"Mary's Bath" Ten year old Mary stood in front of the man who had just moved in with her mother. "Now that Mummy's gone out to her card club and you're looking after me, can we do some stuff?" she asked him, twisting her hands on the front of her short skirt. Henry Gilroy looked up from his newspaper. He really didn't know the child very well, although he had seen her from time to time when she had arrived to pick up her mother, being looked after by a babysitter. He wasn't sure what she meant but thought he should go along with her. She was a cute kid - slender and graceful, with straight dark hair in a pageboy cut framing a pixieish face. "Sure, Mary, what would you like to do?" he asked, putting the paper down as the girl stepped closer. "Can we take a bath?" she asked, gazing right into his eyes. Henry was puzzled. "What do you mean, take a bath? If you want to have a bath, go ahead - but isn't it a little early for you to go to bed?" Mary shook her head. "No, I don't mean that, I mean can we both take a bath - I mean, together. At the same time." Henry looked the young girl up and down quickly. She was a pretty girl, he thought, but take a bath with her? What would her mother think? He noted the two little bumps in the top of her dress. She's starting to grow tits, he thought, and his cock lurched as he thought of seeing the girl naked if they were both in the bath. I wonder if she's got any hair on her cunny? he wondered, and he felt his cock began to thicken and grow. Henry had never thought much about young girls, but Mary was sure cute! She interrupted his thoughts. "Well? Can we?" "Um, I...er, I..dunno!" He said, confused. "Why do you want to take a bath with me? It'd be pretty crowded!" "That's okay," said Mary, "I always take baths with my daddies, and you're my Daddy now, aren't you?" Now Henry was really confused. "What do you mean?" he asked. It's easy," replied the girl. "Mummy likes me to get to know my daddy that's living with us, and she says having a bath together is a good way to get aquainted she calls it. I always do it, ever since I was little, when I was about four I think was my first daddy bath. So can we?" Henry wanted to find out a little of what she expected to happen during the "daddy bath". Now he was excited at the idea of being in the same tub with the young naked girl, and his cock was rigid and throbbing. "Well, I guess we can," he replied, "But we'll play a game. We'll call it Copycat. You have to do everything first and I'll copy you. That way you can be the leader, how about that?" Mary giggled. "Okay," she replied, "I'll take my clothes off." She took off shoes and socks, then pulled her dress over her head and stood in front of Henry wearing only a pair of thin white cotton underpants. Her cunny mound bulged out towards the man, and the tight underpants had slipped partway into the child's vertical slit. "Would you like to pull my underpants down?" she said, stepping up closer to him. "Some of my daddies like to. And sometimes they like to put their hands inside my underpants before they take them off." "Um, where do they put them?" asked Henry, staring at the child's barely covered cunny mound. "On my bum, and my cunny, of course!" replied the girl, as if it was a really stupid question. "They do me with their fingers. They put them inside my crack, and rub my button. It feels nice. I always like it when my daddies do me." Henry reached up and slipped his hand under the waistband of the child's underpants and felt her flat belly, sliding his hand down onto the rise of her cunny mound till his middle finger encountered the top of her hairless slit. "Mmm," murmured the fourth grader, pushing her hips forward at his hand and stepping her legs apart to make it easier for the man. His fingers barely touched her cunny as he slid them to the bottom of her crack and cupped the young hairless cunny mound, feeling the heat and her pulse. She pushed against him, pushing her smooth bulge against his hand and wiggling it around in his fingers. "Mmmm, your hand feels niiiiice!" she purred, wriggling her hips a little. "Take my underpants off now, you can do me better with them off." Henry withdrew his hand and slipped the child's underpants down and off, admiring her bulging mound and the keyhole-shaped slit between her fat lips. She stepped her legs apart again and looked down at herself. "I made my crack go open, so you can see inside it better," she said matter-of-factly, "My daddies mostly like it when I do that. Do you?" Henry nodded. He could see the deeper pink of the girl's inner sex parts, glistening with her juices. He fondled the child's vulva again, sliding his fingers up and down her slit, then sinking a finger into it and finding her small clitoris with a fingertip and gently tickling it while she watched him. "Mmm, you found my button right off, you do me nice, you're going to be a nice daddy!" she sighed, then opened her eys. "Come on, it's your turn to take your clothes off. I bet you got a big one, cause I saw it was getting big when I asked you to have a bath with me." Henry stood up and slipped off shirt and socks and pants, leaving him in just his underwear. "Do you want to take my underpants off?" he asked, looking down at her past the tent in his underpants. "Sure," chirped Mary, kneeling in front of him and reaching up with both hands. She pulled them out over his stiff erection and then down and off. His cock swayed out towards her and bobbed and jerked out and up from his body. "Yup, it's a nice big one," said Mary as she eyed Henry's stiff cock and the drop of pre-cum that appeared at the end of it. "I like it when my daddies have big ones, specially when they're all nice and hard. It means they like doin' stuff with me. It's boring just doin' stuff with Mummy because she hasn't got a thing to play with. I mean, it's kinda nice too and I like it when Mummy does me but I like it with my daddies better. Now let's go and have our bath." She got up and led the way into the bathroom and started the tub running. Henry had wondered about the size of the bathtub before, and the fact that the taps were at the side rather than at one end. Now he realized that this way they could both relax and face one another without one person having the taps in their back. Mary adjusted the temperature and they got in at either end of the tub. "Let's just relax for awhile before we start doin' stuff," she suggested and slid her foot along Henry's leg till it rested at the base of his cock. She gently touched the man's bag with her toes and moved his balls around in the water. Henry moved his foot up the child's inner thigh in response, and she lifted one leg and moved it off to the side to allow him access to her sex organs. "Mmm, feels nice!" she murmured while he stroked his toes across her cunny slit. "Just do that for awhile and I'll tell you about some of my other daddy baths if you like." She leaned back and slipped one hand into her cunny crack next to Henry's gently-moving big toe, and closed her eyes as she began her story. Henry noticed that she slipped back into the simpler speech of a younger child as she remembered her early experiences. Mary's story: Even when I was really little I remember liking taking baths. First it was my Mummy that would give me my bath. Mummy told me some of this because I was too little to remember but when she told me I sort of remembered a bit about what she was saying. She said that when she would change me, and when she would wash me, I used to like it when she washed me in my crack, and I would lie nice and still and open my legs really wide and let her wash me really well there. Mummy likes to touch herself in between her legs and she likes for other people to do it too so she knew that I liked it when I would lie like that. She says when I was really little and just learning to talk I used to say, "More" if she didn't do it enough! She says she used to like touching me there and playing with my crack, and she liked it that I wanted her to do it. She told me that even when she was really little herself she always liked doing it to herself, so she knew why I liked it. I remember she mostly used to be all naked herself and she would play with my crack with one hand and touch herself on her titties and in between her own legs with the other. She would lean over me and let her titties hang down over me and I would reach up and play with them, and she would let me suck on her titties too - I remember doing that even when I was really little but she didn't have any milk in them, she said she just liked the feeling when I sucked them. I liked doing it too - I still do, just like I like it when someone sucks on my little titty bumps - now they've started to grow they feel even nicer when I play with them or when someone sucks on them. And she used to lick my crack too, my cunny I call it now, but I used to call it other names - like my pee pee, or my trickle place cause the names my other daddies used to call it were sometimes different, and they used to like me to call it the names they liked. She would lick it all over and it sure felt good! She would put her finger in my hole while she was licking me, it felt good when she did it and she said it would get my hole nice and big so I could put things in it. I didn't know what she meant then, why I would want to put things in that funny hole in between my legs. I didn't know what it was for, back then. I knew about my bum hole of course but nothing ever came out of my other hole, just Mummy put her finger in it, and I put my finger in it too, when I found out how nice it felt. When she started she said my hole was really little, she couldn't even get her fingertip in it, but she showed me how to put my finger in it and mine went in better cause it was littler. And I liked doing it cause it felt good and the more I did it the more I could get my finger in and then Mummy could too and it just got bigger all the time. When my real Daddy went away I was only just two, Mummy says, and she was sad because she loved him. I don't know why he went. But after awhile my first other Daddy came to live with us, he was my Daddy John - I used to call him Daddy John. Mummy told me he used to help her feed me and I was just starting to go on the toilet instead of wearing a diaper and they used to ask me if I needed to go potty, they called it and if I said Yes whoever was there, Mummy or Daddy John would take me into the bathroom and help me take off my pants and I would pee. I remember they both used to like to watch me peeing, I would put my legs way way apart and they would kneel down between my legs and watch the pee come out. Mummy said she wanted to make sure I was doing it right and when I asked Daddy John if that was why he watched me he said he just liked to watch little girls peeing. So I thought watching people peeing was what everybody did. I thought I should watch Mummy peeing too and I told her I wanted to make sure she was doing it right and she laughed and said she had had lots of practice but she said it was okay for me to watch anyway. She would hold the halves of her cunny apart so the pee would come out right. She showed me she could make it stop and start and go fast and slow and I thought this was neat and so I tried it and then I showed Daddy John how I could do it and he said it was neat too. I remember the first time I saw my first cock - my DaddyJohn's cock - I called it a thing then, and for a long time after that, some of my daddies had other names for it just like they had for my cunny. I don't think I ever saw my real Daddy's thing, not that I remember. Anyways, this one day I saw Daddy John go into the bathroom and I thought, hey, I bet he's going to pee. Are you gonna pee? I asked him as I went into the bathroom too, and he looked over his shoul;der at me and said, Um, yeah, I am. I said Hey Daddy John, I want to watch you pee, can I? He asked me how come and I said I just do, so can I and he said Sure I guess so. I watched while he unzipped his pants and he took this thing out, I didn't know what it was, it was just something I'd never seen before, just a - a - thing! It was sort of soft and floppy like it was made of rubber and the end part was rounded and pink, but the part between the end and him had darker pinky skin, all wrinkled. I could see there was a hole in the end and he pointed it at the toilet and I got sort of beside the toilet where I could watch what he was going to do and I thought Gee, he's going to pee standing up! He held onto it and pointed it at the toilet and suddenly the pee started coming out of the hole in the end. Wow I said you can do it standing up! and you don't have to keep your legs apart like Mummy and me! He sort of laughed and looked at me watching him and I said Can I touch it? I don't know why I wanted to, I just did. Well, okay, he said, and I touched it with the end of my finger on the browny wrickly part. The skin was really soft, like silk, and I thought I could feel the pee going along it. He held it with one hand and I touched it with two fingers and then I touched the pinky end part and it moved, sort of jerked, a little bit. And then - it started to get bigger! It sort of got longer and thicker at the same time, and first it still pointed down towards the toilet and there was still pee coming out of the hole in the end, and then I could feel that underneath the soft browny skin it seemed to be something hard. I was scared! I thought there was something wrong with his thing that it was growing, because I never heard of part of anybody's body growing like that. Oh! I said, Daddy John, it's getting bigger! Why is it getting bigger? He laughed and said that it was because it liked me touching it, and he liked me doing it too. Then he took his hand off it and it started to lift up in the air all by itself and go even longer and thicker and straighter till it was pointing sort of out in front of him and up a little, not down any more. When it started to lift up the pee stopped coming out and I just looked at it sort of poking out like that and he said You can touch it some more if you want. So I did and when I touched it it sort of jumped a little and I giggled and he said that it felt nice when I did it. Then he asked me if I would like to take a bath with him, both of us together, and that was my first Daddy bath. We took our clothes off and I kept looking at his funny thing sticking out, all hard, and there was a funny baggy thing underneath it with round things inside it and he let me lift it up and feel it, how heavy it was, and I had to use both hands because they were so big, his balls I mean. We got into the bathtub and he sat at one end and I sat at the other and we played Tickle Toes where we took turns tickling each other with our toes. He tickled me in between my legs and it felt all funny when he did it, and I tickled his big sticking-up thing with my toes and made his bag move around in the warm water. Then he said we should get washed and that we would wash each other and he did me first and it felt nice when he washed me in between my legs and I put a leg up on the side of the bathtub and let him get in between my cunny parts with his nice big fingers. Then it was my turn and I washed him all over and when I came to wash his thing he said to do a really good job and take lots of time. So I got lots of soap on my hands and he sort of knelt up in front of me so his thing was right in front of my face and it was really slippery! I used both hands and I couldn't get my hands around it because it was so big and he told me that a really good way of washing it was to slip-slide my hands both together up and down along the long part, back and forth, back and forth. I tried it and he said I was doing it right and he sort of pushed himself forward and back a little, to help me I guess. I thought it was neat the way the big purply-red end part kept poking out from in between my hands, right towards my face and the hole in the end would sort of wink at me. I can remember really well because it was the first time I ever did it with anybody. He told me to make my hands go a little faster and he said I was doing a good job and his voice got kinda funny like he was getting out of breath or something. I was watching the hole in the end of his thing and suddenly a big bunch of white stuff shot right out of it and hit me right in the face, right beside my nose! I was so surprised i jerked back a little and let go his thing! But he grabbed it and started washing it himself like I had, making his hand go back and forth really fast, and just when I was opening my mouth to ask him what that white stuff was, another big bunch squirted out at me and this time it went right into my mouth! It was all warm and thick and gloopy, like custard, and I sort of swallowed it automatically, without even thinking about it. It tasted nice! He said I was a good girl to swallow it and I opened my mouth again and leaned forward and stuck my tongue out to see if I could get some more and he kept washing his thing and the stuff kept squirting out of the hole in the end and into my mouth and this time I let more of it fill up in my mouth so I could taste it better and it sure tasted good! Then it wasn't coming out as far and I had to get really close to his thing and I put my tongue underneath the big bulgy end and let the stuff sort of drool onto my tongue and slide back along it into my mouth. I tickled his thing with my tongue! Then when there wasn't any more stuff coming out I made it go squimp squimp around in my mouth so I could taste it good, and then I swallowed it. He told me I did a good job washing his thing and an even better job at catching the stuff that came out of it. He told me it was a special cream that his thing made when it was happy and that it was good for little girls to drink all they could get because it made them grow up into pretty ladies. He said I could have a drink of it any time I wanted to and I told him that I really liked it and I would drink it lots. He slooshed off the soap and his thing was drooping a little and getting a little smaller now and I asked him why and he said that after his thing got all happy and made the happy cream come out, it needed a little rest so it would lie down. There was a little dribble of stuff coming out the end hole and I asked hm if I could have it and he said Sure, just take it it your mouth and suck the stuff out of it, so I did. His thing felt all nice and warmy-hot in my mouth and I thought I should wash it some more so I used my tongue to wash all over it while it was in my mouth and while I was doing this it started to get big again! I took it out of my mouth and said Oh Daddy John, it's getting big again, is it going to get all happy and make the happy cream? I don't know he said, it might if you give it a nice suck like that, just pretend it's a nice big lollipop and see how much you can get in your mouth. So I put it back i and pretended it was a lollipop but I never had one that grew when I was sucking on it before! It got all hard again and so big I could hardly get even the end part in my mouth and he said to just use my tongue and lick around the end while I sucked on it. He helped me by holding onto it and washing the part that wasn't in my mouth, back and forth like before, and soon he said the happy cream was going to come out and I could feel his thing going jerk jerk jerk and then it went squirt squirt squirt, right into my mouth! I kept sucking and licking and he kept washing it and when it had stopped squirting I swallowed it all down again and licked the end off again. He said it needed a longer rest this time so we got out of the bath and got dry. And that was my first Daddy bath! Henry was stroking his rigid erection while the young girl told her story. "I can do that for you if you like," she offered. "I think we've had a long enough bath," replied Henry. "How about if we get all dried off and then we can go and cuddle on my big bed and you can tell me some more stuff you like to do with your daddies." "Oh yeah, I love cuddling with my daddies," exclaimed Mary. They lay on the big bed and Henry slipped a finger into the young girl's hairless slit and gently masturbated her, while she cuddled his big balls, and stroked his lengthening cock from time to time. "So, what other stuff did you do?" he asked her. Mary giggled. "Oh, all sorts of stuff," she replied. My Daddy John used to put his finger in my cunny hole like Mummy did and made it go in and out, back and forth. It felt so nice when he did it! He would put one finger up inside me and do me there while he did me on my button with the other hand. And he used to lick me on my crack too, just like Mummy did, and he used to help me put things in my hole to make it feel nice and make my hole get bigger, like carrots and zucchinis. Now I can put a cucumber in my hole! "Mummy used to come home from work and get into bed with me and my Daddy John and we would all do stuff together, like I would feel her titties and suck on them while Daddy John put his finger in my hole. Mummy has such a nice big cunny hole, doesn't she! She showed me how to put my fingers inside it and then she said I could put my whole hand inside her and do her with my hand, so I did! She was all warm around my hand and I would put my arm up inside Mummy and see how far I could put it in and feel around inside her with my fingers. She said it felt nice when my arm was up inside her hole as far as it would go and I was making my fingers wave around at the end of her hole. I can get it in her right up to my elbow, even now. "Daddy John bought me some special underpants that had a hole in the shape of a heart cut out right over my crack and I used to like to wear them. He would ask me if I had my "hearts" on and I would say Guess and he would guess and then he would put his hand up under my skirt and in between my legs and see if he had guessed right. When I had my "hearts" on he could feel me really nice, touch my bare crack and everything, and I would put my legs apart and let him do me with his fingers, right there. He would put one finger in my hole and make it wiggle up inside me and he would rub my button with his thumb at the same time. "I would ask him if his thing was happy and he would say Why don't you see if it is? So I would undo his pants and reach inside and take out his thing and usually it was all happy and big and long and hard already but sometimes it wasn't really happy because it was only partly big and a little droopy specially if he hadn't touched me much so I would play with it and tease it and say Come on Mr Thing! Get happy for Mary, don't be all sad and droopy, stand up nice and straight and show me how big you can get! And I would pretend it was a special little animal and hold my one hand underneath it and cuddle it. I would use my other hand to stroke its head like it was a hamster or a little kitten, just pet it and stroke its head with my hand, just touching my fingers lightly on the top, stroking it towards his pants. That used to make it get nice and hard, and sometimes it got so happy that the happy cream would come out right then! I could usually tell when the happy cream was going to come out because his thing would start jumping a little and jerking up and down. " "What did you do when the happy cream came out?" asked the little girl's new daddy as he gently rubbed her smooth cunny slit and tickeld her clitty. Mary giggled. "Oh, lots of things!" she replied. "When it would come out all of a sudden like I was just saying, I would try and catch it so it wouldn't make a big mess cause Daddy John used to make a lot of it. I would get down in front of him and hold my mouth right in front of his thing and open my mouth really wide and stick my tongue out. Daddy John used to say I was putting out the red carpet for the happy cream. I would keep one hand underneath his thing and keep stroking the head like I had been with the other, and keep watching the hole in the end part and it felt all nice going jerk jerk and then it would go JERK JERK a real bunch and a big splootch of stuff would come squooshing out of the hole and squirt right in my mouth! Then it would go JERK again and another one and JERK and another one would come out and I would keept rubbing it and he would say Oh yeah, that's my good little girl, drink all your daddy's happy cream! And sometimes he would help me make more come out by holding onto his thing himself and making his hand go back and forth on it. And sometimes I would lie down with my legs all apart and he would play Hit the Target and squirt his stuff right on my cunny hole and then he could put his finger up inside and his stuff made it all slippy in my hole and he could get his finger in better and make it go in nice and far and wiglge it around up inside me. I liked it when he did that. Sometimes he would hold his thing right up against my hole so he couldn't miss the target and then most of his stuff would go into my hole. Mummy used to help him make the happy cream come out, she would hold it so the end part was right against my hole and I would hold my hole open nice and wide so the end part would go in a little bit and she would move her hand back and forth on his thing and make it squirt inside my hole. I would play with her titties while she did it and sometimes she would get over top of me with her cunny right over my mouth so I could lick her cunny for her while she was helping my daddy John's thing make the happy cream go in my hole. Daddy John used to take pictures of us doing stuff together. He said it was for a special family album. And he used to show them to his friends, too, I know because when they would come over sometimes they would say I was even prettier than in the pictures. and then Daddy John would say for me to show the nice man how pretty my underpants were, so I would lift up my dress and let him see them. They always liked it when I had my "hearts" on because they said I had a nice cunny. They would ask me to show them how wide open I could make my hole go, and I would get my legs all wide apart - like this - and hold myself in between my legs and hold my hole open and they would look real close to see how big my hole was. Then they would ask me to show them what things I could put into my hole and I would show them how I put a carrot or a zucchini up inside me and I would make it go in and out and they would help me do it. "Did you ever do things with other big men?" asked Harry. Mary nodded. "Oh yes," she said confidently. "When I was just little Mummy used to take me to see the doctor, well not the doctor I had when I was little, this was a new one and I think I was about two, because I remember my Daddy John had just moved in with us and I had seen his thing get big and the stuff come out of it. I remember the first time I went to the new doctor. Mummy was with me and she said she wanted him to give me a good checkup and that she would stay and help. He listened to my chest and stuff and then Mummy said she wanted him to have a good look at my vagina - I didn't know what it was till he started looking at it because I always called it a pee place, anyway he said to lie with my legs apart and I said oh goody! and he asked her what I meant and she said that I liked to be touched there. He didn't say anything for a minute and Mummy touched me on my button and rubbed it a little and said See, right here and he said I see and started doing it himself and it felt nice when he did it, his fingers were gentle and I started to have the good feeling and he asked me if I did it to myself and I said sure! and he asked me to show him how I liked to do it, so he could make sure that I was doing it right. So I showed him how I liked to do myself and he watched real close and after I got the good feeling he said my hole was all slippy and he put his finger in it andI told him it felt good when he did that. Mummy said she had heard from one of her friends that he had a special measuring instrument for measuring how big little girls holes were and he asked her Where did you hear that? and she said Carol Hunter told me you measured her daughter Katie and he said Oh, yes, well, if you want to do the same as I did with Katie I guess that would be all right. So he took off his pants and his underpants and his thing was all sticking out just like my Daddy John's had been! He moved me down to the edge of the table and got in between my legs and down in between my legs was right at the same level as his thing. And guess what! The special measuring instrument was his thing! Now Mummy said the nice doctor is going to measure how big your hole is and I am going to help him do it, and I asked How is he going to do that? and she said You are going to hold your legs way open and hold your hole open as wide as you can and he is going to put his thing against your hole and see how big it is. If it is big enough to get his thing inside it then he can do that but I don't think it will be. First he rubbed it all around on me in between my legs and he said I could hold onto it and make it touch me whereever I wanted it to so I rubbed it all inside my crack and over my button and it felt good when I did that so I made it rub against my button till I felt all good again and then, well, we tried measureing my hole but it was too big to go in, even a little but Mummy said maybe it needs something to make it slippery, doctor, and he said well maybe you're right and he held his thing against the opening of my hole and Mummy made her hand go back and forth on it and she made the white creamy stuff come out and it went right up inside my hole, then we tried it again to see if it would go in me when my hole was all slippy with his stuff but it still wouldn't even when his thing got soft and littler. But after that we would go to the doctor a lot and he would always measure my hole with his special measuring thing and try and see if the special cream would help.I told him I liked it when Daddy John and Mummy and me would do things and he liked me telling him all about the things we did. After he made his stuff go in my hole Mummy would lick it off me and lick my hole too and put her tongue up inside it and the doctor would watch her. He said he had to make sure she did it right but I knew she would because she always licked me nicely there. I told the doctor that I knew that the cream was very good for little girls and showed him that I knew how to make it come out in my mouth by sucking on his thing. He said that the cream was full of special vitamins and after that first time he always gave me a special drink of it so I would grow up big and pretty." "And that's why I like doing stuff - because it's so much fun. Would you like me to tell you more?