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Lexx 2.19 Brizon

One morning Brizon, former supreme bio-vizier to His Divine Shadow wakes to find his planet under siege by Mantrid drones

Droning on and on

Brizon is sick (in every sense) and has been using someone else as an unwilling surrogate for his own liver, but with the drone arms rapidly devouring the planet, Brizon is forced to unhook himself from his prisoner and flee in an insectoid ship.

Patches on the planet

Not far away the crew of the Lexx are trying to decide how they can find and stop Mantrid. Kai points out that Mantrid is far more likely to find them and that they are alive only because he wants to continue the game. They decide to tempt Mantrid into the open by broadcasting inflammatory comments on all frequencies.

His drones have been trailing us for some time now

The broadcast doesn't seem to be working and they start to wonder if they're the only people left alive in the universe. Stan decides to try another broadcast to rally any people left alive. Brizon hears the broadcast and replies...

What's that?

They bring Brizon on board, but he's not breathing. Kai suggests mouth-to-mouth, which falls to Xev since he has no breath. It works and Brizon awakes. He recognises Kai as the last of the Brunnen-G, who introduces him to Xev and Stanley.

This is Xev of B3K

Brizon is fascinated by the fact that Kai is aware and not the empty headed assassin he had been when Brizon had last seen him. He also reveals that Mantrid is a former student of his and also that Mantrid's machine is based on his design (along with Kai and the Lexx).

Mantrid was my best student

Stan and Xev are rather hostile toward a former member of the Divine Order, so Brizon attempts to ingratiate himself by offering to bring Kai back to life, as well as defeat Mantrid. After a brief discussion the crew decide that since they have no plan of their own, they'll go with Brizon, but that Kai will keep a very close eye on him.

I can't see we have much choice then

Brizon's plan is to get hold of a drone arm, and reprogram it to shut down Mantrid's machine and the other drones. Stan and Kai head out in a moth, leaving Xev alone with Brizon on the Lexx. Flying perilously close to a cloud of drones, Kai is able to snag one with his brace. They head back to the Lexx, with the rest of the drones in hot pursuit...

Drone fishing

While Kai and Brizon attempt to reprogram the drone, Stan orders the Lexx to destroy the cloud outside. Unfortunately, it simply parts letting the blast pass by harmlessly.

Lexx blast

Brizon suddenly announces he's not going to do anymore until Xev gives him something. Stan says there's no time, but Brizon says he's dying and wants to perform a 'small insertion' into Xev to save himself. Their priority is the drones; his is staying alive. Xev's not keen and asks Kai to force Brizon to switch off the drones...

With this! which point Brizon produces a strange blue pendant, which he directs at Kai, causing him to revert to assassin mode! Brizon instructs Kai to restrain Stan while Brizon insists that Xev removes her garment so he can get access to her liver.

Who do you want me to kill supreme bio-vizier?

He attaches one of his tubes to a socket he's inserted into Xev's liver, so that she can detoxify his blood. With this done he instructs Kai to release Stanley. He directs his pendant at the captured drone and all the ones outside and everywhere else in the universe go dead. Xev is keen to remove the attachment, but Brizon commands Kai to kill her if she tries.

Thankyou. It's my turn to help you.

The next step is to find Mantrid. Brizon recommends looking in the vicinity of Mantrid's planet since his machine has only limited mobility. Stan tells the Lexx to go there immediately.

It cannot be more than a few days removed from his original planet

While he's waiting Brizon decides he wants to experience the rest of Xev's body, but he's not capable of it himself, so he intends to use Stan. Before the nature of this tryst can be discovered, 790 announces he's found Mantrid's machine and they return to the bridge.

Knock knock

Brizon begins to taunt Mantrid, whose visage soon appears on the viewscreen and they begin insulting each other. Secure in his superiority, Brizon takes a moth over to the machine to personally unplug Mantrid and replace him in the machine. He would then become his vision of God.

You deluded flatulant farce

Brizon finds what appears to be Mantrid's head and remarks on what a pathetic end it is. It's not really his head, however, instead it is a disguised drone arm, which reaches out, grabs Brizon's pendant and crushes it.

Suprise! The pathetic end is reserved for you!

With the pendant crushed, Kai is released and Brizon is set upon by the drones. Xev takes the opportunity to detach herself from him and takes the moth back to the Lexx.

With Xev back safely Stan commands the Lexx to blow up the machine. Unfortunately it turns out to be fake, composed of drone arms, which once again move out of the way of the blast, before reforming into the head of Mantrid. The giant head continues to gloat about the defeat and destruction of Brizon...

Of course I noticed the primitive little bug he had placed.. well as revealing that his satisfaction will not be complete until he destroys the last of the Brunnen-G. That will happen soon, at the end of the game and that the game will finally end when Kai is the last thing left in the universe.

Why don't you come and destroy me now

With his speech ended, the drones depart and all that remains is to remove Brizon's equipment from Xev...


...and wait for the end of the game...

So what now? Anybody...?

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