No Vendettas

Nobody Loved You, like me.

March.8th, 2000

cherry blossom tree

"What's your story, baby?
What's your poison? What is your honey?"

I'm fine, thank you. I think I'll be fine. Though I woke up this morning hating so much how self-critical this love blurs and makes me. But I am moving on, I will move on. Even as I doubt and even as I laugh, I am moving on. And I would love to say some nice things about some.. nice people.

But before that can happen I am going to completely tear down layer upon layer of many many things in me. (And maybe in you? But- willing participants only.)

CAke, singing "Guitar". There. That is my thinking right now. La, la, la,. . .fuck it all! In the most free-for-all, carefree way. I don't have to speak to you of my anxieties. I have none.