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Keys To The Kingdom

The Mysteries of Ancient Wisdom
Keys to the Kingdom

Far away in the Age and Realm of Antiquity
There existed a Truth that governed all
in It's Age....Ancient Wisdom...
A concept, a belief system, a way of life.
Ever since the great sleep of humanity,
Wisdom has been sought
by Civilizations from all sectors of Earth's globe,
through all passing eras and times,
and by every culture that has ever
inhabited the Earth.
Because mankind has been asleep
Reality has been obscured and Truth
Buried deep in the Memory of our Race.

Myths evolving from the remnants of
"Knowledge" that remained
became the sects, cults, customs
and religious systems of
All who inhabited the Earth after
the darkness concealed
The Mysteries of Ancient Wisdom.

Deception ruled the perception of conscious thought.
Wisdom remained a Mystery
And the greatest philosophic quest of all ages began.

Darkness prevailed for Milennia
Until the Keys of Awakening unlocked the Veil of Mystery
Enshrouding the Earth.
This unveiling marked in the Eternities
The Genesis in the Living Scroll of Timeless Earth...
A Time when a New Age began.

Enter into The Realm of Wisdom.
Here, in The Living Scroll, will be recorded The Keys to The Kingdom.
As the Living Book unfolds
And doorways open, one by one,
That lead to the Kingdom of the Ancients.

Follow the trail of Mankind's Dream on the Journey Home

Whispering Prairiesage Offers Healing Balms (link coming soon)

The Mysteries

* I Am That I Am (Hebrew: Ehyeh asher Ehyeh) * The Waters * The Face of the Deep * The Dividing of the Waters * The Breath of Life * The Tree of Life * Flaming Sword and Seraphim * The Seven Thunders * He That Was, And Is and Is To Come * The Pillar of the Universe * The Winds of Thunder * Molding Man from Clay * Translation

Enter the First Mystery.

I Am That I Am
Ehyeh asher Ehyeh

A cloud rolled across the face of the Deep
Chanting in tones of Harmony
Perfect in symmetry
It's Essence Pure
One with the Tones of the Song
Being played by the Celestial Symphony.
The Cloud's Countenance radiated a pulsating light
That with each Wave emitted a musical note
Vibrations increased in speed with each Pulse of Light
Frequencies echoed far into the Darkness of the Void.