Copyright © 1997, Little Love. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted through Story Code: The story of how my daughter and I grew very close after the death of my wife Cocktail by LittleLove Copyright 1997 The day my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life. One week later all of my joy turned to sorrow when my wife was killed in an auto accident on the way to the doctor. She was crossing an intersection when a car hit her from the side. She never even knew what happened. The car hit the driver's side and she was killed instantly. Maybe that was for the best because at least she didn't suffer. The driver of the other car simply didn't see the light change. One moment of inattentiveness cost the life of the women I loved. I was devastated. With a good job, a beautiful daughter, and the rest of our lives ahead of us, it was suddenly all gone. I was numb for months. Fortunately my boss was very understanding. With a newborn at home and my wife gone my work hours were strange to say the least. Eventually he agreed to set up all of the necessary equipment for me to work from home. With a powerful computer and a fast network connection I was able to develop software at home during the hours that I wasn't caring for my baby. My productivity actually increased and my boss agreed that this was a good permanent solution for me. This way I could be with my little girl and still have my career. Little Samantha was rapidly becoming my life. Here was the only real connection to my wife. Together we had produced this precious and beautiful child and now it was a living link to the woman I loved.

Being at home with the baby almost all of the time made it difficult to maintain contact with my friends and coworkers. By the end of the first month at home my contact with them was limited to email and chat room conversations. Somehow with as much as I had to do to keep up work and the baby it seemed very natural that I not have much contact with others. I suppose this is how it all started. Two months after the accident I was reading email from a good friend who asked if I was lonely. It suddenly occurred to me that I had not even thought about sex in the last two months. With the shock of the accident and the ever present needs of a baby girl I simply had not had time to listen to my body. While Sam was sleeping quietly in the crib that I kept in the computer room, I started thinking about the last time I had made love to my wife. Trying to block out the pain of her passing I remembered what a wonderful sexual relationship we shared. She was always willing to experiment with new things and showed both creativity and skill in our love making. Voraciously oral after being introduced to that pleasure, there was nothing she loved better than swallowing my warm seed. One playful evening after we had been eating watermelon, one thing led to another and we ended up naked on the floor of the living room. As we started to make love she squealed and said that we had to stop for a minute so that she could pee. Since she was already really juicy I told her to not bother wiping afterwards. Still feeling playful I followed my wife into the bathroom and watched as she took a very satisfying piss. Feeling a little kinky she said that would feel better if she could wipe. Cocking an eyebrow she wondered if we could think up a way to clean herself off that wouldn't dry her wonderful juices. I told her to stand up and lean back a little. I then proceeded to lick her clean. Although a little pungent I found both the taste and the aroma of her piss very arousing. By that time my hard-on was throbbing so hard I was getting dizzy from lack of blood! I picked my wife up, threw her onto the bed, and practically raped her. Surprised at how turned on I had gotten we talked a little bit about what had happened. We agreed that it might be interesting to try out some water sports. I told her that now might be a good time to think about starting since I was starting to get excited again and the watermelon had already run through me as well. Hearing this she jumped up and headed back to the bathroom. Once there she stepped into the tub, sat down, and said "OK, loverboy, piss on me!" By that time I really had to go but I also had a first-class hard-on. I stood next to the tub and concentrated on relaxing enough to pee. At first just a dribble came out but that was quickly followed by a fountain of piss that showered down all over her body. Suddenly she leaned over and put her mouth just above my penis. There was no way I could stop peeing at that point so I just watched as my urine shot straight up into her mouth and back out. I could see that she was actually swallowing some of it! By the time I was done peeing I was ready to take her again. Instead she just popped my erection into her mouth and started pumping away. I must have lasted all of ten strokes before I was shooting an enormous load into her mouth. She swallowed all of it before looking up and giving me a big grin. "Nice!", she said. "Piss and cum mix very well!". I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! From that day on she took every opportunity to mix her special cocktail. We bought a special container that we kept in the master bathroom just for piss. We never used the toilet when we were home, instead we both peed into the container. In the evenings or on weekends she would have me masturbate into the container. She then proceeded to drink down her favorite beverage. She claimed that it was good for her skin. Who was I to argue. I thought she never looked better! I think that the kinkiest thing we did happened one weekend. I had just taken my first piss of the day into our clean bucket (we always started each day with the container cleaned) when my wife jumped me. We made passionate love and I ended up dumping my load in her pussy. After a bit of cuddling she got up with a funny look in her eyes and headed for the bathroom. Curious what she had in mind I followed her. She grabbed the contained and put it on the ground. Squatting over it she opened her pussy lips with her fingers and let my cum dribble directly from her cunt into the bucket. When she was done she picked up the bucket, swirled around the mixture of juices, and smiling proceeded to drink the whole thing. When she was done she daintily wiped her mouth and said, "It's always best when both are warm.." As I remembered these things I found that I had gotten an enormous hard-on. Realizing that this was the first time that I had an erection in months I decided to do something about it. Making sure Sam was still asleep I took off my shorts and underwear. Since I did not want to make a mess I went and got a towel. Leaning back in my chair I continued to remember all of the kinky things that my wife and I had done. Before I knew what was happening I had a tremendous orgasm. I thanked forethought for saving a mess and used the towel to clean up. Just then Sam made a sound and rolled over from her side to her back. Going over to her crib I looked down at that pristine smile and loved her all the more knowing that she had been the product of some wild and wonderful love-making session with my wife. Feeling something I looked down and saw that there was a large drop of cum oozing from the end of my penis. Reaching back to grab the towel I stopped. A crazy though had entered my head. Maybe it was being alone for so long with only a baby. Maybe it was that I missed my wife so much and all of the wonderful things we used to do. I'm still not sure why I did it but I used my finger to scoop up the blob of sperm and I put it onto Sam's lips. I'll never forget how she licked her lips in her sleep and the cum disappeared into her mouth. Suddenly I was raging hard again. Not really understanding what I was doing I reached for one of Sam's bottles. In just a few strokes I was cumming with ferocious intensity into the bottle. I put it down and then cleaned up with the towel. I went to the kitchen and mixed some formula into the bottle containing my seed. I set this down next to Sam's crib and waited. It was another 40 minutes before Sam realized that she was done sleeping. Her cries roused me from my own dozing and I went over to her crib. As soon as she saw me she stopped crying and smiled. I picked her up and cuddled her to me. Sensing that she was fidgety I set her down and checked her diaper. Since it was dry I assumed that she was hungry. Grabbing my special bottle of formula I went into the kitchen and used the microwave to warm the bottle. Sam knew what was coming and was very excited. I checked to make sure the mixture wasn't too hot and then gently placed the bottle at her lips. Suddenly presented with food Sam started to suckle strongly. With just a twinge of guilt I watched as she drank the whole bottle, seed and all. I felt weak. I was confused by what I had done but very turned on. I decided to watch Sam very carefully to make sure that she was not going to be adversely effected by her new formula mix. I fed her only the normal mix for the rest of that day and watched closely for any signs of discomfort on her part. When she had gone for nearly 48 hours without showing any indication that my new formula mix had caused her problems I decided to try again. This time I only mixed half a bottle of formula to my one load. The liquid was noticeably thicker. When I gave it to Sam she didn't seem to mind or even notice any difference in her food. She very happily sucked each bottle down to nothing. This became a regular part of my daily routine. At least once a day I would mix a bottle of my special cocktail for Sam. As the weeks went by I would mix in less and less of the formula until one day I decided to try something different. Sam was at the point where she was able to roll herself over and sort of scoot herself around. I put her down on the ground and then removed my pants and underwear. Already very excited at the thought of what I was about to do I grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and went back to keep an eye on Sam. She seemed perfectly content to sit on the ground and wobble. Watching her I slowly stroked myself to an orgasm. Catching almost all of my cum in the bowl I cleaned up a bit and then sat down next to Sam. Excited at having someone to play with Sam giggled and scooted over to me. I picked her up and sat her down on the floor between my legs. Reaching for the bowl and the spoon I had brought along just for this purpose I scooped up a bit of my sperm and brought it to Sam's mouth. Not thinking that this was anything unusual Sam opened up and I popped the spoon right in. Since the flavor was familiar to her (if a bit stronger) she just swallowed it down without a problem. My heart was pounding as I scooped up all of my sperm and fed it to my lovely daughter while sitting there on the floor. Once I was finished I leaned over to place the bowl and spoon on a table. As I was leaning Sam lost her balance and sort of plopped down on all fours. This put her face at eye level with my crotch. Being distracted by my attempt to put the bowl on the table I was therefor very surprised to feel something warm and wet on my penis. Sam had done what all babies do when confronted with something new. She had put my penis into her mouth! Well, ok, not the whole thing. At 6" (while hard) I wasn't huge but there was no way that any part of my little friend could fit into Sam's mouth. She was sort of sucking on the side just below the head. I just sat there watching her explore for a few minutes when I had an idea. As my daughter played with my penis I started to grow hard again. She continued to grab and suck on the side of my erection as it grew to full size. I sat her up again and then knelt in front of her bringing the end of my penis to her mouth. She reached out with her little hands and brought the end to her lips and began to suck and nibble. Not having any teeth there was certainly no discomfort on my part. As she drooled all over the end of my dick I was slowly stroking myself towards an orgasm. Since I had only cum about 10 minutes ago I didn't think I would have too large of a load. Being as excited as I was it only took me a few minutes to build to my climax. With a quiet moan I released my load into my daughter's mouth directly. Suddenly confronted with what she thought of as food Sam began to suckle as best she could. What she was unable to swallow ended up dripping out of her mouth and collecting on her chin. After my final squirt I gently pulled the tip of my penis away from Sam's mouth and rested back on my heels to look at my daughter. She seemed confused at the sudden lack of something to play with and sort of just stared at me. Realizing the enormity of what I had just done I came to a final decision. Standing up quickly I went into the next room and got my digital camera. When I returned to Sam she was still sitting with cum dripping off of her chin. She seemed to have just discovered this and had started to play with it. Now there were streamers of cum between her chin and her little hands. I started to take some pictures as she seemed to realize that what she was playing with was also good to eat. She then proceeded to stuff as much of the gooey material into her mouth as she could. Once done she looked up at me with a precious smile, cum still lightly coating her face and hands. I snapped a few more shots and then took a warm wash cloth and cleaned her up. From that day on things started changing. Instead of putting Sam into her crib at night I made sure that she slept with me. It became normal practice for me to feed Sam a fresh load both in the evening and first thing in the morning. To her it seemed a perfectly normal thing to suck down the biggest load I could give her. My collection of pictures which started on that first occasion also began to grow. I would put Sam on the bed and then masturbate over her body. She would end up completely showered with my cum which I thought made a wonderful picture. I also decided at that point to start documenting her body. At first I would simply snap a few shots of her lying naked on the bed. Then I began exploring her little cunny. With her on her back I would spread her legs wide and take close-ups. Using my finger I would very gently spread her tiny cunt lips to expose both her tiny hole and the little bump of her clitty. It was during one of these photo sessions when I got curious and decided to taste my daughter's pussy. While she giggled and cooed I gently ran my tongue over her slit and clitty. She seemed to enjoy this a great deal so I continued doing this for awhile. Suddenly I was rewarded with a stream of fresh little girl piss in my mouth. Although surprised I found that I enjoyed it a great deal. Drinking as much as I could I then proceeded to lick her clean. Suddenly I realized something. Picking Sam up and putting her on a clean blanket on the floor I went to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out the container that my wife and I had used to hold our piss. I thoroughly cleaned and dried it and then went back to the room where my daughter was playing. As she scooted around the room I took a piss into the container. Taking one of her bottles I poured some of the warm golden fluid inside. I put the cap onto the bottle and then picked up my daughter. She fidgeted for a moment until I brought the bottle to her lips. She latched onto the nipple and started to suckle. Without any hesitation she emptied the bottle. I was elated! Here was my little daughter drinking my piss like apple juice. I made up my first cocktail that night. It was a great success. Sam seemed to genuinely enjoy the mix of my cum with my piss. I discovered that this was only true when both were fresh and warm, however, so I always made sure that she got the freshest combination I could provide. She was growing quickly and developing her motor skills very rapidly. She said her first word at 7 months which I am proud to say was "Dada". As she learned to crawl and then to walk holding onto various objects I continue feeding her a regular mix of both cocktails and my sperm direct from the source. I also continued to lick her cute little pussy on a regular basis. When she was 18 months old I talked with my boss and told him that I wanted to move out of the suburbs where I was living to a more natural setting. My excuse was that I wanted my daughter to grow up with more space. He agreed since I rarely came into the office anyway and the net connection was sufficiently fast to allow my work to continue. I began looking and found a property on over 30 acres of land. Most of it was forest land and the house was very secluded. Sam and I moved there and quickly settled in. Since it was summer and we were so secluded I decided that there was no reason for either of us to wear clothing. The yard was a beautiful 3/4 acre of green grass that was surrounded by a chain fence. The former owners had two large dogs which needed roaming space and confinement. It was perfect for us. Sam loved to explore the yard and I made sure that there was nothing around which could hurt her. She had just turned two and was developing quite a vocabulary when she first asked for her snack on her own. Since we were always naked she could see me making up her cocktails and, of course, she would still take my load directly once or twice a day. By this age she was well into solid food but she still had a special bottle at least once a day, normally during dinner. I was sitting on the front porch watching her run around the yard when she came over and asked if she could have a snack. Thinking that she wanted some crackers I started to get up. She looked a bit confused and again asked for a snack. This time, however, she reached out and grabbed my penis. Suddenly understanding what she wanted I sat back down. She stood between my legs and put my penis into her mouth. Up to that point I had always been the one to stroke myself to an orgasm. This time, however, I told her that if she wanted a snack she needed to know how make one for herself. I took her little hands and showed her how to slowly rub up and down on my cock. Just the thought of what was happening took me to the edge and with the help of her hands I had a very powerful orgasm in just a few minutes. She had grown very adept at sucking down every drop and, as usual, nothing spilled out of her mouth. When I had finished my orgasm and she had finished swallowing she turned around and started back to play in the yard. I asked her what she should say and she turned around and said "Thank you" before continuing back to the yard. From then on I would only provide her snack when she wanted it. She would normally approach me at least twice a day for a treat. At one point she asked if she could mix her treat with her food at dinner. Not being one to criticize another persons culinary desires I stood up and masturbated onto her plate of noodles for her. She very happily (and messily) slurped up both the noodles and my cum. 'Cum noodles' became one of her favorite foods to eat, and one of my favorite foods to prepare. I continued the tradition of taking pictures of her on a regular basis. She was old enough to help on her own and knew that when she saw me with the camera she should pose for me. It was nothing for her to plop down on the grass, spread her legs wide, and hold open her little cunt lips open for me. She would pee into the air or allow me to cum in her mouth at a moments notice. I loved the shots of her with her mouth wide open and full of a fresh load of my cum. One day I decided to start experimenting with something new. Since I was still licking her little slit on a regular basis (and still occasionally drinking her piss) I knew that her little hole was very small and tight. Since I would never think of causing my little girl any pain I decided to find out if she could put anything into her little pussy herself. While taking pictures in the house I had her lay on her back with her legs spread. I put a little vaseline around her hole and on the little finger of her left hand. I placed the fingertip at the entrance to her little vagina and told her to see if she could make her finger disappear. Seeming a bit confused at first I helped her out a bit my gently putting pressure on her finger and watching the tip slip into her hole. She suddenly understood and began trying to put her finger in on her own. I started snapping away while she sat up and watched as part of her finger disappeared into her body. She seemed fascinated by this. For at least ten minutes she would pull her finger out and push it back in to about the second knuckle of her pinkie, watching how it would disappear into her cunt. For my part I was incredibly excited and asked Sam if she wanted a snack. Coming back to reality for a minute she nodded yes and I popped the end of my penis into her mouth. I let loose my load within minutes and sat back and watched as she went back to playing her new game. She remained fascinated with her ability to make her fingers disappear. I encouraged her to play her game as often as she wanted and even kept the vaseline jar open so that she could take a swipe whenever she wanted to. I told her that it might be fun for her to try different fingers and within a few weeks she could put any of her fingers (including her thumb) all the way into her vagina. At this point I introduced her to placing other objects into her pussy. I made it very clear that she was only to use things which I provided and that she must always wash them with soap and water before using them. One day I called her into another room where I was working. When she ran in I noticed something between her legs. When I asked her what it was she looked down and said it was one of her toys. She then proceeded to lay on the ground and spread her legs showing me the smooth dowel that I had given her firmly embedded in her cunt. She had apparently been playing with it and had not bothered to take it out when I called her into the room. I made this a new game for her. That she should walk around as often as possible with something sticking out of her cunt. I showed her how important it was that before she start to walk around the object be pushed in as deeply as was comfortable to prevent it from coming out. She thought this was a fun idea and took it very seriously always keeping something inside and showing me often. I would praise her when she showed me and playfully pull them out so that I could watch her put them back inside. I was slowly increasing the diameter of her play things. By the time she was 3 1/2 years old she was able to put a small dildo inside and walk around with it for hours. I changed the rules a bit by introducing her to anal penetration. Using the same method as before I got her into walking around with things inside both her pussy and ass. I always made sure that she never swapped the two. But it wasn't an issue since the dowel in her ass was initially so much smaller than what she could put into her pussy. By this time we were also getting into potty training. When she had to poo we would bring her to the bathroom and use a small child's toilet. But when she had to pee we made it a special occasion. I had bought a special basin which she would squat over to pee. When she was done we would pour the frothy liquid into her special pee glass and then she would drink it while it was still warm. She understood that this was a special drink that only she could produce. It was also at this time that I started making sure that she understood that my cum was a special drink that only I could produce. And that it was something that could only be shared between a father and a daughter. When Sam was five I went to our local authorities and petitioned for the right to school her at home. There was no problem with doing this with the understanding that once each year Sam would undergo some standardized tests to make sure that she was making adequate progress. I obtained as much documentation as possible about the required studies of a kindergarten through second-grader and prepared to start Sam's more formal education. Since so much of our life was a game to Sam I decided to continue to use this approach for her academics. This proved very effective and she began quickly mastering the alphabet, numbers, tying her shoes, and all of the other very important skills normally required of a 5-year-old. Since it helped to have a routine for learning we would begin the day by having lessons and games which helped her develop skills. I would create lessons for her to work on while I would be working and she would come and ask questions about things as she needed help. I found that Sam's mind was very quick and that she seemed to enjoy a slightly more formalized approach to learning. I also noticed that she seemed surprisingly focused for so young a child. Since we were evolving into a routine around learning I decided to include some new skill sets that she could work on developing. By this time it was normal for her to wander around for most of the day with a 5" dildo in her vagina and a 3" dildo in her ass. I told her that it was important that she learn how to avoid relying on things like vaseline. Using the excuse that it was better to avoid artificial materials whenever possible I suggested that she always use her own saliva or urine to lubricate her toys when she put them in. I emphasized that for her pussy she could use either liquid but for her anal toys she could only use piss. I didn't want her to be licking anything that had been in her ass. After that I would often see her pull the dildo out of her vagina and put it in her mouth to make it wetter. At this time I also went out and bought a series of dildos which started at about the same size as the one she was using and got gradually longer and wider. I showed her the collection of dildos and assigned her the task of learning gradually how to make them fit inside of her. I told her that it was up to her how quickly she progressed and that the most important thing about it was that she never be uncomfortable. Once I had explained her assignment she asked when she should start. I told her that she could begin anytime that she was ready. At that she sat down and slipped the dildo out of her pussy. Grabbing the next larger instrument she coated it with her saliva and started trying to slip it in. I told her that I was very proud to see her learning such important things and then left her to work on her own. By the end of three months Sam had progressed very quickly in her studies. She was already beyond what the normal kindergarten curriculum actually required of students and was moving into the first grade material. She had also gotten to the point that she could easily insert the largest of the dildos into her pussy. I remember the first time that she was able to do it. I heard a scream of joy and then she ran into my office yelling "I did it, Daddy! Look!" She then dropped to the ground, spread her legs, and pointed at her crotch. Neatly embedded in her little cunt was a 6 1/2" dildo. I praised her and once again told her how proud I was of her progress. I asked her whether or not she was comfortable with her new toy inside of her. She said that she felt a little full and stretched but it wasn't too bad. I told her that now it was important to become very comfortable with this size toy. She was to be able to pop it in and out without feeling any discomfort. She promised to try very hard and I picked her up and hugged her. I told her that since she had been working and studying so hard that we needed to take a break. I suggested that we go for a walk in the woods together and she thought that was a great idea. Since we weren't sure who might be in the woods we decided to get dressed before leaving. It was a beautiful day out with just a mild breeze. The sunlight dappled the forest floor which was soft to walk on because of all of the leaves which fell from the trees throughout the years. We walked for about half an hour before Sam announced that she was very thirsty and that she had to pee. When she realized that we didn't have her special container for her to pee in she became upset. She didn't want to waste any of her pee because she felt it was too special. I told her that if you had to waste it every now and then because of very special circumstances that it was ok. I suggested that she just lift up her dress (she never wore panties) and pee wherever she wanted to. Looking around she found a nice spot a few feet off of the trail that we had been following. She bunched her dress around her waist, squatted down, and let loose with a lovely stream of piss. When she was done she announced that she was still very thirsty. I told her that I also had to pee and that we could solve both problems at once. I told her to kneel down in front of me and to take out my penis. Once she had done this I had her cover the tip of my dick with her mouth. I then told her that I would piss very slowly so that she could swallow when she needed to. I gently relaxed and slowly dribbled my urine into her mouth. I would stop whenever I felt her swallow and then continued until I was done. She licked my penis and then put it away for me. Standing up she smiled beautifully and said that she wasn't thirsty anymore. With that she ran away shouting "Can't catch me, can't catch me!". I took off after her and we spent a lovely afternoon exploring the woods. Later that week I asked how she was doing with her toy. She told me that she was very comfortable walking around with it and that it didn't feel very tight anymore. I asked her to show me and she came over and laid down on the floor in front of me. The dildo was nicely placed inside of her pussy. I asked if she could move it at all and she grabbed the end and started to slide it in and out. I told her I was very excited about it and asked if she was ready to try a new game. She asked what type of game and I told her that she was ready to do something very special with her Daddy. I told her to take the dildo out of her pussy and to follow me to our bedroom. Once there I told her that we were going to try using my penis like one of her toys. I had her lie back on the bed with her legs spread. I spent about five minutes licking her little cunt and getting it nice and wet. I then had her sit up and lick and suck my penis until it was both hard and wet. Then I laid on my back with my penis sticking straight up. I told her that she should try putting my dick into her pussy by slowly sitting down on it. She smiled and told me that it should be easy since her latest toy was bigger than my penis. With that she crawled onto the bed with me. She stood up and put one leg on either side of my hips. She squatted down and grabbed my penis. Placing the head of my dick against her wet opening she slowly lowered herself. I groaned as I watched inch by inch of my penis disappear into her pussy. I was in heaven. I hadn't been inside a woman in over five years and this was unbelievable. I resisted the urge to buck my hips up to meet her because I wanted to make sure that she got it in at her own pace. Within just a few minutes I was buried to the hilt in my five-year-old daughter. She looked down at me and smiled saying, "See Daddy, that was easy!". I was so turned on that I could barely contain myself. I suggested that she try bouncing up and down to see what it felt like. She lifted herself up a few inches and then came back down again. I groaned and she asked if I was alright. I told her that I liked that way that felt on my penis. She smiled and started to bounce up and down. It only took about 30 seconds of that before I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her tightly down on my cock and shot a huge load into her pussy. She asked what had happened and I told her that I had hidden her treat inside of her. With that she stood up slowly, releasing my still erect penis from her small cunt with a pop. Seeing that my penis was covered in cum she quickly laid down and licked it clean. When I asked her where the rest of her treat was she that she could feel it inside of her. I told her to show me and she flipped around and spread her legs. Her little cunt lips were closed tightly. She told me that she was holding it inside so that she didn't loose any of it. I asked her how she planned to eat it and she looked perplexed for a moment. Then her face brightened and she said "With a spoon!". I got off of the bed and went into the kitchen. I got one of her baby spoons and brought it back to the bedroom. She was still laying back with her legs spread and waiting for me. I warmed the spoon until it was almost hot to the touch and then gave it to her. She sat up and tried to see how to get the spoon into her pussy. I reached over for a small mirror and positioned it so that she could see the opening. She relaxed her pussy enough to let the spoon slip inside. I watched as she brought it back out holding a mouthful of my cream which she then proceeded to eat. Kicking myself for letting this photo opportunity almost pass I asked her to wait for just a minute and ran for my camera. When I returned I had her take a few more spoonfuls out of her pussy while I snapped away. I then slipped a pillow underneath her ass. This positioned her so that her cunt slit was almost horizontal. I had her use both hands to spread herself as wide as possible and also to relax her pussy muscles. Her little opening slowly relaxed into a small hole. I told her to push a bit and watched as I was rewarded with the site of a big blob of my own cum oozing out of my daughters pussy. I snapped away as I told her to use her fingers to feed herself her snack. She pushed out as much cum as possible and transferred it to her mouth. She commented that it tasted differently than normal. When I asked if she enjoyed the taste, she told me that she thought it was better! I picked her up and hugged her tightly telling her how much I loved her and how happy she made me. From that day on we made love as often as possible. Sam figured out quickly that the best way to be sure to get all of my sperm out of her little pussy was to keep her piss bowl near. When we were done she would squat over the bowl, open herself with her fingers, and push my load out. She would then eat it with a spoon or just use her fingers to scoop it up into her mouth. Sometimes if she had to go or she just felt thirsty she would finish letting my cum drain from her and then piss into the bowl. After mixing my cum and her piss together in the bowl with her fingers she would drain the whole thing in just a few gulps. She became my little love slave. I would never have to ask her twice to suck me off or spread her legs so that I could fuck her. And she absolutely NEVER wasted my cum. She always managed to find a way to make sure she ate it. She was actually the one who asked whether she could try using my dick in her ass instead of one of her toys. I saw that she had worked up her anal toys until they were almost as large as my penis. I told her that we could certainly try but that since she had not yet reached a large enough size we should use some vaseline to make things more slippery. She slipped her toy out of her ass and then ran into the bathroom to get the vaseline. I met her coming out of the bathroom and we went to our bedroom together. She got on her hands and knees and stuck her ass back at me. I could see her little anal sphincter winking at me. I dipped my fingers into the vaseline and coated all around her asshole. I then did the same for my penis. I scooted her to the edge of the bed so that I could stand behind her with my dick at the same level as her opening. This gave me the most control so that I could go very slowly. As I placed the head of my dick at her entrance I said, "Honey, I'm going to push very slowly. You let me know if anything feels uncomfortable, OK?" "OK, Daddy", she replied. I held my penis in my hand and put gentle pressure on her sphincter. Since she was already trained to relax and accept things into her ass the head popped right in. I stopped at once and just stood motionless with the head of my dick in my little girls ass. "How is it, Honey?", I asked. "I little tight but it feels kinda good", she said. "How about if I just stay here and you push back, that way you can control how much is inside?", I asked. "OK, here I go!", she said. With that, I felt her pushing back into me. My penis started to sink into her anal cavity at a slow but steady pace. A few minutes later she said "I can't go back any farther, Daddy". The reason for that was because there was nothing of me left outside. "Sam, I'm all the way in. Why don't you try to move a little. We'll see how that feels for you." She began to pull forward. My dick slipped out about two inches before she moved back towards me. Her ass was so incredibly tight! All of her training with her toys had made her large enough to take my dick inside of her without a problem. However, it didn't take away from the fact that she was small! As she pulled forward again I pulled back so that more of my penis came out of her ass. Within a few minutes we had reached the point where I was at full stroke. As I reached my orgasm I slid all the way into her and just held her in that position. "I can feel my treat coming out!", she cried as I pumped her ass full of my cream. It took me a few minutes to just come down off of my orgasmic rush. I slowly slipped out of her ass and then lay down on the bed. She snuggled up for a few minutes and then I felt her slither down my body. I knew what she was going to do so I said, "Honey, you shouldn't clean me up after I've been inside your bottom. You could get sick" "But Daddy, I can't waste my treat!", she cried. "Sweetheart, it's not wasted, it's still inside of you." I said, trying to cheer her up. Pouting she looked at me for a minute and then said, "I don't think I'd get sick." "Remember, dear, how I've always warned you not to lick your butt toys? The reason was that you could catch a bug from them." "But Daddy, I have licked them before...." I was stunned. I asked her to explain. "Well, one day I was walking around with one of my newer, bigger butt toys inside when it fell out", she said. "I picked it up and was trying to get it back in but it was not slippery enough. I didn't have to pee and I remembered what you said about not using my spit but I didn't want to bother you since you were working real hard on the computer so I just stuck it in my mouth and got it all wet before putting it back inside." "When was that, dear", I asked suddenly getting very concerned about Sam's health. "Months ago, daddy", she said. "And have you done that any more?", I asked. "Oh, every day since then. I kind of like the taste of it so I just kept doing it." I tried to recall if Sam had been sick at all during the last few months but she had always seemed fine. "Have you felt bad at all after doing that, Sam?" "No Daddy, I feel fine!", she said. "Can I please clean you off now?" she pleaded with those puppy dog eyes which no father can ever resist. "Well, since it seems ok I guess you can", I said. "Yippee!" and with that she stuffed my dick into her mouth and proceeded to clean me thoroughly. Once done she got up and said, "I still have your treat in me and I wanna eat it!" I thought about it for a few minutes and told her to wait there. I went into the kitchen and got a plate. Coming back into the bedroom I put the plate on the ground and asked her to come over. I reached for my camera and then had her squat down as only children can so that her asshole was just above the plate. I backed up a little and told her to try to relax and let her treat come out if she could. She seemed to concentrate for a few seconds and then I saw a stream of liquid coming from her little puckered asshole and dribbling onto the plate. She did that for about 30 seconds before the stream stopped. "I think that's all of it", she said. Standing up she looked down at the plate and then picked it up. Apparently deciding that a spoon was not needed she just stood there in the middle of the bedroom and licked the plate clean. I snapped away as she would take a lick and come away from the plate with a streamer of sperm hanging from her chin. When she was finished there was not a drop left anywhere. "Thank you, Daddy, that was yummy!", she said. I put the camera down and picked her up. "I think it's shower-time for you and me, little girl." I flipped her over my shoulder and started tickling her as we headed for the bathroom. She giggled and screamed all the way there.... After being introduced to anal sex Sam would purposely try different combinations. We would watch entire videos with her ass impaled on my dick. If I came in her pussy she would purposely take a large finger full of cum and dip it in her ass before licking it clean. While making love we would start in her pussy and end up in her ass. Sometimes I would even change holes from one to the other while actually cumming, this way depositing my seed in both places. She would then perform her squat and leak all of my cum out of each hole and claiming that this was the best taste combination of all. Sometimes she would walk around for an hour with my cum in her before she decided that she was hungry enough to eat it. She liked to keep it warm this way. It was funny to think about my little girl. At almost six years old she was perfectly normal in almost every way. She ran and played and giggled and cried and asked questions until I couldn't come up with any more answers. And she was the most exciting lover I had ever had. Perhaps it was because of her little girl nature that I found her so exciting. It was a combination of a game for her as well as something that she knew made her daddy feel good. Plus it was a way for her to receive her daily snacks. Since that day with her and the bottle I don't think a single day had passed that she had not swallowed at least one load of my cum. It was simply a normal part of her life which she could not imagine being without. On her sixth birthday I baked her a cake. After singing happy birthday and cutting out a slice she asked if I could put her treat on it. I stood up and told her that I might need some help. She knelt down in front of me and took as much of me into her mouth as she could. Once hard she turned around and bent over offering me her charms. I asked her which hole she preferred and she asked for her cunny since it had a sweeter flavor. I happily fucked her beautiful little pussy until I came hard. Smiling she then put the plate containing her slice of cake on the ground, squatted over it, and allowed my cum to drip all over it. Wiping her little slit with her fingers and licking them clean, she then sat back down at the table and proceeded to enjoy her birthday cake. "Cocktail" ch 2 Samantha begins to grow up After Sam's birthday party I began to think about our future together. I guess that seeing her reach her sixth year made me realize that someday she would have to leave. I thought about what would happen to us if anyone ever discovered our relationship. Sam had no idea that society would frown on the things that we did. She had been raised to accept the things that we did as normal. Realizing that there was a real danger I decided to start including new things in Sam's lessons. I started by telling her that what we shared was very special. So special, in fact, that almost no other fathers and daughters had the same type of relationship. Because no one else was like we were it was often thought to be a little strange if people learned about the kind of loving and games that we shared. I didn't want to ever give the impression that what we were doing was 'wrong'. I didn't ever want Sam to feel guilty or confused by what we shared so I tried to think of ways to tell her these things which didn't sound too threatening or menacing. When she asked me why other Daddies and little girls didn't do these things I told her because normally Daddies and Mommies do these things together. But since her Mommy wasn't around that it seemed natural for us to do them instead. She certainly felt that what I said made sense and it seemed to satify her. I told her that it was very important that if we were ever with other people that we not do or even mention the things that we did together. Deciding to make it a game I called it 'Outside'. Whenever I said the word 'Outside' in a clear manner and with a certain look, we would both try to act as we should when other people were around. Sam learned to use the bathroom to pee (although she was a bit upset at first about wasting). When I brought my camera out she would not automatically start posing for me. There was to be no mention of the fact that she had anything in her ass or pussy. In fact, there was not to be any mention of anything to do with sex or any of the games that we played. When I said 'Inside' with a certain look we would go back to normal. She learned to go and put on clothes when we were playing our Outside game. I even went so far as to go and buy her some panties. She asked what they were for and I had to show her. Although she found them uncomfortable she would don them for the game. We became very good at 'Outside'. I told her that we could not make any mistakes, ever. If other people found out about our games they just would not understand. She felt sorry for them because they didn't have a special relationship with their daddies but learned to play the game perfectly. After several months of playing this game I felt that we had become very good at it. I thought that it would be worth an attempt to see if Sam understood how to behave in various circumstances. One morning after Sam had done her morning studies I walked over to her and said 'Outside'. She immedieatly went to the bedroom and put her clothes on without saying a word. I followed and also put on my clothes. "We are going to see how well we can play 'Outside' around other people today", I said. "Really? How are we going to do that?" "I thought we'd drive into town and wander around a little bit." "Neato!" Thinking that it was always better to plan ahead, I threw a few things into a pack. We jumped into our car and drove into town. We ended up near a park on the edge of town. There were a few streets with some shops near us. Sam and I wandered around the area for a little while without incident. I decided to be a little bolder and we walked into the ice cream shop. Sam had never been in one before and so was very excited when I told her that she could choose any flavor in the store for a cone. The woman behind the counter was very nice and obviously felt that Sam was very cute. When she handed Sam the cone Sam very politely said "Thank you!". We walked out of the store, Sam with cone in hand, and continued to stroll. We stepped into the park along one side of the square and started to follow a trail. Since this was a weekday there were not too many people around. One woman was walking her baby in a stroller and smiled and greeted us as we walked the other way. I had never really explored this park and was pleased to see that it extended back into the hills along the edge of town. We continued to stroll until we had reached the top of the first little hill. Turning we were able to look back and see that we were already fairly obscured from the town. I suggested that we continue to walk for awhile and we turned and kept heading away from town. After awhile I noticed that Sam had not been licking her cone as much as when she first got it. "Are you full?", I asked. "No....", she reponded. I sensed that she wanted to say something. Looking around it seemed pretty obvious that there wasn't anyone else around. "Inside", I said. Sam looked at me and seemed a little confused. "You seemed like you wanted to say something but couldn't", I replied to her unspoken question. "Well, I was just thinking how much better this cone would taste if it had your special treat with it...." "Hmmm, do you have any ideas as to how we could make that happen?", I asked. "Well....I could use my mouth..." "I don't mind, Sam". She seemed both releived and excited. "Why don't we find someplace that's a bit hidden?", I suggested. "We have to hurry, though, or my cone's gonna melt!" We looked around a bit and discovered a nice place surrounded by trees and bushes on the trail side but with a few spaces to squeeze through if you stepped off the trail about 10 feet. We went in there and I told Sam that I would hold her cone for her. She handed me the cone and dropped to her knees. Opening my pants she fished out my already hardening member and popped it right into her mouth. "Since we are outside we have to be quiet, ok?" "Mmmhmm", she responded sending vibrations through my penis. It took about 3 minutes for me to blow my load into her mouth. As I came I watched as her cheeks puffed out. She kept a tight seal on my penis as it slipped out of her mouth. I handed her the cone and she brought it to just below her mouth. I told her to wait for just a moment and fished the camera out of my backpack. I aimed it at her and told her to go ahead. I snapped a number of shots as she dribbled my cum all over the cone and then started to lick it back up mixed with the ice cream. "Much better!", she exclaimed. "I'm so glad you like it, Miss", I said. "Don't eat the cone yet. Go ahead and finish the ice cream but I'd like to try something with the cone." "OK, daddy" When she finished most of the ice cream I pulled a blanket out of the backpack and laid it on the ground. I gently took the cone from her and set it on a napkin and asked Sam to take off her panties. She readily complied saying that she really didn't enjoy them anyway. I had her lie on her back on the blanket with her dress pulled up and her legs spread. I coulnd't resist and snapped a few shots of her just like that. I then went between her legs and started lapping away. After I had gotten her nice and wet I told her to turn over and put her on her hands and knees. I leaned over and tongued her ass until it was nice and wet as well. Moving to her front I had her suck me until I was hard and wet and then moved back behind her and entered her from the rear. As I was slowly easing myself into her I took the cone and stuck the pointy end into my mouth. I put just enough spit on it for the outside to get slick and then started to slide the point into her ass. I told her to relax as much as possible since I didn't want to cone to break. I leaned over and gently pushed her head down. Now she had her ass high in the air with the cone sticking out of it and I was still stroking myself into her little cunny. As I increased my strokes I felt myself approaching release. After a few minutes I let go with a pretty heavy load. I pumped the first few squirts into her before pulling out and aiming the remainder at the inside of the cone sticking out of her ass. When I had finished I gently removed the cone from her and told her to make sure not to let what was inside of her cunny come out. She sat up and I handed her my 'cum cone'. It was getting a bit soggy so I told her that she had better eat it quickly or it would turn to mush. She started to nibble away at the top part of the cone. I got my camera and took a few more shots. When she had half the cone eaten she tilted it towards me to show me the pool of cum sitting at the bottom of the cone. She then put the tip of the cone to her mouth and sucked, drawing the pool of cum out of the bottom of the cone and into her mouth. After swallowing that she happily crunched the remainder of the cone down. "What about the snack in my cunny, Daddy?", she asked. "Let's leave it there until later", I suggested. "OK, let me know when I can eat it!" With that I suggested that we get dressed again. I told her that we would be going back to town so we had to get ready to play 'Outside' again. She asked if she could please not wear panties back because they made her itch. I told her that she didn't have to wear panties but she had to make sure that she didn't run or do somersaults while in public or her little pussy would show. "I promise!", she said as I put her panties into the pack. As we walked back I asked her how it felt to walk around in public with her treat still inside of her. "It feels all squishy", she said. "OK, we're coming back into town now. Outside!" With that we walked back the way we had come. As we were passing by the ice cream shop the woman who had sold us the cone was just coming out. "How did you like your ice cream, young lady?", she asked. "It was great", replied Sam, "I 'specially liked the cone part!" "Well, come back next time you're in town and I'll give you a special treat!" Sam looked at me and I just nodded at her. "Thank you, Maam!" "You're quite welcome, little miss. You have quite a charming daughter." "Thank you, she's really a joy to be with", I said. "Well you two have a good day. I'm off to lunch!" And with that she wandered down the street. "Speaking of lunch", I said, "do you have any room left for a hamburger or are you too full?" "Yum!!", cried Sam. "Let's go!" We wandered down to a local burger place and sat on the stools at the counter. It was a very fun meal and I especially enjoyed the fact that not only was Sam not wearing any panties but that she had part of my load still inside of her. As we were getting ready to finish eating I told her that perhaps she could go to the bathroom and finish off her treat that I had given her earlier. She looked at me very carefully and I told her that we were still playing Outside but that if she was interested we could bend the rules to allow her to finish her snack so long as the ladies room could be locked so no one would walk in on her. She jumped down off of the stool and walked back to the restrooms. She came back about five minutes later with a grin on her face. She climbed back on the stool and I asked how things went. For an answer she looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention and then leaned in towards me like a little conspirator. She opened her mouth and I saw a big blob of my cum sitting on her tongue. She closed her mouth and swallowed quickly just as the waitress came up behind the counter and asked if there would be anything else. Sam reached for her coke and took a big gulp. I told the waitress that we were done and would need the check. Sam and I got back into the car after paying and had a wonderful time driving home together. Please let me know if you are interested in having this story continue... Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!! Be There.....