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Blah Blah Blah, this is my page. Its under alittle construction (even though I never work on it) Anywayz, enjoy my lame ass page, I know you will. PLEASE take my POLL!! and SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! I'd appriciate that a lot!

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UGLY pictures of myself!!
Pictures of friends!!
More pictures of friends!!
Me and my Possie livin it up..
Pictures of my family!!
Jason's picture page!!(I miss him!)
Pictures of my pets!!

These are some pages that my friends have done, check em out, der cool

Dianas page is awesome, she's really cool, if you dont go there you suck
Justins very cool, and so is his page, so go there!
The JEN!!! If you dont go to her page your a scary mofo!
Leland is the COOLEST person I know, so you have to go to his page, Dude, He's Cool...Go...
Steven started it all, because of him everyone is now making a webpage, SO you have to go see his!

Chrissy's Site!! I added it!! see I do love yoU!!
