Exposing Muaweyah
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Exposing Muaweyah, the father of all Wahabis
Prophet Muhammad said: 'Verily Muaweyah shall be in the deepest part of Hell from where he shall shout 'Ya Hanan, Ya Manan' verily I have sinned and spread fitnah throughout the earth' - Lisan al Mizan Volume 1 page 284
Prophet Muhammad said: 'Verily Muaweyah shall be in the deepest part of Hell from where he shall shout 'Ya Hanan, Ya Manan' verily I have sinned and spread fitnah throughout the earth' - Lisan al Mizan Volume 1 page 284

By Fayaz Ahmad (Editor-in-Chief)

All references provided in this article are from authentic Sunni books.
Muaweyah bin Hind is a character whose antics have been meticulously recorded in the annals of history. From his birth onwards, the historians and Sunni scholars have managed to provide a significant insight in to the character of Muaweyah. His role within the history if Islam during the advent of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh&hp)mission is non-existent. In fact he spent the vast portion of it on the opposite side with his alleged father being 'Abu Sufyan leader of the Banu Umayya Clan who sought to undermine, fight and destroy the message of the Prophet(pbuh&hp). Abu Sufyan eventually conceded defeat following the conquest of Mecca and allegedly embraced Islam.

Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umar al Khattab said : <B>Verily Muaweyah's coffin is in the deepest part of Hell, Had Firawn not declared that he was the most superior God, nobody would have been in a deeper part of Hell than Muaweyah</B> - Waq'at Sifeen page 217
Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umar al Khattab said : Verily Muaweyah's coffin is in the deepest part of Hell, Had Firawn not declared that he was the most superior God, nobody would have been in a deeper part of Hell than Muaweyah - Waq'at Sifeen page 217
In the same way as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) was opposed by Abu Sufyan, his alleged son Muaweyah carried on the mantle of his father opposing the rightful khalifa (caliph) Imam Ali during his lifetime, refusing to give him bayya (oath of allegiance) and even after his martyrdom vented his hatred of Imam Ali via the disgraceful practice of cursing him during the Friday Sermons.

Muaweyah's enmity towards the Prophet (pbuh&hp) did not restrict him to just opposing Imam Ali (A,S) and other descendants of Prophet (p), but also made him murder several companions and a wife of the Prophet (p) as well.

He killed the Mother of the Believers Ayesha in cold blood after ordering the killing of her brother Muhammad bin Abu Bakar. He was also responsible for the killings of many other companions of the Prophet (p) including Hajar bin Adi and Ammar Yasir.

Despite his disgraceful acts, a new generation of Nasbis (also called Wahabis or Deobandis) disguising themselves as Sunnis, have appeared in recent years declaring their affiliation with Muaweyah and defending his actions and praising them. The Sunni Muslims are slowly falling prey to this conspiracy by the enemies of the Prophet (pbuh&hp) and his progeny (AS).

Mullah Azam Tariq, chief of Wahabi terrorist group Sipah e Sahaba
Mullah Azam Tariq, chief of Wahabi terrorist group Sipah e Sahaba
In Pakistan a group called Sipah e Sahaba (Army of the Companions) is at the fore front of this filthy Wahabi generation. Azam Tariq, chief of Sipah e Sahaba, has named his son after Muaweyah to show his affection to the arch rival of the Prophet (pbuh) and his holy family.

Muaweyah murdered Mother of believers, Lady Ayesha

"Mauweyah invited Ayesha for dinner, and he got a ditch dug in the ground, filling it up with sharp knives and swords, with their blades facing upwards. According to Alama Ibn Khaldoon, Mauweyah masked that ditch with lanky pieces of wood, and spread a carpet on top of it all to camouflage it. He placed a wooden chair over it for Ayesha to sit. No sooner Ayesha sat on the chair, the whole set up retrieved and she fell in the pit, injuring herself from head to toe, and breaking a lot of bones. To hide his felony, Mauweyah got the ditched filled up with lime. That is how he murdered Ayesha; she was sixty four years old when Mauweyah murdered her towards the end of 57 Hijri. This proves, with out a doubt, that Mauweyah was an enemy of Prophet Mohammed (p), and he proved his enmity towards the Prophet (p) by murdering his (p) wife. The only reason that Mauweyah performed this heinous act was that Ayesha stopped him from making fun of Islam from the pulpit of Masjid-e-Nabvi.. This is why no one knows the exact location of Ayesha’s grave in Medina."

Following the death of Muhammad bin 'Abu Bakr the people of Egypt gave bayya to Muaweyah. It was following this (event) that Ummul Mu'mineen Ayesha would curse Muaweyah and Amr bin Aas after every Salaat.
Tadhkira ul Khawass page 62
...Due to this crime, Allah (SWT)’s wrath fell on Mauweyah and parts of his body became paralyzed, and he became delusional. It was under this state of delusion that Mauweyah acknowledged he had ordered the murder of many companions of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hp) and their children for the sake of his tyrant son Yazid....

....Mauweya was a nefarious politician. He was the son of Abu Sufyan, the leader of Mecca, who spent his whole life opposing Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hp) in Mecca. He was also the leader of every pagan army that fought against the Islamic armies. Muaweyah’s mother was Hinda, who martyred Hazrat Hamza (RA), Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh&hp) uncle and chopped his body into pieces, which didn’t satisfy her appetite, so she tried to eat his heart. Mauweyah never accepted Islam in his heart. After the conquest of Mecca by Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hp), both Mauwiya and his father Abu Sufyan accepted Islam as a necessity of the time with a loathing heart. After the murder of Uthman, Mauweyah rebelled against the fourth elected caliph Hazrat Ali (RA).

...All Historians have mentioned in disgust that Mauweyah (the governor of Damascus) back stabbed Islam when he made a thirty year peace treaty with the Roman king, rather than fighting for Islam, according to which Syria came under the rule of Roman empire and Mauweyah agreed to give thirty thousand coins, fifty Arab slaves and fifty Arab horses to the Roman king every year.

All of the Muslims of that era disliked this gesture of Mauwiya and cursed him."

Sunni References:

  • Musharriful Mahbubin by Hazrat Khuwaja Mehboob Qasim Chishti Mushrrafi Qadri (RA) Pages 216-218

  • Kokab wa Rifi Fazal-e-Ali Karam Allah Wajhu, Page 484, By Syed Mohammed Subh-e-Kashaf AlTirmidhi, Urdu translation by Syed Sharif Hussein Sherwani Sabzawari, Published by Aloom AlMuhammed, number B12 Shadbagh, Lahore, 1st January 1963.

  • Habib Alseer Rabiyah AlAbrar, Volume 1, Alama JarulAllah Zamik (530 Hijri),

  • Hadoiqa Sanai, by Hakim Sanai (Died 525 Hijri, at Ghazni), Page 65-67,

  • Namoos Islam, by Agha Hashim Sialkoti, Published Lahore, 1939 - Pages 66-67

  • Tazkarah Tul-Aikram Tarikh-e-Khulafa Arab-Wa-Islam by Syed Shah Mohamed Kabir Abu Alalaiyi Dana Puri, Published Le Kishwar Press, Lakhnow, April 1924/ 1346 H

Sipah e Sahaba and other Wahabi scum have introduced Muaweyah as a companion of the Prophet (pbuh) using narrations fabricated by Muaweyah and his filthy descendants.

One very clever move by the Wahabis was to declare Muaweyah a scribe (katib e Wahi) who wrote down the revelations of Allah's Messenger.

All praise be to Allah swt, the leading Sunni scholars realising this conspiracy of the Wahabis, have declared all hadith praising Muaweyah as fabricated.

Not a single hadith in praise of Muaweyah is Sahih (authentic)

Many classical Sunni scholars whilst listing those individuals honored as writer of the revelation did not count Mu'awiya. For evidence see the following texts:

Fathul Bari page 450 Volume 2
Irshad Saneed Volume 9 page 22
Umdhathul Qari Volume 9 page 307
Nasa al Kafiya page 170
Iqd al Fareed Volume 2 page 197
al Isaba Volume 3 page 413

On this topic the comments of the renowned Egyptian Sunni scholar Sayyid Qutb are worthy of note:

"The erroneous fable still persists that Mu'awiya was a scribe who wrote down the revelations of Allah's Messenger. The truth is that when Abu Sufyan embraced Islam, he besought the Prophet to give Muaweyah some measure of position in the eyes of the Arabs; thus he would be compensated of being slow to embrace Islam and of being one of those who had no precedence in the new religion. So the Prophet used Muaweyah for writing letters and contracts and agreements. But none of the companions ever said that he wrote down any of the Prophet's revelations, as was asserted by Muaweyah's partisans after he had assumed the throne. But this is what happens in all such cases".

Social Justice in Islam by Sayyid Qutb, English translation by John B. Hardie, page 215.

  • Al Hafidh Jalaluddeen Suyuti in "La'ali al-Masnu`aa fi ahadith al-Maudu`aa" Volume 1 page 424 states:

    "Imam Hakim claims that he never came across a single hadith in praise of Muaweyah that was Sahih".
    La'ali al-Masnu`aa fi ahadith al-Maudu`aa Volume 1 page 424

  • Muhammad bin Ali bin Shawkani in "Fawa'id al Mujmu`a fi bay`an al-hadith al-maudu`a", page 147 states that:

    "Ibn Hibban commented that all ahadith in praise of Muaweyah are fabricated".
    Fawa'id al Mujmu`a fi bay`an al-hadith al-maudu`a page 147

  • Al Muhaddith Shaykh Abdul Haqq Dehlavi in "Sharh Mishkat Shareef" - Volume 4 page 716 (published in 1873) after citing the hadith in praise of Muaweyah including the "guidance hadith" Abu Sulaiman cited from Tirmidhi comments:

    "It is recorded in Jami` al-'Usul that many muhaddith scholars have concluded that there exists not even a single hadith in praise of Muaweyah that is Sahih".
    Sharh Mishkat Shareef Vol. 4 page 716

  • Abu'l Hasan Quinani in "Thunziyaa as Shari'a al Murfoo'a", Volume 2, Chapter 8 page 7 comments

    "Imam Hakim cites from a chain used by Sibt Ibne Jauzi who cites Isaan bin Ruhiyaa that 'there exists nothing in praise of Muaweyah that is Sahih".
    Thunziyaa as Shari'a al Murfoo'a Vol. 2 Chapter 8 page 7

  • Allamah Ibn al-Jawzi al-Qurashi in "al- Mawdu`at" Volume 2 page 24 states:

    "Imam Hakim narrated from Abu'l `Abbas who heard from his father, who heard from Ishaq bin Ibraheem al-Hanzali that 'no hadith in praise of Muaweyah are Sahih'.
    al- Mawdu`at Volume 2 page 24

  • Shaykh Ismail bin Muhammad in "Kashful Khafa" Volume 2 page 420 states:

    'There exist no hadith in praise of Muaweyah that is Sahih"
    Kashful Khafa Vol. 2 page 420

  • al 'Aini in "Ummdat al Qari fi Sharh Sahih al Bukhari page 994 Volume 7 comments:

    "No reports in praise of Muaweyah are proven. If many are present, the reply is that no hadith exist with a Sahih isnad as stated by Isaac bin Rahvia and Imam Nasai, and that's why Imam Bukhari wrote Chapter bab ai Dhikr Muaweyah rather than bab ai Fadail Muaweyah."

  • Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani states in Fathul Bari Volume 7 page 104:

    "Imam Bukhari on the topic of Muaweyah wrote a Chapter Bab ai Dhikr Muaweyah because no hadith in praise of Muaweyah are proven and Ibn Abi Asim and Abu Umar Ghulam Thalib and 'Abu Bakr Nakash wrote on the virtues of Muaweyah and Ibn Jauzi in Maudu'at wrote about him, then Ibn Jauzi stated in the opinion of Isaac bin Raaviya, in praise of Muaweyah no hadith is Sahih and that's why Imam Bukhari wrote a Chapter titled bab ai Dhikr Muaweyah rather than bab ai Fadail Muaweyah"
    Fathul Bari Vol. 7 page 104

  • We read in Tareekh ibn Khalikaan page 35 Volume 1:

    "The compiler of Sunan Nasa'i Ahmad bin 'Ali was a hafidh of Hadith and in his time an Imam of Ahl'ul hadith. Towards the end of his life he went to Damascus and he was asked about the virtues of Muaweyah, Imam Nasa'i replied "Muaweyah should protect himself, what praise should I shower on him, I know only virtue namely that Rasulullah (s) cursed him "May Allah never satiate his stomach"

  • Rawdah-al-Manazir fi al-Awai'l wa al 'Awakhir Volume 11 page 133:

    "Imam Shafi'I said that the testimony of four companions will not be accepted and those four are Muaweyah, Amr bin Aas, Mugheera (bin Shuba) and Ziyad (bin Abi)"

    This view of Imam Shafi'i has also been attributed to him by his student Hadhrath Rabi in Tareekh Abul Fidah Volume 1 under the chapter addressing the events of 45 Hijri. It can also be located in Kitab Mukhthasar fi Ahbar al Bashar Vol. 1 page 100

  • al-Nasa'ih al-Kaafiyah page 163

    "Imam Ahl'ul Sunnah Muhammad bin 'Ali Shawkani wrote in his book Fawaid Majmu`a Dhar ahadith Maudu'ah states that in praise of Muaweyah no hadith exists"

  • Ibn Taymiyya in Minhaj al Sunnah page 207

    "One party has created virtues of Muaweyah and these virtues have been presented as these hadith and all of these are lies".

Now after proving from the authentic texts of Sunni Muslims that all traditions in praise of Muaweyah are lies and fabrications, let me show you what the real merits of this enemy of Allah and the Prophet (pbuh&hp) actually are.

The meaning of Muaweyah

Leading Sunni scholars are in agreement that Muaweyah means "barking bitch".

Sunni References:

Muaweyah, the spiritual father of Sipah e Sahaba and all other Wahabis, was the product of Nikah e Ijtimah (Combined Marriage)

Sunni scholar Ibn Abi al Hadeed in Sharh Nahjul Balagha notes the following:

"When Muaweyah was born, four people were thought to have been his father Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah the Ethiopian. 'Abu Sufyan was short and ugly whilst Sabah was young and handsome, Hinda offered him sex and amongst the Arabs there was also a view that 'Abu Sufyan's other son Utbah was also a product of this union".

Sunni reference: Sharh Nahjul Balagha by Ibn Abi al Hadeed Volume 10 page 130

Sunni scholar Allamah Zamakhshari records the following in his Rabi'ul Abrar:

"There were four people who were thought to be Muaweyah's father, Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah"

Sunni reference: Rabi'ul Abrar by Allamah Zamakhshari Volume 3 page 551

"Sham bin Muhammad Kalbi in his book Kitab Mushab notes that Imam Hasan said to Muaweyah 'Are you aware of the bed from which you was conceived?' This means he was born from four fathers".

Sunni reference: Tadkhirath al Khawwas page 114 Chapter 7

We also learn that Muaweyah's mother Hind was a prostitute:

"In relation to the birth of Muaweyah, four men were viewed to have been his father Umr bin Waleed bin Mugheera, Musaafir Abi Umar, 'Abu Sufyan and a forth individual was also involved. Hinda was a prostitute and had sex with black men, if any children were born from such a union she would kill them."

Sunni reference: Thanzeeya al Nasab fi Kubul al Arab

"Research has established that Musafir was a handsome and generous man, he fell in love with Hinda and fornicated with her, she was unmarried and became pregnant, this came to the knowledge of the Quraysh and Musafir ran away. Hinda's father Utbah summoned Muaweyah's father Abu Sufyan - bribing with a huge dowry, he married him to Hinda. Muaweyah was born three months after the marriage."

Sunni reference: Muasalib ibne Sa'man munkool uz thun'zeey al Nasab page 97

Mother of the believers Hazrat Ayesha's testimony that Muaweyah's mother Hinda committed adultery

"When Muaweyah's sister Umme Habeeba received news about Muhammad bin Abu Bakr's murder, she sent Ayesha a cooked goat suggesting that the reason for his killing was his murder of Uthman. When this happened Ayesha said "May Allah (swt) kill this daughter of fornicating woman. By Allah! I shall never eat this meat again".

Sunni reference: Tadkhira Khawass page 62 Chapter "Dhikr Khwaarij"

Here I would like to ask Mullah Azam Tariq, chief of Sipah e Sahaba to change the name of his son as it exposes their family secrets.

Muaweyah was against the Islamic Shar'ia

Muaweyah and his filthy clan were opposed to Islam and the Prophet from the very beginning. As soon as he came into power, he started changing the Islamic laws and mocking them whenever he felt like it.

Muaweyah drank a prohibited substance

Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Ahmad Bin Hanbal records in his Musnad that:

"Muaweyah consumed a liquid that had been declared haraam by the Prophet (p)".

Sunni reference: Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal Volume 5 page 347


Ibn Kathir narrates in Al Bidayah Volume 8 page 141 that:

"Imam Zuhri recorded that during the time of Rasulullah (s) and the four khulafa the Sunnath was that neither could a kaafir inherit from a Muslim, nor a Muslim inherit from a kaafir. During his reign Muaweyah allowed Muslims to inherit from Kaffir's, whilst Kaffir's could not inherit from Muslims. This practice was terminated by Umar bin Abdul Aziz, but was then revived by Abdul Malik".

Sunni reference: Al Bidayah Volume 8 page 141

Introduction of this practice was an open violation to the teachings of Islam and we read in Sahih al Bukhari Volume 8 hadith number 756 that Prophet (p) said, "A Muslim cannot be the heir of a disbeliever, nor can a disbeliever be the heir of a Muslim".

Blood money

Ibn Kathir also narrates that in relation to blood money, Muaweyah changed the Sunnah, namely that a non-Muslim's blood money would be equal to that of a Muslim, but Muaweyah halved it and kept the other half for himself

Sunni reference: Al Bidayah Volume 8 page 139).

Distribution of War Booty

"In the distribution of war booty Muaweyah acted in violation to Book of God and his Sunnah. The Qur'an and Sunnah dictated that the fifth portion of war booty be placed into the treasury and the remaining four / fifths be distributed amongst the troops that participated in the battle, but Muaweyah issued an order that from the war booty gold and silver would be removed, and the remainder would be distributed".

Sunni reference: Tabaqat ibn Sad Volume 7 pages 28-29

Muaweyah took interest

Sunni references:

Muwatta Book 31, Number 31.16.33

Sahih Muslim Book 010, Number 3852

Imam Thahavee's Mana al Ahsaar page 262

Eid prayers and Adhan

Imam of Ahl e Sunnah Al Hafiz Jajauddin Suyuti in his Tarikh al Khulafa writes that:

"Zuhri narrates in relation to the Salat of Eid, the first to deliver the Khutba before the Salat was Muaweyah bin Abu Sufyan".

Sunni reference: Tarikh ul Khulafa page 200

"Imam Zuhri narrates that Rasulullah (s), Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman lead the Eid Salat without Adhan, but Muaweyah introduced the Adhan in the Eid prayer".

Sunni reference: Kitab al Ilm Volume 1 page 229

"There is a difference of opinion over who introduced the Adhan in Eid Salat. Ibn Sheba has a tradition with a Sahih Isnad attributing this to Muaweyah, whilst Shaafi states Ibn Ziyad introduced this in Basra, Daud claims that Marwan introduced this - but the vast bulk of traditions do not support this. Muaweyah introduced this in the same way that he introduced the khutba of Eid before Salat".

Sunni reference: Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Fathul Bari Volume 2 page 529

Muaweyah deemed it it permissible for a man to marry two sisters at any one given time.

Imam of Ahl e Sunnah Al Hafiz Jajauddin Suyuti in his Durre Manthur records the following fatwa of Muaweyah (L):

"Qasim bin Muhammad records that Muaweyah was asked whether it was permissible for a man to marry two sisters at any one given time. Muaweyah replied 'There is nothing wrong with that'. Upon hearing this reply, Numan bin Basheer asked 'You have issued this fatwa?' to which Muaweyah replied 'yes'.

Sunni reference: Durre Manthur Volume 2 page 477

Muaweyah declared Ziyad (another of Abu Sufyan's illigitimate sons) as his brother

"Muaweyah declaring that Ziyad was his brother, was the first act that was in open contradiction to the laws of Sharia because Rasulullah (s) said that the legitimate child is one born from wedlock"

Sunni reference: Tarikh Kamil Volume 3 page 225

Hafiz Jalaluddeen Suyuti also acknowledges this in Tareekh ul Khulafa:

"Muaweyah declaring Ziyad to be the son of Abu Sufyan was the first act that contradicted an order of Rasulullah".

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) ordered the killing of Muaweyah in the event of him becoming Caliph

Allah's Messenger (pbuh&hp)said, "If you see Muaweyah on my pulpit then kill him"

Sunni references:

  1. Mizan al-Itidal Volume 2 page 17; Volume 2 page 129 on the authority of Abu Said al Khudri; Volume 7 page 324 and Volume 8 page 74;

  2. "Tadhib al Tadhib" by Ibn Hajar Asqalani Volume 5 page 110 (Hyderabad edition);

  3. Kunz al Haqaiq by al Mu'awi page 9;

  4. Tabaqat by Ibn Sad Volume 4 page 134-135 (Leiden edition);

  5. al Kamil fi Safa al Rijal Volume 2 page 146 hadith number 343;

  6. Ansab al Ashraf Volume 5 page 136;

  7. Waq'at Sifeen page 216 and 221;

  8. Tareekh Tabari Volume 8 page 186

Muaweyah instituted the bid'ah of cursing Imam Ali (as)

Ibn Hajar Asqalani in his commentary of Sahih al Bukhari "Fathul Bari" states:

"Muaweyah issued an order to curse Hadhrath 'Ali. Upon hearing this Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas said "Even if you place a sword over my head and demand that I curse 'Ali, I will refuse to do so".

Sunni reference: Fathul Bari Volume 7 page 74, Bab Manaqib 'Ali

In Sahih Muslim we read,

By him who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessing be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me.
Imam Ali - Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter XXXIV, p46, Tradition #141
"Muaweyah the son of Abu Sufyan, gave order to Sa'd, and told him: "What prevents you that you are refraining from cursing Abu Turab (nickname of Ali)?" Sa'd replied: "Don't you remember that the Prophet said three things about (the virtue of) Ali? So I will never curse Ali."

Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim - Chapter of Virtues of Companions, Section of Virtues of Ali - Tradition #5916

Mohibuddin al Tabari in his classical book of hadith Riyad ul Nadira states that, "Muaweyah ordered Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas to curse 'Abu Turab"

Sunni reference: Riyad ul Nadira Volume 3 page 194.

In Sunan Ibn Majah we read,

"On his way to Hajj, Sad met Muaweyah and his companions mentioned 'Ali upon which Muaweyah showed disrespect towards Ali, Sad got angry and asked 'why do you say such things?'"

In the Arabic text the words used by Muaweyah are "fanala minho" and the editor Muhammad Faula Abdul Bakee states in the footnotes that these words mean that Muaweyah cursed and disparaged 'Ali.

Sunni reference: Sunan Ibn Majah page 12 Dhikr 'Ali

Ibn Kathir in his "Al Bidayah al Nihayah" records that:

"Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas said to Muaweyah you have sat me next to you on your throne and begun to curse Hadhrath 'Ali"

Sunni Reference: Al Bidayah al Nihayah - page 341 Volume 7 - Chapter "The virtues of 'Ali"

Syrian Sunni scholar Abu Zahra in his Tarikh ul Islam states:

We recognized the hypocrites by their hatred of Ali.
Abu Said al Khudri (RA) - Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p639, Tradition 1086
"When Muaweyah was proceeding to Hajj he saw Sad, grabbed him by the hand and sat him next to his pulpit. Thereafter he proceeded to curse Ali, Sad got angry stating you have sat me next to you and began to indulge in the awful act!"

Sunni reference: Tarikh ul Islam by Abu Zahra Volume 1 page 38

Another Sunni scholar, Ibn Manzur, clarifies this matter beautifully attacking Muaweyah's advocate Nawawi in the process. In his Lisan al Arab, he writes,

"It is proven from Sahih Muslim that Muaweyah would curse Hadhrath 'Ali. Nawawi in his Sharh Muslim displays dishonesty in his defence of Muaweyah. An Ahl'ul Sunnah scholar took notice of this, basing his comments on Sahih Muslim, we plead justice accordingly."

In Tashdheed al Mathan Volume 2 page 405, we read that Sunni scholar Wajideen Umar bin Abdul Muhsin in his famous work "Hilyatul Azhar Sharra Mushraak ul Anwar wrote,

"When the people of knowledge saw that Muaweyah's language contravened the dictates of norms, they sought to justify his actions and this is wrong, for it is clear that Muaweyah wanted Sad to curse Ali, and Sad objected. Muaweyah asked what prevented him from cursing Abu Turab, to which Sad replied citing three traditions as his reasons"

Sunni scholar Allama Sibt Ibn Jauzi al Hanafi in His Tadhkiratul Khawass states:

Whoever curses Ali, cursed me
Prophet Muhammad - Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p323
"Muaweyah ordered the people and Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas to curse 'Ali, this angered Sa'd and fearing Allah (swt) he refused to do so, not caring what anyone else thought".

Hazrat Hajr bin Adi (RA) was murdered along with other companions of the Prophet (p) for refusing to curse Hazrat Ali (AS)

Maulana Sayyid Abul A'la Maudoodi in his book "Khilafat wa Mulukiyyat" cites several classical sources providing the reason behind the murder of Hajr bin Adi. Under chapter 4 "The elimination of freedom of speech", he states:

"Hajr bin Adi was a pious companion of the Prophet (saws) and played a vital role in the correction of the Ummah. During Muaweyah's reign when the custom of cursing Ali from the pulpit's of Mosques began, hearts of the Muslims were being bled dry but people bit their tongues fearing death. In Kufa Hajr bin Adi could not remain silent and he began to praise Ali (ra) and condemn Muaweyah. Until Mughira remained the Governor of Kufa, he adopted a lenient attitude towards this, but when Ziyad's Governorship of Basra was extended to include Kufa, serious altercations arose. He would curse Ali (ra) during the khutba and Hajr would refute him.

On one occasion he (Hajr) warned Ziyad for being late for Jumma prayers. Ziyad then arrested him along with twelve of his companions on false accusations of forming an opposition group to overthrow the Khalifa and was cursing the Khalifa. He also gathered witnesses to testify against them alleging that they claimed that khilafath was the exclusive right of the lineage of `Ali ibne Abi Talib and further accused them of creating an uproar, throwing out the commander and of supporting `Abu Turab Ali, of sending blessings upon him and hating his enemies. From amongst these witnesses, Qadi Shudhri's testimony was used. He later wrote to Muaweyah that the blood and property of people who said they offered Salat, paid zakat, and performed Hajj and Umrah, preached right and declared that evil was haram, however if you want to kill them so be it, otherwise forgive them.

The accused were sent to Muaweyah and he sentenced them to death. A condition was placed that if they cursed `Ali (ra) and showed their hatred to him they would be pardoned. They refused and Hajr said `I will not say that thing that will displease Allah'.

Finally he and his seven companions were murdered. From amongst them Abdur Rahman bin Hassan was sent back to return with a written instruction that he be murdered in the worst possible manner, Ziyad buried him alive."

Sunni references :

Tarikh al Tabari, Volume 4 page 190 - 208

al Istiab by Ibn `Abdul Barr Vol I page 135

Tarikh by Ibn Athir Volume 3 page 234 - 242

al Bidayah al Nihaya by Ibn Kathir, Volume 8 page 50 -55

Ibn Khaldoon Volume 3 page 13

The Sunni Muslims love Hazrat Ali (AS) and and his adherents and hence have been particularly critical of the killing of Hajr bin Adi (RA) and his companions. Mufti Ghulam Rasul a modern day Hanafi scholar in his biography of Imam Jafar Sadiq "Subeh al Sadiq" discusses a number of topics including the slaughter of Hujr bin Adi.

"Hajr and his associates were killed in 51 Hijri and I pray that Allah (swt) showers his mercy upon them. Verily they sacrificed their to protect the honour and dignity of the Lion of Allah, 'Ali. Their murderers told them that they would be saved if they cursed 'Ali - they refused saying 'We shall not do that which shall cause the wrath of Allah (swt). This is because Hajr and his companions knew that the truth was with 'Ali, he was the example of Harun, he was the brother of the Prophet (p) in this world and the next, 300 verses had descended in his praise, 'Ali was with the Qur'an and the Qur'an was with 'Ali, to look at 'Ali's face was an act of worship, to hate 'Ali was an act of Kufr and to have love and faith in 'Ali was a part of Iman. Rasulullah (p) said that the sign of a momin was love for 'Ali and the sign of a munafiq was hatred of 'Ali. It was in light of these facts that Hajr and his companions refused to disassociate themselves from 'Ali, they happily accepted death and willingly sacrificed their lives due to their love for 'Ali".

Sunni reference: Subeh al-Sadiq pages 93 & 94

Hadhrath Ayesha narrated that Rasulullah (p) said:

"Whoever kills Hajr will incur the wrath of Allah".

Sunni reference: Kanz al Ummal Volume 7 page 87

One other move by the Wahabis is to propgate against the holy family of the Prophet (p). Muaweyah's rebellion against the rightful caliph, Imam Ali (AS) is defended by the illigitimate offsprings of Abu Sufyan, Sipah e Sahaba etc. till this day. I now present some facts which clarify such matters.

Whoever hates Hazrat Ali (AS) is a Munafiq (hypocrite)

The first Imam of Shia Muslims and the 4th rightful caliph of Sunni Muslims said:

"By him who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessing be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me."

Sunni reference:
Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter XXXIV, p46, Tradition #141

Companion of the Prophet (p) Abu Said al Khudri said:

"We recognized the hypocrites by their hatred of Ali."

Sunni references:

  • Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p639, Tradition 1086
  • al-Isti'ab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3, p47
  • al-Riyad al-Nadirah by al-Muhibb al-Tabari, v3, p242

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever hurts Ali, has hurt me"

Sunni references:

  • Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, p483;
  • al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p263

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever curses Ali, cursed me"

Sunni references:

  • al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p121, who mentioned this tradition is Authentic;
  • Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p323;
  • Mishkat al-Masabih, English version, Tradition 6092;
  • Tarikh al-Khulafa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p173

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever leaves Ali, leaves me, whoever leaves me, leaves Allah"

Sunni reference:

Kanz ul Ummal, hadith numbers 32974 - 32976, narrated by Abdullah ibne`Umar {through two chains} and Abu Dharr Ghaffari (ra).

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever obeys 'Ali, obeys me, whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, whoever disobeys 'Ali disobeys me, whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah"

Sunni reference:

Kanz ul Ummal, hadith numbers 32973

Mohibuddeen al Tabari in Riyad ul Nadira narrates from Hazrat Abu Bakr that the Messenger of Allah said: "Love of 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain is a sign of one being legitimate, hatred of them is the sign of one being illegitimate".

Sunni reference:

Riyad ul Nadira Volume 3 page 117 Chapter 116

Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Ibn Atheer in his "Nihaya" records that:

"Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq said that certain types of individuals will never have love towards us, those of illegitimate stock and those that possess an addiction to the anus (homosexual)"

After reading the above two traditions, who would want to be a member of Sipah e Sahaba or Lashkar e Jhangavi? Only Wahabis! No wonder Azam Tariq named his son Muaweyah.

The reasons for demolishing the shrines of Syeda Fatima Zahra (SA), daughter of the Holy Prophet (p) in Madina by the Saudi regime also become clear.

The Messenger of Allah said:

"'Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with 'Ali, the two shall not separate until the meet me at the Fountain of Kauthar"

Sunni Reference:

Kanz ul Ummal - Tradition 32912

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Ali is with the Truth and the Truth is with 'Ali"

Sunni Reference:

Kanz ul Ummal Tradition 33018

"Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said regarding 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn (Allah be pleased with them all): I am at peace with those with whom you make peace and I am at war with those with whom you make war."

Sunni References:

  • Sunan Ibn Majah, English translation by Muhammad Tufail Ansari, Volume 1 page 81
  • Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p767, Tradition 1350
  • al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p149

Hazrat Ali (AS) declared Muaweyah as his enemy

"Praise belongs to Allah Who made our enemy ask about something that had occurred to him in the matter of his deen. Muaweyah wrote to me asking about the ambiguous hermaphrodite…"

Sunni Reference:

History of the Khalifas who took the right way (Part English translation of Suyuti's Tarikh'ul Khulafa" page 184)

Mother of the Believers, Lady Ayesha compared Muaweyah's government to that of Firawn (Pharoah) and other Kaafirs (Pagans)

Aswat bin Yazeed said to Hadhrath Ayesha: 'Aren't you surprised that this Muaweyah is from Tulaqa (freed captive) and in Khilafath he fought the companions? Ayesha replied "This government and kingdom, Allah (swt) gives Leadership to both just and tyrannical, for 400 years in Egypt the enemies of God, Phiraun ruled as did other Kaafir Kings".

Sunni references:

  • Shaykh ul Mudira page 165
  • al Bidaya 131 Volume 8
  • Mukhtasar Ta'reekh al-Dimishk Volume 25 page 42

Saying Radiallahanho (Allah be pleased with him) with Muaweyah's name

Hanafi scholar Maulana 'Abdul Hakeem Chishti in his biography of Maulana Waheed uz Zaman cited his comments from "Waheed ai Lughath":

"To say Radiallahanho after Muaweyah's names takes a considerable amount of courage".

The Messenger of Allah cursed Muaweyah's stomach

Ibn e Abbas narrates that:

"I was playing with children and Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) happened to pass by (us). I hid myself behind the door. He (the Prophet) came and he patted upon my shoulders and said: Go and call Muaweyah. I returned and said: He is busy in taking food. He again asked me to go and call Muaweyah to him. I went (and came back) and said that he was busy in taking food, whereupon he said: May Allah not fill his belly! Ibn Muthanna said: I asked Umm Umayyah what he meant by the word Hatani. He said: It means "he patted my shoulders".

Sunni reference:

Sahih Muslim Tradition number 6298

The Messenger of Allah cursed Muaweyah, his brother and father

"Imam Hasan reminded Muaweyah of the occasion "when your father was riding a red camel you were in front of him and your brother Utbah was dragging the camel by its nose? On that occasion Rasulullah (s) cursed your father, brother and you"

Sunni references:

  • Ahl'ul Sunnah's Mukthul Husayn page 117 part 4
  • Waq'at Sifeen Volume 8 page 185

Mother of Believers Lady Ayesha cursed Muaweyah and Amr bin Aas after every prayer

"Following the death of Muhammad bin 'Abu Bakr the people of Egypt gave bayya to Muaweyah. It was following this (event) that Ummul Mu'mineen Ayesha would curse Muaweyah and Amr bin Aas after every Salaat".

Sunni references:

Muaweyah shall die a Kaafir

Abdullah ibne Umar narrates that he heard Rasulullah say:

"Muaweyah shall not die on the path of Islam".

Sunni references:

  • Tareekh Tabari Volume 8 page 186
  • Waq'at Sifeen page 217

Both the above books on the same pages also record a similar hadith, this time narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah who testified that he heard Rasulullah (s) say:

"At the time of his death, Muaweyah shall not be counted as member of my Muslim Ummah"

Muaweyah shall be raised with a different Ummah on the day of Judgement

The Messenger of Allah said:

"From this door shall enter a man from my Ummah who shall be raised with another Ummah on the Day of Judgement, at that point Muaweyah came through the door"

Sunni reference:

Ansab al Ashraf Volume 5 page 132

Muaweyah shall be in the deepest part of Hell

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily Muaweyah shall be in the deepest part of Hell from where he shall shout 'Ya Hanan, Ya Manan' verily I have sinned and spread fitnah throughout the earth".

Sunni reference: Lisan al Mizan Volume 1 page 284

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Muaweyah has a coffin in the deepest part of Hell, one that has a lock on it".

Sunni reference: Ansab al Ashraf Volume 5 page 132

Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umar al Khattab had also condemned Muaweyah as follows:

"Verily Muaweyah's coffin is in the deepest part of Hell, Had Firawn not declared that he was the most superior God, nobody would have been in a deeper part of Hell than Muaweyah".

Sunni reference: Waq'at Sifeen page 217

Muaweyah and his people are the sign of fire

"Rasulullah (s) said that `Ali and his people (qawm) are the sign of paradise while Muaweyah and his people are the sign of the Fire"

Sunni references:

  • al-Haythami, Majma` al-Zawa'id, 9:406
  • Kanz al-`ummal, 7:63 (Haydarabad)

The Messenger of Allah informed Hazrat Ali of the rebel group

The Messenger of Allah said:

"O Ali! Soon a rebellious group will fight against you, you will be on the truth. Whoever does not support you on that day will not be from us"

Sunni reference: Kanz al Ummal, by Ali Muttaqi al Hind quoting Ibn Asakir, hadith number 32970

The Messenger of Allah said:

"After me people shall experience fitna, you will split into groups, he then pointed at 'Ali and said Ali and his companions shall be on the right path"

Sunni reference: Kanz ul Ummal hadith number 33016

"Rasulullah (s) told 'Ali that people have enmity to you, and it will open up after me"

Sunni reference: Riyad ul Nadira V 3 page 234

The Messenger of Allah said to Hazrat Ali:

"Protect yourself from your enemies who have a hatred in their hearts. Those who hate you, Allah's has cursed such individuals"

Sunni reference: Yanabi al Muwaddah p 135

Deobandi scholar Al Muhaddith Shah 'Abd al-'Aziz Dehlavi in his book written against the Shi'a states:

"The title Shi'a was first given to those Muhajireen and Ansar who gave allegiance (bay'ah) to Ali (may Allah enlighten his face). They were his steadfast faithful followers during his (Ali's) caliphate. They remained close to him, they always fought his enemies, and kept on following Ali's commands and prohibitions. The true Shi'a are these who came in 37 Hijri" (NB 37 Hijri -the year Imam Ali (as) fought Muaweyah at Sifeen).

Sunni reference: Tuhfa Ithna 'Ashariyyah, (Gift to the Twelvers) (Farsi edition p 18, publishers Sohail Academy, Lahore, Pakistan).

Muaweyah was a Baghi (rebel)

Al Muhaddith Shah 'Abd al-'Aziz Dehlavi in the same book further states:

"Anyone who knows Farsi and school child who read Jami Aqaid Ahl'ul Sunnah should know there's a ijamaah that from Ali's khilfath up to Sulh Hasan, Muaweyah was a baghi because he didn't give bayya or obey the Rightful Imam"

Sunni Reference: Tuhfa Ithna Ashariyyah page 181 Chapter 7

"The aqeedah in Ahl'ul Sunnah is that the first baghi in Islam was Muaweyah"

Sunni Reference: Sharh al Maqasid page 306

"Muaweyah and his companions are baghis without a doubt and they are Qasitoon, Allah says Qasithoon are in deepest part of Hell".

Sunni Reference: al-Nasa'ih al-Kaafiyah page 22

"Being a Judge under a Zaalim King is permissible in the same way that one is appointed as a Judge under an Adil Imam, for example the Sahaba were Judges under Muaweyah Zaalim even though the truth was with 'Ali"

Sunni Reference: Hidaya Page 134, Volume 3

Companion of the Prophet, Hazrat Abul Hasan Ashari (RA) said:

"Muaweyah and Amr bin Aas fought against the rightful Imam. Ali fought the rebels, he was with the truth and the truth was with him.

Sunni reference: Al Milal wa al Nihal by Allamah Shahrastani - Volume 1 page 103

"In hadith it is proven that Hadhrath 'Ali was on the path of truth and Muaweyah and his companions were on falsehood. Only a stubborn person will deny this".

Sunni Reference: Naylul Autar page 187 Volume 7

According to Ahl e Sunnah, Laeen ibn e Laeen, Muaweyah bin Hind al Zaniyah was among the Qasatheen (those who refrain from giving bayya to Imam e Haq)

"Rasulullah (s) said to Ali 'Nakisheen, Qasatheen and Marakeen will fight you'. Muaweyah and his companions were Qasatheen they left the truth, which was to follow Ali and give him bayya".

Sunni reference: Sharh al Maqasid Volume 2 page 304

Abu Sa'id narrates:

"Rasulullah (s) ordered us to fight Nakisheen, Qasatheen and Marakeen. We asked under who? He said Ali ibn abi Talib! .. Amar will be killed in this war".

Sunni Reference: Usdul Ghaba page 114 V 4

Even the late Wahabi mullah and one of the many illigitimately born sons of Muaweyah and Yazeed, Ibn Taymeeya could not deny the narrations against Muaweyah and had to admit that:

"During Ali's reign the most entitled person to be the Khalifa of Rasulullah (s) was 'Ali. He was a rightly guided khalifa and to obey him was mandatory"

Muaweyah was a Fajir, Shaitan (Satin)

The 1st Imam of Shia Muslims and 4th rightful Caliph of Sunni Muslims, Hazrat Ali said:

"The Fajir son of a fajir is Muaweyah and the fajir son of a kafir is Amr bin Aas"

Sunni Reference: Tareekh Tabari Volume 4 page 77

For those who have fallen prey to the Wahabi/Nasbi/Deobandi propaganda and think that the Barking Bitch of Banu Umayya - Muaweyah bin Hind al Zaniya was on the right path, should read this Hadith of Hazrat Ali:

"Our Jamaat is Allah's and one who opposes us is Satans Party. One who regards them as equal is not from us".

Sunni References:

al-Nasa'ih al-Kaafiyah page 23
Kanz al 'Ummal page 89 Volume 6

And the Messenger of Allah said to Hazrat Ali:

"O 'Ali you are the Imam of the pious and the slayer of those that are fasiq and fajireen"

Sunni References:

Nuzul ul Abrar Chapter "Dhikr Fadail Ali" p24

Similarly, in all the following Sunni books, the Prophet referred to Hazrat Ali as the killer of the Fajireen.

Fara'id us Simtayn page 157
Kifaya al Talib p 221 Ch 58
Mawaddatul al Qurba p 45
Manaqib al Khawarazmi p 11
Nuzul ul Abrar "Dhikr Fadail Ali" p24
Kunuz al Haqaiq v 2 page 16
Jami' al Sagheer v 2 p 65
Qurrat al 'Aynayn p 141
Maula wa Mu'awiya p 141

Sunni scholar Mir Seyyed Shareef in his book Sharh Mawafiq states:

"In eyes of Ahl ul Sunnah there is agreement that those who fought him were sinners and Qadi Ibn al Arabi states that this sin is not fisq. View of the Shia and majority Sunnis is that those who fought 'Ali became fasiq and fajir"

Sunni Reference: Sharh Mawafiq page 745

And why wouldn't the above mentioned Sunni scholars not condemn Muaweyah as unlike the Nasbis/Wahabis/Deobandis/Salafis of Sipah e Sahaba and other groups, these scholars were alhamdolillah born ligitimately.

"Love of 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain is a sign of one being legitimate, hatred of them is the sign of one being illegitimate".

Sunni reference: Riyad ul Nadira Volume 3 page 117 Chapter 116

"Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said regarding 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn (Allah be pleased with them all): I am at peace with those with whom you make peace and I am at war with those with whom you make war."

Sunni References:

Sunan Ibn Majah, English translation by Muhammad Tufail Ansari, Volume 1 page 81

Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p767, Tradition 1350

al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p149

To all those who are still confused because of the fabricated Ahadith in praise of Muaweyah, I present to you the words of Shaer e Khoda (Lion of Allah), Bab e Madinatul Ilm (Gate to the city of Knowledge), Zauj e Batool (Husband of Syeda Zahra (SA), the prophet's daughter), Akhi e Rasool fi Dunya wal Akhira (Brother of the Prophet in this world and the hereafter) Hazrat Ali ibn e Abi Talib calling all of you:

"I made a promise with Rasulullah (s) that I shall never forego. Your enemies are approaching, you should know that their leader is a hypocrite son of a hypocrite. He is inviting his supporters to Hell Fire while you have the cousin of Rasulullah (s) in your midst, as you know, no one else performed Salat with Rasulullah (s) before me. I am from amongst the participants of Badr while Muaweyah is the freed captive, son of a freed captive. By Allah! We are on the path of truth whilst Muaweyah is on the path of falsehood".

Sunni References:

Waq'at Sifeen page 314
Jamarth Khattab al Arab Volume 1 page 353
Sharh Ibn al Hadeed Volume 5 page 245

I also present to you Hazrat Ali's letter which he wrote to Hazrat Muhammad bin Abu Bakar, inviting him to join him against Muaweyah. This call is still echoing all over the world - as long as their is a single follower of Muaweyah inviting others to join him on the way to Hell.

"Protect yourself from Hind's lying son and his invitation, stop and think, the Imam of guidance and the Imam of destruction, Rasulullah's wasi (executor) and Rasulullah's enemies can never be seen as equals".

Sunni Reference: Sharh Ibn Al Hadeed Volume 6 page 71

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Updated on April 24, 2005