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Does this section really need an introduction? ...well, I guess not, but I will anyway... Just go by these (hopefully) simple-to-follow rules, and everyone stays happy, right? ^_^

  • 1. You can start a new character any time, but you'd better make a profile and send it in to be accepted by one of the GMs within a week.

  • 2. Godmoding is strictly banned. If anyone sees another character godmoding, report it to the GMs and it'll be dealt with. This includes the following:
    Killing another character without permission
    Using insanely powerful attacks
    Taking blow after blow without feeling any pain whatsoever
    Doing anything else that goes against these rules.

  • 3. Summaries of anything that happened to your character(s) must be posted on the Summary Board within 24 hours, or those things don't count and everyone has the right to ignore them. (Sometimes things happen, and there'll be exceptions, but if it gets to be a constant problem, the rule stands.)

  • 4. In addition, every time a new thread starts, write a mini-summary at the beginning of the thread. This is so someone else can join in the middle of posting, before the main summary is up. (Ex. 2 characters have been going for about 5 threads. Someone else wants to jump in. All that person would have to do is read the first post in each new thread and the lines in the newest thread to catch up.)

  • 5. Main character deaths are a pretty touchy subject, so if you're using a main character, don't kill him/her unless you plan on bringing him/her back to life. (It's not fair to deprive everyone of an important character just because you're sick of playing him/her.)

  • 6. Like rule #5, it is not fair to change a main characters personality, characteristics, likes, or dislikes. Characters that are supposed to be togehter, stay together, things they like to do, will always like to do, things they like to eat, etc.

  • 7. There's a 6-character per person limit for each person (except the GMs, who may have to take on additional villians to continue the plot). There are no longer any main character limits, other than the normal limit of 6.

  • 8. Each character can't have more than 8 special powers (not including transformations.) The exception is any power that mimics or steals another character's powers, which counts as 4 powers.

  • 9. No clones. Enough said.

  • 10. Try to stick to the storyline, no going off and creating a huge plotline that involves the destruction of the world, elimination of other characters, etc.

  • 11. I don't mean any offense, but some posts are nearly impossible to read. Spelling mistakes are ok, but try to use quotation marks and capitals for the names at least. Also, keep the bad language in the RPG at a minimum (an occasional "hell" or "damn" are ok, but nothing major, unless you plan on blanking it out or something.)

  • 12. Probably the most important rule: This is a game! It's supposed to be fun, so enjoy yourselves! ^_^

If anyone has problems, e-mail one of the GMs on the main page!
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