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Lexx 2.11 Nook

The Lexx arrives at a planet entirely covered with water, except for one tiny island. Stan doesn't want to land as history has shown that landing on strange planets always leads to trouble.

If you agree to land on this island...

Xev wants to land as she's getting desperate for a man, so she promises Stan she'll sleep with him if they go down to the planet and she can't find someone to have sex with...

The crew are welcomed

...and naturally Stan agrees, so they take a moth down to the surface of Nook, which to Xev's joy is populated soley by men, albeit ones who don't know what a woman is....

Thanks to Father Nook

...and when the Brother of Brothers gives thanks at dinner, he refers to the three strange men. It's clear, however, that some of the Brothers are very interested in Xev...and one in Stan...

Two men and one...woman

Kai informs them that Xev is actually a woman, but they don't seem to understand.

All other knowledge leads to unhappiness

Later, when Kai is being given a tour he discovers that knowledge is being kept from the other Brothers - including knowledge of women...

...which is causing Xev some frustration.

Massage for Stan

Stan is quite enjoying the place, although he's a bit dismayed at the lack of fun, so the Brother tries to tempt him with the upcoming night of no rules.


Elsewhere, Xev is tired of waiting and becomes a bit more forceful...

I apologise for Brother Stack's behaviour

...but is quickly interrupted.

Growing a brother

In the morning, Kai is in the lab giving the Brother of Brothers, some protoblood to see if it can be duplicated. He notices a growth cell and questions whether Nook might be the planet of milk-fed boys.

You shouldn't fear your feelings Stanley

Outside, the Brothers are preparing their costumes for the night of no rules and the Brother who has taken a shine to Stan, is taking a bit more of a shine than Stan is happy with.


It's Xev's turn for a massage today, and her ecstatic moans are having a noticable effect on the Brothers, until the bell rings, summoning them outside...


...leaving Xev alone and frustrated once again.

Later, Kai comments that their presence is having a strange effect on the inhabitants of Nook, and Stan says he's happy to leave anytime. In response, Xev pounces on Brother Stack again, but he begs her to wait one more night, then he'll be her's - dressed as a rat.

Let us break the rules, Brother Stanley

That night Brother Traegor visits Stan in his room and speaks of days when men loved each other. Stan tries to explain he prefers women, but of course women are a bit of mystery to the Brothers. Brother Traeger says he will wait for Stan by the gate, but if Stan doesn't want him, his life is over

The Kai at night

In his room, Kai is watching the stars, when he starts to feel woozy and collapses on his bed, apparently asleep.

Murder has been committed!

In the morning Brother Traegor is found dead, with a puncture wound in his chest. The BoB accuses Stan and Kai of murdering Brother Traegor and that Kai had admitted being an assassin, but his use of unfamiliar words and his manic zeal causes unease amongst the other Brothers.

He IS asleep

Stan and Xev go to check on Kai, who rises when they shake him, claiming not to have been asleep, but equally, unaware why he was lying on the bed.

That evening, as the bells toll to signal the start of the night of no rules, Kai investigates the blood outside and finds some on his scorpion brace.

With the festivities in full swing, Xev is getting into costume, ready to meet her rat, but fights start to break out over who gets to be with her first.

I know that voice

Several of the Brothers are dressed as rats, so Xev decides to take all of them back to her room. Sensing an opportunity, Stan also dresses as a rat, but unfortunately Xev isn't fooled and proceeds to keep Stan awake with her lovemaking.

...the event that has created his death

Kai has been researching in the library and discovers the BoB in a secret part of the lab. The BoB explains that as soon as a woman arrived on Nook, he knew their, perfect, unchanging life was over and that it would all end tonight.

I've experienced physical man-love

Kai leaves and finds Xev, who is ecstatic about finally losing her virginity...

Brother Randor killed Brother traegor

...but Kai explains what has happened and that they must leave, as the planet itself is doomed.

As soon as dawn's sunlight enters the lab. it causes an explosion...

...and across the island, the Brothers begin to disintegrate...

...closely followed by the whole of Nook...

...which finally explodes, but for once the Lexx wasn't responsible.

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