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Name: 6th
Age: 18
Birthday: March 5th, 1982
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Grade: Graduated! Yay!! ^_^
Fav. Food: Any kind of pasta ^_^
Least Fav. Food: Seafood...
Fav. School Sub: Sciences
Least Fav. School Sub.: English and History
Fav. Color/s: Blue and Green
Least Fav. Color: None
Fav. Senshi/s: Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus, in that order ^_^
Fav. SM episode: Naughty & Nice (Y'know, the one where Rubeus first battles Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi fight with the Black Moon Sisters...)*goes off to play his "She's Got the Power" mp3...*
Fav. SM Bad Guy: Prince Diamond
Hobbies: Watching anime, chatting on the computer, video games...y'know, nerd stuff! :>

Domo arigato! Ja ne! *waves* E-mail me! ^_^V


English Name: Kris
Japanese Name: Kurisu
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
Birthday: September 7, 1982
Lives: With a mom, dad and a sister (and my doggie ^_^)
Height: 5'7"
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: O+
Favorite Color(s): Blue and green
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire
Fav. Senshi/s: Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune
Fav. SM episode: Actually, I like the Super S movie, subbed ^_^
Fav. SM Bad Guy: Malachite and Sapphire (Yeah, so they're both cute =>)
Hobby: Drawing, computers, cooking, just plain having fun
Favorite Food: Ramen, Japanese fried rice, black olives.. almost anything..
Least Favorite Food: Squash, spinage(sp?)
Favorite Subject: Art, Geometry
Worst Subject: English(Spelling mostly)
Weaknesses: Stubborn, spelling
Strengths: Making people laugh, drawing
Goal: To be a cartoonist and/or fashion designer

Oh, a comment here? Uhm, peace, love, and bullet-proof marshmallows? ^_^;


Name: Kris (male) AKA K.K.
Age: 14 going on 30 j/k
Birthday: September 20th, 1985
Favorite Gemstone: Quarts.
Lives With: Mom, grandma, a yapping Chihuahua, and my cat Tamiqua.
Astrological Sign: Don't believe in astrology and I dunno I was a month early.
Grade: just began 9th grade with 10th grade math.
Fav. Food: Chinese but I dun have a favorite dish. (chef.)
Least Fav. Food: Italian... though I get sick of Mexican at times.
Fav. School Sub: Math.
Least Fav. School Sub: Science at times others it's grammar and SPELLING. (runs.)
Fav. Color/s: Hunter green and aquamarine. (Brings out my hair color.)
Least Fav. Color: BRIGHT ORANGE.
Fav. Senshi/s: Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto. All in that order.
Fav. SM episode: I gotta pick one?
Fav. SM Bad Guy: Wise Man.
Strengths: Math, Making others happy (humor), good leader I suppose. ^_^
Weaknesses: Spelling, Grammar, to concerned about others.
Hobbies: Writing, RPing, cooking (so sue me) acting, and fencing.
Goals: Be a great chef and support my family very well while being an expert at computer programming.
