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Differences between the two stories

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Although there are many similarities between the two storys,there are also many differences. Darth Vador & Sauron:Both are evil villans but Sauron who is the creator of the ring,cannot fully rule middle earth until he finds the ring which will give him power.Darth Vador has the power to rule the galaxy but is always set back in his plans due to the actions the rebels have done. Luke Skywalker & Frodo:Frodo,who is a hobbit,wasn't really involved when his group his group had to make decisions.Often Gandalf or Aragorn had to help out or make decisions for Frodo and the group.Frodo also was potrayed as being a small,helpless person who often got wounded due to certain situations that he couldn't handle.Luke on the other hand,was the main character in the movie when it came to accomplishing tasks that the rest of companions couldn't handle.He was the one who destroyed the Death Star when no one else could do it. Obi-wan & Gandalf:Obi-wan was Luke's mentor and counselor.He taught Luke about the force and how to use it wisely.I strongly believe that Obi-wan and Luke never really had a close relationship compared to Gandalf and Frodo.Gandalf was Frodo's moral and guidance counselor.When it came to that mentor/pupil relationship,Gandalf was the one who had that type of relationship with Frodo. The rest of companions from Lord of the Ring & the rest of the companions from Star Wars:The companions from Lord of the Rings where devoted to helping out and protecting Frodo.They were there for him through thick and thin,wherever they were.In Star Wars,Han Solo and Chewbacca did not really care for Luke and his cause.All they cared about was that they got their money Obi-wan had promised them.It took some time before Han Solo and Chewbacca decided to support luke and get along with the rest of the companions. Theme of Lord of the Ring & the theme of Star Wars:The Star Wars theme focused around a group of rebels fighting against the evil Republic who have the galaxy under their horrible power.In Lord of the Rings,kingdoms are rising against an evil menace that if not stopped,could cause a second darkness and destroy all that's good in middle-earth. By:James M. Duran