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Mt. Ventoux
A thank you to my teacher Julian Bukalski

I was a student in Julian Bukalski's English 102 class in Spring of 2000. I had some trouble on the first few papers and I went to talk to him. He explained my mistakes, where I could improve, and he asked me about my previous education. I told him that my English 101 teacher had just given us the papers back with all As and no comments. High school hadn't prepared me at all, and I was mad to find this out. It upset me, and I felt as if I was behind in the game. But Mr. Bukalski said that he would work with me to improve my writing, but that he wouldn't lower standards. He said that the disadvantage was that I would have to work hard, but the advantage was I would really learn. From then on, he was real giving of his time as I came to his office with every paper. At the end of the term, I was much better. I was doing better on my papers for other classes as well. After that term, an A in another class was a breeze! I did a lot of work, but I learned a lot as well. And I created this website as a small way of thanking the person who was the first person to be honest with me about writing, who was the first one to care enough to give me bad grades when I deserved it but also to help me with many hours of his own time. This is for you, Mr. Bukalski!


Julian D. Bukalski's website, under his pen name Julian Darius.
Mt. Ventoux: 1999-2000
I actually got the "Mt. Ventoux" name from Mr. Bukalski, who put our class materials online for us. For a while after the class, when Mr. Bukalski had taken them down, I put those materials on this website. Now they're on his own website, and you can see them here.

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