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 Taurus Word Processing and Translations

Where our services are "as good as gold"!

word processing and translations typing typing typing translations online word processing service discount typing typing virtual office services typing translations typing office typing translations

We are very proud to introduce you to Taurus Word Processing and Translations We are a professional word processing, editing, proofreading and translation service that utilizes e-mail, telefax, couriers and the Internet to meet your every English word processing need in a timely, confidential and efficient manner. We accept clients from the USA, South America, Scandinavia, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. If you are looking for a quality document processing service that provides reasonable rates, you have come to the right place.

Are you on a deadline? Do you need some typing done in a hurry? Are you a new business just starting out and haven't had the chance to hire a secretary yet? Do you need a document translated? Then Taurus Word Processing and Translations is your answer. We offer translations in Norwegian, English, Arabic and Hebrew. Since we work on an as needed basis, hiring us to take up the slack for you is both cost-effective and time saving. You simply fax us the work, and we e-mail you the completed file! It's as easy and as quick as that!

Are you writing your thesis? Your first book? An article for a literary magazine?  Send us your handwritten manuscript by fax and we'll do the rest. If you prefer, you can also send us your manuscript via e-mail if you have already composed it yourself on your computer and we will format it for you.
Do you have correspondence that needs written and sent pronto? A report? A proposal? A document that needs proofreading? We'll take care of it for you.
You name it, we'll type it!
We work primarily with the following software:  Windows 98, MSWord/Powerpoint/Excel/Access, Adobe Photoshop 4.0, Word Perfect, MGI PhotoSuite, TextBridge Classic, PaperCom Document Manager and Q-Text.

Follow the links below for our price list, payment details, and contact information.

If you want service that is as "good as gold", come to Taurus Word Processing and Translations. We are professionals dedicated to serving your every document processing need.  Don't hesitate! Get that pile of papers off your desk! Contact us now for a free estimate!

      Contact Information

     Price List, Payment and Delivery

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Kristin Alynn Hussein
Taurus Word Processing and Translations
Web Page Design by Taurus Word Processing and Translations
Copyright©2000 Taurus Word Processing and Translations. All rights reserved.

Last updated January 1, 2000





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 Taurus Word Processing and Translations
Word Processing Price List
  ($15.00 minimum charge)
Description Estimated Price
Basic Word Processing: no tables, charts, other special format  $3.00 per double-spaced page
Basic Word Processing: no tables, charts, other special formats  $6.00 per single-spaced page
Advanced Word Processing: incl. tables, charts, special formats $3.50 per double-spaced page
Advanced Word Processing: incl. tables, charts, special formats $7.00 per single-spaced page
Book and thesis manuscripts $20.00 / hour
Proofreading/Editing $2.50/$5.00 per page
English to Norwegian, Hebrew, Arabic $0.15/word: 1.5 NOK/ord : 55 ILS/page
Norwegian, Arabic, Hebrew to English $0.15/word : 1.5 NOK/ord : 55 ILS/page
Fax Service - local      No charge
Fax Service - international      $1.00 per page
Postal Service - normal      At cost
Postal Service - express (FedEx or DHL)      At cost plus 15%
Printing extra hard copies of document $0 .50 per page
Diskettes $2.50 each w/file(s)

**BONUS!!**    All first-time clients receive a 20% discount on all rates (including telefax/postal services) on first assignments - full rates apply after that. Don't hesitate! Contact us today!


Additional price lists in several other currencies also available upon e-mail/telefax request.


Delivery of documents will be carried out via e-mail, telefax, normal postal services or express services (FedEx or DHL).

Our preferred methods of payment are as follows:

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Taurus Word Processing and Translations
Telephone:    972-6-6784827
Telefax:         972-6-6784827

We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!


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Copyright©2000 Taurus Word Processing and Translations. All rights reserved.

Last updated January 1, 2000


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