said. “We have been vindicated after the arrest of Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav from Balochistan. Pakistan and India have decided to pursue the path of cooperation even after the Pathankot incident,” he said. He also indicated that Pakistan will host SAARC summit scheduled for November.

13 Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria : media

TEHRAN : Thirteen military advisers with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been killed in Syria in recent days and 21 others wounded, Iranian media reported on Saturday. It was Iran ’s biggest loss of forces within such a short time, based on official figures. The names of those killed and when their remains will be repatriated will be announced later, the Guards said.All were from Iran’s northern province of Mazandaran, Hossein Ali Rezayi, a Guards spokesman in the region, told the ISNA and Fars news agencies. The deaths and injuries occurred in Khan Tuman village some 10 kilometres (six miles) southwest of the battleground city of Aleppo , the official IRNA news agency reported a Guards statement as saying. Pro-regime troops had driven jihadists out of Khan Tuman in December, but on Friday a monitor reported more than 70 killed in fighting between regime forces and Al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadists and their allies south of Aleppo . Al-Nusra Front and allied Islamists seized Khan Tuman and surrounding villages after less than 24 hours of clashes, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Around 30 pro-regime troops were killed in the battle, said the Britain-based Observatory which relies on a network of sources in Syria .  Russia said late Friday that a temporary truce in Aleppo had been extended for 72 hours “in order to prevent the situation from worsening”. More than 300 civilians were killed in two weeks of fighting in the divided city before the truce took hold on Thursday, in regime air strikes on its opposition-held east and rebel shelling of the regime-controlled west. Iran is Syria ’s main regional ally, sending financial and military aid, including military advisers and volunteer forces from Iran , Afghanistan , Iraq and Pakistan , to prop up President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.Dozens of Iranian “advisers” have been killed in Syria since late 2015, including Revolutionary Guards commanders. Saturday’s news came as Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, met Assad in Damascus and assured him of Tehran ’s support. “The Islamic republic of Iran has employed all of its capacity for the fight against terrorists committing crimes against oppressed nations in the region,” state television news agency IRIB quoted him as saying.Assad told Velayati that Syria was “very hopeful of victory in this unbalanced war, thanks to Iran’s selfless support”, IRIB reported.

Khan sworn in as London ’s first Muslim mayor

LONDON : Sadiq Khan was sworn in as London mayor Saturday after being elected the first Muslim leader of a major Western capital, as the Conservatives defended attempts to link him to extremism during the campaign. The opposition Labour lawmaker, the son of a Pakistani bus driver, broke from convention by taking his oath of office in a multi-faith ceremony at Southwark Cathedral. “My name is Sadiq Khan and I’m the mayor of London ,” the 45-year-old said to cheers from supporters, who had earlier given him a standing ovation as he walked in. He added: “I’m determined to lead the most transparent, engaged and accessible administration London has ever seen, and to represent every single community, and every single part of our city, as mayor for all Londoners.” Khan won 57 percent of the vote in Thursday’s mayoral election, securing 1.3 million votes to see off multimillionaire Conservative Zac Goldsmith and make history as the city’s first Muslim mayor. In his victory speech in the early hours of Saturday morning, Khan had referenced the negative campaign against him by saying London had chosen “unity over division”. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron had led the attacks against Khan for sharing platforms with radical Muslims at public events, and Goldsmith said he was “radical and divisive”. There was criticism from across the political spectrum on Saturday at the tone of the Tory campaign, but Defence Secretary Michael Fallon insisted it was legitimate.“Both candidates were asked questions about their backgrounds, their personalities, their judgment, the people they associate with,” he told BBC radio. “That’s the nature of our democracy and the rough-and-tumble of politics.” News of the win was applauded in Pakistan, with Bilawal Bhutto, leader of the opposition Pakistan People’s Party and son of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, and rival opposition leader Imran Khan tweeting congratulations.New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said he was looking to working with his “fellow affordable-housing advocate” while Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo tweeted that Khan’s “humanity (and) progressivism will benefit Londoners”. Former Conservative government minister Sayeeda Warsi also offered her congratulations “from this daughter of a Pakistani bus driver to the son of a Pakistani bus driver”, and condemned her party’s campaign.“Our appalling dog-whistle campaign lost us the election, our reputation and credibility on issues of race and religion,” she said. Khan admitted representing some “pretty unsavoury characters” during his previous job as a human rights lawyer but said their views were “abhorrent” and condemned the Conservatives’ “desperate” attacks. Goldsmith’s sister Jemima, the ex-wife of Pakistani cricketer and politician Imran Khan, said the tone of her brother’s campaign “did not reflect who I know him to be”.Cameron’s former adviser, Steve Hilton, said Goldsmith had brought back the “nasty party label”. In the audience at Southwark Cathedral was Doreen Lawrence, an anti-racism campaigner whose teenage son Stephen was killed by a gang of white youths.“I never imagined in my lifetime I could have a mayor of London from an ethnic minority,” she said. Khan has broken the eight-year hold of the Conservatives on City Hall, succeeding the charismatic Boris Johnson in a prestigious post that has responsibility for transport, housing, policing and promoting economic development. His success was a boost for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, a veteran socialist who has been battling a row over anti-Semitism and growing criticism from the moderate wing of his party since his election in September. But Labour fared less well in other regional elections on Thursday. The party was beaten into third place in Scotland, once a Labour stronghold, as the Conservatives became the official opposition to the Scottish National Party (SNP), which won a third term in office.Labour maintained control of the Welsh assembly and lost only a handful of local council seats in England. But critics warned it should have done better against a government that has lost support over welfare reforms and is deeply divided ahead of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU on June 23.

Imran Farooq murder: Scotland Yard team arrives in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD: A two-member team from Britain’s Scotland Yard arrived in Islamabad on Saturday in relation to the investigation of the murder of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Dr Imran Farooq. The London Metropolitan Police’s team handed over the deceased’s death certificate to the Federal Investigative Agency (FIA). A three-member team from Pakistan is expected to leave for Britain by May 15. Farooq, 50, a founding member of the MQM, was stabbed and beaten to death in Edgware, northwest London, as he returned home from work on September 16, 2010.

US elections not to affect Pakistan-US ties: Harkenrider

LAHORE: US Consul General to Lahore Zachary Harkenrider has said that Pak-US relations would remain important for the US government irrespective of the fact Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton is elected the next US president in November 2016 elections. Addressing Invitation Talk on the U S electoral system at the Government College University (GCU) here on Saturday, he said if one goes through the history of Pak-US relations since 1947, one comes to know there are moments of discord that punctuate much longer and much more significant periods of convergence, agreement and mutual interests. The talk was organised by Quaid-e-Azam Political Science Society of the GCU. The Counsel General said any government in Pakistan, whether of left or right, democratic or undemocratic, understands and values its relationship with the United States. The situation is similar in the United States. Responding to a question about US relations with the Islamic world, Zachary Harkenrider said the American society is highly receptive and tolerant of religious diversity, adding that: “There are millions and millions of Americans who are Muslims, and they are as important citizens of the US as I am.” Harkenrider briefed the students about the complete electoral process for the President of United States from his party nominations through primaries and caucuses, general voting and election through the Electoral College.He also told the participants about the different voting trends and nomination processes in the different States. The students were also apprised of the history of US elections and voting trends since 1789. The Consul General discussed the reasons why no significant third political party has emerged in United States, adding that democracy and political institutions are strengthening in Pakistan. Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Hassan Amir Shah said that there was a great interest among the university students about the American Presidential elections and they follow it on media.However, he said that this lecture by Consul General would give them a deeper understanding about the complete electoral process and latest trends. Later, the Counsel General visited the university library and Iqbal Hostel where Poet of the East Allama Muhammad Iqbal had spent student days of his life. He admired the peaceful environment of the university. He also pledged to provide support to the University in its different academic and research ventures.

Lahore Literary Festival begins at Asia Society in New York

NEW YORK: The Lahore Literary Festival (LLF), taking place in New York City on Saturday and Sunday, will showcase the whole mosaic of Pakistan’s cultural creativity including literature, poetry and music.  LLF in New York is being co-presented with the Asia Society, making it the first time a Pakistani literary festival takes place abroad. “We are pleased that what we initiated, the first Pakistani festival of ideas at the Asia Society, is taking place on 7-8 May,” Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told APP.  “It all started when I called on Josette Sheeran, the President of Asia Society, and proposed the idea to her.  She embraced it enthusiastically and Razi Ahmed of the Lahore Literary Festival made it happen,” she added.  On his part, Razi Ahmed,  who is LLF’s founder and CEO, said, “For four years now, we’ve had the privilege of bringing some of the most creative and insightful voices in the world to Pakistan’s cultural capital to engage with our writers, artists and audiences. We are delighted now to be taking some of Pakistan’s finest to the creative capital of the US.” The LLF in New York, part of a three-year partnership with Asia Society, will feature panel discussions that include businessman, philanthropist, educator and former Finance Minister of Pakistan Syed Babar Ali; New York Times columnist Roger Cohen; artist Salima Hashmi; physicist and author Tasneem Zehra Husain; former Foreign Minister of Pakistan Hina Rabbani Khar; actor, director and screenwriter Sarmad Khoosat; journalist and foreign policy author Ahmed Rashid; and author and filmmaker Sadia Shepard.  Asia Society will also webcast the sold-out 2-day ticketed event. The festival will open on Saturday evening with a performance by singer-songwriter Zeb Bangash. It will be rounded off after day-long discussions among participantson Sunday evening with Qawwali by an eight-member ensemble—the Saami Brothers.  The LLF, founded in 2012, is a nonprofit initiative incorporated in Pakistan under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Asia Society, founded in 1956 by John Rockefeller III, is a nonpartisan and nonprofit educational organization that aims at fostering understanding and partnerships between Asian and American people and institutions.

Afghanistan president moves acting defense minister to head spy agency

KABUL : Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has appointed a new acting defense minister to replace Masoom Stanekzai, a loyalist ally whom he has shifted to lead the main intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS). The changes, announced late on Thursday, underline the uncertainty at the top of Afghanistan ’s security apparatus that has hindered the fight against the Taliban and other insurgents since Ghani’s National Unity Government came to power in 2014. Stanekzai, who was well regarded by NATO commanders but never confirmed in office by parliament, moves to take over the NDS, whose director, Rahmatullah Nabil, resigned in December after disagreeing with Ghani’s moves towards rapprochement with Pakistan. Stanekzai is replaced as caretaker defense minister by General Abdullah Khan, previously chief of staff at the ministry. Both appointments will have to be approved by parliament, which failed to confirm Stanekzai as defense minister for well over a year amid wrangling in the government led by Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, the two rivals in a disputed 2014 election. Last month, parliament approved former army general Taj Mohammad Jahid as interior minister after the previous incumbent, Noor-ul-Haq Olomi, resigned following heavy criticism over deteriorating security. At the time, the speaker of parliament asked the government to present nominees to lead the defense ministry and the NDS so that the caretaker arrangement could be ended.

Pakistani ammunition exports reach to $60 million

ISLAMABAD : Chairman Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) Wah Let Gen Omar Mahmood Hayat said that in financial year 2014-15 exports were $ 21 millions and this year it is $ 60 millions and target of $ 81 million set for 2016-17. He was briefing Senate panel on Defense Production. Panel met under the chair of Khawaja Sohail. Chairman Pakistan POF, while briefing on new commercial products of POF said that in his organisation 14 ordnance factories and three commercial subsidiaries. He said that more than 24,000 workforce, 26 kilometres size, more than 100 educational institutions and 98% literacy rate of the city. He said that last year production of POF was of Rs 16 billion, this year it is Rs30 billion and in next year it will further increased and will reach to Rs 36 billions. He said that in financial year 2014-15 exports were $ 21 millions and this year it is $ 60 millions and target of $ 81 million set for 2016-17. He informed that Saudi Arabia is major exporter of defence equipment of POF, but through the Bulgarian company. He said now meeting with Saudi and Qatari officials held and tried to convince them for directly exporting from Pakistan . He said that in last three years earned Rs 11 billions. He said that POF is Pakistan ’s premier arms and ammunition manufacturing facility, which not only serve the defense requirements of the country’s Armed Forces, but also caters to the needs of domestic and export market as well. He informed that established in early 50’s, POF comprised four workshops and today it stands as an advanced defense industrial complex, producing approximately 70 major products including automatic rifles, light, medium and heavy machine guns, a wide range of mortars and artillery ammunition, aircraft and anti-aircraft ammunition, tank and anti-tank ammunition, bombs, grenades, pyrotechnics and a state of the art stitching unit. POF also specializes in the manufacture of commercial explosives, hunting ammunition and possesses extensive facilities for the manufacture of brass, copper and aluminum ingots, both for Military and non-military applications. With clientele spread over 40 countries, POF has established its reputation as a supplier of quality goods in the international market. This fact is adequately endorsed in POF’s strict adherence to QHSE Policy, and acquisition of international quality certifications. He informed that providing defence equipment to armed forces, rangers, FC and recently strategic agreement with KP government for weapons and uniforms. Through federal interior  ministry written letter to remaining provinces to purchase weapons from POF. Mansoor said that with the efforts of this committee Sindh government purchasing of armoured from abroad cancelled, he suggested they should also purchase these weapons from POF. Hayat said that previously not any attention given to software and this year different initiatives taken. “We have 40 billions budgets, without fiancé experts.  He said previously 70 years old system existed no proper Human Resource Department (HRD) existed. Engineers were working in HR and supply chain.   Now, one Phd hired for the development of the employs and providing them with trainings. Hayat informed that for the increasing exports one office in Dubai will be opened soon with the joint venture with local Arab company. This company will bear all expenses of the office and from the purchasing of equipment they will be able to get 15% commission on it. He said that his organisation organising international Kabady event at Wah. He also offered other international sports events of cricket, hockey and in other. While briefing modernising weapons Chairman POF said that they have started link of industry and academia. With he cooperation of NUST, a lot of engineers coming to Wah and this program will boast the industry as well research. He said the work of Brass mill completed 90% and it is big project of Asia . Prime Minister will be invited in the opening ceremony and will request him to look into matter of shortages of houses facilities to the staff. He informed that most of the staff waiting for 13 years for the allotment of houses. He said will request PM that instead of announce bonus for employees announce housing scheme for them.

Strong message conveyed to US to maintain balance of power in region: Sartaj

ISLAMABAD : Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz has said that Pakistan has conveyed a strong message to the United States to maintain balance of power in this region. “ Pakistan is still negotiating with the US officials for the purchase of F-16s and we have other options as well”, he added.  He was speaking in “Nuqta-e-Nazar” programme of Radio Pakistan ’s News and Current Affairs Channel. Defense analyst Lt. Gen. (Retd) Talat Masood and other senior experts also expressed their views in the programme.  Sartaj Aziz said Pakistan will have to pay 700 million dollars bill for the aircraft by itself. Originally, Islamabad was supposed to pay around 270 million dollars, whereas the rest of the amount was to be paid by the United States through a Foreign Military Financing (FMF) subsidy. Without the FMF allocation, the price tag for the eight F-16 fighter aircraft would increase by two-and-a-half times the original cost, after the US Congress blocked funds for Pakistan to purchase F-16 fighter planes and asked to review the price.  “We are still negotiating with US officials otherwise, we have certain options as well. Indian lobby is active in the United States . Pakistan is still focusing on improving its bilateral relations with the United States . We will continue our efforts to resolve the issue.” Defense analyst Lt. Gen. Retd. Talat Masood was of the view that the hurdles in the way of F-16 supply to Pakistan are result of Indian involvement through its lobby in US. Anti-Pakistan lobby would try to undermine any deal between Pakistan and other arms selling countries, for which, Pakistan has to be vigilant, he added.  He said JF-17 Thunder is a good alternative of F-16 and Pakistan should also consider this as an option. Senior analyst Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema said the US Congress is apparently blocking the funds without any reason.  The Congress has asked Pakistan to fund the whole purchase of F-16 jet fighters on its own which, he said was the violation of Pak-US agreement. Senior US-based analyst Dr. Farhat Haq said it caused an embarrassment for Obama administration that Congress has pushed them back from their stance. At the moment, Indian lobby is active in the United States as New Delhi was taking the a advantage of its trade relations with United States .  Senior Analyst Dr. Amna Mehmood was of view that Pakistan has many options, either it can purchase jets from open markets of European countries or it can purchase from Russia .  China and Russia could play a vital role to fill the gap of strategic balance, he added. Security expert Dr. A. Z. Hilali said F-16 deal was part of agreement between Pakistan and the US . Washington committed to support Pakistan in its fight against terrorism by providing all types of hardware assistance. However, may be on the instigation of our neighboring adversaries, US is backing out of its support for Pakistan in its just and global cause of fight against terrorism.

Ties with India remain tense despite Pakistan ’s positive overtures: Ambassador

NEW YORK : Pakistan ’s Ambassador to the United States Jalil Abbas Jilani has called for sincere efforts to address causes of tensions between India and Pakistan , saying despite positive overtures from Islamabad , bilateral relations remains tense between the two countries. Speaking at the annual meeting of 20-20 Investment Association held in partnership with East West Institute, Ambassador Jilani said that an international focus on India has encouraged that country to stay away from engaging with Pakistan on the basis international norms and legality. The Investment Association is a group of the world’s most influential institutional investors. Presenting a candid assessment of the relationship between Pakistan and India, the Ambassador highlighted that despite holding of a number of rounds of dialogue, both countries remained in logjam today mainly due to unresolved issues. These included Jammu & Kashmir dispute, illegal occupation of Siachen Glacier by India , non-resolution of land and maritime boundary in Sir Creek area, water issues, terrorism and issues related to conventional and unconventional arms. Ambassador Jilani pointed out that agreements on some of the issues were reached bilaterally during the Cold War era but post cold-war, Indian position has hardened on all substantive matters. He emphasized that this discernible change in attitude had been witnessed primarily caused by increasing international focus accorded to India by the international community. It simply did not feel obliged to come to an agreement with Pakistan on the basis of international norms and legality, he added. The Ambassador said that election of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif presented a golden opportunity for successful peace process between the two arch rivals as he won elections on the slogan of economic development catalysed by a peaceful neighbourhood. BJP’s victory in 2014 elections also generated hopes in Pakistan of some progress on important issues, taking a cue from the significant improvement seen in the relationship during the tenure of previous BJP government under the leadership of Prime Minister Vajpayee, he added. However, the Ambassador stated, despite a succession of positive overtures by Pakistan , the bilateral relations had unfortunately returned to the familiar hostility witnessed in the past. In presenting a way forward, the Ambassador called for sincere efforts to address the causes, not the symptoms of tensions between the two neighbours. He emphasised building peace constituencies on both sides which could serve as foundation for long-term rapprochement. Ambassador Jilani, however, called for settlement of disputes in accordance with international legality as the only route to establishing durable peace which would in turn, underwrite economic prosperity for the region.

Indonesia eyes to become part of game changer in CPEC project: Envoy

ISLAMABAD :  Ambassador of Indonesia to Pakistan , Iwan Suyudhie Amri has said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is not only a game changer project for brotherly Pakistan but for the entire region and his country desires to become part of the project. Talking to media persons during a ceremony here, Iwan Suyudhie Amri stated that Pakistan holds very important geo-strategic location in the region and Indonesia would take benefit from this opportunity and would be a partner of CPEC. CPEC is a not only a game changer for brotherly country Pakistan but for the entire region and international community is planning to share the great party, he maintained. About the future of economic ties between Pakistan and Indonesia, he said that both countries were committed to enhance the trade volume between them and it can be proudly quoted that the trader community of the two countries was willing to make their contribution. About the fiscal growth of Pakistan, he said that Pakistan has achieved a seven-year high position which is a remarkable achievement for the country. Responding to a question, Ambassador Iwan Suyudhie Amri said that Indonesia has expertise and vast skills in the development sector which can be offered to Pakistan under the umbrella of CPEC. He also said that this is the age of cooperation not the competition so the development of other ports in the region does not have the capacity to undermine the fruits of Gawadar port. While commenting on strengthening bilateral relations between two nations, Indonesian Ambassador vowed to spare no efforts for improving mutual relations and cooperation in various sectors beneficial for the masses of both countries.

Country wide combing operation being started against terrorists in Pakistan : Bajwa

ISLAMABAD : Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bajwa Tuesday said that a country wide large scale combing operation would be initiated soon against terrorists to purge the country from terrorists’ safe heavens. Talking to a Private TV Channel, he said the combing operation was the part of operation Zarb-e-Azb. The troops of armed forces would clear the so called ‘No Go Areas’ exist in various areas of the country and hand over the areas to local police after clearance from vagabonds.Such areas have already been identified. ‘No Go Areas’ would be eliminate once for all, he said adding that armed forces will ensure the elimination of ‘No Go Areas’ from the country.  Responding to a question, he said 25 miles areas had already been cleared from ‘Chotu Gang’ in South Punjab . It was inaccessible areas even for police for the last seven years. Interrogations were continuing now a days from the ‘Chotu Gang’.  A total of 18,000 intelligence based operations have already been conducted in various areas of the country. 500 law enforcers have sacrificed their lives in operation Zarb-e-Azb.  He said eleven Military Courts have so far disposed off 88 cases out of a total of 207 cases while various cases were near conclusion. The remaining cases would be decided before the end of constitutional tenure of military courts in January 2017.  The return of Temporarily Displaced Persons (TDPs) would be completed by the end of this year. So far 54 percent of the total TDPs have been returned to their respective homes. Out of which 54 percent belonged to North Waziristan Agency (NWA).  He said the operation in almost all areas of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) have been completed. Some terrorists’ facilitator still residing in some pockets of Fata in border areas. He urged people to remain vigilant and identify the suspects for their apprehension. Accountability process is being strengthened in armed force.

Pakistan , France acknowledge to collectively address terrorism

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan and France have acknowledged the need to work together to address the continuing threat of terrorism and radicalization which had affected both Pakistan and France . It was acknowledged during 12th round of Pakistan-France bilateral political consultations at the Foreign Secretary level held in Paris . Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry led the Pakistan delegation while the French side was led by Christian Masset, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs, said a press release on Wednesday. A wide range of bilateral and multilateral issues were discussed during the meeting. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry gave an overview of Pakistan ’s internal situation including notable achievements by the government to improve law and order, stabilize the economy, and overcome the energy crisis. He briefed his French counterpart on the significant role played by Operation Zarb-e-Azb in achieving success in the fight against terrorism and the wide ranging National Action Plan to address the root causes of terrorism in the country. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry emphasized that closer cooperation was required among all countries on the issue of terrorism, since it was a global problem.  He also briefed the French side on Pakistan ’s foreign policy priorities, particularly efforts to facilitate an intra-Afghan process of political reconciliation.  France appreciated Pakistan ’s positive role in peace efforts in Afghanistan . Recent developments in the region were also discussed.  The French side highlighted the challenges confronting France and the European Union. Both sides agreed to work actively to enhance the existing level of bilateral trade of US$ 1.5 billion per annum, which was not commensurate with the size of the two economies. The positive role played by the European Union’s GSP Plus facility in promoting trade links was also noted.  The two countries would encourage their respective private sectors to take advantage of the investment opportunities on offer in both countries.  During the talks, both countries also held extensive discussions to strengthen bilateral cooperation in higher education, cultural exchanges, science and technology and defense and security. It was decided to hold the next round of bilateral political consultations in Islamabad next year.  Besides the consultations, the Foreign Secretary also held meetings with Jacques Audibert, Diplomatic Adviser to the French President and Louis Gaultier, French Secretary General for Defense and National Security.

Deadlock in F-16 deal: Zardari expresses concerns over US decision

ISLAMABAD : Former President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday expressed his concerns over United States decision not to support the sale of F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan . Last week the United States Congress declined to support the sale of F-16 precision strike aircraft to the Pakistan military by withholding the use of Foreign Military Funds for financing the deal. “The fact that we have not received the US funding support for this important program is very concerning and needs to be addressed”, Pakistan Peoples Party Co-chairman said in a statement. Zardari said that he supports the acquisition of F-16 jet fighters so that our military can increase their precision strike efforts against the threat of terrorists’ activity. “The military has improved its ability to combat terror and should have the tools it needs to continue to advance against those who want to harm our people” he added. Zardari said that the security relationship between the United States and Pakistan has always been a high priority to the Pakistani government regardless of which party has been in power. “I was proud of the relationship my government had with the United States and felt our strategic security interests were aligned, I offer my full support to Pakistan toward renewing a more positive and constructive relationship with the United States” Zardari maintained. “Throughout my public life I have developed strong relationships in Washington with lawmakers and influencers and I commit my network to helping to ensure that our nations goals are achieved”, he added. Although the Obama Administration has supported the sale of jets to Pakistan issues have been raised in the US Congress that resulted in the vote last week to stop the deal. Sartaj Aziz, the prime minister’s adviser on foreign affairs, has cautioned Washington that Pakistan will acquire jets from elsewhere if the United States does not arrange funding for a previously agreed upon F-16 fighter jet sale, as both countries lock horns over the purchase of the fighter planes. “If funding is arranged, Pakistan will get the F-16s, otherwise we will opt for jets from some other place,” Aziz said.

13 more Peuhls killed in latest attacks in Mali

BAMAKO : Local community leaders in central Mali say pro-government fighters have killed more than a dozen members of an ethnic group accused of links to Islamic extremism. Sekou Bah, the secretary-general of a group called Dental Wuwarbe, said four members of the Peuhl ethnic group were killed while eating at a restaurant on April 30. He said the next day nine other Peuhls were fatally shot at the cemetery for the burial. The reports Wednesday come amid rising concerns that Peuhls are being targeted by soldiers and pro-government militias. Ethnic Peuhls are accused of supporting an extremist group known as the Macina Liberation Front, which has carried out attacks in central Mali . A spokesman for Mali ’s security minister says investigators are looking into the reports of the 13 killed

Pakistan calls for more non-permanent seats in UNSC to fix regional imbalance

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan on Monday made a strong case for creating more non-permanent seats in a restructured UN Security Council, saying such course would address the present regional imbalance in the 15-member body’s composition. Speaking in the UN General Assembly’s panel on reforming the Security Council, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said the “best way” to accommodate the legitimate regional and political aspirations of member states was to enlarge it in the non-permanent category. “If the Council has more elected members, its transparency, working  methods and engagement with the wider membership will improve commensurately,” the Pakistani envoy said in her remarks at a meeting of the stalled Inter-governmental Negotiations (IGN) aimed at making the Security Council more representative and effective. Additional permanent members, the Pakistani envoy cautioned, would have an opposite effect. Over the years, the so-called Group of Four—India, Brazil, Germany and Japan—has been pushing for the Council’s permanent membership, a move vigorously opposed by the Italy/Pakistan-led Uniting for Consensus (UfC) group, which seeks expansion in the non-permanent category.Pakistan also support an Italy-Columbia proposal that would create a new category of members—not permanent members --  with longer duration and a possibility to get re-elected. The Security Council is currently composed of five permanent members— Britain , France , Russia and the United States , and has 10 non-permanent members that are elected in groups of five to two-year terms on the Council. “More permanent and unaccountable members, will diminish, not enhance,  the Council’s effectiveness,” Ambassador Lodhi said.In contrast, she said more elected members were likely to enhance transparency and widen consultations, thus increasing the Council’s efficiency and legitimacy. “The argument that new permanent members will counter the dominance of  the existing permanent members is baseless,” the Pakistani envoy told the panel. Without a system of accountability, she said, virtue could easily degenerate into impiety, adding that UN member states were equal so long as they afford equal opportunity to each other. “Additional electable seats, on the basis of periodic elections and fixed rotation, will allow equal, fair and increased opportunity to all States to aspire for the Council’s membership,” the Pakistani envoy said.  It would also allow larger regions, such as Asia and Africa , to accommodate cross-regional and political groups, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Arab League, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). “We understand and empathize with the aspirations of regional groups who seek adequate representation...”, Ambassador Lodhi said. “A consensus based regional demand is fundamentally different from the demand for individual membership by a few whose national ambitions have in fact divided their regions and thwarted reform for so long. She said the principle of sovereign equality of states demands equal opportunity for all States to seek Council’s membership, noting that it was the bedrock of Pakistan ’s past and present ideas on Security Council reform. Among the geographical regional groups, she noted the African Group was the only one that unanimously sought stronger representation on the Council on behalf of a geographical region so that those representing Africa will be guided by common positions, emanating from the African Union.”There are other cross-regional groups, such as the OIC and Arab league that seek adequate representation in the Council” “It is clear that regional representation is the first and foremost victim of the flawed idea of additional permanent seats in the Council, unless the occupants of such seats are representing a region and are accountable to the Member States of that region.The African demand apparently falls in this exclusive area.” Stressing the need for moving forward on reforming the Council, Ambassador Lodhi said, “We have wasted precious years, in fact decades, on this debate.The Council can be reformed.It will be reformed ---- the day the collective interest of ALL Member States prevail over the narrow self-interest of individual countries.”

Pakistani leaders knew about Osama’s hideout: alleges Clinton

WASHINGTON: Senior Pakistani leadership knew that Osama bin Laden was hiding at a compound in Abbottabad but US has not been able to get any proof of it so far, American media quoting Hillary Clinton reported on Tuesday. Clinton , 68, was the top adviser to President Barack Obama on the decision to kill al-Qaida leader and world’s most dreaded terrorist bin Laden on May 2, 2011 . In an interview to the CNN, Clinton, who was the Secretary of State at the time of the operation and is presently the Democratic presidential front-runner, said it was “just too much of a coincidence... that unusual-looking house would be built in that community near the military academy, surrounded by retired military professionals even though we could not prove it. “There was never any evidence that we could uncover that led directly to the top of the Pakistani military and intelligence service. I believe Pakistanis knew,” she said. CNN said Clinton will have to evaluate what is needed to continue the fight against al-Qaida should she take the White House. But Obama’s aides stressed that the next commander-in-chief will for sure need a blend of the fine-grained intelligence work and surgical force that defined the lethal 2011 strike against al-Qaida’s mastermind, it said. The US Navy Seals’ raid killed bin Laden in 2011 at his compound in Abbottabad town near Pakistan army’s elite training school. Bin Laden was the founder of al-Qaida, the group that claimed responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States .

If US does not give F-16, Pakistan has another option of JF-17 Thunder: Sartaj

ISLAMABAD : Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs has said that Pakistan valued F-16s for their effectiveness, if United States does not arrange funding for the sale of F-16s, Pakistan may replace them with JF-17 Thunder jets in anti-terrorism campaign. He was, speaking to the media after addressing Seminar on “ Pakistan ’s Non-Proliferation Efforts & Strategic Export Controls” arranged by Institute of Strategic Studies , Islamabad (ISSI). Aziz said that US has approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan . Pakistan had earlier reached an understanding with the US for buying eight F-16 planes. Under the deal, Pakistan was required to pay about $270m from its national funds. The US was supposed to pay $430 million in subsidy through the US foreign military financing budget for the fighter jets from its Foreign Military Financing (FMF) fund. He said F-16 is better for the reducing collateral damage during the operations anti-terrorism operations. He said JF-17 Thunder jets are also option for in its anti-terrorism campaign. On US Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s statement about Dr. Shakeel Afridi, Aziz said that his remarks are  for  only the gaining popularly in election ,but by giving this statement he tried to interfere in Pakistan’s internal affairs and  Pakistan will not accept pressure of US regarding the release of Dr. Afrid. He is convicted by court. For the US may he may be a hero, but for Pakistan he is a criminal and violator of law “ he added. “We were not accepting any break through from the recent held meeting of foreign secretaries of Pakistan and India in New Delhi on the sidelines of heart of Asia conference. But it was taken place in cordial atmosphere. Terrorism also included in the agenda of comprehensive talks between both countries, when ever they resumed” he responded on a query. Aziz expressed concern over India’s growing military power and said if it isn’t checked, Pakistan will be forced to increase its strategic power for balance. Aziz confirmed that an Afghan Taliban delegation from Doha is in Islamabad for explanatory contacts and such contacts are maintained by all members of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) which consists of the US, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said that Taliban started spring offensive and Afghan government also started operation. But, this not resolved with the military or force in last 14 years and its resolutions can be through dialogue. PM adviser said Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav still under investigation. Aziz didn’t respond on recently arrested Uzair Baloch’s linked with Iranian intelligence.

Pakistan should pay if wants to buy F-16: US

WASHINGTON: The US State Department has said that Pakistan will have to pay from its own funds if it wants to buy F-16 fighter jets. Pakistan had earlier reached an understanding with the US for buying eight F-16 planes. Under the deal, Pakistan was required to pay about $270m from its national funds. The US was supposed to provide the rest from its Foreign Military Financing (FMF) fund. But the US lawmakers made it clear that they would not allow the Obama administration to use US funds for the deal. The Congress had placed a hold on the deal, forbidding the administration from using US funds for enabling Pakistan to buy the planes. The State Department confirmed that Pakistan will have to use its own funds if it wants the planes. US State Department spokesman John Kirby said congressional opposition meant funds from the US government s Foreign Military Financing allocation could not be used to purchase the aircraft. “Given congressional objections, we have told the Pakistanis that they should put forward national funds for that purpose,” he told a regular news briefing. Kirby said the State Department opposed putting conditions on the use of such funds and believed that effective engagement with Pakistan, including by supporting its counter-terrorism effort, was “critical” to promoting democracy and economic stability in the country. Earlier, in Islamabad, Syed Tariq Fatemi, special assistant on foreign affairs to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, did not refer directly to the F-16 issue, but complained that there was a “lack of sufficient appreciation for Pakistan s whole-hearted efforts it was undertaking jointly with the US administration, in countering the threat posed by terrorism.” Fatemi made the remarks in a meeting with visiting professional staffers from the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee. Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) said in March it was using its own funds to pay suppliers and stave off closure of its F-16 fighter jet production line as it waited to finalise orders from Pakistan and other countries. The latest announcement practically kills the deal and Pakistan may find it difficult to buy the planes at two and a half times more than the agreed price.

Bangladesh war crimes court sentences 4 to death

NEW DELHI: A special war crimes court in Bangladesh sentenced four men to death Tuesday for killing, torture, arson and looting during the nation’s independence war against Pakistan in 1971. The ruling is likely to aggravate the divide between moderates and extremists in the Sunni-majority nation, which is grappling with a wave of deadly assaults targeting atheist writers, religious minorities and political activists. The court, accused by rights groups of holding flawed proceedings, said the four were involved in the deaths of nine people. Only one suspect, Shamsuddin Ahmed, was in court for the verdict. Authorities are still hunting for the other three: Gazi Abdul Mannan, Hafiz Uddin, and Shamsuddin Ahmed’s brother, Nasiruddin. The three-judge tribunal also sentenced a fifth man, Azharul Islam, to life in prison on two murder charges. Past convictions have led Islamist groups to call for public strikes and protests against what they say is a witch hunt by the secular government to lock away political leaders seeking a return to Islamic rule. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said the war crimes trials, carried out by special tribunals established in 2010, represent a long-overdue effort to obtain justice more than four decades after Bangladesh split from Pakistan. Dozens of people have been convicted so far, including at least 29 who were sentenced to death. Most were leaders of the opposition party Jamaat-e-Islami. Bangladesh says Pakistani soldiers, aided by local collaborators, killed 3 million people and raped more than 200,000 women during the nine-month war that led to the creation of Bangladesh. Previously it was the eastern wing of Pakistan. Rights groups as well as Pakistani and U.S. officials have criticized the tribunal proceedings as flawed and possibly politically motivated, while warning that they could lead to a backlash from the government’s political opponents. Meanwhile, the country has been struggling with a wave of brutal attacks on political moderates and religious minorities. Most of the deadly hacking attacks have been claimed by Islamist groups believed to be affiliated with either the Islamic State group or al-Qaida in the Sub-Continent, though the Bangladeshi government denies those groups have any presence in the country. Instead, it accuses the political opposition of supporting such attacks to stir chaos in the country.

Indian body says: Pakistani JIT shouldn’t have been allowed to visit Pathankot base

NEW DELHI: Almost four months after the Pathankot airbase attack, Indian Parliamentary standing committee on Home Affairs submitted its report to the Parliament. Making a scathing observation, chairman of the standing committee Pradeep Bhattacharya said, “Indian government has made a huge mistake. The Pakistan Joint Investigation Team (JIT) should not have been allowed to visit the Pathankot airbase, which was attacked by militants in January 2016.” The committee has also questioned the government’s motive, and has demanded to be apprised as to what prompted the Indian government to seek Pakistan’s help. The panel has slammed the security arrangement of the Pathankot airbase saying that its team visited the airbase on February 11 and found that it is poorly guarded. The panel questioned how the militants managed to scale the walls and enter the attack site despite an alert by the Intelligence Bureau. It also questioned how Superintendent of Police Salwinder Singh and his friends were set free by militants. Indian Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju said that central government will look at the committee report in a positive way. The committee has recommended that just providing establishment and infrastructure support is not enough. While another BJP MP BC Khanduri admitted that certain measures need to be put in place in view of the Pathankot attack.

Malala did not deserve a Noble Prize: Modi’s aide

NEW DELHI: Hindu spiritual leader and close aide to Indian Prime Minister Modi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that Malala Yusufzai, an activist for education of girls in Swat Valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of northwest Pakistan, did not deserve the Noble Peace Prize. Extremist Hindu guru also added that he would never accept the Noble Prize as he only believes in working for causes, without the expectation of getting honoured for the act. Sri Sri was on his visit to the drought-hit Latur in Maharashtra when he made the statements. He was in Latur to review the relief work his foundation was carrying out in the area. Malala Yousafzai who advocates girl education, was shot by Taliban in the summer of 2012. Taliban leaders unanimously agreed to kill her after death threats did not work on her. On October 9, 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. She was awarded the Noble Prize in 2014, becoming the youngest to receive the prestigious award at the age of 17. She shared the prize with India’s Kailash Satyarthi. Early this year, there were speculations that Sri Sri’s name could figure in a list of nominees for the peace prize, given his contribution to the Columbian peace negotiations.


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