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My Favorite Links

Go to these sites after you're done here. They are great sites and deserve credit. I'll be adding more (LOTS more) so stick around!

Sailor Moon Romance - a great website for fanfics. You'll always come away a happy reader.
Fushigi Kismet's Great Page - this is the home site of the best fanfic author ever. Her stories are so full of emotion and detail. Go there and read her stories! (Don't you luv shameless advertising? ^_^)
Crystal Senshi RPG - Great RPG where everyone is a crystal(Just kidding!) The GM is a really nice lady as well.
Prince Dariend's Palace - a great TM site where you can find an interview with the hunkiest guy in anime (well, one of them) and find a whole bunch more
Lianne's Page of Usako and Mamo-chan - A wonderful author's homepage. Go there and read her wonderful stories!

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