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*Star Trek Alliance*
WeLcOmE tO oUr WeBsItE

The Dream Lives On.... The idea for Star Trek Alliance was put in motion by Capt Daggen ViDial, on Stardate 49906.27. Capt ViDial, tired of simming in unstable groups created St Alliance in hopes of having a sim group where people could actually sim, and have fun doing it.
Since then, his idea has undergone major changes and is now manifested in just one sim. One very special sim. The USS-Hellfire.
A lot has changed since we started - getting thrown 100 years in the future, ViDial being no longer able to command, Khi` getting cmd, ending up in another reality, fighting the borg and klingons, picking up a couple of former VIM agents.... - but the dream is still here. A dream for a sim uninfluenced by anything other then the simmer's love for simming. A true "fun sim".
If you want to join us in continuing our Star Trek based IRC sim, please e-mail Capt`Khi`Lop. Have fun checking out this site.
-`Ann Shelby aka Capt`Khi`Lop



The USS-HELLFIRE, an prototype ship, commanded by Capt Khi`Lop, sims on Sundays at 5pm (1700) EST on the server 
[we sim in #Daggen]


! Crew Roster ! 
Note: this list is not complete and possitions may be reassigned at sims, as needed.
CO  Capt Khi`Lop
XO  Cmdr Ta`pkt
CENG  Lt Cmdr Pax 
TAC  Lt QaS 
CSEC  Lt Molko
OPS LtJg Lina
CMO  LtJg Quinton
Resident former VIM agent  (from the alt universe) Ta`pkt
Resident former VIM agent   (from the alt universe) Sitak 
SEC  Ens Shanks


! Ship History and Specs ! 
PRELAUNCH HISTORY: The HellFire is the first star ship of her class. The Federation built this ship due to the Dominion war and the continued Borg threat. Officially, her class is Battleship-class (or as the Cardassians call her the Federation War ship). Though we are a peaceful race at times it is necessary to become the offensive side; that's where the USS-Hellfire comes in. 
SPECS:  The Hellfire has 60 decks. And though her class is Battleship she does has room for Transports and Scientific research.
Deck 1 The main bridge. Although set up as a Intrepid class star ship's the Hellfire?s bridge is 4 times larger. 
Deck 2 Set up to control Shield Generators and Deflector control
Deck 3 Consists of research laboratories 
Decks 4-30 Crew quaters
Deck 31 Mainly set up for sick bay and medical research
Deck 32 Engineering- Main warp drive and Impulse control
Decks 33-45 [[[[[[*CLASSIFIED*]]]]]] Only senior staff may enter
Decks 46-50 Storage for medical supplies,food,rations, and cargo carring
Deck 51 Storage for medical supplies,food,rations, and cargo carring
Decks 52-53-54 Torpedoes launchers and storage for Torpedoes, Qutaums, and Delta 4 Torpedoes. (At this time Delta 4 Torpedoes are still in there very highly experimental stage, more information to come.)
Decks 55-59 Quaters for Transport missions 
Deck 60 No star ship can be compleat with out it's Holosuites, and work out areas. 


! Contact Our CO/Sign Up ! 
To contact the CO of this ship, and/or to sign up, or for more on ship specs, or this web-site, please write or via ICQ at #24963331 or on AIM AnnShelby or through Yahoo IM use Ann_Shelby.