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Lexx 2.19 Brigadoom

The Lexx encounters a strange cloud in space. Passing through they discover a strange floating building, which Lexx wants to eat. Stan gives his okay, but then the Brunnen G chant begins to emanate from it...

I would like to eat it they decide to take a moth over to investigate (much to the discomfort of Stan, who'd rather continue on to the centre of the universe to try and escape Mantrid). It turns out to be a dusty old theatre, something unfamiliar to Stan and Xev, but something Kai has memories of.

Theatre props

Stan knocks an old tambourine onto the floor and suddenly the lights in the theatre come on, the dusty old props fade away and people appear on the stage...

That lion's fading away!

...and begin a performance. They are wearing the colourful clothes of the Brunnen G and appear to be recounting the history of Brunnis 2. Stan and Xev are bemused, but Kai recognises the story.

The Brunnen G sing

One of the actors approaches and says that as the end of the universe approaches they are recounting the greatest story ever known, that of Kai, last of the Brunnen G

Welcome to our little show

The performance tells of the discovery of the secret of immortality by the Brunnen G people, followed by a inward looking paranoia that led to them sealing themselves off from the rest of the universe with a planetary shield.


The troupe leader offers Kai the chance to sing his own song, but Kai wants to know who they are first. He claims they are singers who appear at certain times, purely to sing.

We live outside the cycles of time and space

Stan wants to leave, but Xev is curious and wants to hear Kai sing. As he takes the stage, Kai's clothes suddenly change to his original Brunnen G colours. He also discovers he now knows the words to the songs

Quick change Kai

To Stan's distress the story continues, telling of the descent into decadence following their defeat of death and the subsequent dissatisfication of the younger members with this state of affairs. It also recounts their discovery of weak points in the shield through which they could glimpse the rest of the universe...

The Brunnen G shrank from all that life had to offer them

...a universe slowly being subsumed by the Divine Order. Kai's desire was to investigate, but his lover implored him to stay. The part of Kai's living lover is offered to Xev and she agrees, similarly finding herself transformed when she mounts the stage.

Xev gets tressed

Stan is also offered a part, but he refuses point blank and decides to leave. Xev decides she would rather finish the show and says goodbye. Kai follows Stanley to the moth and requests he waits for Xev, but Stan's determined.

I'm leaving now. Right now

His attention is caught, however, by the story of Kai's visit to the time prophet to discover the fate of his people. The news is certain death, so Kai attempts to warn his people of the coming Shadow...

Kai and the Time Prophet

...but he is seen as a traitor for breaching the shield and attracting attention to them and sentenced to death by aging.

You are found guilty and sentenced to die

He is looked in a cell to die, but is freed by his lover.

Xev's key frees Kai

Meanwhile, the rest of his people welcome the prospect of death, having grown tired of life over the millennia.!

A small group, the newborn, reject the idea of the Brunnen G just being wipeed out and decide to mount an attack, led by Kai

It is not too late to fight, come with me this very night

With the Divine Order's ultimate weapon, the Foreshadow, destroying the Brunnen G shield, Kai and his group retrieve six ancient fighter craft from a museum and set out to attack the Foreshadow, singing an ancient Brunnen G war chant...


Alas, the attack fails and Kai finds himself at the mercy of His Divine Shadow. The act ends as His Shadow is about to deal the killing thrust.

Die, last of the Brunnen G

With the performance over Stan returns to pick them up, but the narrator offers them the opportunity to stay since both he and Xev are in the next act - the destruction of the Divine Order. Since the theatre exists out of time, they would live on, performing the play for ever. Stan vetos the idea as it is just what happened to the Brunnen G.

It's better to die fighting, than die running

The decision is made to fight Mantrid - it would be a good way to die - and they all join in a final refrain...

Even Stanley's singing!

...before they and the theatre revert back to their original state.

The stage is unset

As the Lexx departs, Brigadoom fades into the ether and they set off to take the fight to Mantrid...

Okay Lexx, let's go and get Mantrid

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