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12-24-03 @ 18:20
Woah, five months have zoomed by. I will be adding a few new things to this site by this weekend.

7-23-03 @ 19:57
Got rid of the Contact page and just put that information on here. Also, changed over the info on the Bio page, too. :) Oh and I re-designed the guestbook.
All times are in Mountain Standard Time.

7-21-03 @ 13:40
Added a few pages, as you can see above.. I'll be adding more "meat" to this site in a bit.

7-21-03 @ 01:10
Just implimented this new page, as well with adding a Sitemeter and a Guestbook. Eh. That's about it so far. I'm still building the rest.

PS: I know its a sucky design so far, but be advised I am just starting this one out from scratch.

Thank you for your patience.