Until There Was You, Ch. 19

Chapter Nineteen

Time sped by in Hamburg and before Sandi knew it, it was time to go back to Liverpool. Sandi and John continued their sexual relationship, sometimes they would make love two or three times a night. Sandi had never been happier. She was head over heels in love with John and he with her. She made two new friends in Astrid and Stu and was having the time of her life.

John talked Sandi into staying two more weeks. Sandi had to phone her father and tell him she was staying two weeks longer and she had to call Brian and tell him. Both of them were very understanding. Brian said the shop was still really slow, so not to worry. Both Brian and Mr. Walsh were happy that Sandi was having so much fun and that John was taking such good care of her. Yeah, he’s taking care of me alright,oh is he ever!!! She told them she would be home for sure in 2 weeks with John and the fellas.

Astrid and Stu drove Sandi and the fellas to the train station. Sandi and Astrid exchanged addresses and promised to stay in touch. Stu and Astrid hugged all of them and told them to take care. Then they all boarded the train to Liverpool.

Sandi, John and the fellas all arrived back in Liverpool and to the same routines they left behind.

The remainder of the summer went very quickly and before Sandi knew it, September was here and she was back in college. She continued to make straight A’s and the dean told her if she could continue to sustain her grades, she could graduate summa cum laude, the highest distinction a graduate can get.

Sandi was still working for NEMS. Brian knew the day would come that Sandi would be leaving NEMS to begin her accounting career. The thought of this made him sad. Sandi was a great employee and the customers loved her, but more importantly, she was Brian’s friend.

Sandi was still hanging out with Raechel and Monica.
Monica had lost some weight while Sandi was in Hamburg. She was dating up a storm and had begun attending Liverpool University with Sandi. Monica was studying to become a nurse. Monica was losing her shyness and was becoming much more confident. Raechel and Paul tried another date; she forgave him for the feeling her up incident so they went out again. They discovered they had nothing at all in common and nothing to talk about.

Raechel said that was the last time she would go out with Paul. Raechel decided she would just play the field awhile. Raechel and Paul remained friends.

Raechel had some news about Carol. Carol had definitely moved to California and had married--TONY! Sandi’s ex! Carol was the cause of the breakup, she had told Tony a bunch of lies about Sandi, which had caused all the fighting between Sandi and Tony. And Carol WAS the girl in the car who was making out with Tony. Carol had been plotting to steal Tony away from Sandi all along, now she had him.

“Those two deserve each other!” Sandi sniffed when she heard the news. Sandi couldn’t care less, though. She now had someone that was a hundred times better than Tony.

Sandi and John continued to grow closer and closer to each other. John and Sandi wanted to spend every waking hour together. For Sandi’s birthday in August, John, Paul and George and Raechel and Monica planned a surprise party for her.John had bought Sandi a beautiful heart shaped locket. Sandi had saw it in a shop window one day about 5 months ago and said she loved it. John remembered that and went and bought it for her. Sandi was touched that he remembered it. She put John’s picture in that locket and she never took it off her neck, except at bedtime.

“So when do you think he’ll propose, Sandi?” Raechel asked one day. Sandi didn’t even entertain those notions. Sandi had only just turned 19. John was trying to get The Beatles off the ground. Maybe after Sandi graduated college and if John got The Beatles up and running then it would be a possibility.

One day in October, a pivotal event happened that would change things for The Beatles. Sandi just came back from her lunch break when a fellow named Raymond Jones came into NEMS and asked if they had the record “My Bonnie” by The Beatles. Brian was behind the counter and told the boy, “Sorry, we don’t. I’ll see if I can get it for you.”

Brian asked Sandi about it. Had John and the fellows made a record? Sandi told Brian the story:

“When I was in Hamburg, John and the boys were invited to make a record with a Liverpool singer who was performing in Hamburg at the time, Tony Sheridan.T ony sang the lead and The Beatles were the backup singers. The Beatles had called themselves The Beat Brothers. The record is called “My Bonnie”, by Tony Sheridan and The Beat Brothers, recorded on the Polydor label.”

Brian called the label in Germany and requested an order for it. He ordered a few extra copies, figuring if one person wanted it, then perhaps others would too. Sure enough, other teenagers were coming in the store asking for “My Bonnie.” Brian began to hatch out a plan.

Chapter Twenty

Written by Sandi. This is original copyrighted work and may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Permission may be obtained by e-mail.

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