Until There Was You: Epilogue


John and Sandi caught the plane to Paris and were married on Sept. 2, 1963 in an outdoor service performed by the local pastor. The Beatles weren’t known in Paris yet, so John and Sandi’s wedding went on undisturbed.

They returned to England late that evening after spending the afternoon in a Paris hotel consummating their marriage. A party was thrown in their honor that night upon arriving back at the hotel. John and Sandi honeymooned later in Tahiti.

Sandi’s friends and family were a little sad that they couldn’t have been there to witness the nuptials, but understood that John and Sandi had to marry in secret. Another party was thrown for the couple by their friends and family in Liverpool.

John and Sandi moved from Liverpool to London in Jan. 1964 to be nearer to the record business. In late ’64, John bought an 18-room mansion just outside of London. “Kenwood” was the mansion’s name. It was located in Surrey.

Sandi continued to go on the road with The Beatles entourage...John didn’t want to be separated from her for a minute. Sandi traveled the world with her husband.

Sandi worked for Brian off and on until Brian’s death in 1967.

Sandi got to witness first hand all of The Beatles’ accomplishments. She got to meet many famous people: Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and many more. She and John were very happy together.

In 1966, Sandi gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. He was named John.

In 1968, Sandi gave birth to another child, this time a girl. She was named Julia Rose, to pay homage to both their late mothers. Julia was John’s mother’s name and Rose was Sandi’s mother’s name.

John had found his two greatest partners in life: Paul McCartney and Sandi, his “Kitten.”

He couldn’t have wished for anything better.

The End

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Written by Sandi. This is original copyrighted work and may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Permission may be obtained by e-mail.

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