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Lexx 2.4 Luvliner


It's late at night and Xev is having steamy dreams - and keeping Stan awake (and horny) with her panting and moaning

The Luvliner

As luck would have it, the Lexx receives an advert from the Luvliner, promising all sorts of exotic pleasures. Stan sets course immediately.

Babes please!

Sadly, they have no money and can't get in. What's worse, the sleazy receptionist mocks Stan for flying around in a big bug...

Yikes! Stan blows up a nearby moon, and gets offered babes on the house.

I like this one

Although the decor doesn't live up to the ad, Xev soon finds something she likes...

I want Xev!

They also try to fix 790 up, but he wants only Xev.

Stan's in a huff

Stan is also not impressed by what he's being offered.

I love you

Meanwhile, to her horror, Xev's stud tells her he wants to take things slowly


Horror also describes 790's discovery that the receptionist has a robot head fetish


Stan however, was just about to get to the good bit when an associate of the receptionist destroys his partner, because he wants the Lexx.

Tied up on the Lexx

He then captures Xev and 790 and they all go back to the Lexx.

Bye bye Kai

He's also aware of Kai and decides to destroy him by dropping his cryo-chamber into a nearby sun.

With the assassin out of the way things look bad for Xev...

Not so cryo-chamber

...but not as bad as they look for Kai

Xev's a knockout

Xev's cluster lizard side asserts itself and she punches out her captor. Stan commands the Lexx to head after Kai...


...who has just been woken by the heat. He grapples his way back to ship...

Long way down

...allowing Xev to knock the bad guy over the edge of the bridge.

Kai finds out what he missed

With everything back to normal, Kai settles into his new home.

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