Copyright (c) 1997, Clayton, ALL Rights Reserved Clayton's Children - The Babysitter (Mggg, cons, inc) By Clayton or Copyright (c) Clayton 1997. Permission is given to freely distribute this document electronically, providing the entire document is preserved intact and no monies, beyond normal board or site membership charges, are charged for its distribution. (Ken Nestle, this means you.) Warning: This story contains descriptions of sex between an adult male and preteen children. If this is not your cup of tea stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. No illegal activity described herein was carried out, this document details fantasies that took place late at night when I was alone in bed. I firmly believe that no fifteen minutes of pleasure is worth the innocence of a child. Besides, I derive much pleasure from the company of children, playing with them or simply watching them at play, I am not going to risk this for any momentarily heightened sense of pleasure. If you are under the age of eighteen the law says I've got to tell you to go away, so, "Go away!" Common sense says you're going to ignore me, so don't blame me if you go blind, your parents find you in possession of this document or your cum causes your space bar to stop working. If this type of material is illegal in your city, state, country, then see above, substituting "law enforcement agency" in place of "parents". If you're a member of the moral minority, religious right, or any other such control group then read on, my aim is to offend you as much as possible. People like you who would force others to fit your narrow minded little world views are a blight upon the landscape. My personal philosophy is that of "Rational Anarchy" ie. anyone should feel free to do as they please such that their actions do not adversely impact on the lives of others. Introduction: Primus - The origin of the title: Over the years I have found myself looking after a large number of children, many of whom have at one time or another developed severe crushes on me. As time went by I discovered that I en- joyed their company more and more, often I found myself with them, discussing the intricacies of the transformers, comparing various superheros against one and other, and spending less time with their parents. Finally someone remarked that the children might as well be mine. And so my Clayton's children came to be, "The child you're having when you're not having a child." Secundus - This is a story of make believe, it describes what might have been in a very different world. If you feel an uncontrollable desire to carry out the activities described in this type of story, the stop reading now and seek professional help. Tertius - You might find this story to be a little long winded for your tastes and too much prose separating the 'Rumpety, Pumpety'. Well too bad, I'm starting to get just a little sick of those stories in which the narrator has their partner undressed by the third paragraph, has them orgasming in the fifth and is working on their second encounter or their next partner by the tenth. Quatrius - I hope you find my choice of phrasing to be an improvement over some recent stories that I have seen in the newsgroups, these stories appear to have been written either cut and paste or by an AI. If the former then shame on you and if the latter then I commend you and urge you to improve your algorithm to include more descriptive phrases and less repetition. Clayton's Children - The Babysitter Chapter 1 - Shanghaied "Hey Greg!" my mate, CJ call's from across the room, "Are you doing anything this afternoon?" "No, why?" as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. "Good, you can give me a lift over to the ex's." he says and I groan. "Why can't you catch the bloody bus?" I grumble half heartedly. "What do you think I keep you for?" He grins back at me through his bushy beard. "Besides, there's a couple of cones in it for you." he continues, waving a baggie beside his ear. "You've talked me into it." I grin back, "When do you want to leave?" "Oh, in about four or five cones." he replies, retrieving the scissors from under the cushion of his chair. He pulls the old speaker, that we use for a table, between his legs and grabs the bowl and bong from inside the enclosure. "Here, dry these." he says, tossing a couple of cigarettes in my direction. I catch one as it passes my ear, and pick up the other from between my legs as he starts to cut up the stick. I run the cigarettes through a lighter flame, driving off all the excess moisture. When I'm done, I lean over and lay them on top of the speaker, next to the bowl and sit back to wait for CJ to finish. A little later, he picks them up and crumbles them into the bowl, mixing the finely chopped green into tobacco. He quickly packs the cone and setting his lips to the neck of the bong, lights it and pulls the sweet smoke deep into his lungs. Then while holding the smoke in, he packs the cone again and passes it to me. "Thanks." I say and light up, pulling hard to clear a seed that blocks the stem. I hand the bong back to CJ and lean back in the chair, savouring the sensation, as the smoke does its work and my head starts to spin. "Good stuff." I gasp. "Is there any other kind?" he says as he packs the cone. Waving the bong in the direction of the door, he asks, "Should we?" I wrinkle my nose, "I guess we'd better." "Danny," he cries in a breathy whisper, "Danny, ... Danny." He waits a few seconds, "I called him. You heard me, didn't you?" "Yes." I assent and he lifts the bong to his lips. Then just as he's about to light up, the door opens and Danny sticks his ugly face through the door. "Must be my pipe." he says, coming in and closing the door behind him. "You two are bastards, you know? You come into my house and you use my smoking room and my bong. Who's cigarettes did you use?" he asks, then catching the half grin on CJ's face, he goes on, "And my bloody cigarettes too." "We called." CJ objects, "Didn't we Greg?" "Yes." I agree solemnly. "Yeah right. Give me that fucking bong." Danny snatches it from CJ's hand. "And get out of my fucking chair." CJ relinquishes his place and pulls the speaker over to a new seat in the least comfortable chair in the room. Danny sits down and snatches the proffered lighter from my hand. He lights the bong and punches it, before throwing the lighter back at me, hard enough to sting, when it impacts in my palm. Over the next twenty minutes or so, we polish off the mix and move out into the lounge to listen to a little Hawkwind. No sooner do I take my seat, than a semi-guided organic missile leaves its place in front of the television and launches itself into my lap. Sandy's feet come perilously close to the family jewels, as she stands up and entangles both of her chubby fists in my beard. With a quick jerk, she pulls my head forwards and playfully snaps at my nose. On the third snap, her forehead impacts painfully against mine and I jerk backwards, grimacing as her hands in my beard pull me up short. She giggles as I rub my forehead with one hand and extricate her fingers from my beard with the other. I then proceed to make munching noises as I pull her tiny fists to my mouth. Shrieking, she pulls her fists from my grasp and plumps down into my lap, her nappy thankfully lessening the impact. She then extends a single finger towards me. I snap at it and she jerks it back with a painfully shrill, shrieking giggle. Over and over again, I snap at her tiny finger, rewarded each time with another piercing shriek. Finally I trap her hand in mine and pull it to my mouth, easily taking the small fist between my teeth, where I proceed to give it a generous coating of spit. Danny and CJ laugh at her disgusted expression and when I release her hand, she jerks it back and wipes it on the front of her t-shirt. A few seconds later a look of concentration appears on her face and I feel a spreading dampness in my lap. Looking down, I see that the little minx has pulled the leg of her plastics to one side and her pee is seeping through her nappy to soak me. "Sandy!" I cry in and outraged tone. Her only response is to giggle and pull her nappy far enough aside to squirt the last few dribbles directly onto my crotch. By this time CJ and Danny have worked out what is going on and are laughing uproariously, Danny on the floor in front of his chair. "Here," I say, rising from my seat. Holding Sandy at arm's length, I move to stand in front of Danny, "She's your daughter." "Uh-uh," he returns with a grin, "it's your fault, you clean her up." Tucking the dripping toddler under my arm, I head for her bedroom, grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom on the way. Once there, I strip her plastic pants off and drop them on the floor, beside the bucket and unfasten the pins, holding her nappy on. I drop the saturated square of cloth in the bucket and toss her, shrieking, onto the bed. As I kneel beside her bed, she seizes her toes in her fingers and presents her tiny pussy to me. I quickly wipe the outside of her slightly reddened vulva and her dimpled bottom clean with the cloth. I then use the fingers of my free hand to separate her baby labia. For a few seconds, I gaze at the glistening pink crevasse between them, marvelling at her tiny clitoris, the size of a grain of rice, hidden behind its hood. An inch lower down, the opening of her little vagina winks at me. I then slowly wipe the last traces of piss from between her plump pussy lips. She smiles at me, from between her knees, as I allow a fingertip to brush over her tiny clit and down the smooth valley separating her fat labia. Then as I use the cloth to unnecessarily clean the tiny pucker of her little pink anus, I wet the little finger of my other hand in my mouth and press the tip against her tiny vaginal opening, feeling it open up to accept me and clasp half of the first joint in an exquisite embrace. Dropping the cloth, I gently remove and reinsert my finger tip, while she makes little cooing giggles of pleasure. Inside my pants, my cock hardens, painfully confined within my tight jeans. Leaning forwards, I plant a wet kiss on her puffy labia and flick the tip of my tongue over her now hard little clit. Rising, I withdraw my finger and pop it into my mouth, savouring the sweet taste of her baby juices. Rising, I adjust my straining cock into a more comfortable position as I go and get a nappy from the hanger beside the door. When I turn back Sandy is rubbing her fingers back and forth over her tiny little clitoris, cooing with pleasure. For a few moments, I stand there, watching the beautiful, eighteen month old toddler happily masturbating. Dropping back to my knees, I lower my head and drool a small gob of spittle onto her busy fingers. Then wetting my finger, I once more insinuate the tip into the warm clasp of her tiny vagina, stopping when the tip reaches the thin membrane of her hymen. With short, quarter inch strokes, I gently finger fuck the little girl, the motions of her fat little fingers become faster and faster as she approaches her climax. Within thirty seconds, her cherubic face screws up in a grimace of ecstasy and I feel a rhythmic squeezing and relaxation as her tiny vagina contracts on the tip of my little finger. Gently extricating my finger from the sweet moistness of her young vagina, I lift it to her lips. She opens her mouth and eagerly accepts the proffered digit, contentedly suckling, long after all traces of her delicate juices are gone. I lower my face between her chubby thighs and apply my tongue to the tight pucker of her baby arsehole. She releases my finger with a cooing giggle as I slowly drag my tongue upwards over the tiny entrance to her vagina, tasting the sweet, delicate juices that seep from within. I give a final flick to her softening clitoris with the tip of my tongue and look up into her smiling face. Smiling back as she fights to keep her eyes open. Rising on shaky legs, I use a corner of the nappy to dry her sweet vulva. Then folding it, I slip it beneath her dimpled bottom and pin it in place. Slipping a clean pair of plastics on her, I lift her smiling, tired body into my arms. She throws her arms around my neck and holds her smiling face up to me, her lips pursed as she waits for me to kiss her. I deliver the kiss and she rests her head on my shoulder, snuggling her face into my neck. Within seconds, she is emitting tiny, little snores and I pull back the covers and lower her to the pillow. Pulling up the covers I kiss her flushed cheeks and look into her smiling face for a few seconds. I gather up her damp plastics and take them and the cloth through the kitchen to the laundry. On my return, I meet Angela, Sandy's mother, coming in through the front door and I rush to help her carry the shopping through to the kitchen. "Where's Sandy?" she asks, gazing down at the damp patch on my groin. "I see She's piddled on you again." she says with a grin. "Yeah, as a pay back for licking her hand." I grin back, "I just put her down for a nap." I say, waving a bag in the direction of the partially closed door to Sandy's bedroom. "I don't know how you do it." Angela says, shaking her head as she peers in on her somnolent daughter. "It takes me forever to get her settled." "Hammersthetic." I joke. "I can almost believe you." she says, "Where's Danny?" "In there with CJ." I say, indicating the closed door of the smoking room. "I might have known." She says, "He better have left some for me this time." Together, we enter the room and Angela takes a seat in Danny's lap as I drop into the chair beside CJ. He hands the bong to Angela, then takes only the cone when she extends it back towards him. Packing it, he drops it back into the stem and she smokes the second pipe. He then gives me two, which finishes off the mix. "O.K. lets go." he says to me, rising from his chair. "But you'd better get changed first." We say our goodbyes and head next door to my place, where I clean myself up and put on a fresh change of clothes. Grabbing my keys, we go out to my car and I follow his directions to his ex-girlfriend's house. Chapter 2 - Alison and Rene I pull up in front of a neat brick veneer. Though obviously built by the housing commission, it has a much more homey look and feel than many of the other, almost identical, houses in the street. Instead of a bare lawn, it sports a well-tended garden, that is a riot of colour, and many young trees break up the stark lines of the house. The porch is a solid mass of greenery, with rank after rank of ferns and orchids almost totally obscuring the wrought iron rack that supports their pots. Hanging from the eaves, geraniums, maiden hair ferns and plants that I can not name, further serve to give the 'efficiently' designed house character. I see a curtain twitch in one of the windows as we make our way up the concrete path to the front door. Before CJ can knock, it is flung open forcing him to dodge backwards as the screen door flies open in his face. With shrieks of "Daddy!", two juvenile bundles of energy launch themselves at CJ as he crouches and gathers them into his arms. Now that they are relatively motionless, they resolves themselves into two blonde beauties. The elder looks to be about nine or ten years old and after kissing her father on the cheeks, she looks up at me brazenly. The younger of the two, who is about five, huddles closer to CJ and peers suspiciously past his shoulder to look at me. "Who's he?" she asks pointing at me. "Don't point." CJ says, "You'll poke holes in the air and trip up the fairies." Both girls giggle, though the elder of the two rolls her eyes, as if she had heard the joke more than once before. Stubbornly, the five year old repeats, "Who's he?" "Girls, this is Greg." CJ informs them, "Greg, this is my daughter, Alison." The older girl, grins up at me and extends her hand towards me. I take it in mine and as I shake it, I feel her middle finger curl between our hands and scratch my palm. My eyes widen and her grin widens to match, the tip of her tongue protruding from between her lips and moistening them. "And this is Rene." he says, trying to turn the shy five year old towards me, but she just clings tighter to him and buries her face against his neck. "Hi CJ." a woman's voice causes me to look up and I drop Alison's hand like a hot potato as I gaze into the stunning blue eyes of a bombshell blonde. She notices my hasty action and a brief smile flickers across her lips, but all she says is. "Well aren't you going to introduce me?" "Oh, sorry Honey." he stammers, "Cheryl, this is Greg, he lives next door to Danny's. Greg, this is my sort of ex-girlfriend Cheryl." "Oh yes." she says giving me a megawatt smile, "CJ's told me all about you." Rising, with Rene still attached like a limpet, he gathers Cheryl up in a hug and kisses her soundly. "Happy birthday Honey." he says when he releases her. Giggling, she invites us into the house and I see her green thumb at work here too. Ferns and philodendrons occupy pots in the entry and a wicker screen is almost completely covered with variegated ivy. She leads us through, into the lounge where even more plants occupy the corners and spaces beside the furniture. Ushering us into seats, Cheryl asks me, "What do you like to drink Greg, tea or coffee?" Tea thanks, white with three." I reply. "Alison, come and help me." she instructs as she goes through into the kitchen. Alison returns a minute later with a plate of biscuits and a cup of cordial for her little sister. Throwing me a bright smile she disappears back into the kitchen, emerging a few minutes later with her mother. Alison carries her own drink and a steaming mug, which she hands to me, before plumping down onto the couch beside me. Cheryl waits for CJ to rearrange Rene on his lap, then hands him his drink before taking a seat in the chair opposite him. She instructs Alison to hand around the biscuits and with a flourish the beautiful young girl presents me with the plate. Her stoop causes the top of her blouse to gape open and I get a good view of her nascent breasts. The areola have just begun to darken and are pushed up into small half spherical mounds the size of small plums. I lift my eyes to her face and her grin tells me that she knows exactly where I have been looking. Turning her face slightly to one side, she conceals her lips from her parents view and briefly puckers them. As she turns away from me, I find myself crossing my legs to hide a growing bulge and wishing for an opportunity to be alone with this forward young girl. After taking the plate around to her parents and sister, she returns to her seat beside me. As Cheryl, CJ and I chat and sip our drinks, I notice Rene peeking at me over the top of her cup, ducking her head each time my gaze meets hers. Slowly though, she becomes bolder and a few minutes later she scrambles from her father's lap. Setting her empty cup on the coffee table, she keeps its solid bulk between us as she stares curiously at my face. Rather than discomfit her, I keep my face turned towards her parents and continue with the conversation, while watching her out of the corner of my eye. Is seems that they too are watching her antics, their attention constantly switching between their youngest daughter and me. Slowly, Rene sidles around the end of the table furthest from her parents and disappears from my view. The conversation descends further and further into inanities, as I follow her progress in her parents eyes. They seem almost to be holding their breath as Rene's progress slows. A minute or so later, Alison utters loud protests as her little sister forces her way into the six inch gap that separates her body from mine. On the other side of the room, Cheryl's and CJ's look relieved and I turn my head and look down at the little cutie jammed up against my hip. She looks back solemnly and ventures a tiny smile, which widens as I grin back at her. I rock my jaw from side to side, causing my long beard to waggle and her smile becomes a giggle as she snatches at it. Momentarily forgetting who she is, I snap at her fingers as if she was Sandy and she snatches them back with a scared look. The reassured by my grin she tries again, once more snatching her fingers back as my teeth meet with a clack an inch from the tips. She smiles tentatively and slowly extends her fingers, jerking them back as I bob my head. This goes on for a few moments longer, her smile widening into a grin as she grows bolder. Then with a crow of triumph her hand darts forwards and she entangles her fingers in my beard, tugging gently. I grimace theatrically and she giggles delightedly. Then as she tugs again and again, Cheryl cries, "Rene!" and with a frightened look, she jerks her hand back, accidentally pulling three or four wiry hairs from my chin. Seeing them, she looks almost ready to burst into tears. Before she can scramble from the couch, I take her hand and re-entangle it in my beard. Then looking across at Cheryl I say, "She's fine, at least SHE doesn't want to play 'butts'." Cheryl gives me a quizzical look and CJ explains, "Danny's kid, likes to headbutt and she isn't gentle, your ears'll be ringing and she'll still be giggling." "Oh!" She and CJ exchange a look and she nods. "Uh Greg?" CJ clears his throat. I look over to him and warily ask, "Yes?" "Would you do us a big favour?" "Like what?" "Look after the kids so I can take Cheryl out for her birthday." he replies. My heart leaps at the thought of being left, more or less alone with Alison, but not wanting to appear too eager, I ask, "Why me?" Cheryl replies, "Because my dad's had a little heart scare the other day and he's in hospital. Mum's too busy being worried to look after these two. He's all right, but I was worried we'd have to cancel this weekend. "CJ told me how good you are with Sandy and the other kids that come around there, so I told him to bring you around and we'd see how Rene reacted to you. She's terribly shy and we usually get my parents to look after them on our weekends." I hold up my hand to interrupt her and say, "Hang on, that's the second time you said weekend. You want me to look after your kids for the entire weekend?" "Uh-huh." she replies, "Would you do it please? We'll pay you of course." Glaring at CJ, I growl, "I think I've been had." I then ask, "How much?" trying to sound mercenary, while hiding my inner elation at having an obviously willing Alison to myself for two whole days. "How does an ounce of prime buds sound?" CJ asks with a grin. "I'll do it!" I reply. "Just what are these weekends anyway?" "Well, it's like this." Cheryl explains, "CJ and I get on really well until we start spending a lot of time in each other's company and then we start fighting like cats and dogs. It was starting to upset Alison, so CJ moved out before we became enemies. Then on my birthday, CJ came over and all but kidnapped us. We left Alison with my parents and the two off us spent an absolutely glorious weekend down at Lakes Entrance. When we got back, we had another go at making things work, but the same things happened all over again and again CJ decided to leave. On his birthday, I left Alison with my Mum and Dad and I took him up to Echuca. "After that it became a tradition. We'd take each other somewhere on our birthdays and at Christmas we'd take Alison and later Rene too, camping. Then before the fighting started we'd go our separate ways again. CJ often spends Saturday nights here with me and the girls. It sounds weird, but it works for us, the girls still have a father and they never have to see us fighting." "So where are you going this time?" I ask. "On a paddle steamer cruise on the Murray." CJ replies with a grin at Cheryl. "You got the tickets!" she shrieks springing from her chair to launch herself at CJ and plaster kisses all over his face. A gentle tug on my beard reminds me of Rene's presence and I look down into her serious little face. "Are you going to look after us?" she asks. "Would you like that?" I ask in return. "Uh-huh." she replies, nodding gravely. "What about you?" I look up at Alison. "You bet." she grins, licking her lips. Suddenly Cheryl pulls back and exclaims, "Shit, we'd better get moving." "Relax," CJ soothes, "we've got plenty of time, we don't have to be there until seven." "What about Greg?" she objects, "He'll have to get some clothes and I have to put clean sheets on my bed." "Don't worry about me," I say, "I keep an overnight bag in the car so I'm all right there. What about you CJ? Do you need a lift to get your stuff." "No we'd already packed Cheryl's car when her father had his turn." he replies. Cheryl has pulled a book in her lap, using it as a rest as she busily scribbles away. As she writes she says, "The kids can have fish and chips for tea tonight and pizza tomorrow, can you manage sandwiches for their lunches? Rene has Rice Bubbles for breakfast, and Alison likes Vita-Brits. Here's my mother's phone number and address and the number for the hospital. CJ get the number for the Echuca Police, just in case he has to get hold of us." As CJ gets the phone book, Cheryl rattles on with her instructions. "Rene goes to bed at eight o'clock, Alison can stay up until nine thirty, ten at the latest. Make sure Rene goes to the toilet before she goes to sleep and has nothing to drink after seven. She still wets the bed sometimes. "Rene shouldn't give you any trouble and Alison had better not, if she knows what's good for her." As she speaks, I make all of the appropriate noises in the right places and when she finishes, I reassure her, "You go ahead and have a good time, we'll be fine." Over the next hour, while CJ and Cheryl shower and get dressed for dinner, I get to know Rene better, answering Alison's scowl with a whispered "Later." She brightens up at this and joins in my games with Rene. Though she tries to steal the show by giving me a glimpse down the front of her shirt at every opportunity and sitting opposite me with her legs crossed, giving me a clear view of her pink, cotton knickers. Whenever Rene looks away, she dropped her fingers into her lap and rubs at her pussy as though scratching an itch. Once, when Rene runs off to get something from her room, Alison draws the damp gusset of her knickers to one side, revealing the smooth white flesh of her vulva. Still maintaining the pretence of scratching an itch, she brings her other hand down and rubs at the glistening pink crease separating her sweet pussy lips. She calmly releases the elastic, as Rene clatters back into the room carrying a colouring book and her Crayons. Rene tugs me over to sit at the coffee table and uses my lap as a seat, her squirming to get comfortable causing my semi-rigid prick to harden completely. Alison moves kneel beside me, and pokes the finger that had just been between her legs out at me. I playfully snap at it, expecting her to jerk it away. Instead she holds it still and my teeth close bare millimetres from the tip. I look into her eyes and I'm met by a challenging look. So taking her dare, I cover my teeth with my lips and close them around the proffered finger, taking my first taste of her sweet pussy. At the same time Rene looks up and jeers at her sister, "Ha, he got you. I'm better than you." Alison and exchange grins and pulling her finger free of my lips, she agrees with a laugh, "Yeah, I guess you are." Rising, she leaves the room and returns with a colouring book of her own and a set of Derwent pencils. "Move over." she orders her little sister. Using her hip to shove Rene to one side, she appropriates my left knee, forcing me to place a hand on each of their waists to support them. Pretending to lose her balance, she steadies herself, her hand falling into my lap directly on top of my still firm prick. She gasps and snatches her hand back. I look down into her face, to be met by a look compounded of surprise and embarrassment. She turns to the table and opens her book to a picture of Ariel, the little mermaid. Then carefully selecting just the right shade of blue-green she pokes her tongue from the corner of her mouth and begins to carefully colour Ariel's tail. Just as my leg begins to go to sleep, CJ and Cheryl come to my rescue. "Girls, we're going now, don't be pests and mind what Greg tells you." The girls scramble from my knees, Alison giving my now soft member another exploratory feel, as she pushes herself to her feet. I climb to my feet, pins and needles burning in my leg and I limp over to where Alison and Rene are receiving kisses goodbye. Cheryl notices my limp and grins, saying, "You shouldn't let them take advantage of you like that, especially Alison, she's too heavy." "Forget it, Cheryl." CJ says, "That's why he's so good with kids, he lets them do whatever they want with him. But at the same time, he doesn't let them get away with any shit." "O.K. we turned the spa on for you kids, but you're not to get in unless Greg's with you. O.K.?" Both girls greet this announcement with loud cheers and readily agree to the restriction. "The water should be hot enough in about an hour. Don't let them totally cook themselves. Here are the keys and here's the money for the fish and chips and pizzas and bread and milk in the morning. We'll be back about ten Sunday night." Cheryl delivers final instructions and hands me a fifty dollar note. "Can we get a video?" Alison asks eagerly. "One each." Cheryl answers, "There should be enough there, if not I'll fix you up when we get back. There's a video store up next to the milkbar. Alison will show you where it is, just don't let her get anything too gory. Girls, you be good for Greg and do whatever he says." She stoops to deliver a final kiss to each of the two girls and as she releases them they move over to their father. He sweeps them up in his arms and gives them a bear hug, winking at me, he whispers in their ears and slips a folded five dollar note into their hands. "Thanks mate, you don't know how much I appreciate this." CJ says, slipping a tightly rolled baggie into my hand as he shakes it, rolling his eyes in the direction of Cheryl. "Thank you Greg." Cheryl says and surprises me by pulling me into a hug. "Here, don't smoke it until Rene's in bed and don't let Alison have more than two cones. The bong's over the stove." CJ misinterprets my stunned mullet expression and grins at me, "Yeah she has that effect on me too." The girls and I escort CJ and Cheryl to the car and I stand with them at the end of the driveway, as they wave until the car turns at the end of the street. I look down into their up turned faces and ask, O.K. what do you want to do?" Chapter 3 - Set Up? "Get a video." Alison cries. At the same time, Rene waves her five dollar note and declares, "Buy lots of lollies." "I think we can manage that in one trip." I say with a grin. Checking that I have the keys, I pull the door shut and take hold of Rene's hand, allowing Alison to lead me up the road to the shops. Immediately we enter the milkbar, Rene makes a beeline for the counter and holds up the five dollar note. "Lollies, I want lot's of lollies." She informs the girl behind the counter. The girl's eyes flick from the money to Rene to me and she raises an eyebrow in true Spock fashion. "It's all right." I hastily say, "I'm looking after them for the weekend, while their parents are away." The girl laughs at my frightened expression and says, "I'm not worried about that. I know Rene and there's no way a stranger could get anywhere near her. I'm just wondering if you're prepared for the mess, when she deposits five dollars worth of lollies on the carpet." "I get you're point." I grin back, "Make it a dollar and she can buy some more tomorrow. Alison, the same goes for you." Alison, returns two of the four chocolate bars she is holding, to the shelf and looks up at me pleadingly. "O.K., but that's it." I relent, "And you don't eat them until after dinner." Grinning happily, she waits at the counter for the girl to finish filling a bag for Rene and they hand over their money. When they receive their change, Rene holds up the well-filled paper bag in one hand and the four gold coins in the other, crowing at her incredible bargaining skills. Thanking the girl, we leave the shop and go into the next, where we order our fish and chips. "Let's get our videos while they're cooking." Alison says. As we enter the video store, I suggest, "Why don't we let Rene choose the movie for tonight and you can get yours tomorrow." "O.K." she agrees and a few minutes later, we emerge with a copy of My Little Pony. We collect the fish and chips and head back to their home. Rene wants to watch the movie straight away, but I suggest that she wait until after we have eaten. I send Alison to get a couple of towels from the bathroom and lay them out on the floor. Setting dinner in the middle, I restrain them while we say grace. "Two, four, six, eight. Bog in, don't wait." They take me at my word and they tear into their dinner like starving animals. Rene singes her fingers on her piece of fish and I show her how to tear off a strip of paper and wrap it around the battered fillet. Within minutes, dinner is but a memory and a few scattered crumbs, which Rene assiduously hunts down and consumes. "Can I watch 'Ponies' now?" she asks. "Yep." I agree, "And you can eat some of your lollies too." Taking the cassette from Its case, I pop it into the VCR and sit back, resigned to an hour of saccharine sweetness. "Hey lets get in the spa." Alison says to me once her little sister is engrossed with the television set. Immediately, Rene leaps up and hits 'stop' and yells, "Yay, Me too, I'll watch 'Ponies' later." Alison's face drops a little at her sister's intrusion, but wisely says nothing. She leads me out through the back door to where a fern filled conservatory has been built onto the back of the house. Sunken into the middle of the floor, totally concealed from outside view, is a large spa bath. "Hang on you two," I say, "you get your bathers, while I get some shorts from my car." "Why?" Alison objects, "We never wear bathers in the spa with Mum and Dad." "That's different." I say, "I don't think your mother would like it if I got in with you two without any clothes on." While Alison and I have been speaking, Rene has stripped off her clothes and is standing, naked, by the edge of the spa. "Hurry up," she cries, "I'm getting cold." "Greg says we've got to wear our bathers because Mum wouldn't like it if we were rudie nudies with him." Alison says to her little sister. "Oh!" A frightened look creeps onto Rene's face, "Does that mean I'm naughty?" she asks in a quavering voice, her lower lip trembling. "No Rene," I reassure her, "but you'd better put your bathers on." Immediately her whole demeanour brightens and the next thing I know, my arms are full of delighted, squirming, naked little girl. With this, I realise what Cheryl meant by my not having any trouble with her. A look of censure would have her near tears, while a raised voice would probably have her bawling for hours and to raise your hand to her in anger would probably drive her into catatonia. "Will you help me?" she asks, "I always get it wrong." "I don't know." I demure. "Please?" she begs with irresistible, doe like eyes. "You'd better do it," Alison advises, "or she'll look at you like that for the rest of the night." "O.K." I laugh, "I don't think I could take that." Again, I see that bright smile, that, with a little self confidence, would match her mother's. "Oh thank you." she cries, giving a little wriggle, that abruptly stops as her mouth opens in surprise. Suddenly I realise that my hand has slipped on her little bottom and the side of my finger now rests in the crease of her plump little pussy. I quickly readjust my grip and turn to Alison, asking, "Could you take my keys and get my bag out of the boot of my car?" "Sure." she agrees cheerfully and unsnaps my keys from my pants. "Which one is it?" she asks. I shift Rene to my hip and pick out the right key for Alison. As she goes outside, I carry Rene to her room and lower her to the floor. "Where are your bathers?" I ask. "In here." she says, going over to her chest of drawers and pulling out the top drawer. "Lift me up." she says. I slip my hands around her tiny waist and lift her until she can see into the drawer. Lifting one leg between hers, I rest the toe on a drawer handle and lower her to sit astride my thigh. She rummages through her underwear for a few moments and pulls out a blue ball of stretch lycra. She shoves the drawer closed and indicates with a wriggle, that she wants to get down. I lower her to the floor and take her bathers from her hand. Shaking them out, I sort out front from back and hold them open for her to step into. I pull them up snug into her crotch and help her get her arms through the right holes, settling the shoulder straps with a light snap onto her shoulders. She steps back a couple of steps and I survey her, noticing that the strip of cloth between her legs is half caught up between her pussy lips. Motioning her back to me, I slip a finger under the elasticised leg band and pull it straight, the back of my knuckle just brushing the exquisitely smooth skin of her plump vulva. Her eyes widen a little at the intimate touch, but the smile on her lips never wavers. I withdraw my hand and she holds out her arms to me. Then just as I go to pick her up, Alison says from the doorway, "Here's your stuff." Giving Rene a pat on the bottom, I say, "You go and wait in front of the fire, we'll be there in a minute." I rise and take my bag and keys from Alison, telling her, "Go and get changed." In the master bedroom, I quickly strip, pull on a pair of speedos (left over from summer) and slip on the towelling robe that I keep in the bag. Leaving the room, I catch a glimpse of Alison through her half open door. She is naked from the waist up, tying the string at the side of her bottoms. I'm just about to turn away, when she notices me. "Greg," she calls, "come here. I can't get this knot undone." I stick my head through the door for a closer look and see that the strings on one side of her bikini bottoms are well and truly snarled. As I move into the room I get a good look at her little tits. Just beginning to sprout, they are tiny, almost hemispherical mounds, entirely covered by the crinkled, pink/brown skin of her areola. Surmounting them, are her pea sized nipples which stand slightly stiffened by the cool late autumn air. She thrusts these out at me proudly and I start to think that this is a put up job. When kneel at her side and take the snarled strings from her, a quick inspection confirms my guess. I can see where the original bow was tied and the new knot contains so many loops that it could not possibly have formed accidentally. I give her an accusing glance and she responds by grinning down at me and letting go of her bathers. They fall a few inches before the strings in my hand pull them up short, revealing the top of her beautiful pre-teen vulva less than eighteen inches from tip of my nose. In form it is a smooth, slightly plump mound, separated into two perfectly symmetrical halves by a fine, dark cleft. Three quarters of an inch from the top of that sweet valley is her clitoris, a small pink nubbin, the size of a pencil eraser. "Oops!" she exclaims insincerely, and I look up into her slightly flushed, grinning face. "I guess I might as well take them off. Anyway it'll be easier for you." Saying this, she plucks at the bow on the other side and I'm left holding a tiny scrap of cloth wrapped around her right leg and a complete view of her sweet pussy. "I guess you might." I growl up at her and her grin widens. I begin lowering the wisp of fabric that I hold, but she has one more surprise for me. Before I can lower my hands more than a foot, she draws her leg up and out of her bottoms, giving me a clear view of the damp, pink cleft between her pussy lips and the glistening, slightly darker flesh of her inner labia. She holds the pose for a few seconds and I become conscious of a sweet, slightly musky smell. As she lowers her leg, I tear my gaze from the delightful sight and look down at the tangle in my hands. A few quick tugs soon have it sorted out and I hold her bottoms out to her. Instead of taking them from me, she turns to face me and strikes a pose that is as old as life itself. Standing with her right leg slightly cocked, her left hand low on her hip and the thumb and forefinger of the right loosely framing her mound, she asks, "Do you think I'm pretty?" "Beautiful." I whisper, then catching myself, I continue sternly, "Do you know that you're asking for trouble?" "Uh-huh." she replies just as seriously. "But I like you. You're nice." "Just because I'm nice, doesn't mean I'm safe. Haven't you been told about strangers?" I ask. "Of course silly, but you're Daddy's friend." she replies. "That doesn't mean anything." I tell her, "I might still be a bad man who does nasty things to little girls." "Are you?" she asks seriously. "Nasty I mean." "No I'm not." I say, "But you should be more careful, because I do want to do things with you." "Would you stop if I asked you to?" "Yes I would." I reply. "Then I want you to do things to me." she informs me. Then with a mercurial change of mood she grins at me, "I'm a big girl now, see I'm growing hair down here." she points at her bare vulva. I take a closer look, but I'm forced to ask, "Where? I can't see any." "Right here." she says pointing to the very top of her crack. "You'll have to look closer." I lean closer, getting another intoxicating whiff of her sweet pussy. Finally, I'm close enough to see a few wispy hairs, almost invisible against her skin. "Here," she says grabbing my wrist, "you can feel them easier." I offer only token resistance, as she draws my hand closer and presses my fingertips against the flawless, resilient flesh of her juvenile mons. She relaxes her grip on my wrist and I lightly brush my fingers over her smooth pubic mound, feeling a fine peach fuzz and a few slightly stiffer hairs just above the top of her cleft. She makes no move to pull my hand away, so I continue to lightly explore her beautiful young pussy. With my heart beating like a triphammer, I run the sensitive tips of my fingers all over the plump bulge between her legs, delighting in the exquisite feel of her unblemished skin. I then fold the last two fingers of my hand under my thumb and gently probe lower down. Realising my goal, she shifts her feet apart and allows my fingers to investigate further. Still keeping my fingers on the outside of her vulva, I gently run them between her legs, finding a slight hint of moisture. I then increase the pressure slightly and feel the soft folds of her little pussy open up around my middle finger. She gives gasp and her fingers tighten slightly on my wrist. I stop dead at this and a few seconds later her fingers relax. Taking this as a signal to continue, I press a little harder, moving my fingertip in tiny circles, until the tip of my finger presses against the entrance to her vagina. Again her fingers tighten, and again I stop. This time she pulls my hand upwards until my finger tip is clear of her vagina before she relaxes her grip. Taking the hint, I leave her vagina alone and continue to explore the hot, moist flesh of her inner folds. As I draw my fingers back and up, I feel her inner labia close on the sides of my fingertip and I come into contact with the rigid knob of her fully extended clitoris. "Stop!" she gasps and her fingers tighten convulsively on my wrist. "Are you all right?" I ask. "Uh-huh." she nods. "But why does it feel so much better than when I touch myself there?" As I think about how to answer her, I remove my fingers completely from between her pussy lips and stare at the glistening pink knob of flesh that now extends a little beyond her pale outer labia. Finally I ask, "Are you ticklish?" "Yeah, I guess so. Why?" she asks confusedly. "Well, can you tickle yourself?" "Of course not." she replies. "Well, it's sort of like that. You can't tickle yourself, because your brain already knows exactly what's going to happen. Touching your pussy is like a special kind of tickling, but because there are lots more nerves there, you can do it to yourself. It feels better when somebody else does it, because your brain doesn't already know what's going to happen." "Oh, I get it." she says smiling. "You can touch me again if you want to." "Later," I say picking up her bathers and drawing the scrap of cloth up between her legs, "we'd better get you dressed before Rene comes looking for us." She makes a little moue of disappointment, but takes hold of the strings and ties them in bows on both hips. I reach for the top, which is on her bed and she asks, "Do I have to wear that?" "I think you'd better." I say and she ducks her head for me. I slip the loop at the top behind her neck and she turns for me to tie the strap across her back. Turning back to me, she presents her half covered breasts to me, saying, "You fix it." I brush the balls of my thumbs over the exposed mounds, feeling the crinkled skin covering the firm flesh tighten even further. I flick the stiff little posts of her nipples, drawing a little gasp from her lips, then quickly tug the top of her bikini into place and rise to my feet. I lightly swat her bum, causing her to jump and squeak in mock outrage. "Come on you, let's go." In the lounge, we find Rene sitting about a metre from the television, totally engrossed in her 'Ponies', as every few seconds, her hand dips into the open bag of lollies in her lap. The shadow that I throw over her body, as I move to stand behind her, causes her to look up and ask. "What took you?" "My bathers got all tangled." Alison explains. "Oh. Can we get in the spa now?" Rene asks. "Sure thing." I reply. "Come on." Rene scrambles to her feet and stops the video. "Do you need to go to the loo?" Alison asks, "Remember what happened last time." Rene blushes and says, "Yeah, I better go." As she leaves the room, I ask Alison, "What happened?" "The water turned pink." Alison chortles, "Mum puts stuff in the water that turns pink if you piddle in it." "Oh." I say. "I need to go too, so I'll see you out there." I go after Rene and find her sitting on the toilet with the door open, her bathers on the floor. Grinning up at me, she says, "They fell off." "Really?" I ask, listening to the hiss of her pee in the bowl. Her only response is to lower her head and giggle. When she finishes, she hops down from the seat and picks up her bathers. "Here, help me put them on." she says holding them out to me. I pull a couple of sheets from the roll and hold them out to her, "Here dry off first." She looks quizzically at the wad of tissue in my hand, "Huh?" I reach down and dry her pussy for her, explaining, "Dry your crack after you have a piddle. That way there won't be any pink in the water." "Oh." she says, "Put my bathers on." I take them from her and hold them for her to step into. After I pull the shoulder straps into place, I look down and see the crotch pulled right up between her pussy lips and she avoids looking me in the eye. Grinning inwardly, I kneel and slip my finger under the narrow strip of cloth, running my knuckle the length of her little pussy as I pull it free. As my knuckle runs along the little furrow, she presses against it and my cock hardens in response. Still maintaining the pretence of ensuring the correct fit of her bathers I run my finger back and forth a few more times before withdrawing it. "O.K., off you go." I say, giving her little bottom a quick squeeze and pushing her out the door. "I need to use the toilet." She stands outside the door, looking a little disappointed as I close it. I extract my cock from my Speedos and wait for it to soften enough for me to piss. Once I'm done, some wicked little demon makes me stroke my hand up and down the shaft until my cock stands stiff, pointing away from my body at a forty five degree angle. I stuff it back into my Speedos, where it makes an impressive bulge and leave my robe hanging open. Flushing the toilet, I open the door and almost trip over Rene who is still waiting outside. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head when she is confronted by my lycra encased cock, practically in her face. Taking her by the shoulder, I turn her around, her head swivelling on her shoulders until it hurts me just to look at the way her neck is twisted. Finally, I put my hand on top of her head and twist her eyes to the front. Pushing her ahead of me, we walk through to the conservatory, where Alison is already luxuriating in the spa. As soon as we pass through the door, Rene takes an exaggerated step to the side and I grin inwardly as Alison's eyes widen and her gaze fastens on my crotch. Slipping my robe off, I hang it on a hook by the door and walk towards Alison. Her eyes remain glued to my cock as I pace across the deck and step down into the gently steaming water, not leaving it until it disappears beneath the surface, whereupon she looks up into my face. I meet her gaze and hold it until she blushes and lowers it to minutely examine the bubbling surface of the water. Beside me, Rene presents me with a view of her cute little bottom, with the fabric of her suit bunched up in the crack, as she turns and lowers herself into the water. "Can I sit on your lap?" she asks as she proceeds to do just that, pressing her practically bare bum back against my rigid member and wriggling it. Across from me, Alison throws her little sister a venomous look. When this has no effect, she sets the blower going and disappears beneath the roiling surface. A moment later, Rene shrieks and slides from my lap. Alison leaps from the water in front of me and as Rene rises from the water sputtering, she drops into my lap and defends her territory by splashing her little sister. Rene retaliates by closing her eyes and leaping at her big sister, swinging blindly. One wildly swung hand catches in the top of Alison's bikini and with a popping rip, one of the shoulder straps tears free of the minuscule triangles covering her breasts. Feeling like a heel, I bark "Enough!" Sure enough, Rene comes to an immediate halt and looks at me with tears in her eyes. Her gaze then falls on the damage done to her sister's bathers and the tears begin to flow freely. "I'm s-s-sorry." she sobs. I lift Alison down beside me and gather Rene up in my arms. Holding her tight to my chest, I rock her back and forth making soothing noises as I caress her back and soft little bottom. "It's all right I say, I can fix it." "You can?" she asks, blinking up at me. "Uh-huh." I confirm, hoping I am right. "Alison, it looks like you got your wish. You might as well get rid of that." "Now you two, do you think you can share me?" I ask, "Or should I just send you to bed right now?" "We'll be good." Alison say's and Rene nods vigorously as she wriggles from my arms and places herself astride my left knee, facing towards me. Alison straddles the other knee and slips her arm around Rene's shoulder and pulls her in close, saying, "It's all right, it was getting too small anyway" Rene sniffs loudly a couple of times and smiles wanly. A few seconds later she giggles and says, "Your boobie's poking in my ear." We all laugh at this and all is forgiven. Suddenly a wicked thought enters my mind and I straighten my legs causing the pair of them to fall and disappear beneath the water. They rise sputtering and Alison looks at Rene, "Let's get him." she cries and they leap at me, their fingers digging into my ribs and burrowing for my armpits. I let them win the assault and laughing, I slide beneath the bubbling surface. Expelling just enough breath to keep myself submerged, I sit on the bottom and wait to see what they will do. After a few seconds I feel hands on my shoulders. They slip beneath my arms and I'm hauled to the surface. Rene is in front of me with a frightened look on her face, so I smile and wink at her, but leave my body limp. Grunting Alison drags me to a seat and steps up on to it, pulling me up to sit on it. But as soon as she loosens her grip I pretend to slip back towards the water. I do this a couple more times, until Rene looses control and bursts out laughing. At this point Alison realises that she's been had and shoves me from the seat into the water. I turn beneath the surface and leap from the water with a roar. Alison then jumps at me and I stagger as she locks her legs around my waist and her hands about my throat. She pretends to choke me as she shakes my head back and forth, saying "You, you, you, oooghh." I lift my hand to her waist and tickle her, catching her as she looses her grip. Lifting her back up, I blow zoober after zoober into her belly button, causing her to giggle and thrash uncontrollably. Accidentally, done a purpose, I land a few near and on her pert little titties, and she gasps and stiffens in my hands. Finally I relent and drop her into the water, turning to descend on a smugly smiling Rene. "Your turn little girl." I say as I lift her lycra covered belly to my lips and blow. The farting noises are even louder and her giggles are most satisfactory. Keeping hold of her I return to my seat, blowing into her belly button each time she falls silent. Eventually though, her breathing becomes laboured and I desist, lowering her to my knee. Warily, Alison approaches and sits down beside me, though for a minute or so she perches on the edge of the seat, ready to flee at my first movement. Then having decided that no further attack is forthcoming she cuddles up to my side. She starts as I move my arm, them realising that I'm just going to put it around her shoulders, she leans forwards and I slip it behind her so that my hand rests on her hip. She turns in my arm to rest her head on my shoulder and press one of her little boobs against my side. A few seconds later she loosens the tie on her bottoms and twists until my hand cups her bare bottom. She then lifts her own hand from the water and twirls my beard around her finger as she says. "I'm glad you're looing after us instead of Grandma and Grandpa." "Uh-huh," Rene agrees, "Me too. You're much more fun." She turns in my lap to rest her head on my other shoulder and I support her with my hand behind her knees. For the next hour or so, they chatter to me about school, until Rene lifts her hand from the water and holds it up before my face. "Look I've got witches hands." she says, waving the wrinkled extremity under my nose. "Well we better get out before Alison gets witches boobs." I joke, tweaking one gently, causing them both to giggle. "Besides," I continue, "it's time you started getting ready for bed." "Do I have to?" she objects as a matter of form. "You have to." I confirm, removing my hand from Alison's bottom and lifting it so I can check my watch. "It's nearly half past seven. By the time you've had your bath it'll be your bedtime." "I don't need a bath," she protests, "I'm clean." "You still have to wash the chlorine off." I say. "Come on let's go." I unwrap my arm from around Alison and climb from the spa with Rene on my hip. "You too." I say to Alison as I walk off with Rene. Alison reties her bottoms and climbs from the water, hurrying to catch up. I grab my robe and we go through to the bathroom as I say, "We'll just rinse off under the shower with our suits on. That way we can throw them in the drier so they'll be ready for tomorrow." In the bathroom, I lower Rene to the floor and turn on the shower adjusting the temperature to be suitable for her. We then squeeze into the cubicle together and quickly rinse off. When we're done I roughly towel them dry and say, "Brush your teeth and give me your bathers then go and get your nighties and a hairbrush. We'll dry off properly in front of the fire." With a wicked grin Alison, tugs at the bows holding her bathers on and hands me the skimpy scrap of cloth before fronting up to the basin and picking up her toothbrush. Rene's smile is not one whit less naughty than her sister's as she follows suit, slipping off her bathers and handing them to me. When they finish their teeth they scurry off to their rooms, pausing in the doorway to wiggle their bare white bottoms at me. While they are gone, I take the opportunity to remove my own bathers, towel myself dry and slip on my robe. Then figuring on a complete exchange of oral fauna later in the evening, I make use of Alison's toothbrush, before wringing out our bathers into the bath and throwing them into the drier on my way through the laundry. I then head on through the kitchen into the lounge. Both girls are waiting for me in the lounge, standing naked before the wall furnace. When they see me in my robe, their faces mirror their disappointment, but I'm not ready to be naked before Rene, as I don't want her carrying tales to her mother or CJ. I drop into the seat nearest the fire and pull Rene in to sit between my legs. Taking her towel from her, I rub as much of the moisture as I can from her hair. Alison hands me the brush and I carefully work the tangles from Rene's hair, then brush it out until it's bright and shiny and most of the moisture is gone. I then lift her down and help her into her nightie. Sending her off to watch TV for the few minutes that remain until her bedtime. Alison then slip in between my knees and wriggles backwards until her bum presses against my bare cock. "Oooh!" she squeaks in surprise and wriggles harder against it, causing it to begin to rise. Taking up the towel, I dry her hair and then drop it into my lap. Picking up the brush I go to work on her slightly longer tresses, carefully working the brush through them, until her hair shines brightly. When I lift her from the chair, she quickly turns to get a glimpse of my cock, but the towel in my lap conceals it and before she can get any ideas about snatching it away, I pull my robe straight and rise from the chair. By this time it is after eight o'clock, so I tell her, "You get your nightie on while I put Rene to bed." I stop 'Ponies' and lift Rene to my hip, carrying her through to the toilet. Again she leaves the door open and this time she tucks the hem of her nightie under her chin and sort of curls up, looking between her widespread legs as she concentrates on expelling the piss from her body. It takes her a few seconds to get it flowing, but when she does, it flows in a golden arch from the tiny cleft between her legs to fall hissing into the bowl. When she finishes, she grabs a wad of paper and dries off, before lifting her chin and letting her nightie fall. She hops to the floor, pushes the button and holds her arms for me to lift her. I carry her to her bedroom and supporting her against my shoulder, with one hand cupping her bare little bottom beneath her nightie, I pull back the covers. When I lower her to the bed, she wriggles downwards, her nightie rucking up to reveal her plump little pussy and outie belly button in the process. Unable to resist, I stoop and wrap my lips around it blowing a zoober and making her giggle and squirm delightfully. Daringly, I blow another zoober at the top of her tiny slit, before pulling her nightie straight and drawing the covers up under her chin. I read her a story from a book of Aboriginal legends about how three sisters were changed into rock to protect them a bunyip. But the witch doctor couldn't change them back because he'd lost his magic shinbone and that was how the rock formation called the Three Sisters came to be. By the time I'm finished, she is almost asleep, but when I turn back from putting the book away, she holds her arms out to me and has her lips pursed. I give her a hug and a kiss goodnight and tuck her in. I start to pull the door closed but leave it open when she asks me to. Chapter 4 - Alone with Alison. On my way back to the lounge, I retrieve a one of the baggies given to me and a couple of cigarettes. I then collect the bong, scissors and a small bowl from the kitchen and walk through into the lounge, where I find Alison sitting in front of the television, watching Beverley Hills 90210. I make appropriate gagging noises as I take a seat on the couch and she turns to look at me. When she sees what I am holding, her eyes light up and I decide to have a little fun at her expense. I dry the cigarettes, quickly mull up and pack a cone, then make a real production of enjoying it. I look directly into her eyes as I pack the second cone. I wait for her to start moving towards me and quickly smoke it, enjoying the slightly crestfallen look in her eyes. The I pack the next pipe and place it on the coffee table, then wait to see what she will do. For a few minutes her attention wavers between the bong and the TV until she finally works up the courage to ask, "Can I have a pipe please?" "You!" I pretend to be shocked, "You're too young." "No I'm not," she protests, "Mum lets me." "I don't believe you." I scoff. "But she does. She says that I can smoke it, but I can only do it at home." "Why would she say something like that?" I ask. "Because she found some in my bag once." Alison explains, "She said I could smoke it, but only with her on the weekends and I was never to get it from anyone at school again. She said bad people sometimes put really bad stuff like heroin in the stuff they sell at schools so they can get them hooked and make them do whatever they want." "O.K.," I say, "you can have one cone." "But Mum lets me have three." she objects mendaciously. I raise my eyebrow and slowly reach for the bong on the table. She hastily corrects herself, saying, "I mean two." "That's better." I say, leaning back into my seat. "It was worth a try." she grins, then gives me a direct stare, "Hey, you knew. Mum told you. How come you made me tell you why?" "Because I wouldn't have let you have any, if you couldn't give me a good reason why. No matter what your mum said." I explain. "Oh. why?" "Because I think you are too young. But your mum's right, the shit they hand out at schools is full of nasty things and some of them are a lot worse than heroin. Did you pay for what you got?" "No." She answers, moving around the coffee table and sitting down beside me. "That's why Mum said I should smoke hers. She took the stuff I had to the cops and they found heroin in it. She got really mad at the school because it was a teacher who was giving the stuff to kids. They had to get the cops in and everything. The teacher was doing it because he liked to fuck- oops." she covers her mouth. "It's O.K. I've heard the word before, go on." "He used it to get little girls to fuck." "Does your dad know about it?" "Uh-uh." she shakes her head emphatically, "He was mad enough when he found out a teacher at school was handing out drugs. He would have killed him if he knew I was one of the kids he was giving them to. I know it was silly, but this girl I knew gave it to me and said it was O.K. But really she was already hooked and the teacher made her to give it to me, because he wanted me too." "O.K. that explains why your mum would let you smoke grass, but why on earth did you take such a big risk with me after a scare like that?" I ask incredulously. "Promise you won't get mad." "Get mad," I'm confused, "why would I get mad?" "Promise." she repeats. "O.K. I promise." I say. "That's good." she says with a relived sigh, "It's not me you'd get mad at. You see Jenny's a really good friend of mine." she says as if that explains it all. "So?" "Jenny Gormley." she says naming one of my young lovers and it clicks. "Oh! And she told you about me I suppose?" "Uh-huh." Alison nods. "But it's not really her fault. We were playing with our hairbrushes." Alison blushes. "You know down there." She points at her lap. "And just after she had a cum, she said a man felt even better. "She didn't want to tell me about you, but I kept on asking her until she told me. She made me promise not to tell anybody, because you weren't like that teacher. She said you always asked her before you did anything. And then I heard Daddy telling Mum about you last night and hoped you were the same person Jenny knew." "How did you know I was?" I ask. "Because she has a picture of you and she showed it to me." Alison replies, then asks, "Will you teach me like you taught her? I won't tell Mama or Daddy." "Are you sure?" I ask, "It's a big step." "Uh-huh," She replies emphatically, "Jenny says you make her feel really good and it won't even hurt the first time because I've already done it with a hairbrush." "O.K., I'll teach you." I say, "Now do you want this pipe or not?" "Goody!" she yelps. "Of course I want it. Give me the lighter." I hand her the lighter and she lifts the bong to her lips. It takes her three attempts to finish it, but she doesn't cough. Instead of blowing out the last lung full of smoke, she carefully sets the bong down, straddles my lap and pressing her lips to mine she forces the smoke into my lungs. Pulling back, she grins at me and says. "Mama and Daddy do that all the time." "I like it." I grin back at her, "Do you want me to do it to you?" "Does it count as my second pipe?" she asks. "Probably, but I won't tell if you don't." I grin, "But only one." With the flexibility of youth, she twists in my lap and packs the cone from the bowl on the table, then presents it and the lighter to me. I take it from her and smoke it. While I hold my breath, she takes the bong from me and puts it back on the table. Turning back to me, she tilts her head to one side and pulls my lips to hers. I push the smoke into her lungs, accidentally blowing the last of it into her face when she pulls back. Giggling, she says, "That feels really weird, but I like it." She starts to turn back to the table but I stop her, saying, "That's enough for now. How do you feel?" "Great." she replies, "Really, really happy." "Good." I say, "Can I have a kiss?" "We already did." she giggles. "I mean a proper one." I say, digging my fingers into her ribs. "No!" she shrieks, giggling and squirming in my lap. "What? No kiss?" I deliberately misunderstand her, so I can punish her with further assaults on her ribs. "Yes, no, don't!" she squeals, trying to pull my probing fingers from her ribs. I give her a few last digs and stop, grinning at her crimson face, as she gasps for breath. A moment later she gasps again and gently rolls her hips. I feel her bare pussy move against my equally bare cock, causing it to instantly spring to attention and press upwards between her labia and buttocks. Her look becomes one, composed of excitement, curiosity, arousal and a little fear. Experimentally she rocks back and forth and giggles, "Oh wow, your thingy feels funny." "My what?" I ask, being deliberately obtuse. "Your thingy. You know, down there." She blushes, pointing vaguely between her legs. "What?" "Your dickie." she blushes furiously, turning her head aside. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask, "That sounds like something Rene would say." Still red faced, she looks me in the eye and says defiantly, "Your cock then. How about penis, or dick." finishing with, "Rene says doodle anyway." "Or prick, or rod, or dong, or a lot of other things." I say, "They're just words. It's when and how you say them that matters." "O.K. your COCK feels real funny against my CUNT." she says and gets a case of the giggles. "Yeah," I say, "well, your CUNT is hurting my COCK, it's not supposed to point at my feet when it's like this." She seems to find this hilariously funny too, but her giggles stop abruptly, when I wrap my hands around her waist and slowly lift her upwards. As I lift her, my cock straightens, the head sliding down the crease of her buttocks. A scared look comes into her eyes as the tip lodges against the rear of her pussy lips, outside the entrance to her vagina. When I lift her high enough for the tip of my cock to slip free, she breathes a sigh of relief. After I lower her back down, so that her pussy lips press against the under side of the shaft, she giggles and says, "That was silly, I want you to do it, but I'm scared too." "That isn't silly at all." I reassure her, "It's perfectly understandable. It's probably one of the most important things that happens in your life and you don't want to muck it up. Right?" "Uh-huh," she says throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tight, "you understand." I hug her back and flex my cock at the same time. She squeals as it moves under her, and wriggles her hips. "Oh wow," she whispers, "that feels even better, it's rubbing against my tingle bump." "Your what?" I ask. "My tingle bump." she repeats, "you know the bump at the top of my crack. I call it my tingle bump because it tingles when I rub it. I don't know what else it's called." "It's called a clitoris or clit for short." I say. "Oh! Well, it feels really good." she says, and starts rocking her hips and dragging her clit back and forth along the underside of my cock. Within a few seconds, the movements become smoother, as her vaginal secretions start to coat my rigid shaft. As things become more slippery, I pull her hips higher with each rock of her pelvis, until the crown of my cock rubs from her vaginal entrance to her stiff clit. I slide my hands up her sides and start rubbing my thumbs back and forth over her tiny tits through the soft knitted cotton of her nightie. Her face takes on a dreamy expression and her head rolls on her shoulders in time with the motions of her hips. Eyes closed, she moans almost inaudibly with pleasure. Under my thumbs her nipples become rock hard little knobs on top of the firm resilient domes of her budding breasts. Her breathing quickens, then catches, as I bring my forefingers up beside my thumbs and catch her nipples between them, gently pinching and rolling the hard little nubbins of flesh back and forth. Leaning forwards, I nuzzle the side of her neck, pressing my lips against her soft flawless skin. She shivers and groans at the contact and the movements of her hips become jerky and uncoordinated. Opening my mouth, I gently bite down on the soft roll of flesh where her neck joins her shoulder and pinch her nipples harder between thumb and forefinger. Abruptly her hips stop dead and I feel a sudden increase in warmth and dampness in my lap as she cums with a shuddering groan. A few moments later her entire body relaxes and I pull her close to me, gently stroking her back, running my hands from the crown of her head to the soft curve of her buttocks. "Mmmmm," Alison murmurs, snuggling into my chest and kissing it, "that's nice." "I press my lips to the top of her head and ask quietly, "Was that a good one?" "Uh-huh." She tilts her head up and kisses me softly, "The best I ever had." A sudden gleam enters her eye and she grins, "You know, I haven't even seen it yet, except inside your bathers." "Well that easy fixed." I grin back. "Go ahead and look." She lifts her hands to my shoulders and pushes herself upright. She then takes hold of the hem of her nightie and pulls it up, securing it under her chin. "Oh wow," she cries, looking down, "it's huge. Will it really fit inside me?" She gives a little giggle, "I sure made it wet, didn't I." She starts to reach down to touch it and I can't resist saying, "You look with your eyes not your fingers." She snatches her hand back, and looks up at me, letting her nightie fall to bunch about her waist. She sees my grin and thumps my arm. "You can touch it." I laugh. She starts to pull her nightie up under her chin and then deciding that it will keep getting in the way, she pulls it off over her head and tosses it over the arm of the couch. She then tugs on the belt of my robe and lifts first her right knee and then her left, as she folds it back to either side, baring the front of my body. Her fingers lightly trail over my chest, tracing the lines of my collar bones and ribs. She plays with my nipples for a few moments, giggling as they harden under her touch. "Your boobs get hard too." she says wonderingly. "Yeah, my nipples get hard, just like yours." I say, "We've both got all of the same sort of things, they're just arranged differently. Your clit is a lot like the end of my cock and the rest is the same too, just turned inside out." "That makes sense I guess." she says as she trails her fingers lower. The glint in her eye warns me, but I have no time to react before her fingers dig into my sides. As I laugh, my legs shoot out straight and she begins to slip towards the floor, forcing her to stop and grab hold of my robe. "That's for tickling me." she declares. I pull my feet back to give her a more secure seat and she continues her exploration, giving me one last retaliatory poke, right in the belly button, before she brushes her hands over the head of my rigid prick. I make it jump at her touch and she jerks her hand back with a giggle. She pokes at it with a finger and I make it jump again. Again she giggles and draws back. "Go on, it won't bite." I encourage her. She slips backwards off my knees, pushes them apart and kneels on the floor between them. With her face only inches from my groin, she closes her hand over my glans and squeezes it. "It's not as hard as I thought." she says. "It's hot though." She then slides her hand down to wrap about the shaft. "Oh, that's harder." she giggles. I close my hand over hers and show her how to masturbate me. "Oooh, the skin moves." she cries in wonder, "Does that feel good?" "Uh-huh." I say, "But you'd better stop or I'm going to cum." "What's cum?" she asks. "Have an orgasm and feel really good like you did." I answer her. "Men squirt stuff out of the end, don't they?" "Yes, we squirt out a slippery white fluid called semen." "I thought it was called sperm." she says, "I want to see it." "Some times people call it sperm, but they're really the little cells in semen that join with a girls egg to make babies." "Girls don't have eggs." she objects. "Not like a chook." I laugh, "Human eggs are tiny, because they get fed by the mother while the baby grows inside her. Bird's eggs have to have enough food to last until the baby is ready to come out of the shell." "And there has to be enough room for the baby bird too." she says. "Of course, that too" I say. "So if you squirted your sperm, uh semen, in me I'd have a baby? I don't want a baby yet. Is Jenny going to have a baby?" she asks in a worried tone. "No," I laugh, "Jenny's not going to have a baby. It doesn't happen every time, besides she's too young to have a baby, she's not menstruating yet." "What's that?" "When a girl gets old enough, her body begins making eggs and her womb gets ready to feed it by growing a special lining. If an egg doesn't join with a sperm the body flushes it out with the old lining and she bleeds from her vagina. This happens every four weeks or so, until she's about fifty, unless there's a baby growing inside her. "Oh periods, Mum told me about them. I don't get them yet, but Mama says I will soon, because my boobs are growing." "Well you can't have a baby then." I tell her. "That's good, because I want to see what it's like to do it, uh fuck." she grins self consciously. "Can I see your stuff, uh semen, now?" She asks eagerly. "Yeah, you can see my stuff." I agree. She immediately begins rapidly stroking her small hand up and down my shaft, her enthusiasm causing me to wince in pain and grasp her wrist. "Slow down." I say, "Take it easy." "Sorry." "Here, you do it like this." I close my hand over hers again and show her the pace and length of stroke that I like. Taking her other hand I cup my balls with it and say, "Gently roll these around in their sack, that'll help me make more cum, but be very careful, because they're very sensitive. When I'm nearly cumming, they will lift up next to the bottom of my cock. When that happens you can speed up a little bit or you can stop and wait for them to get loose again. The longer it takes to cum, the better it feels and you'll get a bigger load of semen too." She gently rolls my balls around and asks wonderingly, "What are they?" "They're my testicles, or balls, on nuts." I explain, "They make my sperm." "You mean semen don't you?" she asks, thinking she's caught me out. "Uh-uh," I reply, "they only make the sperm, which gets mixed with some slippery goo inside my body and then it's called semen." "Oh!" she says as she puts my instructions into practice and goes to work on my tumescent penis, sliding her hand up and down may shaft and carefully fondling my balls. Every now and then she starts to pull on my balls as she looses her rhythm and she takes on a look of intense concentration, as if she was trying to rub her tummy and pat her head at the same time. In a short while she becomes more practiced and I continue my instructions. "O.K. the purple knob on the end is very sensitive too, especially the wrinkled bit here." I point out the area under my piss hole. "Get you fingers wet and slippery and rub it gently with them." "How do I make them slippery?" she asks. "You can use your spit or pussy juices." I tell her. Opting for pussy juices, she takes her hand off my balls and dips it down below the level of the couch, returning with glistening fingertips. Her other hand is still, as she transfers the moisture to the crown of my cock and goes back for more. Then realising that she has stopped moving her hand on my cock she resumes her stroking. At the same time she rubs the slippery tips of her fingers in circles on the tip of my cock, brushing her thumb back and forth over the fraenum. She looks up into my face as I groan, grinning a shit eating grin in response to my reassuring smile. "Am I doing it right?" she asks. "Just perfect." I reply softly, "Just perfect." The top of her head threatens to separate from the rest of her as her grin widens. Suddenly it disappears as she misses the beat and I wince as she pinches my foreskin between her thumbs. Returning her concentration to the job in hand, she decides that my balls have been neglected long enough and abandons my glans to give them some more attention. Less than minute later I am groaning continuously and involuntarily thrusting my hips up from the couch, fucking her tight little fist. My balls are hot and heavy in the palm of her hand as she moves it in small circles gently massaging them. Somehow or other I manage to grunt, "Gonna cum." through the tidal wave of pleasure that crashes over my body. I Choke back a shriek that threatens to burst from my throat, as the first searing pulse of white hot semen boils from my balls and erupts in a creamy fountain from my angry purple knob. It rises a good eighteen inches and falls with a wet slap, coating Alison's small fist and my balls. Again my body spasms and another scalding geyser of seminal fluid splashes onto my belly. Again and again the powerful, undeniable, convulsions wrack my frame, forcing jet after jet of lava hot com through my throbbing shaft. Even after my aching balls run dry the spasms continue, slowly dying away. Finally I seize Alison's wrist to stop her hand, as its movements are now painful to my hyper-sensitised glans. As soon as I take hold of her, she looks up at me apologetically and says, "I'm sorry I didn't make it last longer, I really wanted to see what it was like." Adding earnestly, "I'll make it better next time." "Ach.." I swallow to moisten my parched throat. "Alison," I say, reaching down to gently brush the back of my hand against her soft cheek, "if you make it much better, I'll die a happy man." "Really?" she squeals, her face brightening, "I did it good?" "You 'did it' great." She beams at my praise, and leans into my knuckles. Like a cat, she rubs against the back of my hand, her eyes closed, the contented hum in her throat almost a purr. She reaches up to press her hand against mine and becomes aware of the cum that coats it. Opening her eyes she examines the pearly droplets that coat it. Looking up at me with a question in her eyes, she says, "Jenny says, she eats it. She says it tastes good." "Why don't you see for yourself?" I encourage her. Visibly steeling herself, she barely touches the tip of her tongue to a glistening droplet and withdraws it into her mouth. A moment later she tries again, this time collecting a fairly decent gob. Even before her tongue disappears between her lips, a delighted smile appears and her tongue darts back out to eagerly lap at her hand. When her hand is clean, she dips her head to the creamy strands that adorn my thighs and a moment later I feel her tongue on my balls. In her hunt for more of what she so obviously likes, she bypasses my cock to lap at the pearly rivulet that descends from my navel. She then sits back on her heels and I hear her muttering to herself, "Jenny says she does it, I can do it too." A moment later she takes my flaccid member between her fingertips and engulfs it in the hot wet cavern of her mouth. With a lingering slurp, she draws back, the tip of her tongue against the underside stripping a last dribble of semen from the shaft. "I did it." she squeals, half in wonder, "I really did it. And I'm gonna suck it ALL out next time." "You missed a bit." I grin, pointing at the gooey strands festooning my pubes. "No way!" her face screws up in disgust, "That's too gross." I have to smile at her values, sucking semen from my cock is fine, licking it out of the surrounding hair is not. She returns my smile crookedly, protesting, "Well it is." "I didn't say a word." I say my smile broadening. "You didn't have to." she returns. "Well if you aren't going to clean it up," I say, "will you pass me a towel, so I can?" "O.K." she chirps cheerfully and presents me with a charming view of her still boyish buttocks and the shining, puffy lips of her sweet pussy, as she crawls across the room. My cock twitches at the sight, but she has left me too drained to respond in the fashion that her delightful display deserves. When she rises and turns back to me, she coquettishly hides her charms behind the towel, holding it in front of her body as she smiles seductively at me over the upper edge. She comes to a halt just out of reach and treats me to brief tantalising glimpses of her glistening mons. I snatch at the towel, but she dances back grinning and resumes flashing her pussy at me. Then with a final flash of her creamy white buns, she darts past me into the kitchen. poking her head back through the door, she points at the coffee table, saying, "Bring that." and disappears. Chapter 5 - Hot Tub Fun. Smiling, I gather up the bong and bowl and follow her through the kitchen to the conservatory. She is already in the roiling water and her eyes follow my bobbing, dangling member as I approach. I set the bong down and shuck off my robe, dropping it on top of her discarded towel. I then step into the water and take a seat opposite her. She watches me through the rising steam and as soon as I pick up and pack the bong she scoots around to sit beside me. Watching as I light up and pull the sweet intoxicating smoke deep into my lungs. Holding the smoke in, I sit back and pack her last pipe for the evening. Finally my vision starts to go and I'm forced to breathe out. Alison watches fascinated, as my breath whooshes out, without a trace of smoke showing. "How did you do that?" she asks. "Do what?" I return, my head spinning. "Not blow any smoke." she says accusingly. "I didn't want to." I reply in the most aggravating tone I can conjure. "Well give me that." she cries snatching the bong from my hand. "I want to try." 'This should be interesting.' I think to myself grinning. "Light it for me," she orders, "my hands are wet." "Yes miss." I acquiesce subserviently, "Right away miss." Alison snorts into the bong, and mull puffs from the cone. "Don't do that!" she cries. "Now pack me another one." "Yes miss." I take the bong from her with downcast eyes. "Stop it." she giggles. "Stop what miss?" I ask as I pack the bong. "STOP CALLING ME MISS." she all but yells. "Of Course..." I say, "... mistress." "Stop it!" she giggles, punching me in the arm. "Now give me that." I hand her the bong, pick up the lighter and wait for her to take a few deep breaths as she gets her giggles under control. When she nods and puts her lips to the mouthpiece, I light it for her. Now it is my turn to be surprised. I watch her pull on the bong until the cone empties and air whistles down the stem. She lifts her head and stares into my eyes. As I look back she emits a couple of tiny snorts and tears start to form in the corners of her eyes, but, somehow or other, she keeps the smoke in her lungs. I take the bong from her and set it aside. Finally, she releases her breath explosively. Grinning tightly, she dashes the tears from her eyes and lowers her head into her hands. "Oh wow!" she moans, "My head's really spinning. I did it, but I don't know if I want to try again." "Well you're not going to get the chance tonight." I tell her, "You've had more than enough. Are you all right?" "Uh-huh." she nods, then groans, "Ooooh, that makes me dizzy." "Here." I say, and pull her into my lap, where she curls up and rests her head on my shoulder. I cup her bottom in my hand and gently run my fingertips along the length of her pouting pussy lips. "Mmm that's nice." she murmurs, snuggling closer. Under my light touch, I feel her vulva begin to swell, and her breathing quickens. I lay my finger along the length of the tight split between her labia and press inwards, they give way before me and clasp my finger in their sweet, slick, warm embrace. Alison moans softly, deep in her throat and pushes back against my hand, "Mmmm, yesss." she murmurs, kissing my chest, "Tickle my pussy. Make me feel good again." Happy to comply, I whisper, "Yes mistress." and feel, more than hear her soft giggle. I gently trace the lines of her inner labia within the pliable folds of her maturing pussy, brushing my fingertip over the pebbly hardness of her clit, nestled at the top of her precious little slit. Back along the length of her vulva I trace, carefully skirting the tight entrance to her vagina, I lightly tickle her perineum, causing her to wriggle. Back and forth along the sweet, slick length of her beautiful pussy, I drag my finger, while she makes happy little noises and squirms contentedly. Once, as my finger passes near her vagina, one of her wriggles causes the tip to slip inside and she stops dead. But as I carefully begin to extract it, she stops me and says, "No, it's all right, you can put your finger in me." "You sure?" I whisper into her hair. "Uh-huh," she nods, "I was just testing you before." "Really, why?" I ask. "I wanted to make sure you was as nice as Jenny said you was." she replies. "Oh!" I remain still as I digest this. "Well hurry up and stick it in." she interrupts my thoughts and wriggles against my hand. "Oooh!" "Oh, you like that?" I ask, moving my finger in small circles, teasing her with just the very tip. "Uh-huh." she nods. "Are you sure?" I tease her, changing the direction of the rotation. "Yess I'm sure." she hisses, "Now put it in properly." "Really, REALLY sure?" I tease and flick another finger across the tip of her clit. "YESSS!" she cries in frustration, then moans a long drawn out, "Noooo!" as I pull my finger completely free of her vagina. "Put it back." she pleads, almost whimpering, "Please, put it back. I really want it. I need it." I tease the soft skin of her perineum, from her tightly clenched anal pucker to the back of her heated, swollen labia for a few more seconds, enjoying her frustrated moans and wriggles as she tries to trap my questing digit. I catch her hand as she tries to grab my wrist and guide me into her. Then after a few more seconds of teasing to heighten her anticipation, I insinuate my fingertip between her enlarged labia and slowly slide it home, into a heated, glove like sheath that opens before me and clasps my intruding finger in an unbelievably tight embrace. "Yess!" She hisses, "Oh, yesss! That feels sooo good. Move it in and out. Fuck me with your finger." As I start sliding my finger in and out, she hisses again, and again, "Yess, Yesss, Oh, yess! Sssooo good." Releasing her trapped hand, I slide my other hand down over her gently undulating belly and insinuate it between her slim thighs, brushing the side of my forefinger across the tip of her distended clit. "Again!" she squeaks, "Do it again." She pulls her upper leg up to her chest, giving me plenty of room, between her legs. Turning my hand to cup her bulging mound I rub my palm in small circles over her engorged clitoris. drawing further squeaks and moans of excitement from her barely pubescent frame. A new idea strikes me and I completely withdraw my finger from her clasping sheath. "Noooo!" she moans, "Put it back. I want to cum so bad." Then, "Yes, Yess, Yesssss!" as I slide the index finger of my other hand into her young box. At the same time, I circle the crinkled pucker of her little arsehole. Back and forth, my hands shuttle between her legs, swapping fingers with each gentle thrust into her body, Alternately teasing her clit and her bum hole. "Oh Yess! God yesss!" she squeaks, "Faster, do it faster." I comply with her wishes and soon my hands are flying back and forth between her quivering thighs, until a particularly violent wriggle on her part causes me to push the finger of one hand into her vagina before the other is out of the way. She tenses at the added intrusion and I stop dead, with the middle finger of each hand half buried in her tight little twat, scared that I've hurt her. "No," she gasps, "don't stop! Push 'em right in." I try to do so, but the rest of my fingers become entangled in each other. I pull my finger out and she cries, "No, put them back. Oh!" she squeaks as I replace them with the first two fingers of my right hand, driving them home to the last knuckle as I caress her clit with the ball of my thumb. "Oh yess!" she squeals ecstatically, "fuck my pussy with your fingers. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck, fuck, fuck." she babbles obscenities in time with the thrusts of my fingers into her body. With the fingers of my left hand I begin circling her tightly clenched anal sphincter, teasing her as I plunge the fingers of my other hand in and out of her creaming cunt. "Eeeek!" she squeals shrilly. "What are you doing?" she asks as her anus relaxes under my orbiting finger and opens to accept the tip. "Relax," I sooth her, still teasing her clit, but keeping the rest of my fingers still, "you're going to love this." "But it's dirty." she objects. "Very nasty." I agree, "But it's going to drive you wild." "Does Jenny like it?" she asks. "She loves it." I say. "Well O.K." she agrees timorously, "But you've got to stop if I tell you to." "Of course." I agree and gently work my fingers back and forth, not actually moving them, just encouraging the tightly clenched rings of muscle to relax. Her vagina is the first to ease up and she releases a drawn out sigh of satisfaction as my fingers slide home within its sweet, rubbery confines. Gradually, as I slowly work my fingers in and out of her tight vaginal sheath, I feel her arsehole relax and the first knuckle of my finger slips, with a rush, into the warm, buttery confines of her rectal passage. She squeals at the sudden intrusion and I stop as I ask, "Are you O.K.? Does it feel all right?" "It feels funny," she answers, "sort of like I need to poo, but it feels good too." It gets better" I tell her and continue. A few seconds later, she has taken my entire finger into the buttery depths of bowels and is rocking her hips back and forth, forcing herself harder onto my fingers as I plunge them alternately into her holes. "Yess, oh yesss, yes, yes!" she yelps excitedly, "Fuck my bum, fuck my cunt. Fuck me with your fingers. Fuck meee-eeee!" Her voice rises in pitch and she cries, "Oh, Oh God, it's, it's happening, I'm gonna cum. I'm, I'm, I'm, ... Ohhh, I'm cum...aieeeemrmff." Her voice mounts to a shrill scream that she muffles by turning her face into my chest, as I drive my finger into her tightly clenched rear passage and she cums. Her exquisitely tight little vagina and arsehole become even tighter, as they clamp down on my deeply buried fingers, clenching and relaxing rhythmically, again and again, as she shudders through the most intense experience of her young life. Slowly her tremors subside, reduced to occasional twitches and shivers. She draws a shuddering breath and her forehead bangs against my chest twice before she finds the strength to lift her head and look up into my eyes. Blinking away the tears of reaction, she licks her lips and whispers, "It never ever felt that good before, thankyou." "Your welcome." I whisper back, "Do you want it to feel even better?" Her eyes widen in surprise. "No way!" she cries, "It couldn't get any better than THAT! I'd die." A sudden smirk flashes onto her face, "But you're right, I'd die happy." "Well you don't quite die," I grin back, "but I have made Jenny pass out a few times. Wanna give it a go?" "Maybe." she grins up at me, "Can I do it to you?" "You can try," I say, "but it's a lot harder to do it to a man." "How come?" "I guess it's because a girl can have lot's of orgasms straight after each other." I explain, "Most men can only have one orgasm at a time. So to do it to a man, you have to make it really good." "Why do girl's get lots?" "Probably because a man doesn't have to carry something as big and heavy as bowling ball around inside his belly for months and then squeeze it out through a hole this big." I hold up my circled thumb and forefinger by way of demonstration. She giggles at my explanation and I continue, "A girl gets more and better orgasms to make up for it." "So how do I make it really good for you?" she asks with a wicked gleam in her eye. "By nearly making me cum and stopping and then doing it again and again." "Uh- huh," she nods her understanding, "like you told me in the lounge." "Just like that" I agree. "Can I do it now?" "Not tonight honey." I say and her face falls. "It would take to long and you've got to go to bed pretty soon." "Do I have to." she protests, "Mum won't know." "But I will." I say, "I promised your mama you'd be in bed by nine thirty." "Ten." she automatically corrects me. "O.K. Ten." I say. "But I want to suck your cock like Jenny does and let you squirt in my mouth and I want you to fuck me too." "Well you'll have to make up your mind there." I say with a grin, "I can only cum once more before your bedtime. What's it going to be, fuck or suck?" "Both!" She giggles a little self consciously, "Uh, Jenny says you do something to her sometimes." her voice tapers off into silence. "Like what?" I ask, already knowing the answer, but enjoying her mental squirming. "Um, she says you lick her pussy." she says. "I think I can manage that." I grin, "Is there anything else you'd like?" "Yeah, you can get your finger out of my bum," she giggles, "I want to piddle." I pull my fingers free of her sweet pussy and tight little arsehole and help her from the water. Taking up the towel, I wrap it around her slim body and briskly rub her dry. Chapter 6 - 'Golden' Shower Time. "How do I turn off the spa?" I ask. Alison reaches down to the controls and kills the blower and says "We'll just cover it up and leave the heater on so it's ready for tomorrow." She then helps me spread an insulating cover over water and we gather up Rene's clothes, my robe and the bong. She pouts when I put the bong and bowl away. I follow her through the laundry and into the toilet, dumping Rene's clothes along the way. Alison stands in front of the toilet and when I make no move to continue through to the bathroom, she asks, "Do you want to watch me piddle?" "If you'll let me." I reply. "That's rude?" she giggles and sits on the pot, spreading her legs wide. "Hang on." I say and kneel down on the tiled floor in front of her. I guide her into a slightly hunched position at the back of the seat, with her pelvis tilted upwards. Using my thumbs I pull apart her rubbery labia and stare into the sweet pink furrow thus revealed. "This is so naughty, but it's making my pussy feel all tingly inside too." "Just looking at your beautiful little pussy is making me tingly too." I say. She suddenly pulls her self upright and pushes my hands away from her pussy. "Get that mirror, I want to look too." she says, pointing around the corner into the bathroom. I get up and get the magnifying, makeup mirror, then kneel before her and helping her back into position. She holds the mirror on one of her thighs tilting it until she has a good view of her puffed up vulva, as I once again stretch her pussy lips apart. She only gives me a few seconds to contemplate her glistening pink bits before she starts pointing. "That's my clitoris, right? What do you call these?" she points at her inner lips." "Here," I say, taking away one hand and guiding her free hand into place, "You hold this side." Taking her pussy lip between thumb and forefinger she stretches it much further than I would have dared, pulling the other from beneath my thumb. Emulating her, I secure the other and stretch it the same way; until her vagina, a deep, wet cavern of mystery, opens up of its own accord. "O.K." I say pointing at her clit, insheathed within its hood. "This bit is actually the prepuce, or hood of your clitoris. Here inside it," I gently skin it back to reveal her iridescently shining, pink pearl, "is your clitoris. It's got more nerves in it, than the skin of your whole back. That's why it's so sensitive. "These here," I trace the taught lines of her outer labia "are your labia major, that means big lips, they're also called outer pussy lips. Now can you work out what these are?" I point to her inner lips. "Little lips?" she answers questioningly. "That's right, labia minor, that means little lips, or inner pussy lips. And of course you know what this is." I say, sliding a finger deep into her vagina. "My vagina." she giggles. "Right, or pussy hole, cunt hole or fuck hole. And this is your pee hole or urethra." I say, tickling the tiny slit below her clitoris. As soon as I do so, I know it is a mistake. She giggles at the feathery touch and I feel the tiny opening bulge under my fingertip, as a pale golden spurt of urine shoots out. Blocked by my finger it sprays sideways onto her legs and up onto her belly. "Oops, sorry." she giggles, getting it under control and choking off the flow. "'sa'right!" I reply in a gravely voice. "Greg?" her voice is so low as to be almost inaudible. "Yes?" "Will you do it again?" she asks in a small voice, "It felt good." Obviously Jenny had at least managed to keep our games a secret when she spilled the beans to Alison, so I ask, "How would you like to sit on me and piddle all over me?" Shocked, she lets another small spurt of pee go. Staring at me she asks, "Isn't that dirty?" "Not really, I've read that pee is clean enough to drink, even if it doesn't taste the best. But it is nasty isn't it? Wanna try?" I grin up at her. "Yeah!" she grins, "But we better do it in the shower so we don't make a mess. Now hurry up and help me, I'm bursting." I take the mirror and put it one side, then lift her and carry her to the shower cubicle, where I sit half reclining in the base. Alison, already spraying pee, straddles me and stretching her pussy lips to the sides, she sits in my lap, with my rampant cock between them. Her piss is hot on my flesh, as it sprays in all directions, all over my belly and legs and up my chest almost to my chin. Alison throws her head back and closes her eyes, as she rocks her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy on my engorged member. Deep in her throat, she moans in ecstasy. I lift my hands to tweak her tumescent nipples and she places her hands over mine, crushing my fingertips closed on the stiff fleshy nubbins. All too soon, the steamy flow stops and she groans in disappointment. Shifting my hands to her hips I lift her glistening wet pussy to my mouth. Clamping my lips over her pussy I drag my tongue from one end of her slit to the other. She doesn't taste too bad, a little acrid and pretty salty, but nothing like the ammoniacal surprise my disgusting little brother once left in a cup on the table. With a muffled cry, she grabs hold of the soap dish and grinds her pussy against my face. With my hands, I push her back an inch or so, so that I can better service her sweet gash. Pointing my tongue, I probe between her fat labia, searching for the entrance to her vagina. When I find it, I drive my tongue inside and wriggle the tip, causing her to yelp with pleasure. Withdrawing my tongue, I pull her pussy lips apart and find her rock hard little clitoris. Each flick of my tongue over the fat little nubbin, wrings an animalistic growl of pleasure from her and she tries to force her oozing gash against my face. I suck the blood filled little shaft between my lips and reach around behind her. Then as I bite down with my lip cushioned teeth on her pulsating clit, I drive my thumb deep into her vagina. Her whole body goes rigid, and I hear her grunt solidly, as her cunt goes into spasms around my thumb. With a jerk that makes me fear for the soap dish, she thrusts her hips forward and grinds her adolescent pussy against my lips. Again and again her young body convulses, as I extend her orgasm with my flickering tongue on her swollen clit, until finally, unable to take any more she looses her grip on the soap dish and starts to slide down the wall. Keeping my thumb embedded in her contracting vagina, I carefully lower her back into my lap and cradle her head against my shoulder. Gradually her breathing slows and she moans, lifting her head to look up at me. "Oh, wow!" she groans, "That was so good. But how could you lick my pussy when it had piddle all over it?" "Like I said," I reply, "It's clean and it doesn't taste too bad when it's fresh. So you liked having your pussy licked." "God yes!" she exclaims, "You can lick my pussy any time." Her face takes on a meditative look and she asks, "Do you want to piddle on me now?" "Alison," I say, giving her a serious look, "are you saying that because you want me to, or just because you think you have to do it, because I let you do it to me?" "No." she replies, "I want you to do it, but I don't know if I want to taste it." "Well don't then." I reply, "What Jenny told you is true; If you don't want to do it, you don't have to. And if you do want to try or do something, just ask me. I might say no, but I won't get mad, or think any less of you for it. On the other hand, if I ever find out you did something you didn't want to, just because you thought it would please me or somebody else, then I'll never play these games with you again. O.K.?" "Uh-huh." she nods looking serious. "Now can you piddle on my boobs and pussy?" "Well there's a little problem there." I reply with a grin, "Men can't pee when they're hard." She scoots back, looks down at my rampant cock and giggles, "I'd call that a big problem. I still don't know how it's going to fit in me." "Well it's not really THAT big, they come in all sizes and some can be twice as big. And think about it for a moment, if a baby can come out of that hole, there shouldn't be any problems getting my baby maker into it." "I guess you're right." she giggles. "And do they really get that big?" she asks, her eyes widening with incredulity. "Yup, that big." I grin at her, "Big enough to tickle your tonsils, I'm just an average sort of bloke." "Well you're still too big for what I want now." she pouts, "How do I make it small?" "Well you could pump the cream out." I respond, knowing what her reaction to that will be. Sure enough, she objects strenuously, "No, you've got to fuck me tonight. Is there any other way?" "Well there's always the cold shower." I reply. Before I have a chance to stop her, she pulls herself free of my impaling thumb and turns the cold tap on full, causing us both to gasp. Immediately, my erection wilts like a chocolate Easter bunny in a blast furnace and I struggle to my feet. I shut off the icy water and glare down at her, "Actually I was just going to use a wet cloth, that was a bit much." "You did say a cold shower," she says through chattering teeth. She looks down at my shrivelled member and giggles, "Anyway, it worked and you can piddle on me now." "Let's warm up a bit first." I say. Turning the shower head to the wall, I adjust the temperature to as hot as I think she can stand and turn the spray back on us. Alison gasps at the heat, but turns her face up into the falling water. Once we stop shivering, she reaches for the taps and turns off the water. Taking a firm hold on my somewhat recovered member, she says, "O.K. you can give me another sort of shower now." With a conscious effort of will, I relax my bladder and send out a strong spurt of hot piss, which hits her in the belly. She jumps and squeaks at the impact, but recovers quickly and aims my stream at her chest, moving it from side to side coating both of her tiny breasts with my pee. She then trails the flow down over her belly, and aims it at the juncture of her thighs, spreading her pussy lips apart, to direct it against her still hard clit. She moans at the impact and my cock begins to harden in response. Then in a surprising move, she drops to her knees and aims the golden stream at her face. With one hand she furiously masturbates her clit, the other holding my cock steady, as she turns her face back and forth in the hot outpourings of my bladder. With amazing rapidity. my cock continues to harden and she has to fight it down, to keep it aimed at her beautiful elfin face. It is with some difficulty, that I force the last of my pee out, releasing it in short sharp bursts. Keeping her eyes closed, she releases my cock to slap wetly, against my belly and lowers her hand to join the other between her legs. Her left hand furiously rubs and pinches her swollen, bruised looking clit, while the other delves deeper and she drives three fingers as far as she can force them into her box. Leaning back against the wall, she rapidly plunges them in and out, driving herself towards another massive climax, her head banging unnoticed, against the tiles. I drop to my knees in front of her, slipping a hand behind her head to cushion it, as I take hold of her left nipple with the other. Leaning forward I take her starboard teat between my teeth and start to gently chew on it. I taste my own, stronger flavoured urine, on her skin, but caught up in pleasuring her, I ignore it and concentrate on flicking my tongue back and forth across the stiff, rubbery nubbin of flesh caught between my teeth. In only a matter of seconds, she grunts, and her juvenile frame bucks beneath me, as she cums. Thrusting her chest out and mashing the small hillock of her breast against my bared teeth. Her orgasm is short and sharp, subsiding as quickly as it rose and a few seconds later, her chest heaving she pulls away from me. I sit back on my heels and look down into her glistening face, as she gets her breathing under control. Taking hold of her wrist, I pull her fingers from her ravaged twat and lift them to my lips. Feeding her fingers into my mouth, I wash the bitter taste of my piss away with the succulent juices of her spend. A moment later, I hear her asks, "Uh Greg, could you turn the shower back on so I can wash my face and open my eyes?" I slip my arm, beneath hers and help he to stand on trembling legs, then adjust the water to a comforting warmth. She turns her face up into the falling water and leans into me as she luxuriates in the soothing spray. A minute later, she turns the water off and keeping her arm around my waist, she pulls me from the shower. We roughly towel ourselves dry and make a dash for the lounge, where we take our time, to properly dry each other in front of the wall furnace. I then take a couple of cushions from the couch and pull Alison down to sit between my legs in the warm blast off air coming from the grill, as I attend to her hair for the second time that night. When I'm done she, takes the brush from me and stands behind me while she does mine. She then starts to sit in front of me, but changes her mind. With a very definite, "Don't move." she skips from the room and returns a moment later, holding something behind her back. She drops gracefully into a half lotus before me, giving me a clear view of her pretty, young pussy. I notice that even in this widespread position the shell like halves of her vulva remain mostly closed, though at the top, the hood of her clitoris is clearly visible and at the bottom I can see a black slit within a slit, that indicates the position of her vaginal entrance. She only gives me a few seconds to contemplate the delightful vista before her hands and the hairbrush block my view, as she goes to work on my beard. Once she is satisfied that it is tangle free, she divides it down the middle and then divides the right half into three. With nimble fingers she quickly plaits it and says, "Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." I close my eyes and feel her fasten the end. "Keep them closed." she admonishes me, as she goes to work on the other side. Half a minute later she finishes the left and says, "O.K. you can open them now." I open my eyes and I'm presented with my horrendously magnified visage in the makeup mirror and then I catch sight of what she has used to fasten the ends of the plaits. Two bright pink bows of inch wide ribbon adorn the tips of my tightly plaited forked beard. Cocking my head to one side like a bird, I say, "I think I can live with the plaits, but those ribbons have to go." "I don't know," she says grinning, "I think they're kinda cute." "Yeah 'ugly but fascinating'." I return, reaching up to tug them free. "No!" Alison restrains my hand, "It's just a joke, here." she takes hold of one plait and tugs the ribbon off, replacing it with an elastic band, she then does the other and holds the mirror up again. "You know, I think I like it." I say, turning my head, this way and that, to get a better look. "Now all I need to do is grow my hair long here" I indicate my temples. "and I'll look like a real barbarian. "And do you know what barbarians do?" I ask with a leer. "No." she replies with a grin, that tells me she can make a good guess. "They capture beautiful, young virgins and subject them to a fate worse than death." I growl and suiting my actions to my words, I pluck the mirror from her hands and setting it aside I take hold of her and throw her over my shoulder. Chapter 7 - What's She Been Up To? Falling into the part, she feebly beats at my back and quietly shrieks, "Oh no, not that. Spare me, please spare me." "Never." I say, gently swatting her on the backside, "I've captured you and now I'm going to have my wicked way with you. The only question is; Where do you want it, here, your room or your mother's." "My room." she declares and returns to beating my back with blows that might just concuss a gnat, while uttering shrieks that would be inaudible from across the room. I rise to my feet and start to carry her from the room. "Oops," I say setting her down, "we'd better take these with us or Rene's going to wonder what's going on." I throw her nightie at her, while picking up and slipping on my robe. I put the cushions back on the couch, while Alison, takes care of the TV and Video. She then comes to stand before me, obviously waiting for me to put her back over my shoulder. Taking a good grip on her hips, I do so and she goes back to her thumping and squealing as I begin to detail the depraved and degenerate actions I intend to perform on her poor, defenceless body. "First, I'm going to strip this flimsy rag from your, trembling terrified body and then I'm going to rub my great, filthy hands all over your sweet, innocent, little body like this." I demonstrate by trailing my hand up her legs, under the hem of her nightie, to gently squeeze and maul her delightfully firm buttocks. "And then, I'm going to force my nasty fingers up inside your little girl's cunt like this." Again I suit actions to words and push my middle finger into the steaming, sopping wet, velvety passage, that lies between her quivering thighs. As soon as my finger slides home, she goes limp and a tremulous sigh escapes her lips. A moment later she gains purchase by wrapping her arms around my chest and humps her hips up and down, fucking herself on my intruding digit. "Come on." I say, withdrawing my finger from the tight, warm embrace of her youthful pussy. "We'd better get to your room, before I drop you here on the floor and fuck you right outside Rene's bedroom." I shush her as she giggles and look in on Rene. Somehow or other, she has gotten herself entangled in the bed clothes. Her nightie is rucked up under her armpits, exposing the bottom of her ribs and cute little belly. The sheet and doona are wrapped around her legs and lower body. Setting Alison down on the floor, I carefully disentangle the bed clothes and fold them down to the foot of the bed. Rene doesn't even stir as I pull her nightie down. I wave Alison around to the other side of the bed, so she can help me with the bedclothes, but instead of taking hold of the sheet, she flips the hem of her little sister's nightie up and with a muffled giggle, pulls her leg to one side. Though the light from the hall is dim, the shadows sharply delineate the lines of her sweet young pussy and I imagine that I can see just a hint of moisture in the deepest shadows. "I dare you to kiss it." Alison whispers from across the bed and I look up to see the light gleam from her teeth as she grins at me. Grinning back at her, I carefully put my hands on either side of Rene's tiny frame and lower my lips to her pouting pussy. As I get closer, I inhale and I detect more than a hint of an unmistakable odour and I think to myself, 'well she obviously liked the way I fixed her bathers, I wonder if she made herself cum.' Drinking of the heady, intoxicating aroma of her arousal, I gently press my lips to the smooth, hairless skin of her five year old vulva. Then unable to resist, I dip my tongue between her legs and taste of her sweet ambrosial nectar, dragging the rough tip of my tongue, the full length of the fine crack separating the perfect, hairless halves of her pre-teen pussy. It is with an extreme effort of will, that I stop myself from falling upon her succulent little pudenda and devouring her whole. Instead I reluctantly drag myself away and cover the source of my temptation. I look up at Alison and meet her open mouthed stare with a grin, waving for her to take hold of the sheet. Fumbling, she does so and we draw it up under Rene's chin and carefully tuck her in. She then helps me with the doona and lightly brushes her lips across her little sister's cheek, then motions for me to do the same. As I do so, I feel her twitch as one of my braids tickles her under the nose and I hastily pull back, watching as she frees a hand and scrubs it back and forth across her upper lip. With a little mumble, she rolls over onto her side and burrows her nose under the edge of the doona. Silently, I walk around the end of the bed, hold out my hand to Alison. Instead of taking it she wraps her arm around my waist and snuggles into my side, pulling my hand down to cup her right breast through the soft cotton of her nightie. She remains silent until we reach her room, but as soon as the door is closed she turns until the tip of my cock rests between her budding breasts and looks up at me. In a mock accusing tone, she says, "I said, kiss it not lick it." "But she smelled so good," I reply apologetically. "So, what did she taste like, better than me?" her expression tells me what answer I'd better give to that question. However some little demon prompts me to say, "Yep." I wait for her expression to darken, before grinning and adding, "But, I haven't tasted you without pee sauce, so who can tell." "Oooh, you, you, you bugger!" she says and thumps my chest. "Seriously though," I say, "there are no betters or worse, everybody is just as good as everybody else, just different. Of course that doesn't count if you haven't washed for a week. In that case I'll tell you, you stink and taste like shit." She giggles at the last, and I grin back at her, "Want to hear something funny?" I ask. "What?" "I know how your baby sister got all tangled up like that." I say and wait. Alison tries to outwait me, but her curiosity gets the better of her and she asks "How?" "I think, your little sister has found out that her pussy is good for more than peeing with and she fingered herself to sleep." "Your kidding," Alison giggles, "Rene?" "Uh-huh," I nod, "she certainly smelled like it." "And of course you just HAD to taste her, just to make sure." "Of course." I reply with an air of injured innocence. "I think you're just a dirty old man, who likes to do naughty things to little girls." she accuses, "But that's all right, I'm a little girl and I want you to do naughty things to me right now." "Come on." she starts pushing me towards the foot of the bed. I feel the edge against the back of my legs and with a shove she topples me onto it. She immediately starts tugging at the belt of my robe and as soon as the knot gives way, she folds it back to expose my rampant member. With a squeal of delight, she grabs hold, gives it a few quick pumps and then takes hold of the hem of her nightie. Smiling, I sit up and place my hands over hers, saying, "No, let me unwrap you." She smiles shyly back at me, and lets her nightie fall. I reach for the hem and then an idea strikes me. She looks at me questioningly, as I rise from the bed and go over to her dresser. It is identical to Rene's and taking a chance, I tug open the top draw. Yep there are her knickers, a mixture of older cotton varieties and newer more grown up ones. In a couple of cases, very grown up. For the occasion, I choose a full, high waisted, pair of plain, white, cotton underpants. Alison looks at them askance for a few moments, when I hand them to her, but their symbolism dawns on her and she motions for me to turn around while she puts them on. She then tugs my robe closed and reties the belt. Pushing me back onto the bed, she stands before me, a picture of virginal innocence. Chapter 8 - A Fate Worse than Death. As I grasp the hem of her nightie, a look of apprehension flickers across her face, as she realises that the moment of truth is almost upon her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask quietly. "Uh-huh." she nods, "I'm just a little scared." "It's O.K. to be scared." I tell her and immediately the fearful look fades, though she continues to chew nervously on her lower lip. I lower my eyes to the hem of nightie and start to slowly gather the material in my hands, inching it higher and higher. With six inches of cloth in my hands I pause to look up at Alison's face, where anticipation has started to crowd out her nerves. Letting my gaze fall once more, I resume gathering up her hem, raising it until her knickers come into view. She has arranged them perfectly. Although they are a little on the small side, she has settled them low on her hips, so that the crotch is slightly baggy between her legs giving no hint, as to the shape of her pudenda. My heart thumps in my chest and my hands tremble, as I continue to lift the soft fabric of her nightie higher. Again I pause, just below the level of her breasts and when I raise my eyes to hers, I'm met by her sweet, still slightly nervous smile. She raises her hands above her head and I raise the nightie up to the level of her chin. Her tiny breasts have become even smaller, flattened when her skin is pulled tight by her upraised arms. I stand to pull her nightie right off and toss it aside, before sitting back down on the bed and drinking in the sight of her perfect pre-teen body. She stands, a trifle self-consciously, before me, her hands folded protectively in front of her groin. "Perfect, just perfect." I whisper and she rewards me with a brilliant smile, dropping her hands to her sides. I hold out my arms to her and she climbs onto the bed, straddling my hips. I gently enfold her in my arms, drawing her against my chest and pulling her head down to my shoulder. Her arms slip around me and she hugs me convulsively, sending a thrill of pure love through me. I gently caress her back from the nape of her neck to the elastic waistband of her snow white knickers. Slowly her arms relax and she lifts her head to gaze lovingly into my eyes. Lifting my hand to the back of her head, I gently, pull her forehead down to my lips, planting a soft kiss just below her fringe. She then does the same for me. Taking turns we exchange sweet soft kisses in this fashion, eyelids, cheeks, nose and chin. Finally, lip meets lip, at first gently, almost chastely, but it quickly becomes more, as moaning, she parts her lips and increases the pressure of her hand on the back of my head. Experimentally, I probe between her soft, sweet lips with the tip of my tongue and she meets it with her own. Teasingly, she flicks the tip of my tongue with hers and pulls back, inviting me deeper. I follow and again, her tongue greets mine, following it as I explore the warm, minty cavity of her mouth. She briefly twines her tongue around mine, before gently crowding it out of her mouth and I feel her tongue agilely exploring the interior of my mouth. Suddenly, I feel her lips tighten and she pulls back grinning. "I just realised," she says, giggling, "that's the first time we kissed properly." "I guess that is pretty funny." I smile back at her. "Yeah," she giggles, "I've jerked you off, and sort of sucked your cock and you've fingered me and licked my pussy and we've piddled all over each other, but this is the first time we've really kissed properly." "Well, do you like it?" I ask. "Uh-huh," she replies, "but I want to feel what it's like to fuck now." "Not so fast," I say, grinning, "you only get one first time, I want this to be really special for you. Now close your eyes and enjoy." Taking her beautiful elfin face between my hands I press my lips to her forehead then gently to each of her eyelids. She squeaks in surprise as I flick the tip of my tongue over eyelid and her eyes snap open. "Keep them closed." I gently admonish her as I kiss them closed again. Her cute little retrousse nose is next and she giggles as I completely cover it with my lips and gently nip at the tip. "Shhh." I trail kisses and tiny little licks over her cheek and lick and nibble around her earlobe while she squirms beneath my ministrations. I follow the line of her jaw, working my way around to her other ear with a rapid series of nibbling kisses. Again she squirms as I take her earlobe between my teeth and tug gently. I work my way across her cheek to her slightly parted, moist lips. She moans in disappointment as I just flick my tongue across her lips and abandon them to gently bite her chin. Next I kiss and nibble her throat causing her to throw her head back. Opening my mouth as wide as I can I take her throat in my teeth and feel her entire body shiver convulsively. Moving my lips to her right shoulder I kiss, and bite along her collar bone. I then press my tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat, before moving on to her left shoulder. As my lips move down her chest she arches her back to present her small boobs up for my attention. Cradling her in my arms like a baby, I turn and carefully lower her to the bed. Kneeling beside her, I suck her entire right breast into my mouth, enjoying the feel of her rubbery nipple everting itself under my tongue. Leaving a wet trail across the center of her chest I move on to her left breast, teasing the nipple erect with a series of rapid flicks of my tongue. I then take it between my teeth and bites down gently. With a quiet moan, she arches her back and presses the surrounding flesh to my lips, then moans again as I release it. I feel her tense as I trace a direct line from the hollow at the base of her throat on an arrow straight journey towards her navel. At the last moment I veer aside and she relaxes with a sigh. A moment later, she folds up like a jackknife around my head and emits a muffled shriek, as I plunge my tongue into the sensitive pucker positioned in the center of her belly. From her navel I move to her right hip and trace a line of wet kisses along the line of the waistband of her knickers. I then do the same along the legbands, holding her legs together, when she would part them the give me access to the cloth encased center of her being. I leave another trail of nibbling kisses down her legs to her feet, where pulling them together I suck both her big toes into my mouth at once, then concentrating on one foot I take all of the toes into my mouth and lick along the undersides. I then suck on the toes of the other foot before turning her over on to her face. I firmly grasp her ankle and give a broad flat lick to the sole of her foot causing her to squeal into the pillow and try to jerk it from my grip. The other foot receives the same treatment with a similar response. Back and forth from one leg to the other, I trail licks and kisses up her calves to the sensitive backs of her knees. I lick and she squirms and squeaks yet again. Onwards and upwards I lick and nibble up the backs of her thighs centring my attention on the more sensitive inner surfaces. By the time I reach her cotton encased bottom, she is bucking her hips, forcing her mons into the mattress as a heavenly aroma rises from between her slim legs. I trace the line of her knickers, then briefly press my lips to the each of the twin globes of her taught buttocks. She lifts her hips for me as I take hold of the waistband of her knickers, then lowers them again with a groan, as I release them with just the top of the crease at the base of her spine showing. Lowering my lips into the thus revealed valley, I work my way up her spine, pressing my lips to each hard, knobbly vertebra until I reach the base of her skull. Taking the back of her neck between my teeth, causes her to shiver in reaction, her face coming clear of the pillow, as she arches her head back, moaning deep in her throat. I loosen the belt of my robe and sit back for just long enough to shrug it from my shoulders and let it fall to the bed. Then before she can move, I nuzzle into the side of her neck as I spread it beside her. As I roll her on top of it, I find her lips with mine and part them with my tongue. Hungrily, she all but inhales my tongue, sucking on it like it was a small and prehensile cock. Just as hungrily, I explore every square millimetre that I can reach within her mouth before pulling back and slipping my thumbs into the waistband of her knickers. As soon as she feels my hands on her hips, her eyes fly open and she looks down. Noticing my nakedness, she lifts her eyes to meet mine and mouths the single word, "Now?" "Now." I confirm, and she lifts her hips for me. Slowly I tug her knickers lower and lower, first exposing the top of her pubic mound and a few seconds later the start of the crease between her labia. Millimetre by millimetre I unveil her sweet, hairless pussy; until, in all its glory, it is revealed to me. Immediately the fabric clears her bottom, she lowers it back to the bed and parts her legs slightly. As I tug her knickers lower, the fabric of the gusset stick to the lips of her pussy and when it does pull free, long gooey strands of her lubricants join her labia to the fabric. One by one they break, the last persisting until her knickers reach mid thigh. Like a baby she lifts her feet clear of the bed and in a single swift motion, I divest Alison of the last of her clothing. Raising the saturated fabric to my face, I inhale deeply, drawing the intoxicating aroma of her arousal deep into my lungs. Extending my tongue, I taste of her sweet juices, before setting the drenched bundle of cloth aside, on the night stand. For a few moments longer, I gaze into her eyes, deeply moved by the look of complete and utter trust that I find there. No longer afraid, she is ready for that single, unique act, which signals the beginning of the end of her girlhood. Slowly, but without hesitation, she lifts and separates her knees, giving me complete access to the most intimate part of her body. With infinite care, I move sideways to kneel between her feet. Craning her neck, she strains to see down between her legs to where my rigidly upstanding cock, rises from its nest of wiry dark hair. I gently push her head back to the pillows and Starting at the top of her head, I allow my gaze to fall on her, as I drink in every exquisite detail of her body. Her long silky hair forms a golden corona that frames her narrow lightly tanned face. Her eyes are a clear sky blue, bordered by long almost invisible lashes. In the center of her face, between slightly reddened cheeks lies her small, slightly retrousse nose, above barely parted, cupid's lips. I lower my gaze past her strong, slightly defiant chin and long, slender neck to the tiny, perfectly hemispherical mounds of her nascent breasts, crowed by tiny pea sized nipples. Just enough fat covers her torso to conceal the lines of her ribs. In the center of her flat belly, my eyes find the perfect round dimple of her navel. Lower still, I reach the swell of her young pubis, the white, untanned flesh of which, remains unsullied by all but the finest of peach fuzz. Divided into perfectly symmetrical halves by the finest of cracks, it frames the stiffly upstanding nubbin of her iridescent little clitoris. From it, my gaze traces the deep pink lines of her swollen inner labia to the narrow black slit of her vagina. Her slim hips are just beginning to round and fill out into the lines of her emerging womanhood. Swifter now, I sweep my gaze over the slim well-toned lines of her firm thighs; past knees slightly scarred by rough and tumble childhood activities, to firm, rounded calves; slim ankles and small dainty feet. Her eyes widen a little as I lean forwards to loom over her and the tip of my prick brushes against the burning flesh of her swollen vulva. I gently pull one of the pillows from beneath her head, then folding it double, I push it beneath the other, easing the strain on her neck. I then gently push one of her legs back towards her chest and guide her hand to hold it behind the knee. Getting the idea, she lifts the other leg of her own volition and takes hold of it too. As she gazes down to where my cock hangs above her shining, puffed up little pussy, I replace her hand on her right leg with my own, whispering, "I'll hold this leg, that hand has another job to do." For a moment she looks at my quizzically and then her mouth forms a little 'O' of comprehension as she realises that the moment is upon her, and that even now, I am giving her control of the situation. She reaches down and around her backside and fumbling a little, wraps her small fingers around my shaft. Then taking a deep breath, she watches, with eyes as big as saucers, while she angles my rock hard prick down towards her waiting pussy. Following her lead, I lower my hips slightly until the bulbous tip of my cock kisses the slick, hot ring of flesh at the entrance to her virgin pussy. When she pushes her hips upwards and tries to force the fat crown of my prick into her body I suggest, "Move it around a little and get everything nice and wet first." Intently gazing at the where the tip of my cock meets her labia, she begins dragging the head of my penis back and forth in the oily groove between her legs, gasping as it passes over her hypersensitive clit. I groan at the sheer, unadulterated pleasure as I feel the hot rubbery flesh of her swollen labia open up around the tip of my cock and coat it with her sweet slippery fluids. I gently start to rock my hip, pushing as she brings the head of my cock up to circle the rigid little shaft of her clitoris and again as it passes over the center of heat and wetness that marks the entrance to her vagina. With each pass over her vagina, I press a little harder, until suddenly her labia open up around me and the top half of my swollen glans lodges in the tight ring of muscles at the entrance to her vaginal sheath. My groan of pleasure mingles with her moaning gasp and she stares, wide eyed, at the point where our bodies have become one. Pressing inwards experimentally I feel her open up around me until the tight ring of muscle closes, with a snapping sensation, behind the flaring crown of my rigid member. Already, with barely the tip of my cock within the sweet tight confines of her pre-teen pussy, I am close to cumming and I hold myself rigidly still as I wait for the churning of my balls to subside. A few seconds later, Alison lifts her hips and she moans deep in her throat as another inch of my cock slides into the tight, warm embrace of her juvenile pussy. Carefully, I pull back half of that inch and then push downwards slowly, until her hand is caught between her swollen labia and my pubis and nearly half of my cock is buried in the warm, wet confines of her body. The slow, piston like plunge of my manhood into her body, seemingly forcing a moan of delight from her slightly parted lips. As I begin to pull back, Alison takes her hand from my shaft and takes hold of her leg, allowing me to lower my hand to the bed. I withdraw until the flare of my cock catches at the entrance to her vagina, then reverse my direction and push back into her, gaining another fractional inch of penetration. Briefly, I lift a hand from the bed to guide the motions of her pelvis, in counterpoint to my thrusts. She quickly picks up the rhythm, squeaking, as she lifts her hips when I push down and dropping them with a moan, as I pull back. Half a minute later, my pubic bone kisses hers, as I push the last quarter inch of my shaft into the incredibly hot, tight clasp of her velvety vaginal sheath. "Oh my God, it's in." Alison breathes disbelievingly, gazing raptly at the point of juxtaposition. "How does it feel?" I ask, as I fight down the cum rising in my balls. "Wonderful." she whispers, "It feels so good I don't want you to take it out. Ever." She wiggles her hips a little, grinding her pebbly clit between our bodies and moans, "Oh wow, that makes my tingle bump feel sooo good." "Noooo, put it back!" she moans as I pull back, slowly and steadily until only my glans remains within her. Followed by a single drawn out hissing, "Yesssss!" as I push back into her, not stopping until her clitoris is crushed between our pelvis's. "Again!" she yelps from between clenched teeth. I back out a little faster and plunge back into her body, rotating my hips as our bodies come together, crushing her clit between us. "Oh Yessss!" she squeals, "Fuck me harder!" Her face becomes a mask of pleasure and her hips jerk up to meet mine, as I plunge faster and faster into her receptive pre-teen body. Our bodies meet with a wet slapping sound, and before long she releases her grip on her legs and wraps them around my waist, using the extra leverage to pull me into her with greater and greater force. Her fingers dig bruisingly, into the muscles of my upper arms and I use the pain as a focus to keep myself from cumming too soon. Each time our bodies meet, she rotates her hips, grinding her engorged clit into my pubic mound. Beyond coherence, she moans and squeals deep in her throat, thrashing her head from side to side. Suddenly, from deep within her body, there rises a keen that is purely animal in nature and she goes into convulsive spasms beneath me. Surrounding my deeply embedded cock, her vaginal sheath contracts in rippling waves, triggering my own climax. Jet after searing jet, of my white hot seed burns a path through the shaft of my cock, to splash deep inside her body, up against the neck of her womb. Almost crushing her beneath me, I press my face into the pillow above her head, muffling her howls of pleasure, against my chest, even as I bite into the pillow to control mine. On and on her orgasm continues, the milking action of her vaginal walls prolonging mine long past the point where my balls have run dry, leaving my prostate convulsing painfully. Finally her climax ends and my own burning contractions are allowed to cease. Before I crush her totally, I slip my arms beneath her shoulders and the back of her legs and hold her to me, as I roll over onto my back. Groaning, she tries to lift her head, but she is so spent that it falls back with a thump, onto my chest. Mustering what little strength remains to me, I slide my fingers beneath her chin and help her look up into my face. "How did you like your first time?" I ask her with a grin. "I loved it." she whispers back, "I felt like I was going to die and I didn't even care. Thankyou." "Thank-YOU!" I whisper back, "Thankyou for sharing one of your most precious moments with me. How do you feel now." "Fucked!" she replies with a wan smile. "Yes, you certainly are that." I say, with a quiet laugh. "I'm too tired to hit you." she giggles, lowering her head back to my chest. "So you'll have to imagine I just did." Some time later I'm woken by Alison shivering in my arms and a burning ache in my balls that tells me I have overspent myself. Carefully, I roll her sleeping body off me, my now shrivelled cock pulling free of her freshly fucked pussy. Surprisingly, only a tiny trickle of sperm leaks from her vagina, but just in case, I roll her up in my robe, before lifting her to my shoulder, while I pull back the bedclothes. She is so exhausted that even when I slip and drop her the last foot to the mattress, she doesn't even stir. A glance at the clock beside her bed, as I pull the sheet and doona up over her cocooned body, reveals that it is only ten thirty, but even after resting for half an hour or so, I barely have the strength to stagger through the house and douse all of the lights but the one in the hall. Finally, I stumble into the master bedroom and crawl between the sheets. Some time later I'm woken by a tiny hand shaking my shoulder. Blearily, I blink my eyes, finally managing to focus, in the dim light from the hall, on Rene's little face. "Greg," she says in a small voice, "I've wet the bed. Can I sleep with you?" Chapter 9 - Rene Too? Bleary eyed and still half asleep, I roll out of bed not realising that I'm naked until a tiny gasp makes me look to Rene, then follow the line of her wide eyed gaze to my cock. "Oops!" I say, "Run along to the bathroom Rene, I'll be with you in a minute. O.K.?" Wide eyed, she stumbles backwards, her eyes looked on my cock, until she bangs her shoulder on the doorjamb. She then turns and almost runs down the hall to the bathroom. Leaving me wondering if I'd scared her with my accidental exposure. Turning on the bedside lamp, I grab a pair of jocks from my bag, slip them on. Catching sight of myself in a mirror, I notice that one of my braids has come undone, so I pull off the other elastic band and drag my fingers through my beard. I then check the bed in Rene's room to see what the damage is. Luckily she has thrown the blankets back and when I check them, I find that they're dry. So I Just gather up the wet sheets and mop up the worst of the cooling mess on the rubber undersheet. After drying my hands on the corner of a sheet, I grab a pair of dry knickers for her. I then take the sheet into the laundry and set them soaking in the trough. I enter the bathroom through the toilet and find Rene standing in the middle of the tiled floor, still dressed in her wet nightie and shivering from the cold. "Oh you poor mite." I say, "You could have taken that off and wrapped yourself in a towel while you waited." "I didn't want to get it dirty." she whispers. "That doesn't matter." I tell her, "If it happens again, you just wrap up in a towel to stay warm. O.K.?" "Uh-huh." she nods. "Now lets get these wet things off and get you cleaned up." I say laying the clean undies on the rim of the bath. "Skin a rabbit." I say seizing the damp hem of her nightie and pulling it off over her head. Underneath her cute little slit glistens with her urine. "Well here's the problem," I say pressing the back of my hand, with one knuckle slightly extended, to her tiny mound. "this is all wet. I wonder how that happened?" "I wet it silly." she giggles, pressing a little against my hand. "How did you do that?" I ask. "Silly!" she giggles, pressing hard enough for my knuckle to slip between her plump little pussy lips. "I piddled while I was sleeping." "Well lets, get you cleaned up a bit and then I want you to do something for me." I say, turning on the taps, wincing at the sound of the demand type hot water service firing up. "What's that?" she asks. "I want you to see if you can piddle a bit more for me, so there's no chance you'll wet your mummy's bed O.K.?" "Uh-huh." she nods. "Now spread your legs a bit Honey." I say , dampening a cloth with warm water and rubbing a bit of soap on it. She does as I ask, moving her feet well apart, and quickly wipe down her tiny body from neck to knee. Then using the fingers of my free hand, I separate the halves of her still closed pussy and take a quick peek at her tiny pink clitoris, before wiping from her butt crack up to her belly button. I then rinse out the cloth with clean water and repeat the procedure, cleaning the residue of soap from her young body. In the few seconds it takes me to shut off the water and drape the cloth over the edge of the basin, she begins to shiver again and I quickly grab a towel and wrap her in it, massaging her through the thick cloth to warm her up. When I get to her pussy, she again pushes into my touch and a happy little smile plays across lips. I spend a little longer than is strictly necessary drying between her legs and her expression turns dreamy as her eyes slowly close. When I remove my hand, her eyes open and she turns a slightly disappointed look on me. "Come on," I say, "are you ready to do that wee for me now?" "Uh-huh." she nods, shrugging the towel from her shoulders. She trots into the toilet and clambers up onto the seat, to sit legs splayed as she strains to do as I'd asked. "Hang on," I say from the doorway, "I've got an idea." I step up to the basin and set the cold tap trickling into the drain. I then go back to the toilet and kneel in front of her. Taking a chance, I press her knees further apart and using my thumbs, I open up the thin crack bisecting her fat little mound. Looking on curiously, she watches what I am doing, but makes no objections. "O.K." I say, in a low, steady voice, "I want you to close your eyes and listen to the sound of the water running in the sink. I don't want you to push and strain, I just want you to listen to the water. Can you hear the water? What does the water sound like? It sounds like somebody piddling doesn't it? Just relax and listen. Doesn't that sound make you want to piddle too? Are you going to do a wee for me? Just relax and listen to the water. Are... That's a good girl." As I watch the little pink crease between her legs, I see the opening of her urethra pucker outwards and a pale golden stream emerges and dribbles into the bowl beneath her. She pees for about five seconds, then pushes out a last couple of spurts, that hiss into the side of the bowl. "That's all." she says and pulls a couple of sheets from the roll. "Please?" she asks holding them out to me. Changing to a one handed grip on her tiny mons, I take the wad of paper from her and carefully dry her crack. Then after dropping the paper into the bowl, I trace the length of her slit with my bare fingertip for the first time. "Mmmm." she hums. "There you go," I say, lifting her down from the seat, "All dry. Now off you go and put your knickers on, I need to have a widdle too." I slide the door closed behind her, lift the seat and release my cock. Thanks to Alison, I'm still only half hard, even after such a close scrutiny of her little sister's pussy and watching her pee. Taking aim, I direct my stream into the bowl, mixing my urine with Rene's. When I finish, I turn towards the door as I reach for the button and I catch a glimpse of a shadow disappearing from the crack between it and the jamb. When I open the door, I find Rene rooted to the spot, with both legs stuck in the same leg hole of her knickers and she looks up at me with a scared expression on her face. "Were you peeking?" I ask, smiling to let her know I wasn't mad. Blushing prettily, she hangs her head and nods. "It's O.K.," I tell her, "but you really shouldn't, your mummy mightn't like it." "You watched me." she mumbles, on the edge of tears. "It's O.K. I'm not mad." I say, kneeling down and hugging her, "Watching you was a bit different. I was helping you to pee and you're still a little girl. But little girls aren't supposed to watch men widdling." "Are you going to tell Mummy I peeked?" she asks, still not far from tears. "I tell you what." I say tilting her face up and smiling into her eyes, "I won't tell her you watched me if you don't tell her I watched you. O.K.?" "O.K." she says, sealing the bargain with a sweet kiss. "Now lets get these on properly." I say stripping the knickers of her legs and holding them open for her. She steps into them for me and I pull them up snug on her hips, then as has become usual, I slip a finger into the leg band and brush my knuckle along her slit a few time as I pull the front panel taught. Again she gets a dreamy look on her face, and she pouts a little when I stop. Picking her up I settle her on my hip and carry her as I shut off the tap and turn off the lights on my way to the bedroom, where I toss her onto the bed. She giggles as she lands and bounces a few times. "O.K. you, wriggle in here." I say to her, pulling back the corner of the bedclothes. She quickly slips under the sheets and wriggles across to make room for me to slip in beside her. As I pull the covers over us, she snuggles up to my front and pulls my arm around her, then tucking her hand in mine she hugs it to her chest and presses her little bottom even more firmly into my belly. I lift up onto my elbow to look down at her and she turns her head to look back. I smile at her and whisper, "Goodnight little one." "G'nite." she murmurs and puckers up for a kiss. I briefly press my lips to hers then lower my head to the pillow and reach behind me to turn out the light. And with the sweet little girl smell of her hair filling my nostrils I drift off to sleep. Chapter 10 - Rene Too. "I said I was going to suck your cock and drink it all." Alison grins up at me from between my legs, silhouetted against the curtained window by the first chill light of the dawn. Her tight little fist, continues the slow pumping action that had awoken me. "What about Rene?" I ask, not yet sure that she should be joining our games. "Don't worry about her, she's still asleep." Alison reassures me, even as she leans forwards and engulfs the head of my prick in her warm, wet mouth. Something about her answer leaves me feeling uneasy, but the sensation of her lips being forced open my the turgid, purple crown of my cock leaves little room for thinking. She sucks on it like a baby for a couple of seconds then pulls free with a sloppy, wet, sucking slurp. With her fingertips lightly digging into the top of my cock she resumes sliding the skin sheathing my shaft up and down jerkily. Then once again forces the soft tight ring of her lips down over my swollen glans. Somehow or other the inexperience of her cock sucking and the knowledge that it's her first time, excites me even more than a more talented attack on my prick would do. Groaning with the imminence of my release, I open my eyes to see *RENE* crouched between my thighs, with my prick in her tiny hands and her small red lips surrounding the head as she licks the tip. Even as my mind screams at the wrongness of this, my balls pulse powerfully and with an incredible burning spasm, I pump a massive surge of semen into her warm, wet mouth. Surprised, by the sudden eruption in her mouth, her head jerks upwards and her eyes meet mine. Immediately, she freezes, an obscene drool of jism dripping from the corner of her parted lips. She does not even seem to notice the hot, searing splashes on her cheeks, chin and lips as my prostate, empties my balls into her face. Over and over again, my loins spasm, endlessly draining my seed, to coat her tiny, perfect features, with my viscous, creamy ejaculate. Finally, an eternity later the fountaining jets become a slow upwelling that seeps from the bloated tip of my shaft to oozes down the sides and over her diminutive fists. Chapter 11 - "I Can Too." She crouches there, unmoving, her eyes locked to mine, like some small creature fascinated by a snake, her tiny face plastered with my cum. Thick, white, stringy, curds drip from the tip of her nose and the point of her tiny chin. She too holds me just as fascinated, unable to blink, move or speak, barely able to think. "Greg are you awa.. OH WOW!" Alison's voices suddenly breaks the silence. Immediately Rene's tiny face collapses in on itself and her tears mingle with my cum as she begins to cry. She grabs the sheet and pulls it over her head, hiding her face from us as she curls into a tiny quivering ball of abject misery. I have to literally pry the sheet from her fingers, before I can gather the sobbing little girl in my arms, murmuring reassurances as I rock her back and forth. Reaching out to Alison, I pull her to me, and her arms join mine in cradling her little sister. Gradually, our comforting words penetrate her misery and she begins to relax. With an almost convulsive motion, she uncoils and throws her tiny arms around my neck, burrowing her hot, sticky face into the side of my neck. Alison, pulls herself close against her baby sister's back, and brushing her hair aside, she begins to softly kiss the soft skin just in front of Rene's ear. Ever so slowly, Rene's sobs become further and further apart, finally turning to occasional gulps. Sniffling she, lifts her head, to be met by two pairs of eyes filled with love. Alison continues her soft, caressing kisses, occasionally pulling back a little to lick the salty mixture of semen and tears from her lips. I smile into the sad little face before me, and slowly, tentatively, she returns it wanly. Then giving her every chance to object or retreat, I slowly bring my lips closer to hers. Barely brushing against them, I kiss her tenderly, trying to project as much love and reassurance as I possibly can. After a few seconds, she presses back into the kiss and surprises me by parting her lips slightly and gently sucking on mine. A moment later, she pulls back with a squeak and turns an accusing look on her grinning sister. "Whatcha do that for?" "Because it tastes nice?" Alison replies unrepentantly, darting back in to take another swipe at Rene's cheek with her tongue. Again Rene squeaks, then giggles. Seeing this as a good way to complete this tiny child's recovery, I make a very sloppy pass over Rene's other cheek from her chin to her temple, making her pull her head in like a turtle and squeal with laughter. Together, Alison and I lap the salty cocktail from Rene's little face, relishing every obscene droplet with noisy slurps and smackings of our lips. "Feeling better?" I ask the squirming, giggling bundle in my arms, when we have collected every last dribble of tears, semen and even little girl snot. "Yes-s-s, s-st-sst-op." she giggles, trying to hide her face and avoid our darting tongues. "Oops, missed a bit." I say and lift her up to lick at a small dribble between her tiny nipples, then blow a zoober on each minuscule point. "Oooh stop, I'm going to widdle." she squeals. "Really?" I ask and blow another zoober in her belly button. "Oooh stop, I need to go real bad." she squeaks. "Let's go then." I say, pushing Alison aside and rolling from the bed with a squirming Rene tucked under my arm. I take two steps towards the door and feel the chafing of my jocks, which Rene had tucked under my balls. "Uh, Alison," I ask, "could you fix my undies?" Instead of unhooking them, she giggles and pulls them down my legs to my ankles. "There." she says. Stepping from them, I quickly carry Rene into the toilet and set her on the floor. Even as she reaches for her knickers, she squeaks and a small wet patch blossoms between her legs. "Help." she pleads. Laughing I flip down the seat and lift her onto it. "I want to watch you pee your knickers." I say, closing my hands over hers when she tries to tug them off. "That's naughty." she giggles, as I lift her up onto the seat. Another spurt of pee escapes and further dampens the crotch panel of her knickers. "O.K. here it comes." The tightly woven fabric of her knickers briefly bulges outwards between her legs and the stain spreads, turning the thin cotton cloth transparent and moulding it to the smooth hairless flesh of her plump pussy lips. A second later it trickles over her buttocks and dribbles into the bowl. As soon as the first urgent pulse of urine leaves her body, she stops the flow and asks, "Help me like you did before?" Smiling inwardly at the transparency of her request, I push the damp cloth of her knickers to one side and part her glistening little lips watching as she begins to play with the flow of her pee. With little grunts, she stops and starts the flow, slows it to a trickle then squirts it out with such force that she farts noisily. This makes her giggle so much, that my finger slips into her slit and cover her pouting urethral opening. Suddenly, piss sprays everywhere, back over her vaginal entrance, up over her clit and into my face and onto the insides of her thighs. She stiffens and goes suddenly silent, cutting off the stream in mid flow, but when I don't pull back and instead gently massage the tiny opening, she relaxes and another shower results before I get my finger out of the way. Moving it to the tiny pink button a bare half inch away, I tease it in gentle circles, feeling it swell under my ministrations, as I let the remainder of her flow trickle over the rest of my fingers. "Do you always help girls pee like that?" Alison's voice asks from the doorway, making me jump. "No, but it's fun when I do. Isn't it?" I answer, turning towards her. For the first time, I notice that all she is wearing, is a tiny pair of knickers that are little more that a strip of almost transparent cloth held in place by elastic strings. Her little finger and thumb poke out on either side of that narrow strip as the other three fingers work in slow circles at the top of her slit. "Yeah," she giggles, as Rene looks on, half scared, half amazed. "What did she mean, 'help like before'?" I help Rene down from the seat and lift it to take care of my own pressing needs as I explain how she had wet the bed and I had hypnotised her into peeing for me earlier. I finish by saying, "I think she just likes it when I touch her pussy." "Out of the way!" she yelps, as I give the customary three shakes, "You made me want to do it now." Crowding me aside, she slaps the seat back down with a rifle like crack, and wrenches her knickers down, even as she backs onto the pedestal and sits down. Then safe from accidents, she turns a slightly strained, ingenuous smile on me, "Help me please?" Rene looks on in wide eyed fascination, as I kneel in front of her sister, finish pulling her knickers off and force her legs out to their widest extent. Then deciding to put on a good show for Rene, I slip two fingers into the glistening hole at the base of her big sisters slit. Alison squeaks at the sudden intrusion, them grins at me, as she squirts a quick spurt of golden pee into the palm of my hand. At the same time she brings one hand down over her belly and toys with the solid pea sized bump of her clitoris. I begin to slowly pump my fingers in and out of her tight, young vagina, as she lets her scalding hot pee slowly trickle into the palm of my hand and over my fingers. Within seconds she begins to gasp for breath and her hips rock in time to my fingers within her vagina. Grasping her engorged, clit between thumb and forefinger, she begins to squeeze and tug on it her movements quickly getting rougher as she rapidly approaches climax. Her other hand comes down, seizes my wrist, and moves my fingers faster and faster within her tight, clasping sheath. Loosing control of her bladder, she sprays the remainder of her piss into my hand as her lips draw back in a snarl and a short savage climax, rips through her. Back arched, she begins to slip from the seat driving herself down onto my fingers as she emits as series of short sobbing cries. "Stop it! Stop it! You're hurting her!" Rene cries, beating on my back with her tiny fists. Taking hold of my wrist she tries to pull my fingers from her sister's body, but as my hand is just about all that is supporting Alison, her efforts are futile. Quickly recovering from her cum, Alison begins to giggle. "No Rene, it's all right." she says, pulling herself off my fingers and back onto the seat. She catches her sister's tiny fists in her hands as Rene goes back to hitting me. "It's O.K. Rene, he wasn't hurting me, he was making me feel really, really good." "Really?" she asks, turning her eyes to her sister. "Really." Alison answers, repeating herself for emphasis, "Really." "I'm sorry I hit you Greg." Rene turns her penitent little face to me, "I fought you was hurting Alison." "It's O.K." I tell her, "You were just protecting your sister. I wouldn't blame you if you'd hit me with a rolling pin." "Speaking of protecting sisters." Alison says. "How come your sperm was all over Rene's face anyway." "He didn't do it!" Rene exclaims, leaping to my defence. "I made it happen." "Come on, let's get cleaned up first and then we'll talk about it in bed, where it's warm." I say, ushering Rene ahead of me into the bathroom. I fill the basin with warm soapy water and pause with the cloth in my hand to inspect Rene. From a point just above where her little slit begins, a dark stain disappears all the way down between her thigh, the soaking wet fabric tightly moulded to and clearly outlining her juvenile mons. Under my close scrutiny she blushes, the flush covering her from her forehead down to her tiny little nipples. Clasping her hands in the small of her back she pushes her hips forwards, bringing her little pussy into even greater relief. "I'm gonna wet my knickers next time." Alison declares, "That looks really rude." Giggling, Rene brings a hand around to the front and readjusts her undies, pulling the leg bands together and drawing them up into her slit. "Fix my knickers please." she says, the shy tone of her voice belied by the giggle that follows. Kneeling, I slip my finger beneath the fabric and rub my knuckle up and down her slit several times, smoothing out the gusset of her knickers and finally settling it over her mound with a pat. I then smooth the air bubbles from beneath the fabric and firmly drag my finger along the full length of her slit forcing the wet cloth up into her crack. "It looks like she doesn't have any knickers on at all." Alison giggles, crouching to look closely at her baby sister's little pussy. "I wanna see." Rene says, hunching over to look. However as she bends the fabric wrinkles spoiling the effect. "Lift me up so I can look in the mirror." she orders. Dropping the cloth in the basin, I put my hands under her arms and lift her to stand astride the sink. Insinuating my hand between her legs from behind, I use my fingers to push the fabric of her knickers back into her cleft and smooth it over her mound. "Look at me." the happy little girl giggles, "I'm a rudie nudie. Can I take them off now, they feel yucky." Laughing, I lift her and stand her in the sink full of warm water. Slipping my fingers under the waistband, I slowly draw them down, turning them inside out on her legs. She squeaks and gives a little wiggle of her hips when the fabric finally pulls free of the tight clasp of her glistening pussy lips and as I draw them further down her legs, she scratches at her slit, distractedly lifting her feet one at a time for me to remove her knickers. Tossing the wet fabric aside, I take up the cloth and I carefully wash her flat little chest and down over her belly, making her giggle as I give her protruding belly button a quick squeeze. Working lower, I have to clean around her finger, which is still softly stroking back and forth over her clit. Moving around to the back, I wipe off her little bottom, then separating her buttocks, I run the cloth back and forth over her little pink pucker a few times, making her giggle again and push back against my finger. The as her legs seem to be weakening, I quickly wipe them down and lift her to the floor. Taking the towel held out by Alison, I briskly rub Rene dry, finally dislodging her finger from her slit as I dry it. "My turn." Alison says and I look up to see climbing on to the side of the bath and from there on to the vanity. Wrapping Rene in the towel, I get up and apply the cloth to Alison's bulging mons. "No do it properly." she says, pulling my hand up to her neck. As I begin to wipe down her torso, she pushes a finger into her slit and slowly works it back and forth. With slow strokes I carefully wash her tiny titties, gently tweaking her hard little nipples and teasingly moving away as she leans into my hand. Sliding the cloth lower I wipe back and forth over her taught little belly, making her squeal with laughter as I push a finger into her navel and wriggling it back and forth. Then as I approach her mons, she brings her other hand to her pussy and stretches her labia apart, inviting me to thoroughly wash inside her silt. Moaning as my cloth covered fingers pass over her clit she presses down against my hand and rocks her hips back and forth. She squeaks in outrage as I lightly swat her rhythmically clenching buttocks but ceases the motion and lifts up off my hand. Bringing the cloth around to the back, I find her waiting with her buttocks already obscenely parted, the crinkled dimple between them winking at me in the mirror. Chuckling, I drag the cloth along the full length of her arse crack, but skip over her puckered anus and continue down her legs. O.K. that's it." I say. "No it's not, you didn't wash my bottom properly." she reply accusingly. "What?" I pretend shock, "You want me to touch your bum hole?" "Yeah." she giggles, turning and thrusting her bum out so far, that her cheek presses against the mirror. Grinning, I bring the cloth back to her little pink rosebud and give it a thorough washing, Making her wriggle and push back against the rough cloth. "O.K. that's it this time." I say bringing the cloth down on her bottom with a wet slap. Ignoring her outraged expression, I drop the cloth and lift her down. I grab another towel, but before I can cocoon Alison in it, she snatches the cloth from my fingers and cleans the drying semen from my dangling member and balls. She then scrubs at the wiry tuft of hair at the base of my belly. When she's finished, she tosses the cloth aside and takes up a towel to dry me. By the time she's done with me, my cock has risen to attention, and after bestowing a quick kiss and wicked flick of her tongue, on it's shiny purple crown, she pats herself dry. Scooping Rene into my arms, I allow Alison to take hold of my rigid shaft and lead me back to her mother's bedroom. "Now," I say, "Once I'm snuggled up between the two girls, with my fingers tucked between their legs and lightly brushing the outsides of their hairless, little mounds. "let's see if we can find out why I woke up with my cock in Rene's mouth. Rene, why were you playing with my penis this morning?" "B'cause I saw Alison doing it to you last night." she admits. "But you already squirted, b'cause she was licking her hands and then she licked and sucked your penis. It surprised me when it squirted. Are you mad at me b'cause I didn't go to sleep?" "No, I guess not." I reassure her, "But you know, you really shouldn't spy on people like that. And if you think my penis surprised you, well you REALLY surprised me. I thought it was a dream." "Did you like it?" "Yeah it was great." I tell her, "I just wish I'd been awake to feel it for longer. But then again, I probably would have made you stop, because it's not something little girls like you should do." I blithely ignore the fact that even 'big' girls, like her sister, shouldn't be doing it either. "Can I do it again?" she asks, "I didn't get a very good taste last time." "Yeah," I say, my cock twitching at the thought, "since you've already done it once, I guess you can do it again." "Goody!" she squeals, squirming down under the sheets. "Hang on a sec," I say, hauling her back out, "there's plenty of time for that later. Now what else did you see?" "Nufing, you got up and I ran back to bed and fell asleep. Can I have a taste now?" In a minute, my penis needs a bit of a rest first. Would you like me help you to feel good too?" I ask, diddling her tiny clit. "You're already making me feel good." she says, opening her legs to give me more access to her pussy. "I mean really good like Alison." I say. "Really, you'll put you're fingers in me and everything?" she asks, a little apprehensively. "Well, you're a bit too small for that." I say, "I was thinking about tickling your crack some more and kissing and licking it too." "But that's where I piddle from." she says, her face screwing up in a little moue of disgust. "Well I pee from my penis." I point out to her, "Besides we just washed your crack so it's nice and clean." "Oh yeah." she says in realisation. "And I am too big enough. See?" She takes hold of my hand and holds onto my thumb as she folds my fingers into a fist. She then give my thumb a quick suck, wetting it with her saliva, then lifts her bum up and guides my thumb towards the seeping entrance to her tiny vagina. Thinking that the best way for her to find out that it won't fit is to let her try, I offer her no resistance. Alison echo's my surprised gasp as the tip of my thumb slips easily into the snuggest, warmest, little cavity I've ever encountered. Afraid that she's going to hurt herself, pushing me through her hymen, I try to resist her, but she holds tight and pushes her hips at me, fully impaling herself on my thumb. "See." she says triumphantly. "Ah, yes I see." I whisper. "Now what happened to your hymen?" "What's that?" she asks curiously as she slowly fucks herself with my thumb. "It's a little piece of skin up inside your vagina that should have stopped my thumb going in." I explain. "Oh that." she says, "I pushed my hairbrush through it, like Jenny told Alison to." "How do you know about that?" Alison half yells, turning on her sister. Rene's little vagina spasms around my thumb as she jerks in fear. She huddles against me, reverting to a baby like lisp as she tries to explain, "You voodn't let me play wif you, so I sneaked in an' hid under ve bed. Ven you closed ve door, so I vas stuck." I give Alison a warning look, when she opens her mouth to yell at her little sister and she closes it with a snap, opening it again to apologise, "It's O.K. I guess Rene, I'm not really mad at you, but that was private and you shouldn't have been listening." "I know vat." Rene peeks at her sister across my chest, "But I couldn't get out and I knew you'd yell at me." "Yeah I would have." Alison admits, "I would have been scared you'd tell Mama." "I can keep secrets!" Rene says indignantly, "I didn't tell about Jenny!" "Yes you're a good girl." Alison soothes her sister, "You can keep secrets really good. You're not going to tell Mama about this either, are you?" "No way, Greg would get in twuble, and I wuv him ever so much." she declares, hugging me fiercely. "And I love you too." I say, letting go of Alison and hugging Rene tight. "What about me?" Alison cries indignantly. I wrap my arm back around her and hug her against me. "You too, I love all of my little girls." I say, kissing her upturned face. Hungrily, she seeks out my lips, opening hers to me and eagerly accepting my tongue into her mouth. I ardently explore the smooth sweet interior of her young mouth, tracing the line of her teeth, the insides of her teeth, playfully pinning her tongue, and allowing her to pin mine in return. A moment later, she crowds my tongue out and darts hers into my mouth, flickering livelily over my teeth and the tip of my tongue. Hollowing my cheeks, I suck on the mobile little member, swirling my tongue around the tip. When we part, Rene, who had been looking on with wide eyed interest, eagerly asks, "Me too?" "Sure." I reply, making her squeak, as I extract my thumb from the warm, tight, embrace of her slick little vagina. I lift her to straddle my lap, with her tiny hairless pussy pressed against the underside of my rigid shaft. Lowering my lips to her tiny upturned face, I plant small nibbling kisses all over her perfect, diminutive features. Sweeping her hair back with my hand, I softly kiss her brow, making her giggle. Shushing her, I kiss each of her tiny, perfect eyelids, feeling them quiver under my touch. Then starting just in front of her dainty, little ears I trace the line of her cheekbone, stopping to engulf her tiny button nose and lightly nip the tip with my teeth. Again she giggles, hunching her shoulders, but not pulling away. I flick my tongue over the tip, to help her get used to the idea of tongues being involved, then finish tracing her cheekbone to her ear. Coming back I trail along the line of her tiny jaw, then as I open my own jaw wide to engulf the point of her chin, I realise just how tiny my young lover is, as I cover most of the lower half of her face with my lips. Closing my mouth a little, I quickly nip the point of her chin and pass on to her other ear. Then unable to resist the temptation, I give the tiny pink shell a broad wet lick, making her squeal and wriggle delightfully against my cock. She too notices the enchanting sensations emanating from her diminutive pussy and grinds it against the underside of my cock, making me pull my head back and gasp. She giggles at my reaction and hooks her feet behind my back, pulling herself harder against me. Because my back is getting sore from my hunching down to reach her face, I cup her tiny bottom in one hand and lift her, until I can press my lips to hers comfortably. At that height, the sensitive underside of my glans presses against her slit, just over her little clit. Though tempted to lift her that final inch or so, that would place my cock at the entrance to her tiny vagina and see if more than my thumb will fit, I restrain myself, knowing that the incredibly tight fit and the thought of entering one so young would have me shooting before I was properly bottomed out in her tiny five year old body. Wanting her first time to be the best that I can possibly give her, I hold her as she is and barely parting my lips I draw one then the other of hers between them, flicking my tongue against the soft, moist skin. I pull back a little to look into her soft, trusting eyes, then tilting my head to the side, I press my parted lips against hers and lick them until they part to allow the entry of my tongue. At first her teeth resist me and I lick over them and her gums, but as she gets used to the sensation of a strange tongue within her mouth, she opens them and meets my tongue with hers. As our lips part further, I find it a little difficult to adjust to the tiny size of her mouth and I end up engulfing the lower half of her face from her nose to her chin. She giggles delightfully into my mouth and I adjust the fit of my lips to hers and try again. More successful this time, I slip my tongue between her lip and her tiny sharp teeth to taste the sweet glory of this tiny preschooler's mouth. At first her little tongue lies limp and unresponsive in her mouth, but as I prod it with the tip of mine, it wakes up and presses back against me, quickly learning to swirl about the tip of mine. With little prodding flicks I withdraw my tongue from her tiny honeyed mouth, inviting hers to follow and taste me. Hesitantly at first, but quickly becoming bolder, her little tongue passes my lips and flicks over my teeth, then between them to poke teasingly at my tongue. When I try to pin it against the roof of my mouth, it withdraws in a flash only to return flirtatiously a moment later. This time I hold my tongue curled back against the roof of my mouth and the tip of her tongue finds the soft underside of mine. Kittenishly, she pulls back, then returns to explore further. When I do nothing, she becomes more daring, and presses against the smooth wet flesh. Felling devilish, I suddenly release my tongue to slap down on top of hers, and she pulls it back with a giggling, squeak. I return my tongue to her mouth and find hers waiting to give mine the same treatment. I feel her lips tighten slightly in a smile and pull back just in time, hearing her tongue clack against the floor of her mouth. Darting back in quickly, I pin her tongue down with mine. In response she gently closes her lips around my tongue and sucks on it like a baby, slowly pulling back until she can look into my eyes mischievously, with a final tiny nip like I'd given her nose, she pulls free and grins at me roguishly. I return the grin with interest and snap playfully at the tip of her nose. Squealing happily, she weaves and ducks her head as I continue to snap my teeth in her face. After a few seconds of this, I lower her back to my lap and bring my hands up to trap her head between them and making loud munching noises I slowly close on her, as she squeals in mock fear and struggles weakly. Opening my mouth to it's widest extent, I engulf her mouth and nose and munch loudly as I pretend to eat her face. Then pulling back, I drag my tongue over her madly giggling face, in a broad, wet lick from her chin to her brow, making her squeal in shocked outrage. Beside us, Alison rolls on the bed hugging herself and giggling insanely at her little sister's shocked expression. Releasing Rene, I lunge at her wildly giggling sister and start tickling unmercifully. Then holding her out flat, I cover every square inch of her squirming body with sloppy wet licks and zoobers. A moment later, Rene, having scrubbed her face dry, joins in, driving Alison to redouble her efforts to escape. Only when she warns of an impending flood do we relent. I finish with a final resounding and very wet zoober to the top of her pussy, making her gasp, and sit back on my heels waiting for her to recover. With great shuddering gasps, she draws breath back into her body and rolls over, scrubbing her front against the sheet. (Oh well I was going to have to wash them anyway.) Then with a wild yell, she leaps at me and knocks me over backwards. Calling for aid from Rene, she sits on my hips and begins to tickle me. Not being very ticklish, or at least not where she's trying, I calmly accept her digging fingers, smiling beatifically up at her, even as Rene starts in on my feet. Frustrated by my lack of response, their fingers range farther afield, searching for a sensitive spot that might get a reaction out of me. Finally they give up and Alison says to her sister, "Watch this, this'll make him jump." She then slides down onto my legs and takes hold of my cock, pointing it at the ceiling. Then rising onto her knees, she fits the bulbous tip at the entrance to her pussy and sits down hard, gasping as my bloated member shoulders the warm, velvety walls of her vagina apart. She lets out a muffles yelp of discomfort as I do indeed jump, slamming my hips upwards and driving the last two inches of my shaft into her and jamming the engorged glans up against her cervix. "I wanna try that too!" Rene cries, trying to tug her sister from me. "You can't you're too little." Alison says, slowly rotating her hips and making me groan at the incredible sensation of her cervix brushing over the sensitive tip of my cock. "I can too!" Rene declares heatedly, "Watch this." The indignant little preschooler, rolls from the bed and stomps over to her mother's wardrobe. With a grunt she pulls out the bottom drawer. She then fumbles around the floor of the wardrobe for a few seconds, emerging with a piece of timber that obviously forms a false floor. Reaching into the cavity that she has revealed, she pulls out a briefcase and brings it over to the bed. Keeping Alison impaled on my cock, I sit up to see what Rene has got. Smiling triumphantly, the little girl flips up the lid to reveal an incredible array of dildos and vibrators. The smallest a little more than half the size of the cock buried in Alison's guts and the largest as long as my forearm and as thick as my wrist, with an angry purple fist sized glans at the end. A lifelike pink, it is finished with grotesque blue veins, which at a point about halfway along it's length, spell out the name 'Mr Big'. Taking the smallest, Rene wets it in her mouth and lying back on the bed, with her feet towards us, she parts her legs and pushes almost the entire ivory shaft into her vagina, as her flabbergasted sister and I watch in amazement. A moment later, she pulls the dildo free and discards it, reaching for the next of the eight toys in the case, a smooth hot pink plastic phallus a little smaller than my cock, with a sketchily sculpted tip. She wets it by licking up and down the length of the shaft and then with no more effort than she showed taking the first, she pushes just over half of it home before coming up against her cervix. Then cupping both hands over the base, she pulls it further into her body, a strained look on her face. Suddenly her cervix gives way and her hands slap against her mound. When she takes her hands away, less than and inch of shocking pink plastic remains visible outside her obscenely splayed labia. The next, is a vibrator, a perfectly smooth, pure white cylinder of hard plastic, slightly slimmer than the last and about seven inches long, with a sharply tapered wedge shaped tip. After wetting it, she slips it inside herself and with only the briefest of pauses forces the tip through her cervix and into her womb, not stopping until the knurled base is all that protrudes from her obscenely distended pussy. The fourth is also a vibrator, lifelike, eight inches long and nearly two inches in diameter. For the first time, her face screws up as she strains to get the head into her vagina, but with a little grunt, manages it and embeds about half of the thick shaft before bottoming out against her cervix. Alison sits unmoving in my, watching in wide eyed amazement as her tiny five year old sister pulls the vibrator free and reaches for the next, even thicker, sex toy. About the same length as the last, this dildo is made of a firm, resilient, bright yellow rubber. From the base to within two inches of the smooth bullet shaped tip it is textured with small ridges every quarter of an inch or so. With a tiny grunt she pushes it in until the first ridge rests against her massively stretched vaginal opening. Then wrapping both hands about the base she pull it deeper, grunting as each ridge stretches her and pops into her hugely distended vagina. Up until now, she has show no real signs of arousal, but has simply been demonstrating to us just how accommodating her little vagina is, but when she withdraws this latest toy, she squeaks excitedly as her vagina reluctantly releases each ridge. At the same time, she massages her tiny clit with the fingers of her right hand, pushing it down into contact with the withdrawing ridges. Oddly though, as she seems to approach a climax she stops playing with her clitoris and waits a few seconds before removing the dildo and discarding it. She skips the next toy in the case, because although longer than the last, it is no thicker. Instead she reaches for the last, bar 'Mr Big'. Lifelike in form, if not size, this massive ebony shaft is over a foot long and nearly two and a half inches in diameter. This time instead of wetting it with her tongue, she take a tube of KY jelly from the case and carefully squeezes out an inch long noodle onto her fingers, with which she painstakingly coats the head and first few inches of the shaft. After carefully recapping the tube of Jelly, she slips from the bed and rests the butt of the huge fake negro cock on the floor. Then positioning herself over it, she holds her pussy lips apart and squats until the grotesque bulb on the end presses against her vaginal entrance. At first contact, Alison gasps and I turn my head to look at her slack jawed profile. Her eyes are almost popping from her head and a thick strand of saliva drools unnoticed from the corner of her slack mouth, running from her chin to her chest. Feeling my gaze on her she manages to regain control of her mouth to whisper "No way!" before it falls back open and she turns back to her sister. Inside my head, a tiny little voice screams at me to stop this before Rene hurts herself, whereas a much stronger voice clamours to see if this tiny preschooler is indeed able to accomplish the impossible. The big voice wins and holding Alison against me, I lie down with my head hanging over the edge of the bed and my nose only inches from the point where the glistening bulb topping the shaft parts her fat little labia; labia made even tinier by their proximity to the huge imitation cock. Taking a few deep breaths, Rene steadies herself with one hand on my forehead and allows more and more of her weight to fall on the obscene shaft beneath her. Grimacing, she works her hips in tiny circles as I watch the lips of her pussy stretch and whiten with the strain. Ever so slowly I watch her tiny vulva stretch and stretch and incredibly, stretch some more, until with a deep grunt she seems to fall two inches as the tremendous black glans enters her body with a rush. Groaning and continuing to move her hips in a circle, Rene works another two inches of the thick ebony shaft into her body then pushes herself upright. Taking a wobbling step backwards, she put her hands on her hips and proudly thrusts her obscenely bulging pudenda forwards, grunting as the injudicious move makes the colossal shaft dangling from her body sway back and forth, the embedded tip visibly moving beneath her swollen mound. "Beat that!" she crows directing a slightly strained grin at her gaping sister. "O.K. I will." Alison declares hotly, "Just as soon as I finish here." lifting herself up until only my glans remains within her, she pauses briefly until she is sure her sister's eyes are on her then drops back down, taking the entire length of my shaft in one swift, squelching movement. Then satisfied that she has Rene's full attention, she slowly slides up and down the full length of my cock. Within seconds though, the sensations of her velvety little snatch caressing my rod, coming on top of Rene's obscene show become too much for me and seizing her hips, I begin pumping her up and down, masturbating myself with her tiny body as I rapidly approach a climax. Only seconds later, my balls empty themselves into her tiny pre-teen twat, my semen coursing through my cock like lava to fill and overfill her clasping fuck tube. As I continue to pound her body up and down, my semen begins to leak down around my pulsing shaft, matting my pubic hair in a thick gooey froth. Finally though my climax ends and I fall back as Alison takes over, bouncing on my cock seeking her own release, but it is not to be, my rapidly shrinking cock slips from her vagina releasing a sticky white flood that trickles down around my balls as she futilely tries to stuff it back into her body. Then giving into the inevitable, she rolls from my lap and reaches for the vibrators. Eschewing the others, she picks up slim white seven-incher and goes to insert it into her pussy. "Wipe it off first I tell her, it's got fluff on it." Before I can stop her, she grabs a corner of the sheet and wipes the hard plastic shaft clean. (Another reason to wash them.) Then propping herself up on her elbow, she drives the slim tapered head into her vagina and begins pumping it in and out, striving for the release that had been denied her. With my eyes on Alison, I don't notice Rene until I feel her tongue on my balls, lapping up my cream like a little kitten. As I look down at her crouching over my groin with that thick black phallus still protruding obscenely from her grossly overstretched vulva, she moves up to the wiry mat of my pubic hair not stopping until my groin is free of every last sticky strand of semen. "Mmmm that was nice." she says, crawling up over my body to plant a sweet kiss tasting of me and her sister on my lips, "But how come it tasted different this time?" "Because it had your sister's pussy juice mixed with it." I reply. "You mean from inside her hole?" The tiny five year old asks her voice comically filled with disgust. "Yeah." I laugh, "Tastes good doesn't it. Want some more." I reach over to where Alison lies panting, her body twitching with the after effects of her orgasm. Slipping my hand between her legs I extract the slim white shaft from her glistening vulva and bring it close to Rene's tiny face, grinning as she recoils slightly from the slimy cylinder of plastic. Her nose wrinkles briefly in disgust, then as the intoxicating odour reaches her, she tentatively reaches out with her tongue and takes a small taste, a moment later she smiles broadly and seizing my wrist in case I try to take this new treat away from her. She quickly licks the entire shaft clean. "That was yummy." she informs me with a giggle and turns to watch her sister. Recovered from her orgasm, Alison has taken up the lifelike eight-incher and after cleaning it, she presses the thick bulbous head between her legs and shoves. She grunts loudly in discomfort as the head begins to pull her smooth hairless labia into her body with it, forcing her to stop. Lying back, she hold her pussy lips apart and tries again. This time she forces the flared head into her vagina, yelping with pain as the flare stretches her more than she has ever had to deal with before. "Hey take it easy." I caution her. White faced and wincing, she nods, waiting for her vaginal passage to become accustomed to the intrusion. After a few moments, colour begins to return to her face and she slowly relaxes. Carefully, she gives the thick shaft protruding from her pussy an experimental wiggle and deciding she can bear it, she carefully pushes, slowly edging the lifelike vibrator into her body. Finally she stops with just over an inch at the base and the control knob protruding from between her white, bloodless labia. "Ready for this yet?" Rene asks, struggling to her feet with that obscene black shaft still dangling from her tiny pussy. Now comfortable with the massive rod stretching her vagina, she stands over her big sister, slowly pulling it almost all the way from her body and pushing it back in. "Give me a minute." Alison says, experimentally sliding about an inch of pink plastic from her vagina. She winces a little, as the thick shaft briefly sticks then slips with a rush. After another experimental movement she begins to pump the thick phallus in and out slowly. Gradually increasing the length of her strokes until she is fucking herself with nearly the full length of the shaft. Standing above her, Rene continues to slide the huge black prick in and out of her tiny vulva. Her breathing begins to speed up and she becomes a little unsteady on her feet, so I reach up to steady her. Again she stops as she appears to approach a climax and pulls the thick shaft free with an audible pop. In utter astonishment, I lie with my head between her feet and watch as the gaping hole between her legs closes faster then I could believe possible, shrinking from an opening large enough to accept a small jar, to a tiny hole that looks as if it would protest the entry of a pencil. Amazed at the incredible elasticity of this tiny preschooler's vagina, I reach up and lightly caress the fat little lips of her tiny pudenda. Then I slowly insinuate my smallest finger between them and press into a warm, slick sheath, that firmly grips my finger in an unbelievably snug embrace. Removing my finger, I roll over, sit up and pull Rene down into my lap. "You've never had an orgasm have you darling?" I ask her as I gently stroke my fingertips over the outside of her little slit. "What's that?" she asks me. "You get an orgasm," I tells her, "by playing with your pussy until you feel so good inside that you don't care about anything else. It's like,.." I cast around for something a very shy and easily scared five year old can understand. As I try to think of something within her experience, urgent sounds from Alison draw my attention to where she is rapidly sawing the quiescent vibrator in and out of her creaming pussy and moaning incoherently. "It's like this." I say, reaching across and giving the base of the vibrator a sharp twist. The sudden and unexpected onslaught of the new sensations brought about by the humming toy within her pussy are all it takes to send Alison crashing over the edge into a massive orgasm. Her mouth opens in a silent scream and her hands hit the bed beside her as she flops bonelessly caught up in the sensations that rip through her immature pre-teen body. Between her legs, each powerful, rippling contraction of her juvenile vagina forces more of the vibrator from her until it falls free, and lies buzzing between her thighs. Without the stimulation of the vibrator within her pussy, her climax recedes, sending a few final weak shudders through her abdomen. Rene watches her twitching sister for a few moment longer, then turns her wide eyed stare on me. "Would that happen to me if I didn't stop when it started to feel scary?" she asks fearfully. "Uh-huh." I confirm and reassure her, "I know it feels scary to start with, but it's a nice scary. Like when somebody throws you up in the air and catches you. I know! Have you ever been in a car when it goes over a bump and your tummy goes away?" "Uh-huh." she nods. "Do you like that?" I ask, hoping for a 'yes'. "Yeah!" she replies eagerly. "Well, an orgasm is that sort of scary too." I say. "What sort of scary?" Alison asks, returning to the world of the coherent and entering conversation. "Like going over a bump in the car and loosing your tummy." Rene answers, then asks, "Is a 'gasm really like that?" "Uh-huh." Alison confirms enthusiastically, "It's even better, It's like going right up into the sky on a swing and then you fall down and down and down, but you don't hit the ground because all your insides explode first, except they don't really. It's better than all the ice cream you can eat and all the hugs you ever had. It's better than anything." "Even the hug Mama gives me when I have a scary dream?" the wide eyed and probably confused preschooler asks. "Better than ten hugs." Alison affirms. "I'm still scared." Rene says, wriggling around in my arms and hugging herself against my chest. "Cuddle me?" Tightening my arms about her, I lay my cheek on top of her soft blonde head and whisper soft reassurances, as I gently caress her stiff little back. Slowly she relaxes and melts against me until her arms hold me, instead of clutching me convulsively. "Are you ready to have an orgasm now?" Alison asks, earning a withering look from me as Rene stiffens slightly. Chapter 12 - Trust Me. I wait until the tiny girl in my arms relaxes again and lift my head from hers. Then lifting head with a finger under her chin, I ask, "Would you like to play a game, first?" "What's it called?" she asks, curiously. "It's called 'Trust me'." I tell her. "How do you play it?" she asks. "It's very easy." I say, "The hardest part is trusting me. Do you want to give it a try?" "Uh-huh." she answers in a small voice. "O.K. first things first." I say briskly, "Alison, would you wrap all these toys up in that towel and put the case on the floor. Rene, you can help me straighten this bed up a bit." A minute later, I guide Rene to stand in the middle of the bed and pull her hands up to her shoulders, crossing her arms over her chest. "Now close your eyes and fall over backwards." I tell her. "What?" she asks, spinning around and staring up at me. "I'll catch you," I tell her, turning her back around and putting her hands back on her shoulders, "That's why the game is called 'Trust Me', you have to trust me to catch you." "Promise?" she asks, tilting her head back to look up at me with big eyes. "No, no promises, because you wouldn't have to trust me then." I say. "Will you trust me?" "Uh-huh," she murmurs almost inaudibly and nodding. "O.K. then." I say, "Close your eyes and just lean backwards until you fall over." The first time she falls, she collapses like a puppet with cut strings, but expecting this to happen I catch her under the arms before her knees touch the bed, and lift her back to her feet. "O.K.," I say, "this time, I want you to pretend you are a tree that's just been chopped down." "Uh-huh." she nods. "O.K. fall." I say and catch her as soon as she overbalances. Pushing her back to her feet, I tell her, "O.K., from now on, I want you to keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Fall!" I let her fall a little further this time before catching her and pushing her back to her feet. Each time she falls I let her fall a little further until, finally her bottom hits the bed softly as I catch her shoulders less than six inches from the mattress. "O.K. now we do it on the floor." I say. Her eyelids flicker at this, but she manages to keep them closed. "God girl." I praise her. "That's right keep them closed." I lift her back to her feet and step down to the floor as I tell her, "Now walk until you get to the edge of the bed. Take big steps, I won't let you fall." Having a very firm mattress, the bed is perfect for this and she confidently steps forwards, trusting me to tell her when to stop. Instead I let her take a step out into thin air and catch her in my arms as she topples with a thin scream. "You said you wouldn't let me fall." she accuses me. "I know, I lied." I say unrepentantly, "But I got you trusted me and I did catch you. Didn't I?" "Uh-huh." she nods. "And you'd trust me to catch you on the floor, wouldn't you?" "Uh-huh." another nod. Would you trust Alison?" I ask. Rene eyes her sister for a few moments considering this, before she confidently answers, "Yes." then qualifies it, "Sometimes." "Will you trust me to give you an orgasm?" I ask, "It won't be like the one Alison had, I'll make it a little one. It will still be a bit scary, but I'll be there to catch you." "O.K." she agrees, a little fearfully. "It's O.K. Rene," Alison says, "I was scared too, last night. Really scared. But afterwards I loved it." "Really, you was scared too?" "Uh-huh, I nearly wet my pants." Alison confirms, "I would've too if I had any piddle left." Hearing this, I give Alison a direct look and she flushes as she explains, "I didn't tell you, because I didn't want you to stop." "I'm ready now." Rene announces, "What do I do?" "All you have to do is relax, and let me hold you," I tell her, "I'll do all the rest." "O.K." she nods. I pile of the pillows at the head of the bed and recline against them, pulling Rene into my lap. Then in the same hypnotic tones that I'd used on her earlier, I tell her to relax, continuously reassuring her that I'm there to hold her. I gently stroke the front of her body from her neck down to her knees, carefully avoiding the plump little mound at the juncture of her thighs. With each pass of my hands, I fell the tension fall from her tiny frame. When I ask her how she feels, she responds with a dreamy, "Nice." As I begin to trace the creases between the tops of her thighs and her pussy, she tenses slightly, then relaxes as I continue to murmur reassurances into her hair. Lifting one hand to her chest, I discover that it is so narrow, that I am able to brush my fingertips over both tiny pink nipples at the same time. Under my fingertips, they harden, feeling like tiny ball bearings under the slightly crinkled skin. Under the fingers of my other hand I feel the fat lips of her little pussy begin to warm and grow slightly and add a third finger, tracing the crease that divides her labia as well as the creases to either side. Almost instinctively, she pushes up against my hand and I move my hand to her stomach, pushing her back down and telling her to relax and let me do everything. When I move my fingers back to her tiny vulva and resume stroking it, I begin to push a little harder, though still keeping my fingers on the outside. With each stroke, I push my fingers a little between her legs and they gradually part until I am able to reach the tiny seep of moisture, flowing from her vagina. She shivers as I begin to draw this moisture up on my middle finger and smear it along the length of her slit. Then on the third or fourth pass, I press inwards hard enough to part her plump little pussy lips and brush my finger over the tiny opening between her legs. This time as I pull my fingers up, I maintain the pressure and draw the moisture up between her labia, stopping just short of her tiny clit. As my gentle ministrations continue, her breathing quickens and her tiny, narrow hips rock involuntarily, causing my finger to come into contact with the tiny, rock hard, pea sized nubbin of her clit. She gasps at the contact and pushes into it, letting me know that she is ready for the final step. The next time my fingers slide down into the warm, slick gap between her legs, I press harder, pushing just the very tip of my finger into her vagina, then withdraw it, gently dragging the entire length of my finger, between her pussy lips and over her clit. She moans deep in her throat and pushes back against me, as her body instinctively reacts to these new sensations, while my soothing voice quells her fears. Back and forth I slide my finger, entering the warm, slick embrace of her vagina more and more deeply with every pass until finally, my palm cups her warm, slippery mound at the bottom of every stroke. Her breathing now comes in short shallow gasps, punctuated by little peeps of excitement and under my fingers her heart flutters like a little bird. Only seconds later as I withdraw my finger and push it back into her tight little hole, she cums, with gentle undulations rippling up and down her belly, as her vaginal walls rhythmically contract and relax around my finger and she chirrups like a baby bird. I wait until her little pussy stops nibbling on my finger and she opens her eyes and tilts her head back to look up at me lovingly, before I take my hand from between her legs. "How was that?" I ask softly. "Nice." she replies, "It wasn't scary at all. Can you do it again?" "Later Punkin, I think it's time we got up and had something to eat." I say as I absently bring my finger up to my face and sniff the sweet delicate aroma of her spend, then avidly suck it clean. "Can I have some?" Alison asks. Without waiting for an answer, she grabs my wrist and starts sucking on my fingers, slurping noisily and making great lip smacking noises of enjoyment. "Hey! She's getting it all." Rene protests. "Well there's plenty more where that came from." I say, sliding my other hand down over her belly and wetting a finger in her vagina. I bring the finger up to her face and gently brush it over her lips. She tentatively licks them and then like her sister she eagerly attacks my finger. All too soon the thin coating of sweet juices is gone and she pushes both of her own hands down between her legs for more. She sucks the fingers of one hand into her mouth and offers the other up to me. I gladly accept, making her giggle when I engulf it to the wrist and suck hard as I pull it from between my lips. But when she goes to collect another double handful of juices, I stop her saying, "That's enough for now Punkin. Let's hop in the spa and have some breakfast." "But there's still more." she objects. "And there will be as long as you keep rubbing yourself down there." I tell her, rolling her over in my lap and playfully swatting her backside. "Ouch!" she giggles, pushing her little bum up and waggling it. "Oh want some more do you?" I ask. "Yes please." she giggles. I deliver four more light swats, counting them off, "Two, three, four, five." and roll her out of my lap. When I step down onto the floor, I kick the towel wrapped bundle of ersatz cocks and send them skittering across the floor. As I bend over to pick them up, I ask, "How did you find these Rene?" Chapter 13 - Confessions of a peeper. "I saw Mama washing one once and she said it was a special toy for big girls, so I sneaked into her room and hid and she came in and she put it away. And then she went shopping and Alison was watching TV so I snuck back in here and locked the door and got them out to look at them." "Well how did you know how to use them?" "There's some books with pictures in there too." she scrambles from the bed to rummage around in the space under the wardrobe, returning with a double handful of x-rated magazines. "See?" she holds them out to me. "Lemme see!" Alison says excitedly, trying to snatch them from her sister. "No!" I say taking them, "We can look at them later. Let's get this lot washed and put away. Bring the case Alison. Rene put these away for now." I hand Rene the magazines and bundle the dildos back up in a towel. Then ushering Alison, who looks longingly over her shoulder at the wardrobe, ahead of me, we go to the bathroom. As I'm wiping the Black Mamba dry I ask Rene, "What ever possessed you to try and put this thing in your little pussy?" "I wanted to be a big girl too." she tells me, "When I could make this one fit," she picks up Mr Big, which looks like a log in her tiny hands, and says, "I was going to show Mama and show her I was a big girl too." I take the monstrous phallus from her hands, and slowly turn it over. Even in my hands, the bloody thing looks deformed. "Rene," I say slowly, "Even your mamma doesn't use this one. See," I point to where half a price tag still adheres to the shaft, "it's still got a label on it." "And don't be in such a hurry to grow up, it happens way too soon anyway." I tell her seriously, "You're a beautiful little girl, who I love very much just the way she is and your mama loves you that way too." "Me too!" Alison pipes up and bends to give her little sister a kiss that curls my toes to watch. "Whew," Alison gasps when they part, "she's a good kisser isn't she?" "Just wait until she's had a bit more practice." I say. dropping the last of the dildos into the case and snapping the lid down. After putting the case away and telling both girls to leave it and the magazines alone, I usher them out of the room asking, "Any body need to pee?" Rene answers in the affirmative, and leads me towards the toilet. As she climbs up onto the seat I ask her if she want's me to help again. "No, I want you to stand here." she takes hold of my hips and pulls me closer, until my cock is right in her face. "You said I could have another taste." She says, and sucks my limp prick into her tiny mouth. Almost immediately it begins to grow under the influence of her baby like sucking. "Cool!" Alison says from the doorway and I turn my head to see her slide her hand between her legs and cup her pussy. As my cock continues to expand, it quickly fills the sweet, warm, cavity of the tiny girl's small mouth. I look back down to her and gently take hold of the sides of her head, sliding my fingers under her hair at the back and caressing the delicate skin of her cheeks with my thumbs. I cradle her head, letting her feel my love, but do not restrict the movements of her head as the bulbous glans presses at the back of her throat and forces her head back. She tilts her head back slightly. her deep blue, almost violet eyes looking up at me lovingly, from beneath long pale lashes. Bringing both hands up she wraps her tiny fingers around the rigid shaft of my member and holds it steady as she pulls her mouth off the end with a pop and gives the tip a quick kiss. "That felt funny." she giggles. "I like it when it grows in my mouth." She then opens her jaw wide and pushes her tiny lips back over the tip, and starts sucking again. At first, I let her go, but as it becomes obvious that she is going to do nothing more, I gently apply pressure to the back of her head and pull her further onto my cock, stopping just at the tip brushes the back of her throat. She looks up at me trustingly as I guide her head back and forth a couple of times and when I release the pressure, she continues the motion of her own accord, fucking me gently with her face. After a few seconds she pulls off my cock, to swallow the saliva that has pooled in her mouth and I tell her, "Push up with your tongue and lick it all over too sometimes." Straight away, she sticks out her tiny tongue and licks from the root to the tip, making me twitch and gasp as the tip passes over the sensitive skin of my fraenum. She giggles at my reaction and flicks her tongue over the sensitive folds of skin several times before taking me back into her mouth again. This time a she rocks her head back and forth, she presses up against the underside with her tongue, especially as the sensitive folds of the fraenum passes over her tongue. As her confidence increases, her head bobs faster and she adds swirling her tongue around the tip to her repertoire. The next time she pulls her head clear, she drools her spit into her hands and slides her hands up and down the length of my shaft as she rubs the tip over her lips and cheeks. The incredible sight of this tiny preschooler, sitting naked on the toilet as she services my cock like a seasoned porn star, is almost enough to make me shoot there and then, and I groan in reaction. Almost as if realising my predicament, Rene lets go of my cock and grins up at me. "Are you going to squirt soon?" she asks. "Soon, real soon Darling." I groan, "Suck it some more please." Instead of doing as I ask, she gently grasps my balls, one in each hand and asks, "What are these?" "They're my balls Honey, they make my sperm." I tell her. "What's that?" she asks curiously. "That's the yummy, creamy stuff that squirts out." Alison tells her sister. The short question and answer session, has been enough to cool me down a little and I am able to hold off as she explores the swollen purple glans teasingly, with the tip of her agile young tongue. She likes my reaction to her spearing the tip of her tongue into the gaping slit at the tip and giggles as she gives it a couple more pokes, before pushing her lips over the angry purple knob and engulfing almost half of my prick. The sensations of her lips wrapped tightly around my shaft and her wet little tongue playing with the sensitive underside of my engorged prick drive me to such fiery heights, that I have to take my hands from her head before I loose control and try to force myself down her tiny throat. "Oh God!" I groan, "That's a good baby." I start caressing the side of her tiny face with the back of my hand. "Suck Daddy's cock for him." I moan, fantasising about having a baby daughter of my own. Rene briefly pauses when she hears me call myself 'Daddy', then resumes her ministrations with even greater enthusiasm, her head bobbing up and down and her tiny fingers caressing my spit slickened shaft. "Daddy's little girl is making him feel so good." I moan, "That's it baby, Daddy's going to give his little baby a nice big drink of cream, real soon. Suck it good baby. Oh, God baby, here it cummmms." I groan as the first massive jet of scalding hot seed, sears through my cock to splash against the back of my five year old lover's throat. She jerks back as it hits and my second spurt splashes across both cheeks of her tiny face. But she quickly recovers from her surprise and aims the spurting tip of my cock at her wide open mouth, extending her tiny tongue underneath it to catch any drips. I choke back howls of unbearable pleasure, as I look down to watch my creamy seed, spurt from my painfully distended prick into her waiting mouth. Wrapping my hand over her tiny fists, I move it up and down on my shaft, pumping, my ejaculate into her mouth, watching it coat her little, pink tongue and drip in obscene, greasy strands from her teeth. Some interminable time later, I strip one last pearly droplet from my shaft onto her waiting tongue and still my hand. Standing on rubbery legs that barely support me, I look down into her up turned face. Her tiny face is crisscrossed with pearly strands of my semen, where I have missed the mark, and drools in stringy, white strands from the corners of her overfull mouth. As I watch, she carefully closes her mouth and I see her cheeks bulge rhythmically as she swirls my cum around, testing the flavour it. A smile quickly suffuses her cum streaked features, and she pulls her hands from beneath mine to scoop up the obscene strands that drip from her chin and push them between her lips. A thud, followed by a series of choked squeals, reminds us of Alison's presence and we turn our attention to the little ten year old, who lies in the doorway, frantically mauling her hairless pre-teen pussy with both hands. One hand frenziedly rubbing at her clit, while she plunges four fingers of the other in and out of her creaming snatch. As we watch the frantic motions of her fingers slowing, becoming languorous and gentle as her climax fades. "Oh wow!" Rene breaths, and I turn back to her. Her fingers are presses against the top of her tiny pussy, gently rubbing back and forth as she watches her big sister come down from her climax. Slipping my hands under her arms, I lift the tiny child from the toilet and hold her against my chest as I lick the creamy strands of semen from her face, making her giggle as my tongue passes over her cheeks and nose. I gently lick her tiny bow like lips and they part to allow me to slip my tongue inside and taste the residue of my cum that still adheres to her gums and cheeks. Lifting her higher, I lap up the few gooey droplets that had dripped from her chin to her narrow flat chest. I flick my tongue over each of her tiny pink nipples, then lick lower, making her squirm and giggle as I push her outie belly button in with my tongue. "Ooh stop!" she squeals, "I haven't done wees yet." As soon as I hear this, I spin around and sit on the toilet. Lifting her higher, I force my tongue between her tightly clenched thighs and drag it back through her slit. "Ooh stop! I'm going to wee, if you don't stop." she squeaks. "Wee in his mouth!" Alison calls from the doorway, recovered enough to sit up. "That's yucky!" Rene says with a shocked giggle. "No it's not, he likes it." Alison replies, "I peed all over him last night and he drank it and he peed on me too." A moment later, I make the matter academic, by blowing a zoober onto her plump little mound. She squeaks with dismay and I feel dampness in my beard. I lift her back a little to look at the trickle of moisture that has escaped her body and dribbles down one of her thighs. Before her dismay can become something darker, I lap up the warm, salty dribble and force my tongue into the damp hollow, where her thighs and fat little labia meet. She yelps at the contact, then slowly, almost reluctantly, separates her legs for me. As my tongue passes over her pee-hole, she releases an involuntary spurt of salty, sweet urine onto my tongue. Then when I don't pull back in disgust, she cuts loose with full force. I quickly cover her tiny mons with my mouth, loosing only a few precious droplets as I make the seal. I let the tasty treat flow over my tongue, only swallowing enough to leave room for more in my mouth. "He's drinking my wees." Rene cries incredulously. As the flow slows to a trickle, I gulp down what's in my mouth and tickle her pee hole with the tip of my tongue, making her giggle and release the last of her pee in short, sharp spurts. When I lower the little girl to my lap, she surprises me by pulling my head down and kissing my wet lips, not even pulling back when she slips her tongue between them and discovers that I still have a mouth full of her urine. Instead, she forces my lips further apart and lets some of it trickle into her mouth. She pulls back a little and I watch her swirl it around for a few seconds testing it, then smiles and gulps it down. She then tilts her head back and opens her mouth like a baby bird. Happy to comply, I squirt a small spurt into her waiting mouth, smiling as Alison gasps in amazement from where she stands behind Rene. Rene fervently swallows the salty, sweet morsel then opens her mouth for more. I feed her the last of my mouthful of her pee in small spurts, each of which she eagerly swallows. When I have no more to give her, she makes a little noise of disappointment and licks around my lips collecting every stray droplet she can locate. When nothing remains for her to find, she pulls back and looks up into my eyes, giggling as she says, "That was naughty." "Yep, that's what makes it so much fun." I laugh, kissing her nose and playfully snapping at it, making her jerk back with a delighted squeal. "Oh wow that was so hot." Alison says, her hand once more rubbing at her slit. "Have you got a drink for me little girl?" I ask, nodding at her busy fingers. "I wish I did." she says with a note of disappointment in her voice, "Maybe I'll have some ready after breakfast." "Good." I say, "Let's have a dip while we wait." Squealing with delight, Rene scrambles from my lap and runs through the laundry to the back door, opens it and darts through. Alison and I follow a little more slowly, arriving at the back door just in time to see the happy little girl land in the middle of the cover floating on the surface. "Look, I'm walking on water." she cries, standing up and taking a wobbling step towards us. A moment later edge of the styrene bead filled cover dips and dumps her, squealing happily, into the water. The cover rises back to the surface, trapping her beneath it and I jump to rescue her. But Alison grabs my hand and pulls me back, saying, "She's all right, watch this." Even as she speaks, I see the cover lift up as Rene stands beneath it. A moment later Alison turns on the blower and Rene squeals and sputters in giggling outrage. Smiling, I creep up to where Alison kneels, her thumb on the button, plant my foot on her rear and push her in with her sister. Throwing back the cover, she turns an indignant glare on me, then disappears with a squawk as Rene pulls her feet from under her. Chuckling, I pull the cover from the water and step into the roiling water with the girls. As I enter the water they forget each other and turn on me. Climbing onto the seats, they jump at me from either side and try to drive me beneath the surface. I give them long enough to realise that they aren't going to get anywhere, then tighten my arms around them and drop to the bottom, pulling them under with me. As soon as they begin to struggle, I let Alison go and jump back to my feet. Peeling Rene's tiny arms from about my neck, I lift her up and blow zoobers all over her body until she is helpless with laughter. I let her calm down for a few seconds, then with a final zoober right over her clit that leaves her gasping, I put her down on a seat and stoop to deal with a determined Alison, who is trying to shift one of my firmly planted feet. Without warning, I giver her what she wants and catch her as she stumbles backwards. Shrieking and wriggling futilely, she struggles to escape, her laughing protests getting louder as I secure both of her hands in one of mine and start blowing air into her navel. A moment later Rene joins me and we quickly reduce Alison to a helplessly giggling wreck. Sitting down, I set her down beside me and cuddle her against my side. Rene worms under my arm on the other side and each time Alison begins to recover, she darts an arm across my belly and tickles her big sister. I let her get away with it a couple of times, then put a stop to it by grasping her wrist and giving her a stern look. She responds with an impudent giggle and wriggles from my grasp, then proceeds to attack Alison from the other side. In the end I have to pull her away and subdue her with an overdose of zoobers. I finally get Rene securely ensconced in my lap, my arms trapping hers at her side and I look up to see Alison regarding her little sister, almost as if she has never seen her before. A moment later, a decidedly retaliatory gleam enters her eye, but at least SHE subsides when I give her a stern glance. A few minutes later, Rene twists her neck in a way that makes me wince and asks, "Can you let me go now, please?" "Can I trust you?" I ask. She considers the question for a moment, then nods and answers, "I'll leave her alone." "Fair enough." I say, releasing her. "But I didn't say I'd leave you alone." she giggles, turning around and tickling my ribs. This time around I allow her tickling to affect me and laugh for her, wriggling just enough that she has to work to maintain her seat. I let her have her fun for half a minute or so, then trap her hands and pull her up until I can blow a single zoober around her belly button. I then lower her back down into my lap, planting little kisses along the way, finishing with a brief but sensuous kiss on the lips. "O.K. that's enough of that. Who's ready for breakfast?" Two shrill, "Me"s answer my question, and we leave a trail of wet footprints through the house as we go into the bathroom for towels. The girls make me kneel on the bathmat and team up to rub me dry, before allowing me to dry them. As I rub Alison down, my eyes fall on the tiny wisp of nothing that she'd been wearing earlier and when I finish, I pick them up and ask, "Where on Earth did you get these?" "Mama bough them for me yesterday." is her answer and a sudden though flits through my head, which I immediately dismiss as an absurdity. "Here, put them on." I say. "They look positively indecent." Giggling, she slips the tiny pair of knickers on and twirls slowly, posing for me. In back, a narrow triangle of thin gauzy fabric barely covers the innermost third of her buttocks and does nothing to conceal the shadowy crease separating them. As her pirouette brings the front panel into view, I'm treated to the sight of her beautiful hairless pussy, which is in no way concealed by the scrap of fog hugging it. Instead, just as I'd hoped, it makes her look even more naked than when she'd been nude. Rene too, notices the difference, saying, "They're rude." "Come on nudie," I say, patting her on the bottom, "let's see what we can find for you." Alison and I follow the waggling white bottom into its owner's bedroom and she stands in front of her dresser, waiting for me to pick her up. As I'd done the night before, I support her on a lifted knee and together we rat through her underwear draw looking for something interesting. However, all of the undies in her drawer are your basic cotton, 'little girl' knickers, ranging from basic white through to cute little animals of all descriptions. Then without consulting me, Rene wads up a pair of powder blue knickers and tosses them in the direction of her wastepaper basket and missing. "Hey, what did you do that for?" I ask. "They're old and they've got holes in them." she tells me dismissively. "Well, let's see them anyway." I say, lifting her down to the floor. I pick up the discarded scrap of cloth and hold them up to the light. Indeed they do have holes, one about half an inch across to one side in the back and two smaller holes in front. "Here, try them on for me." I say, kneeling in front of her and holding them open. She steps into the leg holes and I pull them up. They are a quite a bit too small for her, but this only serves to outline her tiny, plump mound. One of the front holes is right over the crease separating her pussy lips, giving a glimpse of her slit, and the other reveals a tiny patch of pale white skin on her left hand labia. The hole in back also shows off a small expanse of soft white skin. "What do you think Alison?" I ask turning Rene to face her. "They're rooood!" she giggles in a little girl voice. "Now let's see what we can find for me." I say, smiling. With exaggerated waggles of their tiny bottoms the girls precede me into their mother's room and proceed to empty my bag onto the floor. A moment later Rene crows in triumph and holds up a leopard print, 'cache sex', that an older girlfriend had given me. Giggling, she dresses me, having a little trouble stuffing my half hard cock into the tiny pouch. Then, with a little playful pushing and shoving, we line up in front of the full length mirrors that form the doors of the wardrobe, to inspect ourselves. We present an absolutely obscene sight. A ten year old girl, in knickers designed to show off, rather than conceal the lines of her hairless, pre-teen pussy. Her five year old sister, in knickers so tight, that every fold of her fat little pussy is clearly outlined beneath the taught fabric. And standing between them, with his hands on their shoulders, a thirty year old, overly hirsute man with the darkening head of his stiffening cock, peeking out of a leopard print posing pouch. A moment later, Rene pushes a finger into the hole at the top of her slit and my cock shoulders it's way clear of the pouch that can no longer contain it. "Oh he want's a better look?" Alison says, making us giggle. "Yeah we he knows a couple of sexy young ladies when he sees them." I say in reply. "Now come on, let's get breakfast before he decides to take a closer look at what's in your knickers." Running ahead of me, they bolt for the kitchen, and I follow at a more sedate pace, which allows me to tuck my cock back inside my underwear. When I arrive, they already have most of the makings of a cold breakfast on the table and Rene is carrying the milk and orange juice to the table as Alison brings bowls. I make the mistake of allowing Rene to pour her own breakfast. Then when I go to clean it up, she won't let me until she has picked each and every Rice Bubble out of the young flood and popped it into her mouth, as Alison makes noises of disgust. I guess I could, stop her easily enough, but her giggling lets me know that she knows this is not normally acceptable behaviour, so I let her have her fun, confining myself to stern looks and a low rumbling in my throat, which she cheerfully ignores. Chapter 14 - Sprung, Confessions Of A Gardener. Twenty minutes or so later, as we are doing the dishes, the phone rings. Before I can get my hands out of the soapy water, Alison drop the plate she is holding on the bench with a clatter and dashes over to where the phone is hanging on the wall. "Hello?" she says. "Oh hi Mama, he's doing the dishes." "Yeah we're great. How's Daddy?" "Oh! Well, are you having a good time?" "That's good." "Lemme speak to her." Rene squeals tugging on the cord and her sister's elbow. "Yeah O.K." Alison laughs, "Here Rene, Mama wants to talk to you." "Hi mamma." the excited little girl bubbles, "Yeah, he's nice. I wet the bed and he let me sleep with him. And he read me a story too. And I love him to pieces." "Yes mamma." "Here Greg." she hands me the receiver and takes Alison by the hand leading her away, "Come on Alison, Mama says we've gotta watch TV, b'cause she wants to talk to Greg." "Hello Cheryl, how are you and CJ?" I ask, "How's the holiday?" "I'm Great, but CJ's still sleeping last night off. Apart from him drinking most of his winnings the trip's been great. We're tied up at Barham for an hour or so while they take on water and wood for the boiler. Not that they need to, but it gives the tourists something to take photos of I guess. "Are the girls out of ear shot?" she suddenly asks. "Yeah, they've got some sort of cartoon on." I say, "Why." "Is my little girl a woman yet?" Her question shocks the hell out of me, and I respond with a dumb, "Huh?" "Have you done the deed? Popped her cherry? You know, shown her how to make a baby?" "Just what sort of sick, perverted bastard do you think I am?" I decide to try the angry approach, to see what the hell is going on. "The sort that gives a little girl what she wants without hurting her of course." she replies, "I know all about Jenny. You see I was working in the garden outside and I got to Alison's window while they were playing with their hairbrushes. "I thought it was real cute, Alison learning about sex from her best friend exactly the same way I did. But then when Jenny said a man was better, my ears really pricked up. I listened in, to see if I could identify this sick pervert so I could get him put away. "Well I heard your name, but Jenny kept going on about how nice you were and how you always did what she wanted and never forced her and how it was her idea in the first place and you tried to talk her out of it. That made realise that getting rid of you would really upset at least one little girl who loved you, because she would be forced to give evidence against you." "it would never come to that." I interject, "I'd confess, before I'd let her be questioned." "Even so, she'd still think that she had something to do with you going to jail. Anyway, I was just going to make sure that CJ never brought you anywhere near my girls.- you see I recognised your name. But every time I thought about it, I got wet between the legs and I started trying to work out how to go about getting you here without CJ being around. "When Dad had his scare the other day, just before my birthday weekend, I manoeuvred CJ into suggesting you and bringing you around for the girls to meet. When Rene, accepted you, I *knew* that Alison would be in the hands of somebody who would give her only what she wanted and not try to force anything else on her. And when I saw how Alison kept on giving you peeks at her tits and showing off her knickers when she thought nobody was watching I knew that she'd chosen you to take her virginity." "You saw that did you?" I ask, recovering enough to laugh. "Yep!" She laughs back, "So did you make it special for her?" "Yes," I reply, "I'd like to think so." "Good." she says decisively, "I want to hear every juicy little detail when I get back." "Uh, yeah." I say, "We still might have a problem though. You know how 'shy' is a good word to describe Rene, well take the middle letter and move eight places down the alphabet." I listen to her counting through the letters of the alphabet, "I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. P, shy, spy. Oh!" "Yeah, spy." I say dryly, "While you were doing the weeding, she was counting dust bunnies in Alison's room." "She was under the bed?" Cheryl says, giving a shocked little laugh. "Correct. Then last night, after we thought she was asleep, she saw Alison kneeling between my knees charming the one eyed trouser snake - don't worry it was her idea - and this morning, I woke up just in time to paint her tonsils." "Oh god!" Cheryl gasps, "I hope it didn't scare her." "Surprised her quite a bit and then she saw me looking at her and froze. I think it would have been O.K., except Alison walked in before I could tell her I wasn't mad. She was terribly afraid that we would be mad at her, but we both cuddled and kissed her until she felt better and then we licked her face and tickled her till she nearly wet herself." "Good. I'd hate to see her get hurt. You haven't tried to fuck her have you?" "No, between my wake up call, and Alison teaching her how to do the charming properly. I haven't had the time, nor the energy." "Well you might have just saved your balls," she says, in jest, "because the thought of my little baby girl getting her cherry popped is making me soak my drawers, and I don't want to miss seeing it happen." "Ah, that might be a bit difficult, she's been playing with her hairbrush too." "All the better, it won't hurt her when you do, do the deed." "Guess what else Agent Double-O Five and a bit has been into." I say. "I'm not sure I want to." Cheryl replies with a groan. "Go on, tell me the worst." "Well, you know your super secret hiding place?" I ask, "It's been compromised." "Oh God no!" she gasps, "Does she know what those things are for?" "Yep, she found the instruction manuals." I reply. "There aren't any..." she begins, "Oh!" "Yeah, they gave her a fairly good idea of what to do." I pause for effect. "And she's tried every one of them on for size except Mr Big." "Even I haven't tried that one!" Cheryl gasps, "CJ bought it for me as a joke. You mean she's tried everything else? Even the Black Mamba?" "As much as would fit anyway." I say, "God that was obscene, the bloody balls were hanging down by her knees and it stretched her so much, it looke like the bloody thing was a part of her body. " "Oh shit, don't say things like that." she gasps, obviously aroused, "This is a public phone booth and you're giving me an itch I can't scratch. But tell me, how in the hell did she manage to get that thing to fit in the first place? " "Well just about the same time she started playing with her hairbrush, she saw you cleaning one of your toys and she decided she wanted to be a 'big girl' too. So she went and hid in your room and waited for you to put it away" "I remember that." Cheryl says, "I thought the little shit had gone outside." "And then you went shopping and Alison was watching TV, so Rene locked herself in your room and went to work in a very scientific and thorough manner. She made it about half way through your collection that day and since then, every time she's had a chance, she's tried a new toy. "Her intention was to show you that she was a big girl too, as soon as she managed to accommodate Mr Big." "Oh my God, that thing would split her in half." Cheryl cries in shock. "I hope you put an end to that idea." "Yeah, I convinced her to wait a little while before she grew up any more. "You know, Alison's quite put out by her little sister." I continue with a chuckle." "Why's that?" "She can only get half way through your collection before she has to stop." "Well there's not much that Rene can beat Alison at yet," Cheryl laughs, "but I *could* wish it was something a little more mundane. I'd hate to think about what might happen, if she starts crowing about it." "Actually that's more or less how I found out about your toys in the first place. Though it was Alison, who was doing the skiting. She decided to show Rene what she could do, sat in my lap, and then told her that she couldn't do it. That made Rene mad and she went to your wardrobe and got out your case. "One by one she demonstrated exactly what would fit, culminating with her stuffing four inches of the Black Mamba into her pussy and then challenging Alison to give it a try." On the other end of the line I hear a loud clunk and a series of muffled, gasping obscenities. A moment later, Cheryl picks up the receiver and apologises, "Sorry about that, you just made me cum without touching myself." Just then, I hear a warning tone and Cheryl hurriedly says, "Shit I've got to go, I haven't got any change left. I'll try and call you from Swan Hill, but CJ might make that impossible. Christ the way I feel now, I might just make sure of it. So if I don't, I'll see you when we get back, give my love to the girls and don't go ruining my baby girl's virtue until I'm there to " I hang up the phone and go into the lounge where the kids are watching Gargoyles. "Girls we've got a problem." I say, "Your Mum says I'm not allowed to fuck Rene." "Why not?" Rene asks in the interval that her sister leaves as she tries to pick up her jaw. "Because she want's to watch." I grin, watching Alison's face. Her eyes threaten to pop from her head and her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish as she tries to digest what I'd just said. "She want's to watch you fuck Rene?" she gasps, "What about me?" "What about you?" I ask. "What did she say about me?" "Oh she just wanted to know if your first fuck was a good one and then we talked about Rene." I ignore Alison as her expression shifts from shock to incredulity and say, "Guess what Rene? Your Mama had an orgasm right in the phone booth when I told her about how you played with her toy dicks." "Really?" the little girl squeals excitedly and jumps up and down chanting "Mama had a 'gasm. Mama had a 'gasm." Rene becomes suddenly sombre as Alison cries, "Shut up Rene!" she then turns scared eyes on me. "She knows about us?" she asks incredulously. "Actually I only really told her about Rene." I say, "She already knew you were going to fuck me before she left." "She did?" Alison yelps. "Uh-huh," I nod, "Next time you have a secret conversation, you might want to check outside the window as well as under the bed." I say with a grin, "Your Mama heard every word and every disgusting noise you and Jenny made." I sit down on the couch and, pat the seat beside me. "Come and sit here and I'll explain it a bit better." A moment later I have a little girl snuggled up against my right side and a very little one cuddled under my left arm. "O.K." I say, "Your mama, heard you two, fucking yourselves with your hairbrushes and she thought it was cute, because that's how she got started too. Then Jenny started talking about men, and your mama kept listening, because she wanted to know who I was so she could tell the police. "Lucky for me though, she started to get hot, thinking about you fucking someone. And I think she guessed that you were going to do it soon anyway, and decided that I sounded like a nice guy and wouldn't hurt you like some people would. So when your grandad got sick, she tricked your daddy into getting me to babysit. She even bought those knickers for you." "Does this mean I don't have to keep secrets from Mama any more?" Rene asks. "Well not about this anyway." I say, "You'll have to make up your own mind about other secrets." "What about Daddy?" Alison asks. "Talk to your mother first," I reply, "because I think she's keeping it a secret from him. O.K.?" "O.K." she agrees, "What are we going to do now?" Chapter 15 - A new 'friend'? "Well what would you like to do?" I ask. Hastily adding, "Apart from that." when her eyes drift towards my groin. "Spoilsport." she grins, "Can we go to the park?" "Yay park!" Rene gives her vote with a cheer. "The park it is." I say. "Do you want to make a picnic of it?" "Yay picnic!" Rene starts bouncing excitedly around the room. "Alison?" "Sounds great." she grins. "Well we'd better get some clothes on and get ready then." I say snagging Rene as she passes in front of us. "Come on you, let's get dressed." "Don't wanna." she replies grinning. "O.K." I say letting her go, "We'll leave you behind." "Don't care." she says. "O.K. Alison, let's go." I stand up and pull Alison to her feet. Leaving Rene standing in the middle of the lounge, we head down the hall, separating at her mother's bedroom door. I exchange my posing pouch for something a little more comfortable and slip on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. After running a comb through my hair and beard and putting on my boots, I scoop up a jacket and go to see what Alison is up to, stepping over Rene, who has planted herself in the middle of the doorway, as if she isn't there. I meet Alison as she comes out of her room and she stop to let me admire her. She is dressed in a figure hugging denim miniskirt with matching jacket. Under the jacket, she is wearing a plain white blouse, which is just thin enough to let a hint of her developing areolae to show through. On her feet she has a pair of white canvas shoes and white ankle socks trimmed with lace. Her shining, golden hair is pulled back into a pony tail fastened with a blue velvet scrunchie. She smiles at my low admiring whistle and jumps into my arms, tilting her face up for a kiss. I plant one on the end of her nose, making her giggle, them lower her back to the ground and take her hand. She follows my lead, as I ignore Rene, stepping around her on our way to the kitchen. As we move around the kitchen, packing fruit, making up sandwiches and a thermos of tea, we step over and around our little shadow. I smile inwardly as the consternation in her expression becomes more and more pronounced, but outwardly I show no more awareness of her presence than I do of one of the kitchen chairs. "Ready Alison?" I ask, snapping down the lid on the esky. "What about me?" Rene ask plaintively, her tiny chin aquiver. "You're not dressed." I say, hefting the esky and heading for the front door. "Wait! I'll get dressed." Rene cries, running down the hall to her room. "Would you really have left her behind?" Alison asks curiously. "Of course not," I grin, "but she just found out I'm more stubborn than she is." A few moments later a muffled cry for help, comes from Rene and I go to see what the problem is. In her haste to get ready, she has become entangled in the dress she is trying to put on, actually managing to force her head halfway into the sleeve. Grinning, I peel it off her, and help her put it on properly. Handing her a pair of pale blue, knee length socks, I get up to look for a jumper, but Alison is already holding a bright red parka. "Thanks." I say, "Shoes?" Alison reaches under the bed, coming up with a cute little pair of sneakers, which she slips onto her little sister's feet. Bouncing to her feet, Rene slips her arms into the parka I hold ready for her, "O.K. I'm ready, let's go." she declares pulling away from me. "Really?" I ask. "Why don't you take a look in the mirror." She does as I ask and giggles as she lifts her hand to her somewhat tangled hair. "Oh yeah." "Come on, that's soon fixed." I say picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. In the lounge, I pull her into my lap and quickly, but gently pull the tangles from her hair. Gathering her hair in my hand, I send Alison to get another scrunchie. Then a I usher them outside and just as I'm about to pull the door shut, Rene cries, "My seat!" and forces her way back inside, returning a moment later hugging a foam booster seat almost as big as she is. Two minutes later, I have both girls strapped in. In the back seat, much to Alison's disgust and I slip in behind the wheel. On our way to the park, I stop at a service station for a couple of bottles of soft drink and some ice for the esky. Ten minutes later, I pull up in front of an adventure playground, which lies at the end of a dead end street, surrounded by bushland. It had been built in anticipation of a housing development that had failed due to the recession. During the week it is aswarm with kids on their way home from a nearby primary school, but on the weekend it is largely abandoned, too isolated for it to be considered safe for unsupervised children. On either side of the street, are several overgrown blocks of land, littered with scraps of weathered building materials and the dirt from half dug foundations. I know from earlier explorations of the area, that the bush behind the empty blocks are only narrow strips, about fifty metres deep, beyond which lies similar streets. A paved bicycle track links these streets to the park and also to a completed development some two hundred meters beyond the bushland behind the park. When I pull up, I'm somewhat surprised to see a skinny little girl in a dirty, floral print dress and pink cardigan, with dark curly hair, kicking herself, somewhat dispiritedly, back and forth on one of the swings, the toes of her scuffed sneakers dragging in the dirt. She is so deeply adsorbed in her own sad little world, that she does not notice us until she hears the car doors slamming. She looks up with a sulky expression, that quickly clears when she sees the girls tumbling out of the car. Leaving me and a suddenly shy Rene to unpack the car, Alison runs over to the little girl and starts talking to her. I hand Rene the bag containing our cups and other utensils and dump a rubber backed rug on top. Taking up the esky, I direct Rene, who can't see over the load in her arms, to a sunny patch of grass nearby. As I shake out the blanket, Alison and her new friend come skipping up to us. "This is Anna, Greg, her Mama made her come here because she kept on waking up her new baby brother. She lives over there behind the trees." Alison waves in the direction of one of the adjacent streets. "Can she stay and have a picnic with us?" "I think Anna's mother might be expecting her back for lunch." I say, "Besides, it's still a little early to eat." "I meant when it was time to eat silly." Alison tells me scornfully. "Can she play with us till then?" "I don't see why not." I reply with a grin, "That is of course if Anna want's to play with a couple of little horrors like you." "Oh I do." Anna says earnestly, "I thought there'd be somebody here to play with, because I heard lots of kids yesterday, but I haven't seen anybody all day." "How long have you been living here Anna?" I ask, "I didn't know there were any houses on that street." "Oh there aren't." she replies, "Daddy's building us one, but he got hurted and we're living in a caravan, because we had to leave our old house." "Well, why don't we put all of this away and we'll go and see your mother, Anna." I say, "We can ask her if you can have lunch with us. And there are a couple of things I need to say to her too." "O.K.," she replies a little sadly, "but Mummy will say yes, because she says I'm a nuisance." "That's probably because she's worried about your daddy." I say reassuringly. We quickly bundle everything back up and lock them in the back of my car and after unpeeling Rene from my leg and moving her to my shoulders, we follow Anna along the bike path to the next street over. One of the blocks has been cleared and the frame of a house has begun to take shape on top of a poured concrete floor slab. Rather incongruously, a partially complete bathroom is visible through an open door way. It is the only section of the house to have the plaster of the walls nailed up. A plastic tarp fixed over the ceiling joists protects it from the weather. Beside the frame of the house is a medium sized caravan, from which emerged the thin wail of a hungry baby. Before I can knock, Anna flings the door open and bounces inside, earning herself a sharp rebuke from a harassed sounding woman. Chapter 16 - Bread Cast Upon The Waters. "I'm sorry Mummy," Anna replies, somewhat abashed, "but I wanted to ask if I could have a picnic with some girls and their Daddy in the park." "Anything to get you out of my hair." the woman cries, sounding so close to tears, that I can't blame her for her uncharitable words. "Here, hold your brother so I can make his bottle first." "His Name's Greg and the big girl is Alison," Anna chatters, "I don't know what the little girl is called. He says he wants to talk to you." "They're here?" the woman yelps, sticking her head through the door to look at where we stand in an embarrassed huddle to one side of the door. "Oh God, I must look an absolute fright" She cries her hands flying to her hair, I'd invite you in but the place is an absolute pig sty." I pull the scrunchie from Alison's hair and muss it up then run my fingers through my own until it stands on end. "There we match." I say grinning, "Now if you don't mind us inviting ourselves in, you look like you could do with a nice hot cuppa." She giggles, a little hysterically, at me and nods, not trusting herself to speak, as she steps back into the van. I lift Rene down from my shoulders, holding her on my hip as she won't let me put her down and step up after her. "You sit down there, and I'll fix you a cuppa." I order this strange woman. Belatedly apologising, "If you don't mind me taking over for a while." She takes the indicated seat, saying, "No, I don't mind. I don't know who you are but I could cheerfully kiss you right now." "I'm Greg Mills, sometime knight in shining armour," I introduce us, "this is Rene and that's Alison making a beeline for your baby. And much as it would please me for them to be my children, I have to admit that I'm just borrowing them for the weekend, while their parents are on holiday." "I'm Jean Little, no longer a maiden," she smiles wanly, "but very much in distress. You've already met Anna, and the 'little bundle of noise', is Robert. Now I better get his bottle, before he remembers he's hungry." "No you sit there, I can see everything I need, and once I've plugged the hole in his face, we'll see about you. O.K.?" "Oh thank you!" Jean says fervently, "My husband slipped, when he was erecting a roof truss two days ago and broke his hip. I've been trying to cope, but between worrying about him and the baby keeping me up at night and Anna during the day I'm beginning to loose it." Working around Rene, who still has her face buried in my shoulder, I wash my hands and get a bottle and teat from the sterilising solution and after checking with Jean, measure out the right amount of formula. When I feel the kettle it is obvious that Jean had been waiting for it to cool and that explains the cranky baby. It's still a little warm, but I make up the formula anyway, setting it in a bowl of cold water for a few seconds to cool. After checking the temperature, I hold out the bottle to Jean, saying, "Mummy spit please." "Huh?" she says confused. "Suck the teat for a second," I say, "He'll recognise the taste of your saliva and take the bottle faster." "That's a new one on me." she says after briefly sucking on the bottle and grimacing at the taste, "Where did you learn that?" "My neighbour," I reply, "I also borrow her kid on a fairly regular basis. You can do it to his dummy too, it works just as good as honey and it doesn't rot their teeth." Peeling Rene back enough to look into her face, I ask, "Do you want to feed the baby?" She immediately slithers down to the floor and takes the bottle from me. I follow her to the other end of the van, where the two older girls are struggling to keep Robert's attention. Lifting Rene into the middle of the bed, I arrange Robert, who is beginning to whimper, in her lap and show her how to hold him and the bottle. He looks to be about four months or so old and as soon as the bottle touches his lips his fists come up to grasp it. Leaving the older girls to supervise Rene with the baby, I return to the front of the van, refilling the kettle and switching it on, on the way. "Do you have any kids of your own Greg?" Jean asks as I shove a pile of nappies aside and sit down opposite her. "No, not yet." I reply. "I haven't found anybody willing to settle down with me yet." "You're kidding?" she says incredulously, "You know so much about them and you worked around having Rene on your hip like you do it all the time. God, if I weren't already married, I'd be proposing about now." "I have to warn you, I drool in my sleep." I say laughing. "Mostly, I just to borrow other peoples kids. That way, you can usually give them back when they need changing." "I can relate to that." she laughs, "Have you ever noticed that they save the smelly ones for company?" "Of course." I laugh back. Now before he finishes his bottle, and the girls come back," I say, "there's something I should say." "Sounds serious." "Not yet, but it could be. It's about the park. I don't think it's a good idea to let Anna play there on the weekends. It's way too isolated for her to be there without supervision. It's O.K. after school, because half the kids from the school are there, but it's usually pretty deserted on weekends." "Are you saying perverts hang out there?" she asks, her voice rising enough to attract the attention of the kids. "Shush." I wait for the girl's attention to return to the baby and continue, "No, not at the moment, because it is so rarely used on the weekend. But it's going to get around that you've started to build here and Anna might be in danger then, so I'd keep her close to you, until a few people build on the street over there." "How did you get the land anyway?" I ask, getting up to deal with the kettle, "I thought this was all one development that collapsed." "It is, Sean, that's my husband, used to work for the developers and when they went bust, he and the other employees were given land in lieu of back pay and redundancy. We wanted a block on the center road, but the receivers held onto that, waiting for the market to pick up again. "Most of the others sold their land back to the new owners, but we held onto ours and as our lease on the old place expired two months ago we decided to move here as soon as Sean could get enough of the bathroom finished for us to use it. That way we could save the rent money and build faster. Last weekend, we moved into the van here and then Sean had his damned fall." she finishes, becoming distraught. "Here drink this." I say, wrapping her fingers around a mug of sweet, milky tea. "God, how much sugar did you put in this?" she asks after taking a sip. "Enough." I tell her, sitting down with my own mug, "Now drink, you need it." We silently sit sipping our drinks, until Rene interrupts, calling out, "He's finished his bottle. He's smiling at me." "Oops," I say, grabbing a nappy from the pile beside me and throwing it over my shoulder, "time for damage control." I quickly scoop Robert from Rene's lap and lift him to my shoulder, patting his back. A few seconds later, he lets go with a sustained burp that tells me I'd just averted a major disaster. Once I'm sure he's not going to present us with any little surprises, I check his nappy and finding it dry, I give the girls back their living doll and go back to my cuppa. "You moved quick there." Jean comments. "I had to," I laugh, "can you imagine the mess there would have been when those three made like a trade union and went out in sympathy." "I can and I thank you from the bottom of my stomach for avoiding it." "You're welcome." I say, "Now while we have such efficient baby sitters, why don't you and I see to cleaning up a bit, you'll be much more cheerful, if you're not constantly tripping over reminders of what you haven't had the time to do. And then we are going on a picnic." "Oh god, how can I ever repay you?" she says, almost crying with relief. "You don't," I reply, "you do whatever you can to help when you come across others in distress." It takes a surprisingly short time for us to get the van cleared, with me in the kitchenette washing the dishes and sweeping the floor as Jean puts away the piles of clothing that have accumulated and makes the bed. At the same time, I steam sterilise a couple of empty soft drink bottles in the microwave and fill them with boiled water, giving Jean a head start on Robert's next few bottles. When she sees what I'm doing, she gives me a heartfelt "Thanks." and a quick buss on the cheek, blushing like a schoolgirl. As soon as we have finished cleaning up, Jean chases me out of the kitchenette, beaming her gratitude and saying, "We can at least bring our own contribution to the picnic." As she begins to cut sandwiches for herself and Anna, Anna announces, "He's wet Mummy." I wave her back to the bench, and with Anna to fetch for me, and my two to giggle at his little circumcised dick, I quickly have him changed and in a fresh pair of rompers. Then when they would reclaim their newest toy, I tell them it's time he was put down for a nap. They give in with good grace and after watching me tuck him into his cradle, they retire to the table at the front of the van to play with Anna's Barbies. Rene, having gotten over her initial shyness, becoming so bossy that I have to rein her in. Chapter 17 - The Picnic. Ten minutes later, we are on our way back to the playground. Jean and I carrying Robert in a capsule and the girls laden with a basinet for Robert, his travel bag, and the food. When we arrive, my two dump their loads and make a beeline for the slide, while Anna, in a sudden fit of conscience, offers to help us set up. However Jean sees where her daughter would rather be and taking the thought for the deed, thanks her and sends her off with a pat on the backside. A few minutes later we have lunch laid out on the blanket, and a sleeping Robert transferred to the basinet. The girls come running when we call, attacking the simple feast as if they had not eaten in days. Then when the sandwiches are nothing but a memory and the girls are engaged in a giggling belching contest, Jean produces a block of chocolate, and distributes it among us. Causing Rene to surprise me and her sister, by giving Jean a quick kiss on the cheek. Then, having determined that nothing remains to fill their hollow legs, they, try to drag me off to play with them. Laughing, Jean shoos me away, saying, "Go on, I'll be fine here with Robert, you've given me the first half hour to myself I've had since before we moved." With me to provide the muscle, the first thing they want to try is the spinning egg. I beg off, telling them they should let lunch settle a bit first. So their next choice is the swings. Fortunately for them, but not for me, there are three swings on the frame and they have me running like a blue arsed fly, as I move from side to side giving each of them a push. At first, I give Rene tiny pushes, not wanting to scare her, but she soon starts shrieking, "Higher, Higher!" Even when I have all three of them rising above my head on the back swing, she continues to exhort me to push her even higher. Abandoning the other two to their own devices, I concentrate my efforts on Rene's swing and soon have her rising to a height of ten or twelve feet at the top of each swing. When I look to the others, Anna is swaying back and fourth, pumping the swing so that she maintains a maximum height of five feet or so, while Alison has come to a full halt, her head turning from side to side as she incredulously follows her baby sister's movement. Again, she looks as though she is looking at her sister for the first time. Leaving Rene to the forces of gravity and friction, I approach Alison and start spinning her swing, winding the chains together for about twenty turns before letting her go. Squealing with delight, she spins faster and faster, her hair flying out in a diaphanous cloud. Of course as soon as the other two see this, they want to try it too, Anna drags her feet in the dirt to bring herself to a quick stop, but Rene, her little legs to short to reach the ground, has to yell for me to stop her. I'm not sure that the swings are far enough apart to set all three girls spinning at once. So after stopping Rene, I wait for Alison to spin down, and dismount. She manages to take about four reeling steps before she collapses in a giggling heap, her head turning on her shoulders as her eyes follow the dictates of her inner ears. Leaving her sprawled indecorously on the grass, (her skirt barely covering her knickers) to recover on her own, I wrap the two outer swings around the support poles. Having new devilry in mind, I get Anna to lie down in her swing, before winding her up. I tell her to pull her legs in if she want's to go faster and stick them out straight to slow down. Then lifting her swing back and to the side, I release her, with a flick to her heels to impart a little extra speed. Her happy shrieks pierce the air as she curls herself up as tight as she can, her spinning swing also moving in a larger circle as it winds down. When the movement of the swing has slowed to lazy oscillations, she stops herself with her feet, and pulls herself to her feet, using the chains. Releasing the chains, she takes three staggering steps backwards and caroms of me, landing in a laughing heap at my feet. "My turn!" Rene shrieks, flinging herself over the seat of the swing. Smiling, I wonder what this adrenalin junkie has done with the shy little girl who had been afraid of her own shadow barely six hours earlier. I haul Anna to her feet and half carry her over to where Alison is sitting, her hair in complete disarray, and a happy smile on her face. When I lower Anna to the ground beside her, she flops backwards, throwing her arms wide. After I wind Rene up and let her go, I join Alison and Anna on the ground, lying back between them and watching the clouds scud by. A moment later, Alison squirms around and makes a pillow of my stomach. On my other side Anna sits up and hugs her knees to her chest. Her dress falls into her lap and I can see the her little bottom tightly encased in white cotton and a little higher I can see her pussy pushing the fabric out between her legs. They start talking about the latest exploits of Ken and Barbie and not terribly interested in the subject of the conversation, I look over towards the blanket. Totally exhausted by the last couple of days, Jean now lies fast asleep, curled protectively around Robert, who she has moved onto the blanket with her. A short time later, Rene staggers from the swing, somehow or other keeping her feet until she encounters mine and falls on top of her big sister. Alison cries out loudly in surprise and pain and I hear Robert begin to fuss. I look over to the blanket and see Jean sit up and rock him back and fourth, comforting him. When he has settled down, she changes his nappy and then tucking him under one arm, she comes over to us. "I think it's time we went home Anna." she says, "Robert's spent enough time in the sun for one day." "Do I have to?" Anna asks beseechingly. "Well I don't think we should impose on Greg any more." Jean tells her daughter, "He's already been more helpful to us than we have any right to expect." "Where's the imposition?" I ask, "I'm already here with these two and it's no chore to keep my eye on another. If you want to continue your half holiday I'll bring her home before we leave." "Well if you're sure." Jean says. "I'm sure." I reply, "It's no problem." "Well O.K. then. Can you send her back about three o'clock, if you don't want to leave before then. I want to get up to the hospital to see Sean." she smiles down to her daughter. "You be good now." "Yes Mummy." Anna replies cheerfully, trotting back to the blanket with her mother and helping her to pack up the baby's things. Jean declares that's she's perfectly fine, when I offer to help her carry the things back to the van and heads off across the park to the bike track. Chapter 18 - Little Exi-piss-ionists And Monkey Tricks. "Well what now?" I ask. "The egg" is their unanimous reply. I let them haul me to my feet and lead me over to it. We clamber inside, with Rene and I opposite Alison and Anna. Then taking hold of the wheel in the center, I start turning it, going faster and faster. When it gets to the point where I can't grip and release quickly enough to go any faster, I carefully let myself back against the wall, being careful not to crush Rene. With their weight's almost tripled, their laughter is somewhat strained as they make astronaut faces at each other and try to lean into the center. Rene then discovers the fun of lifting her arm and letting it go limp so that it thumps me in the stomach. Unfortunately for me, under the high G's of the spinning capsule, her tiny arm has all the impact of a medicine ball, being winded under normal conditions ain't funny, at something like two and a half G's getting your breath back becomes almost impossible. In fact by the time I do, Alison has brought the capsule to a standstill and is blowing on her hands to cool them. A tiny tug on my sleeve makes me look down at Rene, her expression like that of a dog expecting to be kicked, "I'm sorry. Are you all wight?" she whispers almost crying. "Oh Honey," I say, pulling her onto my lap and cuddling her, "it's all right, I know you didn't really mean it." "You sure?" she asks. "Yes I'm sure," I reassure her, "now give me a kiss and we'll forget it. O.K.?" She tilts her head back for me and meets my lips with her own slightly parted. Although I would like to extend this kiss, I'm conscious of Anna's presence, so I keep it brief. As we separate, some wicked little imp makes her flick her tongue across my lips and a moment later, she gives me a decidedly naughty grin. Across from us, Alison and Anna have their heads together and are holding a conversation in low tones, thinking that I'm still comforting Rene, but I have no trouble hearing what they are saying. "I need to pee." Alison is whispering. "Me to." Anna replies, "I'll take you to my place." "There's nobody around," Alison says, "why don't we just do it here." "What about him?" Anna asks, shocked. "So what," Alison says dismissively, "he's seen me before. We don't wear anything in the spa and then afterwards we had a shower together. You know how the water makes you want to pee if you haven't been for a while? Well we thought it was pretty silly to get out so we just did it there." "You mean you've seen his thingy?" Anna asks, her voice rising to a point where I have to take notice. "Alison," I ask, "what are you saying?" "I was just saying how we don't wear anything in the spa and how we just peed in the shower afterwards because it was silly to get out." she explains. "Why?" I ask. "Because we need to pee and I don't want to go back to Anna's." she tells me, "Can we do it here?" "You most certainly can't do it in here." I say pointing at the floor, deliberately misunderstanding her. "No silly," she giggles, "outside. There's nobody who can see." "Well, I don't know." I say slowly. "I need to go too." Rene says from my lap, "Real bad." "Well, I guess It'll be O.K., but we'd better move back into the bush." I say, trying to sound reluctant. Without further ado, Rene slides from my lap and holding my hand she leads me out of the capsule, dragging me at a half run towards the trees and scrub on the other side of the bike track at the back of the park. As soon as we are out of sight of the park and the bike track, she pulls her knickers down to her ankles and lifts the hem of her dress up to her waist, then squats in the dirt, half facing me. "Oh I'll get my undies." she says and stands back up to strip them off and hand them to me. This time when she squats, she faces me directly and I get a perfect view of her little puffy slit. A moment later she cuts loose with a strong, golden stream that spatters into the dust and leaf litter between her feet. As she pees, she holds her head down, watching the piss emerge from between the fat halves of her hairless baby pussy. As she finishes and stands up, Alison lifts her skirt, showing off her skimpy little knickers, her bald cunt clearly visible through the practically transparent fabric. "Oh wow!" Anna gasps, "Where did you get those knickers?" "Mama gave them to me." Alison replies with a grin, "Aren't they naughty?" "I'll say," Anna says in a strange tone, "It almost looks like you aren't wearing any at all." "Well now I'm not." Alison giggles, stripping them off and handing them to me. When she squats, she does so in a fashion, that lets all three of us see between her legs. She places her feet as far apart as she can manage, then as if that is not obscene enough, she separates her labia with her fingers. Showing off every square millimetre of the inside of her pussy, from the small, glistening, pink hole at the base to her erect little clit at the top of her slit. As I watch, her urethral opening bulges and opens up, emitting a strong, yellow stream of urine onto the dirt. Giggling, she begins to play with the flow, cutting it off completely and then expelling it in short, sharp bursts. Then, as her bladder empties, she reduces the flow to a mere trickle that runs down between her labia and over the entrance to her vagina and then her arsehole, to drip from the end of her tail bone. She finishes with three quick spurts then takes her time standing up, grinning wickedly all the while. By this time, poor Anna is standing with her legs crossed and her hand pressed into the junction of her thighs. "You won't tell Mummy will you?" she asks, looking up at me beseechingly. "No, I won't tell her." I reassure her. "Promise?" "I promise" Grimacing with the strain of holding her pee, she modestly slips her hands under the skirt of her dress and quickly pulls her knickers off and hands them to me. A moment later, she pulls her dress up to her waist and drops into a squat so quickly that my knees ache in sympathy. So urgent is her need, that even before her bottom hits her heels, she is pissing into the dirt. Her large pussy lips are so tightly closed that the stream sprays a little wildly and wets her legs. With a strained grunt, she shuts off the flow and she uses her fingers to pull the plump lips of her mound apart. Her inner labia are surprisingly well developed for a girl of her age, and at the point where they meet, the tip of an amazingly large clit peeks from its hood. At the base of her slit, her vaginal entrance is little more than a puckered, pink dimple with a tiny dark hole at the center. A second later, she sighs, pushing the pee from her body in a golden arch. Fifteen seconds or so later, the flow slackens to a dribble that flows over dimple marking the entrance to her vagina, making her giggle a little at the tickling sensation. A moment later, she stands, letting her dress fall and looks up into my face, blushing prettily. "Come on," I say, "let's get your legs dried off." Jamming their knickers into my pocket, I lead them back to the blanket, smiling at the conversation that begins behind me. "Piddling like that in front of him made me feel all funny." Anna whispers, to Alison. "Where?" Alison asks, "In your pussy?" "Is that the place between my legs?" Anna asks, "That's where it felt funny, sort of tingly." "Yeah." Alison answers, "When I feel like that, I sometimes rub my bumpy bit and it feels even better." Pretending not to hear their conversation, when we reach the blanket, I rummage through the bag we'd brought our plates in for napkins. "Mummy say's I'm not supposed to touch myself there." Anna says, "She says it's nasty." "No it's not." Alison says, "I do it all the time and it feels really, really good. And MY Mama says it's all right too." "Here you go girls." I say, holding out a handful of paper napkins. They each take one and Anna watches as both Rene and Alison pull their hems up to their waists and push their hips forwards, almost in my face. Spreading their labia with their fingers, they wipe their pussies dry. Alison then drops her napkin on the grass and very deliberately runs her finger back and forth in her slit a couple of times, going so far as to insert the first joint of her finger into her vagina. Only when I give her a warning look does she take her hand away and drop her skirt. "See?" she says to Anna. Blushing, Anna pulls up her dress, just enough to clear her well developed pussy and immediately covers it with the napkin and her hand. She slowly wipes herself dry, then covers herself up again as she wipes up the errant droplets bespattering her legs. Picking up Alison's napkin by a corner, I hold it out to her and point at the nearby bin. She gingerly takes it from me and three of them 'do the right thing', disposing of the soiled wads of tissue. I hold out their knickers to them when they return, but as Anna reaches for hers, Alison asks, "Can we leave them off? The air feels nice on my bare pussy and bum." "If you want to." I reply, feeling more comfortable with Anna's presence now that I know she's unlikely to tell her mother about anything. "Good, the breeze makes my pussy tingle. What about you is your pussy tingling?" she finishes, turning to Anna. "Yeah sort off." Anna replies blushing. "Can we?" she asks me, "You can't tell Mummy though." I mime buttoning my lip, making her giggle. After putting their knickers into my bag, I let the girls lead me over to the see-saw. All three of them cram onto one end and I take the other. Even with all three of them to counter balance me, I have to sit in, a good two feet from the end, to level it. From where I sit, I have a perfect view up under Rene's little dress and I happily drink in the sight of her perfect, little, baby pussy as we rock up and down. Nor does it take very long for her to notice the direction of my gaze. With a wicked grin, she moves one hand back between her legs and starts playing with her puffy slit, rubbing her fingers up and down the full length of her little crack, pushing her fingertip into her vagina at the bottom and making little circles over her clit at the top. Then, just as she starts to become aroused, Alison gets a wicked thought of her own and whispers something to the other two. A few seconds later, as their end touches the ground, all three of them fall sideways off the see-saw. Fortunately for my tail bone, I'd guessed that was what she had had in mind and I get my feet under me in time to keep from crashing into the ground. A second later, I forget all about what sort of revenge I will extract, as Anna starts crying, her hand pressed to the inside of her thigh. Quickly, I move over to where they lie in a tumbled heap and kneel down. Gently, but firmly I pull her hand away, to find a raw looking scrape about two inches long and a nasty looking black splinter, about half an inch long, under her skin about three inches down from her pussy. "Ouch!" I say, "That's got to hurt." "It does." she sobs, curling up to look at it. "Well come on then," I say, scooping her up in my arms, "lets go over to the blanket and get it out." Kneeling on the blanket, I gently lie her down, lifting the hem of her dress up onto her belly. To get at the splinter, I have to rest the side of my hand on her smooth mound, the tip of my little finger actually pressing into her tight slit over the entrance to her vagina. Fortunately, about an eight of an inch of the thick, evil looking splinter still protrudes from her skin. Not giving her any warning, I take hold of the end and holding her leg down, I give it a quick jerk, extracting it from her thigh. She jumps at the sudden pain, and her sobs, which have almost stopped, resume with renewed force. Lifting her into my lap, I cup her warm little bottom in my hand and rock her back and forth, apologising and explaining why I had to do it that way. Gulping, she gets her tears under control and smiles up at me wanly. Taking my handkerchief, fortunately clean, from my pocket, I gently dry her tears, then ask if I can take another look. Nodding, she lies back down on the rug, pulls her dress up, and spreads her thighs. There is a tiny bead of blood, at the point where the splinter had pierced the soft white skin of her inner thigh. "I'm sorry," I say, "but I'm going to have to hurt you again. I want to squeeze some more blood out to wash out any dirt that's still in there. Will you be a brave girl for me and let me do it?" Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, she nods jerkily, lifting her leg up for me. Again I rest the side of my hand on the soft, warm skin of her little pussy, then warning her this time, and giving her my handkerchief to bite on, I place my thumb and forefinger either side of where the splinter had been and squeeze out a large drop of blood. She grunts with the pain, and when I look to her face, I see two shimmering tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. Taking a napkin from the bag, I gently dab up the blood, and then folding it into a thick pad, I hold it over the scrape on her leg and use my handkerchief to tie it in place. "How's that?" I ask, lifting her to stand in front of me. "Better?" "Yes." she nods, then throwing her arms about my neck, she kisses me softly and says, "Thankyou." "You're welcome." I say, hugging her back. "Do you want to go home?" "Uh-uh." she shakes her head. "It's better now. See?" She takes a few steps, grimacing once as her thighs brush together. "Well O.K. if you're sure." I say, pushing myself to my feet and taking her hand, "Come on, let's watch these two burn their bums on the slide." My little joke has the desired effect, cheering her up a little and making her giggle softly. She then looks up at me and asks, "Can I have the splinter so I can show Mummy?" "Sure." I say. "If we can find it." All three of us cast about the blanket and a minute later Rene gives a triumphant cry, holding her hand up with the splinter between thumb and forefinger. Taking it from her, I find an empty bagie in my bag, seal it inside and drop it in with their knickers. Hand in hand, we follow Alison and Rene to the big spiralling slide, and watch them climb the ladder, their little white bums, flashing at us from beneath their skirts. At the top, Alison makes a production of sitting on the back of her skirt, and pushes of with a whoop of joy, quickly descending to the bottom and running back around to the ladder. Rene too carefully tucks her dress under her bottom as she sits down and descends with a delighted shriek, that ends with a grunt, as she lands with a bump in the coarse sand at the bottom. After watching them a couple of times, Anna decides that she is well enough to have a go for herself. Little white bum flashing under her skirt, she climbs the ladder and shrieking happily, she descends to the bottom. The next time around, she wants to make a train and she wants me to join in. The other two gleefully fall in with her idea and a moment later, I find myself ascending the ladder with three cute white bottoms and flashing hints of hairless pink cracks above me. As they are ascending in order of age, I find Alison's bum almost in my face, and a sweet musky odour in my nose that almost sends me wild with desire. A second later, it is in my face, as she suddenly stops and thrusts it back. I blow a zoober into the pale soft flesh of her flawless young backside, making her squeal with laughter and push back against me. Opening my mouth I gently bite into her tender white bottom and she gets the hint, pulling away with a final shimmy and a giggle. When we reach the little platform at the top, Anna asks incredulously of Alison, "Did you just fluff in his face?" "No silly," Alison giggles in reply, "He blew a fart on my bottom." "Well she stuck it in my face." I say defensively, as Anna turns a wide eyed stare on me. Giggling, they arrange themselves at the top of the slide, holding onto the sides whilst I slide my legs in beside them and wrap my arms about their waists. With whoops of joy, they let go and quickly gathering speed, we descend to the bottom. Just before we reach it, I let go of the girls, letting them shoot off the bottom in a happily shrieking tangle of arms and legs, stopping myself so that I don't land on top and crush them. On the next ascent of the ladder, Rene takes the rear and about half way up, she presents her tiny bottom for a zoober. Smiling, I set her flesh aquiver, delighting in the sweet sound of her laughter so much, that I have to press my lips to the other side and do it again. At the top, Alison gives me a mock dirty look for the double blast I'd given her sister as they take up their positions and wait for me to slip in behind them. As we descend, Alison's hair flies back, tickling my face and my laughter joins theirs. Once again, I dump them, shrieking with shrill girlish laughter, into the sand. As they land in a jumbled heap, they give me tantalising glimpses of their sweet young pussies as they untangle themselves. On the third ascent, the other two, push a furiously blushing Anna to the rear, but as she makes no actual objection, I don't interfere. As we ascend, I drink in the enchanting view of her little white buns, and the tight slit that briefly, appears and vanishes at the top of her thighs. Indeed, I'm engrossed at the sight, that when she stops, I continue, bumping into her, my nose slipping between her small white buttocks. She squeals at the unexpected contact, almost falling back against me, then steadies herself, waiting for me to blow into the milky white flesh. Happy, nay, eager to comply, I blow half a dozen or so quick zoobers, on her little bottom, making her squeal joyfully, and pull away, then push back for more. When I stop, I imagine I can detect a slight whiff of little girl musk as she falteringly, finishes her ascent. At the top, as we slip into place, I overhear her confide in a whisper to Alison, "That made my pussy place tingle." Alison giggles in reply, saying nothing, as she waits for me to slip in behind them. At the bottom of our whooping descent, I brake myself only briefly, before throwing myself over the giggling trio, catching myself on my hands as they shriek in mock terror. Having exhausted the possibilities of the slide, they tow me over towards the intricate jungle gym and start swarming all over it, Alison then Rene flashing their backsides at me whenever the opportunity presents itself. A minute or so later, Anna blushingly joins in, deliberately facing me and climbing the ladder to the monkey bars two steps at a time. As their play continues, they become bolder in their activities, vying with each other, to see who can put on the naughtiest show, consciously facing me as they climb and turning their backs to me whenever they bend over. As my cock stiffens in my pants, Rene ups the ante, grasping a low bar and somersaulting through her arms, briefly hanging with her dress in the small of her back and her bottom on display, before dropping to the sand and standing up. Anna's blushing display, starts with her climbing the ladder of the monkey bars two at a time, then pulling herself onto the top and crawling along to the center. Then turning sideways, she grabs the rail beside her knees and drops, swinging back and forth a few times. With her dress pulled high by her arms stretched above her head, the hem barely covers her pussy and as it flaps in the breeze of her motion, I'm treated to tantalisingly brief glimpses of her little slit. A few seconds later, she drops to the sand, her knees bending to take the impact and then falls back onto her hands, her amazingly mature mound with it's tight young slit on deliberate display for several seconds before she brings her widespread thighs together and pushes herself to her feet. Blushing furiously she turns to watch what Alison will do. Alison's lewd display begins with her climbing onto the top of the monkey bars and straddling them, her tight denim skirt bunched up around her waist as she humps her way along to the middle. Then checking to be sure we are watching, she hooks her legs over one bar, and lowers herself between it and the next, briefly hanging by her hands and knees. Then letting go with her hands she hangs upside down, her smooth, hairless mound, bulging prominently at the junction of her thighs as she swings back and forth. Then pulling herself back up, she somersaults through her arms, and spreads her legs wide for couple of seconds before letting go and dropping to the sand. Rising with a smirk for me, she takes Anna aside, their heads together as they talk, punctuating their whispers with, wicked little giggles on Alison's part and embarrassed ones on Anna's. I worry for a bit that Alison might spill the beans, but though Anna does throw a few looks my way, they are those of a little girl making sure they are not being overheard and I decide that Alison will be discreet. Well sort of discreet anyway. Taking a pouting Rene by the hand, I lead her over to where a flying fox, runs between two platforms and lift her onto the higher of the two. Climbing onto the lower one, I throw the handle up to where she can catch it. As she reaches up to grasp the handhold, her dress rides up, revealing a tiny hint of her puffy little slit. With a wild yell, she throws herself from the platform. As her full weight falls onto her arms, her dress rides even higher the hem level with the top of her slit. She slides down the gently inclined rail, with increasing speed until she reaches the bottom, then as the handle comes to an abrupt halt, she continues forwards, falling into my arms with a happy shriek. Giving her bottom a quick squeeze under her dress, I lift her back to the handle and give her a push up to the other platform where Alison catches her. Then taking hold of the handle herself, Alison throws herself at me as hard as she can, lifting her legs high and wide as she rushes towards me. Not wanting to wear one of those flying feet, I quickly move between them and she hits me high in the chest, the impact knocking me over backwards. Looking down at me from her seat astride my chest, she giggle and rises to he knees and then stands, the white flesh of her sweet, young pussy starkly visible in the shadows beneath her skirt. As I prepare to push her back up to the other platform, I take a handful of her bottom, sliding my thumb under the short hem of her skirt and briefly rubbing it along the damp crease between her legs, making her squeal and push back against me. I caress her little pussy for a few seconds, coating my thumb with her juices, then send her on her way up to the younger girls. While Anna's attention is diverted by catching Alison, I quickly lick the sweet nectar of Alison's pussy juices from my thumb and take up station, sitting right on the edge of the platform, squarely beneath the rail. As she shoves off, Anna too, lifts her legs and parts them, giving me a perfect view of her little pussy as she rushes towards me, but this time I am better prepared for the impact, catching her in my arms and lowering her to my lap, where the solid lump of my erect prick presses against her pussy, through the thick material of my jeans. It takes her a few seconds to realise what is pressing against her and when she does, she blushes prettily and quickly pulls herself to her feet. Not wanting to scare her, I send her back with a simple push on the bottom and wait for her to hand over the handle to Rene. As soon as Rene in on her way, Anna goes into a huddle with Alison, their glances in my direction, making it obvious that she is telling the bigger girl about feeling my cock. A second later Rene thumps into my chest and slides down into my lap, my hands cupping the warm globes of her bare little bottom beneath her skirt. I give them a quick squeeze, pulling her against me and gently rocking her up and down a few times, making her giggle. I then lift her up and shove her back towards the other girls. This time around, I manage to withstand the considerable impact of Alison thumping into me and remain upright as she slides down into my lap, where she briefly rubs herself against me, then with s wicked smile, she places her hand in my lap and gives my cock a quick squeeze as she pushes herself upright. When she turns to grasp the handle of the flying fox and I lift my hand to fondle her wet little pussy, she thrusts her bum back at me, impaling herself on my thumb with a soft squeak. After giving her tight little cunt a couple of quick pokes with my thumb, I suck the my thumb clean behind her back, savouring the sweet ambrosial taste of her sexual fluids, then send her on her way. As Anna comes flying towards me, I see Alison say something to Rene and decide that this will be the last time, as the look Rene gives me, makes me shudder to think what she might do to top her sister. A moment later, Anna makes it definite. As she approaches with a wild whoop, she lifts her legs too high and they go either side of my head. Catching her with my hands about her waist, I allow myself to fall backwards, adsorbing the momentum of her impact with my arms. I finish with her sitting on my face, her little pussy against my lips. As I lift her from me, I can't resist blowing a zoober into her skin at the point where her prominent mound begins to curve outwards from her belly, just above her slit. With a wild, giggling squeal, she rolls to one side and I worry that I've scared her, but when I sit up, I find her sitting with her back to the other girls as she inspects her pussy. She blushes when, she notices me watching, but instead of covering up, she points at her fat clit, rubbing it gently with her fingertip as she whispers, "That made me feel all tingly right here." "Did you like it?" I ask. "Uh-huh," she nods, continuing to rub her clit, "and rubbing it like this makes it feel even better." "Well, you'd better stop it now." I say, "You can try it some more later." Waving at the other two to join us, I jump down from the platform and swing Anna in a big circle as I lift her down. Big mistake, Rene comes flying up to me begging me to swing her around too. Laughing, I take her and Anna by the hand and lead them out onto a soft grassy spot. Then waving Anna back, I slip my hands under Rene's arms from behind and clasp them across her chest. Lifting her feet off the ground I start spinning faster and faster, until her feet are aimed at the horizon and she squeals with delight. When I slow down and release her, she takes two staggering steps then falls in a heap. She tries to stand up several times, giggling wildly as she falls back to the turf over and over again. Finally she gives up and rolls onto her back, her eyes rolling in her head as she stares up at the spinning clouds, unconcerned that her dress is bunched up above her waist. Giving me little time to recover, Anna claims her turn, pulling my hands under her arms and putting them together in front of her chest. Smiling at her enthusiasm, I entwine my fingers and start spinning. When I release her thirty seconds later, she doesn't even manage a single step before collapsing on top of Rene with a giggle. Waving Alison away, I lean forwards, my hands on my knees as I recover my breath and sense of balance. When I do straighten up, she immediately places her wrists in my hands, and asks me to spin her that way. Groaning, I start turning slowly, with her taking a few running steps before she lifts her legs from the ground. As I pick up speed, I lean back, spinning faster and faster until I'm almost stumbling over my own feet. A few seconds later I start slowing down until her toes brush the grass. Pulling her knees up a little she twists, trying to get her feet under her as she comes in for a landing. A moment later, she deliberately digs her heels into the turf, tumbling to the ground, shrieking as she pulls me down on top of her. Laughing, I start attacking her ribs, tickling her unmercifully in revenge. As she squirms, her shirt pulls from her skirt, exposing a widening expanse of lightly tanned skin. Then as soon as her cute little belly button comes into view, I press my lips to it and blow hard. Shrieking loudly, she brings her knees up, trying to protect her belly from my assault, but I'm too quick for her. Slipping my hands beneath her, I hold her pressed to my lips as I blow zoober after zoober into her belly button, not stopping until her struggles weaken and she begins to gasp for breath. Sitting back, I look down on her, as she lies gaping like a goldfish trying to draw air into her tortured lungs I notice that her shirt has ridden up under her arms and her skirt has rucked up around her waist. I let her recover for a little while, then pinning her flat, I blow three last zoobers, one each on her puffy titty mounds and a final sustained blast at the top of her mound, right over her clit. This last making her arch her back and force her sweet little puss, hard against my lips. When I look up, I meet Rene's wide eyed stare, while beside her Anna just smiles, her hand gently rubbing her mound through the fabric of her dress as she remembers the sensation a similar treatment had induced in her own pussy. Below me, Alison gives me a curious little smirk as she rearranges her clothes. "Well I don't know about you lot," I say, slowly pushing myself to my feet, "but I'm pooped." Leaving them to do as they wish, I only slightly exaggerate my stagger as I make my way over to the blanket and sit down. Pulling a half empty bottle of Fanta from the ice in the esky, I take a long pull. As I lower the bottle, Rene snatches it from my grasp and takes a drink, before passing it on to Anna, who in turn passes it on to Alison, who drains the last couple of mouthfuls and tosses the bottle onto the blanket. Then turning to me, she asks, "Can Anna come home with us and play in the spa?" Her request, echoed in the pleading eyes of the other two girls. "I don't know." I reply slowly, "I think her mother wants her to go and visit her dad in hospital." No she doesn't," Anna says, "I have to stay outside with the nurses." "Come on let's ask her then." Alison says, grabbing my hand and trying to tug me to my feet. A moment later Rene and Anna take hold of my other hand and I allow them to pull me to my feet. But when they try to lead me towards the bike track, I hold back, saying, "Let's get packed up here first and then I'll drive us around." They're so eager to get going, that in less than a minute they have the rubbish stuffed in the bin, and everything else packed away. As Alison and Anna start hauling the esky across the grass I ask, "Hey, haven't you forgotten something?" As they turn back to me, I extract their knickers from my bag and hold them up. Giggling they leave the esky and take their undies from my hand. Then after they have slipped them on, I suggest that they leave the esky to me and concentrate on the rest. A minute later, after giving Anna her splinter, I slam the boot and bundle them into the back seat. Almost before the car has stopped, they tumble out of the car and are flying up the drive towards the caravan, only at the last minute, do they remember the baby and come to a sudden halt as they wait for me to catch up. Chapter 19 - Anna Joins In. Carefully opening the door, Anna leads the way inside, then her patience exhausted, the words tumble from her lips as she asks, "Can I go and have a spa with Alison and Rene, please Mummy." "What was that Anna?" asks muzzily. Realising that Jean had been asleep, I stop with my foot on the step. "Can I go to Alison and Rene's place and have a spa with them. Please?" she asks, making me smile at just how much wheedling she manages to squeeze into that last word. "What? Where's Greg?" Jean asks, still not quite with it. "I'm out here." I reply, "Can I come in?" "Of course, come in." she replies. Then as I step up into the van she says, "I guess I didn't realise, just how much the last couple of days took out of me. What's this Anna's saying?" "Alison invited her over to play in the spa with her." I explain, "I suggested that you might want her back, but they insisted we ask you anyway." "Well, I wouldn't want to impose on you any further, you've done so much for me already, but she does get pretty bored waiting at the nurses station, while I visit Sean. They've still got him pretty well doped up and I don't want her to see him like that." she explains. "But if It's O.K. with you, I guess she can go. There is one problem though, she doesn't have a suit. She grew out of her last one, and with summer over, I haven't bothered to get her another." "That's all right," I answer before Alison or Rene say why she won't need one, "She can wear a pair of knickers and a t-shirt. Or we might be able to find an old suit of Alison's" Anna emits a single shrill, squeal of delight, then remembering her sleeping brother, she slaps her hand across her mouth. "Sorry Mummy." she mumbles. Her eyes twinkling, Jean says, "That's all right. Now let's find you something to wear." "Can she have tea with us too?" Rene asks, "It's pizza." "I guess so." Jean laughs, picking up her purse. Handing me a ten dollar note, she says, "Here, this should cover her share and get them all an ice cream each too." "Come on you." she turns to her daughter, let's get some clean clothes on you. As Anna protests, "I'm not a baby Mummy!" Jean takes hold of the hem of Anna's dress and strips it off her. "What did you do to yourself this time?" Jean ask resignedly, noticing the handkerchief tied around her daughter's leg. "Jumped off the see-saw and I got a splinter, see." Anna answers, taking the dress from her mother and rummaging through the pockets for her souvenir. "That's a beauty." Jean say appreciatively, admiring the splinter in it's bag. "Just what were you doing jumping off the see-saw anyway?" "Trying to dump me." I answer with a laugh. "Oh you didn't?" Jean cries in a shocked voice. "Well I think it was Alison's idea, and because Anna was stuck between the other two she got what Alison should have." I say in Anna's defence. "Well let's have a look at it?" Jean says, removing the handkerchief. "Oh, you did do a good job. Turning her daughter around to inspect the scrape, which continues around onto the back of her leg, she says, "These just wont do at all. Just what have you been sitting in." Thinking, 'Those knickers were clean when I gave them back.' I have a quick look. Obviously in an attempt to show that she had not had her knickers off, Anna has rubbed dirt into the seat of her knickers while we were packing. "Well let's get these off." Jean says, grasping the waistband of her daughter's knickers. "But he'll see my, my... thingy." Anna protests, waving her hand vaguely as she trails off into silence, a sweet blush suffusing her cheeks. "Don't be silly child," Jean chides, "you're much too young to worry about that sort of nonsense. Now hold still." "Ouch!" Anna cries as her mother scrapes the leg band of her knickers over the graze on her leg. "Sorry." Jean says contritely, "Now you wait there while I get you some clean clothes." As her mother turns her back and moves towards the other end of the van, Anna smiles naughtily and drags her finger along the length of her slit, then schools her expression as her mother returns with a blue and white striped, cotton, print dress, a blue cable knit jumper and another pair of plain white knickers. Laying the dress and jumper on the table, Jean helps her daughter into the knickers. After, she has slipped the dress and jumper on, she wets a cloth at the sink, and scrubs her protesting daughter's face and then drags a hairbrush through her daughter's curls. "There, now you won't embarrass me." Jean tells her daughter as she steps back to survey her handiwork. "What time do you want me to bring her back?" I ask. "You don't have to do that." Jean protests, "I can pick her up." "Nonsense," I say, "you've got a baby and a husband in hospital to worry about, Now what time?" "Well, if you're going to be like that." Jean huffs, smiling to take the sting out of it, "Is eight too late." "No that's fine." I say. We exchange phone numbers, and she gives me a bag containing a towel, T-shirt and another pair of knickers for Anna. Then with a kiss goodbye and an admonishment to be good, Jean entrusts her daughter to my care. A minute later we are on our way. In the rearview mirror I notice Anna and Alison have their heads together and I overhear snatches of their conversation. "... even better ... Mummy might have caught me." "I know, ... it ...s good ... get caught." "... think he might let me see it?" At this point Rene pipes up, and in a low but clearly audible voice she says, "Yeah, and you can touch it too. It feels really neat." Both bigger girls gasp and glance in my direction, so I pretend not to have heard Rene's words and as the cat's out of the bag, I am curious to hear what Anna has to say to this. A few seconds later, once they are sure that I have not heard, they continue and because they think I can't hear them, their voices are slightly louder as they include Rene in the conversation. "Wow what's it like?" Anna asks. "Well it's like your brother's but a lot bigger of course and it's got lots of hair like his beard around it." Alison answers. "I know that much!" Anna says scornfully, "What's it feel like? Mummy hit me when I tried to touch Robert's." "Really funny," Rene says, "It's like it's got a bone in it, but you can still bend it a bit. It's really soft on the outside and the skin moves up and down too so it covers up the purple bit on the end." "Hey Robert's isn't like that." Anna says, "his is all floppy and the end isn't purple either." "Oh his is like that too most of the time. But remember what you said on the flying fox? It gets hard like that when he looks at our pussies and when we rub it." The conversation has to stop at this point, as we are nearly home. I stop at the milkbar and followed by all three girls, I enter the shop. The girl behind the counter is the same one who had served us the day before and she raises her eyebrow at the addition to our party. "I'm collecting little girls." I say with a straight face, "Have you got any you want to get rid off?" "Well I do have a little sister, who can be a real pain in the butt sometimes," she laughs, "but I think I'll keep her, Mum might not understand. What can I do you for?" "Oh, you could normally 'do' me for nothing," I laugh and wave my arm encompassing the three girls clustered around the freezer, "but I'm already taken. So you'll have to settle for selling me four ice creams and a carton of milk." "Ooh you are saucy." she giggles; a perfect imitation of the big breasted young blonde from the 'Carry On' movies. Rene having decided that the side of the freezer will not become transparent, no matter how hard she stares at it, makes a bee line for the lolly counter. Scragging her by the back of the collar as she passes me, I guide her back to the freezer and lift her up so she can make a selection. After paying the girl and confiscating the ice creams for her to put in a bag, I entrust Rene with the important job of carrying it until we get home. Then saying goodbye, we take our leave. "Hurry up and light the heater." Alison says almost as soon as the door closes. "Why?" I ask. "So we don't have to put our clothes back on when we get out of the spa silly." she answers with a grin. "But we have a guest." I tease, "You can't just run around without any clothes on." "But what about the spa?" she asks. "You'll just have to wear a T-shirt with your bathers since I haven't fixed the top yet." "You mean we have to wear clothes?" Anna asks in dismay, "I wanted to see your penis thingy." She then slaps her hand over her mouth, "Oh, don't tell Mummy I said that." "Don't worry I won't," I reassure her, "and I was only teasing. If you want to run about without any clothes on, you can." "What about you?" she asks. "Me to I guess, but you can't tell anybody either." I say, winking, making it a joint conspiracy. "Not even your best friend, because she might tell somebody, who might tell somebody else, who tells your mummy." "O.K." she winks back grinning. Kneeling down in front of the heater, I sort out the instructions and get it lit. When I turn back, I find myself face to face with three bare naked little girls, cheesy grins plastered across their faces, though Anna's is a trifle selfconscious and her cheeks are flaming. "It's your turn now." she giggles. "Why don't you put the ice creams in the freezer first." I say, "We'll have them after our pizza." Like a shot, Rene snatches up the bag, disappears into the kitchen and returns almost before I can draw my breath. Grinning at her eagerness, to show me off to her new friend, I quickly strip down to my jocks, tossing my clothes on the pile they had begun. I stop with my thumbs in the waistband and ask, "Would you like to take them off Anna?" Nodding slowly, she steps forward and takes hold of the sides of my jocks and with a quick yank, pulls them down to my knees and lets them fall to the floor. As I step out of them, we both take a step backwards, she with her eyes locked solidly on my dangling member. "Oh!" she gasps, "It's dangly." As I feel her eyes boring into my groin, my cock begins to rise, "Oh wow, It's getting bigger." "That's because you're staring at him," I tell her, "and he's standing up to have a look at you." "Can I have a closer look?" she asks. "Of course." I say. In complete contrast to Alison and Rene's broad grins, Anna's face is very serious, her little forehead furrowed in concentration as she steps forward and bends over to bring her face closer to my still growing member. She starts to bring her hand up, then snatches it away and clasps it in the other behind her back. "You can touch it if you want." I tell her. "Can I!" she says excitedly, "Mummy yelled at me and called me a nasty little girl when I tried to touch Robert's. I only wanted to see what it felt like." She finishes on a slightly plaintive note. "Well I'm not your mummy," I say, "If you want to learn about boys with me, you can, but only if you want to and you're not just doing it because you think these two will think you are a baby." "Oh I want to." she breathes fervently. Slowly, almost hesitantly, she brings her little fingers up to lightly brush along the length of my shaft. Her delicate, feather light, touch being all that it takes to bring me to full hardness. "Oh, it is soft!" she exclaims in surprise, "And it's warm too." "Gently there." I warn as she moves her hand down to cup my balls, hefting them in the palm of her hand. "What are they?" she asks. "They're my balls." I tell her, "They make my sperm." "What's that?" she asks. "It's yummy." Rene says. "It's this white cream that squirts out of his penis after you suck on it for a while." Alison explains. Anna whirls to stare at the two grinning imps behind her. "You suck on his penis?" she cries appalled, "That's where his pee comes out!" I give Alison and Rene a suppressing look, saying, "It's O.K. Anna, it's totally different to pee. Let's get in the spa and I'll explain it too you." "O.K." she agrees. As soon as I step into the gently roiling water and sit down, Alison and Rene begin to scuffle over my lap. "Hey you two, stop it. Anna's our guest and she gets first choice." Turning my head, to look up at her, still standing on the rim of the spa, I ask, "Would you like to sit on my knee?" "Uh-huh." she nods. Taking her hand in mine, I help her step down into the water, and help her sit sideways in my lap, so that she can look up into my face. Once she is settled, her head on my right shoulder and my right hand lightly clasping her upper thigh. With my other hand, I lightly caress her legs from knee to ankle as I ask, "Has your mummy told you anything about where Robert came from?" "She said he was in her tummy," Anna says quietly, "and that was why she got fat for a while, but when I asked how he got in there she said that was a bad question and if I ever asked again she'd make me bite the soap." "What does 'bite the soap' mean?" Rene asks curiously ceasing her friendly tussling with her sister. "If I say something bad, she makes me bite into a piece of soap." Anna explains. "You mean like 'fuck'?" Rene asks. The expression on Anna's face is a mixture of shock and fear as she looks up into my eyes to see what I will do, when I smile reassuringly, she nods "Yes" to Rene. Grinning, Rene begins a litany of obscenities, "Cock, dick, cunt, pussy, shit, arsehole..." her grin widening as Anna flinches slightly under the impact of each forbidden word. "Enough!" I say sharply, "I think she gets the picture." Looking down at Anna, I gently say, "Ignore the little slut, she's only showing off. This morning, she was calling my penis a doodle." "You mean those words aren't bad?" she asks. "No, not really." I answer slowly, "It's more how you use them and who you say them to. You have to be really careful who you say them to though, because most people don't think little girls should know what they mean. And you shouldn't teach them to your friends, because if they say you taught them, then your mummy might hear about it and she'd go and get the soap." "Does that mean I should wait until I hear someone else say them first before I use them?" she asks. "Exactly!" I say approvingly, "Unless of course it's someone like your Daddy, when he hit's his thumb with a hammer." "Uh-huh.", she nods seriously, then asks, "Are you going to tell me about babies now?" "Sure." I say, "O.K., you know a baby grows inside a woman's tummy. Well it gets made when a man's sperm, joins up with a tiny little egg inside her, and that egg start's growing until nine months later, the baby is born." "How does the sperm join with the egg if it's in her tummy?" she ask, "Does she swallow it? Does that mean Alison and Rene are going to have babies?" Both of the little girls sitting opposite us giggle madly, their mouths, which they had opened to say something snapping shut as I give them a withering look. "No." I answer, giving her a reassuring hug, as she begins to look a little hurt by their amusement at her ignorance, "First of all, you are all too young to have babies, though Alison's body is nearly ready. And second, the baby doesn't actually grow inside a woman's stomach, it grow in a special place called the uterus which is at the bottom of her tummy, here." I trace a small upside down triangle just below Anna's belly button. "Would you spread your legs a little bit?" I ask, gently pushing against her right knee. Without resistance, she allows me to push her knees apart, allowing me access to her most intimate recesses. I begin to slowly slide my hand up between her thighs, giving her plenty of time to object or stop me. She looks up at me trustingly, not even twitching as my finger comes into contact with the tightly closed lips of her well developed cunt. "Here," I say lightly touching her at the base of her slit, "this is where the sperm goes in. You know there's a hole here don't you?" She nods and murmurs "yes." "Well it's called a vagina, it goes up inside you and it's connected to your uterus. A man puts his penis inside it and after a while he squirt his sperm." "You said it was called 'semen'." Alison objects pedantically. "Don't be a smarty pants." I say, "I'm trying to make this easy for her to understand." Turning back to Anna, I continue, "As miss smarty pants over there just pointed out, the creamy stuff that comes out of a man's penis is actually called semen and it's full of the sperm that his balls make. Do you understand what I've said so far?" "I think so." she says in doubtful tones, "But isn't that where I pee out off?" "No," I say, "The place you pee from is further up." I gently prise her pussy lips apart and touch her over her urethral opening, tickling it with my finger tip. "Here, this is where you pee from." I then lowly drag my fingertip a little lower and press against the tight little opening to her vagina. "Your vagina is down here." Her lips part slightly, and her breathing quickens slightly at the intimate touch. "But how can your penis fit in there? That's a very little hole." "It stretches a lot." I tell her, silencing, Alison and Rene with a glance as they open their mouths to speak. "It's got to, because that's also where the baby comes out once it's ready." As I speak, I gently circle her vaginal entrance with the tip of my little finger. Ever so slowly, I feel the muscles puckering the skin relax and as I press inwards, it gives way and allows my finger to slowly enter her body, slipping into a warm, extremely tight, sheath, which is surprisingly slippery. "Ooh!" she says, her voice little more than a soft exhalation. "Your finger's going into me." "How does it feel?" I ask gently, stilling my finger, with less than half of the first joint inside her. "Sort of funny." she says, "Like your finger is filling me up." Her little face take on a look of extreme concentration as she considers the sensation of having her pussy penetrated for the very first time. A few seconds later, she smiles up at me, "I like it, it's nice." Encouraged by her trusting acceptance of my digital penetration of her immature vagina, I pull my finger out and gently reinsert it, pushing a little deeper. Then with slow, gentle strokes, I slide my finger in and out of her tiny vagina, penetrating a little further each time until the tip of my little finger brushes against the thin, delicate membrane of her hymen. "Oh, don't stop." she says in disappointment as I withdraw my finger. "That felt nice." then, "Ooh!" as I try my middle finger. There is a little more resistance to the larger intruder, but her happy smile never wavers as the tight ring of muscle surrounding her vaginal entrance dilates and allows the entry of my much thicker middle finger. sighing contentedly, she opens her legs further and wriggles into a more comfortable position against my chest. Ever so gently, I explore the gossamer thin tissue of her maidenhead, wishing that I had more time with her, enough time that I might be able to make love to her properly. But with only a few hours before I have to take her back to her mother, I limit myself to a gentle finger fucking of the outermost inch or so of her tight, slick vagina. Her sweet exhalations, wafts warmly over my face as I look down at her, her eyes closed in contentment, her breath sighing from moist, slightly parted lips. Unable to resist their allure, I lightly brush them with my lips, gently kissing her. Her eyes open as I pull back and the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile, filled with love and complete trust. "Mmmm, that's nice." she murmurs, contentedly. "I want to see her have an orgasm." Rene says eagerly, disturbing the mood. "What's that?" Anna asks, her eyes filling with curiosity. "It's the best thing in the whole world." Rene enthuses expansively. "It's like all your insides just explode." "Huh?" Anna's eyes widen apprehensively. "It's all right," Rene quickly reassures her new friend, "I was scared too, really scared, but Greg made it all right. He won't let you fall either." "Fall?" Anna asks confusedly, "Does he drop you." "No silly." Rene giggles, "But when he does it to you, it feels like you're going higher and higher and higher on the swing and then when it happens, you feel like you're falling really, really fast but you never hit the ground, and when it's over, it's like you're floating on the softest, dreamiest cloud ever." Anna's eyes question me and I nod, saying, "A little confused, but that's about it. But if you want me to do it, we should wait until after tea and do it on a bed or the couch, so I can see what I'm doing properly and we can take our time. Why don't we just play in the spa for a little while and then I'll order the pizza, O.K.?" "O.K." she nods reluctant agreement. Slipping my finger from her vagina, I quickly lift it from the water and taste of her sweetness for the first time. Even diluted by the waters of the spa, her juices have a flavour that set's my cock twitching against her hip. "Mmmm, you taste good." I say. "Isn't that yucky?" she asks staring at my finger. "Nope," I grin, "It's yum. Isn't that right girls?" Both Alison and Rene nod eager agreement. "It's better than strawberry ice cream." Rene adds enthusiastically. "Really?" Anna asks, a little disbelievingly. "Really." I confirm. "Anyway enough of that for now." I say, lifting her in my arms and blowing a zoober into her belly. I then drop her, giggling and wriggling, into the water. Then when she rises, sputtering wildly, I splash her in the face, being careful to send most of the water past her at the other two girls. Yelling dire threats at me, all three of them start sweeping great sheets of water in my direction. I endure the inundation for a few seconds then slide from my seat and sit on the bottom in the center of the spa. Seconds later, cool bubbles of air tickle my balls and arsehole as one of the girls starts the blower. Waving my arms about, I feel for their ankles, but the little shits are standing on the seats, where they know I don't dare pull them under, so I curl my legs under me and rise with a roar that sets them squealing with mock fright. Standing on the seat directly in front of me is Alison, so I sweep her up in my arms and pull her shrieking delightedly to my chest. "You look like a tasty little girl," I say in a gurgling voice, "I am going to take you to my grotto beneath the waves, where I'm going eat you up." "Oh save me, save me." she cries, sounding anything but terrified. "No, you can't eat my sister." Rene cries taking hold of one of Alison's flailing arm and pulling feebly. "No, No, don't eat her." Anna yells, getting into the act and taking the other arm." "No one escapes the creature from the black lagoon." I gurgle, slowly sinking beneath the roiling surface, taking my wriggling victim with me. Rolling to break the younger girl's grip, I shift my hands and move her until I can press my lips to one of the tiny mounds sprouting from Alison's chest. She tenses at the contact, expecting a zoober, but instead of blowing, I open my mouth wide and make munching motions over her tiny titty, flicking the tip of my tongue back and forth over the rapidly erecting nipple. A few seconds after I begin munching on the other nipple, she pulls away, seeking release. I allow my hands to slide down over her hips to her upper thighs as she stands on my legs and press my mouth over her mounds munching and licking at her young pussy. I feel, more than hear her excited squeal, as my tongue, pushes between her labia and flicks over her stiffening clit. Then, needing breath myself, I push her off my legs and rise to the surface, finding myself nose to nose with my next willing victim. Grinning back at her, I draw a deep breath and wrap my arms about Rene, pulling her under the roiling water. Giving each of her tiny, pink nipples a quick flick with my tongue, I trail down over her belly to the fat little mound between her widespread legs. Opening my mouth wide, I engulf her plump, young pussy and munch and lick until she let's me know she has run out of air. Releasing her and rising to the surface, I turn towards my final victim and find her blushing and giggling as she struggles weakly in Alison's arms. As I take hold of her, her blush deepens and she goes totally limp and quiet. Guessing that Anna would probably try to drown herself if I took her below the bubbling water and started mouthing her pussy, I stretch her out on the surface to chow down on the third grader's slim body. Beginning at her fingers, I open my mouth wide and engulf most of her hand. I then make my way, noisily, up her arm, making her squirm a little and giggle at the smacking sounds I make. When I reach her shoulder, I transfer my attention to her face, feeling the heat of her flush on my tongue as I nibble and lick at her cheek. Playfully, I suck on her little nose, nibbling the tip for a few seconds, revelling in the sound of her happy giggles, before moving on to her sweet red lips. I find them waiting for me, slightly parted with the dying echoes of her mirth. Gently, I suck one of her lips between mine, kissing her softly, sensuously. Not wanting to possibly scare her with a deeper kiss, I flick her lips with the tip of my tongue as I pull away and gently bite down on her upthrust chin. Her head is tilted back to expose her thin throat and as I move lower, I take her windpipe between my teeth, feeling her shudder slightly at the contact. But with surprising trust, she does not try to force me away with her chin, instead she tilts her head further back, giving me even greater access to her vulnerable throat. Ever lower, I roam further with my teeth and lips, taking each of her prominent collar bones into my mouth, and gently bite down. As I pass over her tiny, undeveloped boobs, I smack my lips as I flick them with the tip of my tongue, feeling the soft, pink skin crinkle and tighten under my touch. With a last flick to her the BB sized nubbins of her nipples, I move on to the bottom of her ribcage, where she helpfully sucks her stomach in, to allow me to fasten my lips and teeth around her lowermost ribs. As I pass over the dimple of her belly button, I can't resist spearing my tongue into the little slit like depression, making her buckle in my arms and shriek with girlish laughter. Shifting my grip on her slim little body, I take advantage of her folded position to munch noisily on the heels of her feet and then her toes. Then as she unfolds I snack my way up her legs alternating from shin to shin and then gently bite down on her dimpled knees, where I discover she is very ticklish. But all of her laughter disappears when I turn her in my arms and kneel on the bottom, repositioning her with her legs over my shoulders. As I munch my way up the soft skin of her inner thighs towards her protuberant pussy, she strains to see what I am doing. Seeing this, Alison moves behind her, supporting her head and shoulders. With a final loud "Groumph!" I engulf her fat mound in it's entirety, making her squeal with laughter that immediately chokes off with a gasp, as I drag my tongue from the dimple at the base of her slit to her clit at the top. Already beginning to harden under the influence of the strange new sensations that I have begun to awaken in her, her clitoris quickly grows to it's full dimensions surprising me with it's size. Pulling back, I gaze up between her legs at her hairless slit, which is now pushed open at the top by a thick, rigid shaft, as wide and as long as the first joint of my ring finger. Both Alison and Rene gasp at the size of the little pricklet that pushes from between Anna's bald labia and when I look up, I see Alison unconsciously licking her lips. "Oh!" Anna squeaks in surprise, "It's never done that before. How come it's doing that?" "Because it's happy." I say smiling, "It's never happened before, because it's never been touched properly before." Lowering my head a few inches, I give the proudly standing, fleshy shaft a flick with the tip of my tongue, making her gasp and push her hips up towards my mouth. "Oh!" she squeaks, "That's nice do it again." Happy to comply with her wishes, I flick the stubby shaft back and forth a few times with the tip of my tongue, enjoying her little squeals and wriggles of pleasure. Then because I want her first orgasm to be a special one, not something hastily induced in the spa, I plant a final kiss on the very tip and pull back lowering her into the water. Not knowing the pleasures that I have denied her, she wraps her slim arms about my neck, and presses her lips to mine in a soft, sweet, sensuous kiss, pulling back after a timeless two seconds to whisper, "Thank you." Whispering "You're welcome." in return, I playfully snap at her nose, making her pull back with a happy squeal that knocks Alison beneath the boiling surface of the water. Sputtering as she rises, Alison begins to wrestle with Anna, tickling and ducking her. A moment later, Rene comes in on the side of her new friend, making up for her lack of size with ferocity, as the two of them put Alison on the defensive. Leaving them to disport themselves as they please, I sit back on the seat to watch their play, enjoying the brief glimpses of white or lightly tanned flesh, that occasionally rise above the roiling surface. After a minute or so of cheerful, wrestling in which Alison gets worse than she delivers, they go into a little huddle. With the noise of the roaring blower, I can't hear what Alison is saying. But it's not too hard to guess, as Rene nods enthusiastically while Anna shakes her head and glances in my direction. Alison, though will not take 'no' for an answer, and becomes more animated, talking and gesticulating until Anna nods, blushing furiously. Then with a wicked grin, Alison submerges herself, while the other two look on, Rene grinning, Anna blushing furiously. A second later, I feel the water swirling about my legs and a soft pair of lips engulf my half hard member as Alison grasps my hips to hold herself down. The back of her head briefly appears in the swirling waters over my lap, then disappears as she bobs back down. For about half a minute or so, she bobs up and down on my rapidly hardening cock, her tongue working furiously. She then surfaces with a gasp and moves aside for Rene, saying with a grin, "It's our turn to eat YOU up." Even as Alison speaks, Rene grasps my raging penis in one hand and forces her tiny mouth down over the swollen head of my cock, her tongue pushed against the bottom of her mouth by the thickness of my shaft. When she pulls back, the tiny pre-schooler completely removes her mouth from my prick, then bobs down again, her lips, an excruciatingly tight ring that rolls down over my sensitive glans, the tip of her tongue brushing over the fraenum. Incredibly, this tiny little girl far surpasses her elder sister, in both duration and skill, and when she finally does come up for air, she leaves me a gibbering wreck, my balls aching for release. As she pulls aside gasping she waves Anna towards me. Blushing furiously, the eight year old, steps hesitantly towards me, her uncertainty prompting me to say, "You don't have to do this if you don't want too." But she just shakes her head at my words and continues to advance, submerging herself as her legs touch my knees. Her hand grasps my shaft in a light grip and a moment later her lips brush over the very tip of my cock, making it twitch. She pulls back, a bit and lets go in surprise. Then a moment later secures a slightly firmer grip and I feel her tongue pass over my fraenum and on to the winking eye at the end of my prick, the light, feathery touch, almost enough to set me off. Finally, gaining confidence as nothing nasty happens, she opens her jaw wide, and brings her mouth down over my cock, her lips closing around the shaft as the swollen head of my cock glances off the roof of her mouth. Then without moving her head, she begins a baby like sucking, that is more soothing than arousing and I feel the urgent need to empty my balls subside. Chapter 21 - Circus Tricks. Ten seconds later, she releases my cock and lifts her head above the surface, smiling broadly. "How was that?" she asks. Not wanting to disappoint her, I say, "It was great. How did it make you feel?" "Naughty," she giggles, "but it also made my tummy feel tingly, like when you licked my pussy." "Would you like to taste his creamy stuff?" Rene asks. "I don't know." Anna answers uncertainly. "I know," Alison says, "You can watch me and Rene and then you can try it, he squirts lots and lots of time so we can all have some." "Would you like to do that?" I ask. Anna nods hesitantly and Alison orders me to lie down on the deck beside the spa. As I do so, holding my upper body up on my elbows, so that I can watch, she tells Rene to get out of the water and kneel on the deck beside me. As she takes her position astride my legs, leaving Anna kneeling on the seat, Rene takes advantage of the situation to slip her tight little mouth over my cock. But once she has herself positioned, Alison takes control, prising Rene's fingers off my shaft and telling her to let go. Reluctantly Rene pulls away and Alison's lips replace hers. She bobs her head twice, her tongue pressed against the underside of my shaft then withdraws and angles my prick towards Anna. Again Anna opens her jaw wide, not closing her lips around the shaft until the glans is well within the warm cavern of her mouth and Alison says, "Not like that Anna, The purple bit's the most sensitive, especially the wrinkled bit, make your lips touch it there and lick it with your tongue too." Nodding, Anna tightens her lips around me as she pulls back, her tongue pressing upwards against the fraenum as she withdraws. When my prick pops free, she asks, "Was that better Greg?" "You're doing great." I reassure her, "These two have just had a bit more practice than you." Alison aims my prick towards Rene, and this time, before she forces her tightly ovaled lips over my glans, she flicks at the underside with the tip of her tongue, making me gasp. Then, when she forces her lips over my swollen glans, she makes them even tighter than she has before, making me groan and stab my hips upwards, forcing my prick against the back of her throat with a rush and making her gag. As Rene pulls away, coughing, Alison moves in, swirling her tongue around the tip of my cock twice, before plunging her head down and forcing my cock through lips almost as tightly pursed as her little sister's. Taking only the head of my prick into her mouth, she massages the shaft with her hand, sliding the skin up and down over the iron hard core as she works her tongue over swollen purple glans, especially against the sensitive underside, and the tiny slit at the tip. I groan as she releases me with a wet suck and aims my cock towards Anna's waiting mouth. Anna almost pushes Alison aside in her eagerness, her tongue slapping wetly over my glans as she enthusiastically goes to work. Then after giving my cock a slippery coating of saliva, she begins to explore my glans with the tip of her tongue, tracing the wrinkled skin on the fraenum, tickling the slit and pushing stiffened tip under the rim of the helmet. A moment later she encloses the bulbous crown in her mouth and without preamble, pushes her lips down to the base of my shaft, taking half of my cock deep into her throat. The incredible sensation of her narrow gullet massaging the head of my cock is too much for me and before I can warn her a massive jet of cum, sears my guts as it burns through my shaft into her stomach. Feeling my glans swell in her throat, and the base pulse against her lips, she tries to pull her mouth of my spasming cock, but before she can get it all of the way out, I pump a second jet, even more powerful than the first against the roof of her mouth. The third sprays across her upper lip and cheek. But as Rene moves to take my spouting prick into her mouth, the taste of my cum registers with Anna and she takes hold of my cock, almost wrenching it from Alison's hand, and pulls it back to her mouth. Before she can seal her lips over my fountaining member, I decorate her face with a fourth viscous, white streamer of cum. Hungrily, she takes the remainder of my searing load into her hot little mouth, holding it on her tongue without swallowing. As the pleasure/pain of the spasms wracking my body loose their intensity, and the torrent of semen slows to a trickle, Anna hollows her cheeks and sucks powerfully, literally pulling the last of the cum from my body. Then satisfied that she will get no more from my wilting prick, Anna sits up with a shit eating grin on her cum streaked face and opens her mouth, showing us the glutinous, white mass coating her tongue and the thick pearly strands joining it to the roof of her mouth. Taking in the awed and somewhat miffed expressions of the other two girls, she gulps twice, working the thick, viscous fluid down her throat and tells them, "Sorry, I changed my mind." Though her cheeky grin belies her apology. When, a few moments later, I have recovered enough to speak, I ask incredulously, "Where did you learn that trick?" "What trick?" she asks, her giggle telling me she knows damned well what I'm asking her. "Swallowing my cock, you little shit." I say grinning. "At the circus." she replies, "We went early and I saw the sword swallower practicing and I snuck away from Mummy and Daddy and watched him from behind a truck. He saw me and said I could come out and watch properly. He showed me all his swords and he even ate some fire for me, but he wouldn't tell me how he did that. "I asked if he'd show me how to swallow the swords and he said 'No.' but I kept on asking and he said 'O.K.' I could try with a little practice sword he'd made for his little girl. I think he thought I'd be sick and I'd go away. "He showed me how to tilt my head back and hold the sword and I tried it, I was nearly sick and he told me I had to sort of swallow while I was doing it. I did it again and swallowed the whole thing. He said I was better at it than his own little girl and I could keep the sword. "Then Mummy and Daddy found me and they were a bit mad that I'd run away, Mummy wanted me to give the sword back but Daddy told her to let me keep it. Then the sword swallower told them how good I was and whispered to Daddy and gave him some free tickets. "When we went into the circus tent and when it was his turn, he got me to come out into the ring and I swallowed my sword in front of everybody and every body cheered and clapped and all my friends who were at the circus too, saw me and I did it at school for them until the teacher took my sword away and said I couldn't do it at school any more. "But some really big girls in grade six, really pop'lar ones, asked me if I could do it with a banana so I tried and I could. Then they asked me to show them how to do it, so it told them how to hold their necks straight and swallow when they felt like being sick and they all did it, and they giggled and said 'Thankyou.' one of them even said she was going to surprise her daddy after the others were all gone. And some of my friend's big sisters, 'Really big girls in high school'" I can hear the awe in her voice at being noticed by such exalted personages, "got me to show them too. "Now I don't even have to swallow any more and I can put things straight into my throat." she finishes proudly. "And I thought since your thing, uh cock is like a banana I could swallow it too. Do you think that girl sucks her daddy's cock? Do you think those other girls suck on their daddy's cocks too? Do you think my daddy would like it if I sucked his?" "Uh yes," I stammer, "I'm pretty sure she does, and some of the other's might too, but I'd say most of them would be sucking their boyfriend's off. I don't know about your daddy though. Does he like watching you swallow your sword?" "Yeah he always gets me to do it when he has visitors." she answers, "And when Mummy's not there he likes to watch me do it with bananas too, and when I do it he looks like he's really hungry, you know like licking his lips and things." "In that case, yeah he'd probably like it a lot," I say, "but you can't just offer to do it for him, you'll have to pretend it was yucky like you thought before you tasted mine." I pause as a thought comes to me, "I know, maybe you could say, 'I wish I had some cream for this banana.' the next time you do it for him." "Uh-huh." she nods seriously, then asks, "That's because we can't let him find out about us, right?" "That's right." I answer brushing a cum streaked strand of hair behind her ear. "I wonder if that girl fucks her daddy too." Rene adds. "What does that mean?" Anna asks, recognising the naughty word but not knowing it's meaning. "That's where he puts his cock in your pussy and slides it in and out until he squirts inside you." Rene explains, showing off, but she then spoils it by adding, "You can watch Greg fuck Alison later and I wish Mama would come home so he can fuck me too." "Why?" Anna ask curiously, not understanding the implications of Rene's words. "Because she want's to watch the first time I get fucked." Rene answers before I can stop her. "Your mama knows about you doing things with men?" Anna asks, her eyes wide in shock, "Wasn't she mad at you?" "Yeah, my Mama's cool, she even got Greg to look after us, so he could fuck me, because she heard my friend Jenny telling me all about him. But she didn't know about Rene then. Greg told Mama about her this morning after she put these plastic cocks Mamma has in her pussy. She was listening too and she spied on Mama and saw where she hid her plastic cocks and she practiced with them until she can put bigger things in her pussy than me. But I've only done things with Greg." She concludes her jumbled explanation. "Why isn't my mummy like that?" Anna asks. "Because different people think about sex in different ways." I say, "Your Gran probably taught her that sex was bad unless you are married, or she might have been hurt really bad by a man who didn't care about her when she was young, so she taught you that sex was bad too. Rene's and Alison's mummy knows that sex isn't bad if you do it with somebody you can really trust, so she lets them do it. "Oh, what about their daddy?" she asks. "He doesn't know and daddies sometimes get very angry with people who have sex with their little girls." I answer, "So they're going to get their mamma to help them. And that's why you have to pretend you don't know anything if your daddy does anything with you too." "But I don't want to wait until Daddy comes home from hostipal," Anna complains, "I want you to fuck me now. I want to see what it's like." "I'm sorry honey," I say slipping into the water beside her and pulling her unto my knee, "I can't because there's this little piece of skin inside your vagina." I take her hand in mine and close all but one of her fingers into a fist. I guide it down between her legs as I continue. "Here push your finger into your vagina and feel, but be careful because you don't want to hurt yourself. She follows my instructions, and a look of wonder crosses her face as she explores the forbidden territory of her young cunt. "Ooh! I can feel it, it sort of hurts when I push on it. Why is it there?" "I think it stops things like poo and dirt going up inside you when you are a baby. When you get older that has to be broken before you can fuck properly and it takes a little while before you can walk properly afterwards, so your mummy might find out and then we'd all get into trouble." "I really wish I could," I say, tightening my hug, and kissing her cum streaked cheek, "but it's just too dangerous in the little bit of time we have tonight. But we can still do other fun things. Isn't that right girls?" "Uh-huh." they confirm, slipping in on either side of us, and hugging Anna too. "We can have lot's of fun." Rene continues. "O.K.!" Anna says a little disappointed. "Now," I say, in more cheerful tones, why don't you three let me out so I can order the pizza and we'll just have a soak in here until it comes. Then after tea we can have some more fun and games. O.K.?" "O.K." is the threefold response, with Alison pulling Anna onto her knee and licking one cheek clean of cum." "Hey!" Rene cries as Anna giggles and hunches in on herself, "I want some too." "Don't bother," Alison says making a face, "it doesn't taste very nice when it's cold." "You're a greedy guts." Rene complains to Anna. "We'll you'll just have to wait till later won't you?" I say as I climb from the water and stand dripping on the deck. "We can still have fun anyway." Alison declares, and Anna squeaks a little as Alison rubs her pussy under the water. "Don't Alison." I say, "Lets wait until later, so we can make it special for her. O.K.?" "O.K. Meanie." she replies, then says to Anna, "He made it real special for me last night. Now let's wash your face." she says, with a mercurial mood change, pushing Anna and her sister into the water. Leaving them tussling, I go and order the pizza, and collect my robe from Alison's room, so I have something to wear to the door. When I return to the spa, I find them still fighting playfully, and dumping my robe by the door I step back into the spa. Immediately, all three girls turn on me and we spend a fun twenty minute or so, ducking and tickling each other and blowing zoobers whenever and wherever the opportunity present's itself. Then, just as I have a happily squealing Rene bent backwards over the edge of the spa and I am preparing to attack her protruding belly button, the doorbell rings. Blowing a zoober on her belly by way of farewell, I get up and slip my robe and collect some money from my pants in the lounge before answering the door. As I hand over the money and take the two flat boxes from his hands, his eyes widen and his jaw drops as I hear rapid, thudding footsteps behind me. Chapter 22 - Tasty Treats. "Hello mister, have you got our dinner for us?" Rene asks, stepping up, to stand naked and dripping, beside me. "Uh, yeah." he stammers, fumbling with his change maker. "We've been playing in the spa." she informs him innocently. "Uh, so I see." he replies, "Um, aren't you cold?" "No, we've got the fire on. Is that your car?" she points towards the car parked out the front with a huge pig's head bolted to the roof. "Um, no," he says, fighting to keep his eyes on her face, instead of a point some eighteen inches lower, "it belongs to my boss, I just drive it when I deliver pizzas." "Oh." she says, her eyes darting about as she looks for a way to extend the conversation. After a brief pause, she points to his change maker and asks "How does that work?" He demonstrates the spring loaded device for her, removing all of the coins in one compartment and showing her the spring inside, then pushes the coins one by one back into place. About half way through this, he drop several coins, his eyes looking past me. I turn to follow his gaze and see the older two girls returning, now with towels wrapped about their waists. "Hello." they say, stopping to address him. Alison with her shoulders thrown back to show off her brand new breasts. "Uh, hello." he stammers, allowing another twenty cent piece to slip from his fingers and bounce ringingly on the concrete of the porch. The noise of the bouncing coin, seems to bring him to his senses and he stoops to recover the coins. "O.K. that's enough Rene." I say, handing her the pizzas and giving her a push towards the lounge before she can find another excuse to delay him further, "We'd better let," I read his nameplate, "Brian go, he gets paid for each pizza he delivers and we're making him take too long. Thanks for the pizzas mate, here you deserve a tip for putting up with her questions." I hand him five dollars. "Bye!" the girls call out, followed by an embarrassed squeak from Alison. "Bye!" he calls back over his shoulder and stumbles as he, already on the path, tries to take a nonexistent step. As I close the door and turn away, I notice a towel on the floor and Alison peeking, red faced, around the jamb of the lounge room door. Giggling she steps out and retrieves her towel, but makes no attempt to resecure it about her waist. Instead she makes an exasperated noise and begins to roughly towel Rene dry, ignoring the little girl's protests as she berates her for dripping on the carpet, at least my dripping has been confined to the vinyl carpet protector and has now more or less stopped. "Where are the drinks?" Alison asks as she finishes with her sister and looks up at me. "Oops," I say, "I forgot to order any." "Well you'd better go and get some." she says, "We can't have pizza without drinks." Well you'd better put some clothes on while I put the pizza's in the oven." I return mimicking her tone. "Why?" she asks, "Mamma leaves us here when she goes up the shops." "Because I'm not your mamma and different rules apply." I tell her, "Now get dressed." After putting the pizzas in the oven and lighting it, I find the girls waiting for me in the lounge apparently dressed. But as I bend over to pick up my own clothes, I notice a little piece of white fabric peeking out from beneath one of the cushions on the couch. Lifting the cushion, I find Anna's knickers and balled up behind them Alison's and Rene's. "Well?" I ask, turning towards them. "Can we? Please?" Alison asks beseechingly, her expression mirrored in two other small faces. "It's only a little way and it feels so good." "It makes me feel naughty too." Rene puts in and Anna and Alison nod in agreement. "O.K.,"I agree, "but only if you don't put on any more little shows like you just did for the poor bloke who delivered the pizzas." I look directly at Rene, "What happened to the shy little girl who was so scared of strangers that she took half an hour, to say hello to me?" "I was sort of scared still," she answers with a giggle, "but I like the way it feels too. Besides Alison dared me." "Oh God, an adrenalin junkie." I groan, rolling my eyes heavenwards. "And you," I say giving Alison a direct look. "What do you think you were playing at, streaking through the house, then coming back and showing off those mozzie bites, you call boobs, then dropping your towel like that?" "Oh don't be like that." she says, giggling, "It was fun and nobody got hurt and I didn't mean to drop the towel, it slipped when I waved to him. And SHE dared us first." she finishes, pointing to Rene. I try to look severely at the giggling pre-schooler, but I can't help smiling. Shaking my head, I say, "I'm starting to think that teaching you that scary is fun, wasn't such a good idea. You're becoming incorrigible." "What's that?" she asks curiously. "Naughty all the time." I answer with a smile, ruffling her hair. "I like being naughty." she grins back. "Yeah, well don't get too naughty. If you are a little bit naughty at the right times it's all right, but too much is too much." I say as I finish dressing, "Now come on." Ten minutes later, the girls are removing their clothes, almost before I kick the front door closed and I have to tell them not to leave their clothes in the entryway. Giggling they, do so, taking them through to the lounge along with the drinks while I go and get the pizzas. As I enter the lounge, Rene relieves me of the pizzas, while Alison leads me towards a chair, which she stands on to remove my shirt, while Anna opens my pants and slides them down my legs, at which point she realises that my shoes are in the way. Giggling, she and Rene take a shoe each, and a few seconds later, they have me as naked as themselves. Laying the towels over the carpet to catch anything we drop, we settle down to eat. The three girls sit opposite me with their legs crossed, giving me a perfect view of their hairless pre-teen slits. On the left, Rene's fat little lips are slightly parted, revealing a tiny pink nubbin at the top of her cleft and a tiny hole at the bottom. So small is the entrance to her vagina, that I find it difficult to believe that it can open enough to accommodate my littlest finger, let alone something that might make a girl three or even four times her age pause. In the middle sits Alison, her more mature slit gaping a little to reveal the darker pink of her still developing inner lips, surmounted at the top by her little pink clit, peeping from within it's hood. At the base, a small dark hole that is leaking a glistening dribble of clear, sweet juice onto the towel beneath her bottom. Finally, I allow my eyes to fall on Anna and drink her in. Dark, expressive eyes meet mine from beneath her mop of half dry, brunette curls. A dozen or so freckles pepper her small, retrousse nose above a pair of full, moist lips which are slightly quirked upwards in one corner and her cheeks are delicately flushed. Supporting her head is a long slender neck, and her tiny eight year old body is slim, without being skinny. Her tiny pink nipples, have not yet begun to darken and are only distinguishable by the paleness of the skin that surrounds them and an almost imperceptible bump in the very center. Centred in her flat, white belly, is her navel, a tiny, half inch long vertical slit and running diagonally over her right hip is a slightly angry, red slash, marking where her appendix has been removed. Ultimately, my eyes come to her treasure of treasures. Between slender, lightly tanned thighs, one marked with a series of parallel scratches bestowed by the see-saw, is her tightly closed slit, at the base a tiny puckered dimple, almost completely closed to the outside world. My eyes follow the line of the fine, shadowed crack, that separates the large, perfectly formed halves of her pale, snowy mons. Only where her huge clit, which has begun to harden under the influence of my gaze, do her tightly closed labia grudgingly separate, closing again immediately above her clitoris, embracing it firmly and vanishing half an inch or so higher, where her mound meets her belly. Whilst I look, her hand comes down to cover her mound, her tiny fingers lightly brushing over the shiny pink head of her clit. As I watch, it continues to harden and elongates, until it finally stands fully erect, a firm, lustrous shaft of dark pink flesh, that visibly pulses with her heartbeat. A moment later, I catch sight of Rene moving out of the corner of my eye as she drop her half eaten slice of pizza back into the box and starts crawling on hands and knees behind her sister. "No Rene, after tea." I tell her, receiving a rebellious look in return as she continues to move towards Anna. "After tea or not at all." I threaten and she stops dead, then rapidly shuffles backwards, returning to her pizza, which she starts stuffing into her mouth. "That goes for you too." I say to Anna, smiling as she jerks her hand away from her pussy and reaches for a slice of pizza. As we eat, we pass the bottle of lemonade around, not bothering about cups. The first time a chunk of pineapple falls from Alison's pizza, I pick it from between her legs and use it to collect some of the dribble of pussy juice that seeps from her vagina. Then as Anna looks on in wide eyed amazement, I pop it into my mouth and chew it with exaggerated motions of my jaw as I make loud noises of approval. After that, the girls become much more messy eaters, continually dropping bits and pieces of pizza topping and taking turns to collect them from between each other's legs, and rubbing them against a seeping pussy, before consuming them. Even Anna joins in, as she begins to realise that the other two seem to enjoy the flavour of this new seasoning as much as I had. The first time she tastes Alison's nectar, she holds the piece of pineapple between her fingers, considering it carefully for a few seconds before she tentatively, extends her tongue and licks at it. Detecting nothing nasty, she pops it into her mouth. She then deliberately picks another chunk off her slice and rubs it against Alison's slit to collect another tasty morsel. Because of her greater age and hence, higher level of lubricant production, the other two girls hands are constantly between her widespread thighs. Almost as if they were using her for a savoury dip. As the younger girl's gustatory adventures continue, she becomes more and more aroused and begins to loose her coordination, at one point dropping her half eaten slice of pizza on Rene's hands as the impertinent preschooler, tweaks her elder sister's rock hard clit. Giggling, the little girl recovers the slice and sops up most of Alison's seeping juices with the crust. She then takes a big bite out of the crust and says, "Get another slice." when Alison protests. As she chews on the succulent mouthful, she offers Anna a bite, and giggling madly, the two littlest girls tease Alison by sharing her dinner and her vaginal secretions in front of her. Good naturedly, Alison pushes them apart long enough to snag another wedge from the box, and withdraws to one side to eat it in peace as she slides two greasy fingers in and out of her weeping hole. Then once she has nibbled the slice down to the crust, she pushes it up into her body, sopping up considerably more juices than Rene had filched. What she does next can only be described as, 'eating at them', as she slowly nibbles the sodden crust, loudly expressing her appreciation of each tiny bite. Just then the phone rings, and saying, "Be good." I rise to answer it. "Hello?" I say, picking up the receiver. "Hello Greg? It's Jean. Can I ask you a huge favour?" her voice is a strange mixture of diffidence and fear. "You can always ask." I reply. "Could you possibly keep Anna there with you overnight?" she asks. explaining, "They've just taken Sean off to theatre and I'd like to be here just in case." "Oh my God!" I say, "What's wrong? It isn't anything serious, is it?" "There was a blood clot in his leg and it's moved into one of his lungs, I guess we're lucky it didn't lodge in his heart, but they have to operate to remove it. They say it's pretty serious, but he should be all right." "Of course I'll look after her if you need me to, but wouldn't she be better off with her grandparents?" "Her grandparents live in Melbourne and I don't want to scare her by having a friend pick her up from there and take her home with them. I'd rather not tell her about this until the operation is over. She loves her father very much and It would just be too devastating for her to be told that he's going to be O.K. and then have something happen. This way you can just tell her that I'm very tired and I thought she might like to sleep over." "Stop talking like that!" I scold her, "He's going to be fine. Now, what about you? Are you going to be O.K.? Would you like me to come and get Robert too?" "I know I'm being silly, I just can't help it." she says, "Robert's fine right here, they're putting him in the children's ward, so all you have to worry about is Anna. I'll call tomorrow morning to let you know how things went." "O.K. well that's settled." I say, "Now I've got a fair idea that you aren't going to get much sleep tonight, so if you want me to, I'll keep Anna here until tomorrow afternoon. How about you call me in the morning and if everything's O.K. I'll take her and the other two to some caves I know of. They're not that much really, but when I was their age I thought they were the greatest and they're perfectly safe. That way you can get some sleep tomorrow and I'll bring her home in time for tea. How does that sound?" "It sounds great." Jean tells me in relieved tones, "I feel like shit now, and by tomorrow morning I'll be like the walking dead. I don't know how, I'm ever going to repay you." "I've already told you: Help other people when they need it and tell them to do the same." I reply, "Now do you want to speak to Anna?" "No I don't think so." she replies thoughtfully, "If I speak to her, she's going to know that something's wrong. So just tell her Robert started crying or something." "O.K." I say, "I think, I'll set up the girl's mattresses in the lounge and let them have a slumber party. Would you mind if I let her stay up late?" "No, that would be great, she'll be so excited about that, that she won't have time to wonder why I'm getting her to stay over. I've got to go now somebody want's to use the phone. I'll speak to you in the morning. Bye." "Bye." I reply, and hurriedly add, "Oh, one last thing. Once Sean's out of theatre, you tell the nurse to give you a glass of warm milk and some Mogadon. And I don't want to hear from you until nine o'clock at the earliest." "I will." she says, a hint of laughter in her voice, "See you." "Ciao." I reply, and hang up. Chapter 23 - Sleepover Games. In they lounge, I find that the girls have abandoned the last few slices of pizza and have moved on to desert, Alison. She is lying back on a towel with her knees pulled up into her armpits. Crouched over her pussy, with their backs towards me, Anna and Rene are jostling playfully, taking alternate swipes at Alison's drooling pussy with their tongues. Holding my finger to my lips, I wink at Alison over the tops of the younger girl's heads and creep up behind them. Extending the index finger of one hand and cupping the other, I surprise them, each according to their ability to accommodate my attentions. In a single smooth motion, I bury my finger to the hilt in Rene's tiny, pre-teen twat, making her jerk upright and squeal in pleased surprise. Anna too squeaks and sits back on her heels, trapping my hand beneath her, as I curl my fingers under her and caress her smooth, hairless mound, clasping her protruding clit between two fingers. Taking advantage of their, temporary immobility, I drop to my knees and lean between them to taste Alison's saliva and pussy juice slicked quim. Extending my tongue, I drag it in a broad, wet swipe from the base of her spine to her solid little clit. She squeals with delight, lifting her hips from the floor to prolong the contact with my tongue. "Oooh, you licked her bottom hole." Anna breaths, shocked. "Uh-huh," I say grinning at her. "it's clean and it feel's good. Doesn't it Alison?" I ask, as I return to the puckered, pink rosebud, circling it with the tip of my tongue and stabbing at the winking eye with the tip every couple of orbits. "Oh yeah!" Alison breaths between squeaks, lifting her hips higher to give me greater access to her twitching arsehole. "It feels great." On my left, Rene bounces on my hand, pulling herself up until only the tip of my finger remains within her pussy, then slams herself back down, squealing happily, as she drives my finger back up into the hot, slick, embrace of her incredibly elastic little vagina. Again and again, she rises and falls on my finger, voicing her pleasure, with little squeaks and moans of enjoyment. As Alison jounces her hips to remind me that I should be paying some attention to her, Anna lifts herself from my hand and moves away. I look up to see what she is doing and find her trying to see where my finger pierces Rene's body. Briefly, I abandon Alison, smiling at her disappointed moan, and roll Rene over onto her back beside her sister. Kneeling between the two girls, I push two fingers on each hand into their little cunts and begin pumping then in and out. Both girls lift themselves up onto their elbows to watch my fingers, sliding in and out of their tight little twats while Anna looks on in stunned silence. A moment later she breaks the silence with a disbelieving gasp, as I add a third finger, first to Rene's incredibly pliant sheath and then, her big sister's. Curling my fingertips upwards within their vaginas, I search for and find their G-spots, grinning as they squeal in unison and lift their bottoms clear of the towel in order to force my fingers deeper into their bodies. As my attentions to their most potent erogenous zones continue, first Alison and then Rene, fall off their elbows and onto their backs, their hips bouncing involuntarily up and down as they come closer and closer to a climax like they have never experienced before. Increasing the speed of my plunging fingers, I bring my thumb down onto their clits, pressing upwards harder with my fingertips, intensifying the pressure on their G-spots. A moment later, Alison's breath leaves her body with an explosive grunt as she bridges, lifting up onto her heels and the top of her head as every muscle in her body spasms in climax. Unable to breath, her body jerks in time with the incredibly powerful contractions of her vaginal sheath about my deeply embedded fingers. As her body is wracked with an ongoing series of internal explosions she squirts a considerable quantity of pale, slightly milky fluid into the palm of my hand. Halfway through Alison's climax, Rene gives voice to a shriek of pure animalistic pleasure, that is abruptly cut off, almost before it begins, as her diaphragm locks tight. So intense is the little girl's climax, that the muscles of her contracting vagina literally force my fingers from her body, even as she too releases a small amount of feminine ejaculate into my palm. A moment later, both girls collapse, Rene into unconsciousness, as their orgasms finish. Carefully cupping my hands to preserve the precious fluids filling them, I turn to a wild eyed Anna, who looks from the girls to my hands and finally up into my face. "Oh wow they peed in your hands." she breaths, "Are they all right?" "They're fine." I say reassuringly, they're just a little worn out. And this isn't pee, it's like the stuff you were licking up before, but even better. 'You want some?" "Is it really better?" she ask, a trifle disbelievingly. "The best." I reply enthusiastically and lap up the sweet, ambrosial puddle that Alison had left in the palm of my right hand. Reassured by my obvious enjoyment, Anna sniffs at the small pool in the palm of my left hand, smiling at the strong, but pleasing aroma. She then delicately dips the tip of her tongue into Rene's ejaculate and samples the flavour. The ecstatic look that fills her face is indication enough that she likes what she has tasted. She seizes my wrist in an iron grip and rapturously laps up the rest. licking from my wrist to my fingertips, ensuring that not a drop of Rene's sweet, ambrosial nectar is missed. Indeed, so powerful is her liking for this new treat, that when I go to clean my right hand, her hand shoots out to stop me, grabbing my wrist and pulling it down to her mouth and waiting, eager, flicking tongue. A groan from Alison makes me look up to where she has recovered enough to lift herself up on to one elbow and look on with interest. She slides a trembling hand across her still heaving belly and between her legs to collect a portion of the delectable moisture, that has so enraptured Anna. Lifting it to her lips, she tastes her nectar and smiles ecstatically. Her hand becomes almost a blur as she transfers the exquisite emission from her pussy to her mouth. A few moments later, she realises that Rene had received the same treatment and ignoring the fact that her little sister is still unconscious, she rolls over with a groan and fastens her lips to her sister's fat little baby pussy. A moment later an almost inaudible moan announces Rene's return to consciousness. I look at her face, watching her eyelids flutter open as she licks at her dry lips and tries to say something. Freeing myself from Anna, I pick up the bottle of soft drink, and push Alison away. I lift Rene into my lap, supporting her head like I would a babies, I hold the mouth of the bottle to her lips and give her a drink. She gulps avidly for a few seconds then pushes the bottle aside and moans, saying, "Oh wow, that was really good. How come it wasn't like that this morning?" "Because it would have scared you too much then." I reply, "So I made it gentle that time. What was it like this time?" "Like I had a 'gasm everywhere." she replies. "Did it happen to you too Alison?" "Uh-huh!" Alison nods, "It was like everything just exploded. It was fucking great." "I wish that could happen to me too and you could put your thin-uh cock in me and do it-uh fuck me too." Anna says wistfully. "Oh that reminds me." I say, "How do you feel about having lunch with Alison and Rene tomorrow?" "Yeah I'd like that." Anna replies, "Are you going to have another picnic in the park?" "Well if you want to." I say grinning broadly, "But I thought we might go to some caves I know after your mother calls us and have lunch there." "Huh?" she replies confused. "Don't you get it silly?" Alison says, "You're not going home tonight, you're staying here with us and you can get Greg to fuck you and everything." "Really?" she squeals, "Was that mummy on the phone, why didn't she want to talk to me?" "Yes it was your mummy, and she's still feeling tired, so she asked if you can stay here. She didn't have time to talk because Robert started crying and she had to go to him. So do you want to stay?" "Of course I want to stay." she replies indignantly, "Will you really fuck me?" "If you want me to." I reply. "Cool. Can we do it now?" she asks excitedly. "Well not quite yet." reply, "Let's get cleaned up in here first so we can bring out some mattresses. We're going to have a slumber party and you can stay up as late as you want." "Me too?" Rene asks hopefully. "Yes you too." I reply grinning, "Now chop, chop, get moving." I roll her from my lap and playfully swat her behind. She impudently waggles her little bum at me and I apply a few more light smacks to it, making her giggle, then squeal, as I swat the fat little lips of her pussy that peek between her thighs. A moment later Alison, kneels beside her baby sister and presents me with the same view and Anna takes up station on the other side. I give the proffered bums and pussies a half a dozen light swats each. Then going from left to right, I apply one smack per behind, just hard enough to sting a little and make them squeak, saying, "Move." Giggling, they crawl away from me, and pick up the remains of our meal as I collect our clothes and the towels, taking them through to the laundry, where I put them in the washer and start it running. Collecting the girls o my way back through the kitchen, I lead them into the master bedroom, where we strip the bed, and with a great deal of giggling and awkward manoeuvring we carry the mattress through to the lounge. As I try to remake the bed, all three girls dive under the sheet as I flick it out, giggling madly as it settles, billowing, over their wriggling forms. I fall with a ferocious growl over the moving lumps under sheet, jabbing my fingers into whatever parts of their anatomies that present themselves. Their giggles become wild howls of laughter and their squirming quickly entangles them in the sheet. However, with all of the soft drink that they have consumed, it does not take long, before Anna shrieks, "I'm gonna piddle." Not wanting to soil Cheryl's mattress, I immediately desist and pull the sheet from over them. Once she is able to see, Rene looks from Anna to me is a decidedly speculative fashion. Finally she asks, "Wanna do wees in my mouth?" Anna stares at Rene, her jaw hanging open in shocked disbelief. Rene giggles at her expression and says, "Greg drank my wees this morning and I tasted it too. It doesn't taste bad and it made me feel really funny in my pussy when he drank it." Unable to speak, Anna looks at me for confirmation. Instead of answering her directly, I turn to Alison and say, "You promised me a drink this morning and then you wasted it in the dirt at the park. Are you going to make it up to me now?" "Yeah," she replies with a wicked gleam in her eyes, "but you've got to let me drink yours too." "Hey you can't drink all his wees, I want some too." Rene protests, glaring at her sister. Finally, Anna finds her voice and she fearfully asks me, do I have to drink piddle too?" Gathering her into my lap, I hug her tightly then move her back enough for me to look into her eyes and say seriously, "You never, ever, have to do anything with us that you don't want to. If you want to pee in Rene's mouth that's all right and if you are totally grossed out by it, you can stay out here and we'll promise to brush our teeth before we come back. And if you want to watch us and do nothing yourself that's all right too." Anna considers my words for a few seconds, her the apprehensive look lifting from her features as she comprehends what I am saying. "I wanna watch." she says, wriggling uncomfortably and pressing her hand in between her legs, "Can we go now? I need to go real bad." "Are you gonna let me drink it?" Rene asks. "Yeah!" Anna giggles, "I still can't believe you really mean it though. It's so... it's just so nasty." "I know." I answer as I help her to her feet and get up myself. "That's what makes it so sexy. Besides little girls make really tasty piss." Impatient to begin, Rene grasps Anna's hand and jerking on her arm, leads her towards the toilet. Laughing at Rene's eagerness, I take Alison's hand in mine and follow on their heels. With all four of us crowded into the toilet there is no room to move, so I suggest we continue through to the bathroom and do it on the floor in there. Rene grumbles when I begin moving everything off the tiled bathroom floor into the bath, so impatient is she to begin. But a few seconds later we have the floor clear and she starts to lie down. "Wait a sec," I say, "let's do this a bit differently." Crouching behind Anna, I take hold of her legs just above her knees and as I lift her, I pull her knees up into her armpits so that her pussy is fully exposed to Rene and her sister. As Rene moves into position in front of us, Alison says, "Now don't drink it all yourself, I want some too." "Me too." I chime in, "Save a little bit for me." "I'll think about it." Rene giggles and leans forwards, licking from Anna's puckered little anus to her semi-erect clit. "Hey she licked my bum hole!" Anna gasps in shock. Rene giggles at Anna's reaction and does it again, this time flicking her tongue back and forth over Anna's rapidly erecting clit a few times before seriously going to work on Anna's rubbery pink ring. Every few seconds she shift her attention upwards, briefly sucking on Anna's hugely distended clitoris and thing going back to her arsehole. Once Rene is sure that she has milked the situation for maximum shock value, she prises Anna's pussy lips apart and tickles her urethral opening with her tongue. "O.K. you can do it now." She informs Anna imperiously. Anna strains for a fews seconds, then sheepishly admits, "I can't do it like this, I feel too weird." "Oh phooey!" Rene exclaims. Her hands leave Anna's pussy lips and she digs her fingers into the tiny eight year old's ribs, making her shriek with laughter and squirm in my arms. Within a few seconds the tickling has the desired effect and Anna's bladder lets loose with a powerful stream of almost clear urine that catches Rene full in the face. Quickly, Rene opens her mouth and catches Anna's mictural outpourings on her tongue. Anna gasps, her laughter totally forgotten as she watches Rene's mouth fill to overflowing with her piss. As Anna's piss begins to dribble from the corners of Rene's mouth Alison shoulders her aside and with her eyes closed she allows the hot stream to play over her face for a few seconds before she too opens her mouth and tastes Anna's urine. Grinning happily, she moves aside and gulps loudly, swallowing her mouthful of piss while Rene puts her face back into the firing line, eagerly refilling her mouth with Anna's sweet, warm pee. As she moves aside for her sister, I see Rene's cheeks rhythmically bulging as she holds the hot piss in her mouth, swishing it around on her tongue. Then, just as Alison's mouth begins to overflow, the stream emerging from between Anna's glistening pussy lips cuts off and she twists her head up to look at me. "O.K. your turn." she informs me in a slightly strained voice. Tightening my grip about her thighs, I take a step backwards and allow Anna's torso to fall as I pull her pussy to my lips. The sudden inversion of her body surprises her and as she lets out an involuntary squeal, she looses control of her bladder. A ten inch fountain of pee rises into the air and falls back onto her pussy to dribble down over her stomach and upper torso. I quickly pull her the remaining distance to my mouth and clamp my lips over her wet little mons, tasting her pee for the first time. The pale fluid spurting from between her hairless labia is warm and sweet, having only the slightest tang of acridity. Thirstily, I accept her offering into my mouth, gulping once, twice, three times as my mouth fills. As I swallow for the third time, the flow of Anna's piss slows, until with one last spur she pushes the last of her sweet urine past my teeth and onto my tongue. Retaining this last warm mouthful, I lap at her slit, feeling her enormous clitoris swell to maximum hardness, pushing back against my tongue. She squirms at the contact, trying to increase pressure of the contact between her tight pre-teen pussy and my tongue. But for her the position is too awkward and for me the strain becomes too mush as my arms start to burn. Reluctantly, I lower her, moaning in disappointment, to the tiles, Alison supporting her head. Almost immediately Rene moves in on the side opposite her sister and helps Anna into a sitting position. Her cheeks still bulging, she looks at Anna and points to her mouth, her eyebrows raised quizzically as she tilts her head to one side. Confused, Anna looks up at me, "What...?" she begins. Reluctantly I swallow my own mouthful and explain, "She want's to know if you want to taste it." Anna considers this for a fews seconds before hesitantly agreeing, "Well O.K., but just a little bit and she's got to stop if I don't like it. O.K.?" Rene nods her agreement and taking Anna's head between her hands, she brings her mouth close to Anna's still closed lips. Instead of trying to coax Anna into opening them, she dribbles a few droplets onto Anna's lips and pulls back to see what she will do. Comically screwing her face up, as if being forced to take a particularly nasty medicine, Anna parts her lips and allows her tongue to touch the wetness coating them. Almost as soon as her tongue touches her lips it flicks back while she tests the flavour. Then unable to detect anything at all, she swipes her tongue all around her lips, her eyes widening a little as she realises that it isn't that bad. Rene then makes a short, abortive move towards Anna and waits. Anna nods her agreement, saying, "Not to much." She then tilts her head back and holds her mouth open like a little bird waiting to be fed. Rene leans over her older friend and lets another small dribble of urine fall, this time onto Anna's waiting tongue. She hovers over Anna, as the tiny eight year old, closes her lips and works her pee around on her tongue for a few seconds. Suddenly a wicked gleam enters her eyes and without warning she grabs Rene's head in her hands and attaches her wide open mouth in a lamprey like grip over Rene's, causing the smaller girl to squeak in surprise and allow the rest of the pee filling her mouth to pour into Anna's. Anna quickly gulps down the tasty treat and Rene pulls back. "You pinched it!" she cries accusingly, scowling at Anna. "Well it was mine in the first place." Anna replies with a grin. Alison and I both giggle at this and a few seconds later, unable to maintain her pique, Rene joins in, "Yeah, I guess it was." "And I'll give it back later." Anna continues, causing me to completely loose it and slide to the floor. "Oh stop, or I'll pee on the FLOOR!" Alison cries through her giggles, holding her crotch as she collapses half on top of me. "No I want it!" Anna yelps, her earlier reluctance completely overcome. "Well hurry up, I can't hold it much longer." Alison gasps, squirming. "Me either." Rene says, her hand cupping her hairless mound as she dances from foot to foot. "Hey, you can both do it too me at the same time." Anna says. "How?" Alison asks, "Only one of us can stand in front of you." "Like this," Anna answers, "Lying down on her back. You stand here." Anna grasps Alison's ankles and guides her into a position astride her chest. "And you stand behind my head. Now try and hit the target." she finishes, stretching her mouth wide open and she closing her eyes. "But we'll get your face and it'll get in your hair." Rene objects. "So." Alison says, "Greg pissed all over me last night and we're going to have to have a shower anyway." "Oh yeah." Rene says with a giggle. "Ready." she puts her fingers on her sister's pussy and waits for her to do the same. "Aim." They prise each other's lips apart. "FIRE!" Together the two sisters begin to piss on their new friend, as I look on, my throbbing hardon threatening to explode. Rene's giggling does nothing to improve her aim, and the golden stream that shoots from her bare little cunt splashes all over Anna's face and neck before it settles down. Alison too misses on the first shot, her point of aim so low that she hits Anna squarely between her pale pink nipples before she corrects her aim and her slightly darker emission joins her sister's to whip up a froth in Anna's eagerly waiting mouth. Each time the tiny eight year old closes her mouth to swallow, Alison's and Rene's piss splashes off her lips and chin to flow down over her cheeks and the sides of her neck, until she is lying in a spreading pool of piss over a yard across. About halfway through, Alison presses a finger into the crease between her sister's pussy lips causing piss to spray in all directions, fine droplets bespattering her thighs and all over Anna's torso. Not to be outdone, Rene too partially covers her urethral opening with a finger, but she does it from behind and by dint of careful aiming, manages to hose herself down with big sister's piss, from just beneath her tiny nipples to her knees as well as all over Anna's face and upper torso. A few seconds later, first Rene and then Alison finish, their piss slowing to a dribble that hit's Anna in the forehead and chin. The two girls then step back to survey the soaking, bedraggled mess that they have made of their friend. "That was fun." Rene observes. "Shit yeah!" Alison agrees. breathlessly, adding as she surveys the floor, "God we made a mess." Stepping over Anna's still prone body, I dampen a washcloth with warm water and lift her to a sitting position then wipe the piss from her eyes so that she can open them. "So how was it?" I ask as I clean her face. "Great!" she replies with a grin, "It wasn't horrible at all, just a bit salty and it was sweet too. It made me feel really funny in my tummy and pussy too. Are you going to pee for us now?" "In a minute." says Alison before I can answer, "He can't piss when his dick is hard like that, but I know how to fix it." Taking the washcloth from my hands, she rinses it out in cold water and advances on me, grinning maniacally. Laughing, I pretend to cringe as I ineffectually try to fend her off. Then after a few seconds, I let her get past my guard and wrap the saturated and very cold cloth about my balls and rampant member. Subject to such treatment, my hardon quickly retreats and my scrotum contracts until it is a shrunken, pimpled sack holding my balls tight against my body and my once proud staff becomes a limp white grub. "There!" Alison declares, withdrawing the cloth and tossing it in the sink. "It looks funny." Anna giggles. "Like a worm sitting on a rock or something." "You should have seen it when I turned on the cold water in the shower last night." Alison laughs, "It shrunk until it was only this big." She hold her hand up, thumb and forefinger about an inch apart to illustrate. "Well, I'm just about to burst, so you'd better hurry up and get ready." I say, "Now I better warn you, a mans piss can be quite a bit stronger so you'd better taste it before you open your mouths right up. O.K.?" "O.K." they chorus, as they start trying to work out how to arrange themselves. Due to their differences in height, they end up with Alison sitting on the floor in the puddle of piss they'd created pissing on Anna. Anna kneels beside her, sitting on her heels and Rene kneels on the other side. Once in position, the two younger girls press their cheeks against Alison's and contrary to my warnings all three of them open their mouths wide. As I look at these three beautiful little girls jostling each other as they eagerly wait for me to start pissing, I am struck by just how much they look like a family of nestlings and I give voice my earlier observation, saying, "You lot look like a nest full of baby birds waiting to be fed." "Cheep, cheep." Rene chirps. "Cheep, my worm, cheep." Anna declares. "No mine, cheep." Alison says. As they start shoving each other, each trying to be the first, to receive my piss, I feel a stirring in my loins and my cock starts to grow again as I look at their tight hairless cracks and flat chests. I marvel at their willingness, no eagerness, for me to piss in their mouths and over their faces. Then before it once again becomes impossible for me to piss, I warn, "O.K. here it comes." Upon hearing my warning they close their eyes, but amazingly their mouths open even wider. As the pressure in my bladder becomes too much to be denied, I cut loose with a powerful stream of steaming urine, that impacts between Alison's tiny breasts. Due to the considerable quantity of soft drink that I had consumed, my piss is almost perfectly clear and I feel safe in redirecting my aim higher. Swinging the stream from side to side, I lift my cock slightly and get Anna on the point of the chin and a little splashes into her mouth. The flavour is obviously not too much for her, as she ducks her head slightly catching a little on her tongue as I move on towards Alison and then Rene. Both girls keep their mouth open after tasting my piss and I lift my point of aim to their foreheads, so that my piss cascades down over their eyelids and beside their noses. Some dribbles into their mouths but the majority drips from their chins and down onto their chests. Anna makes a complaining noise and lifts herself a little, so that my next pass hits her directly between the teeth and fills her mouth. The other two also try to capture more on their tongues, so I give them what they want and fill their mouths with my urine. As they close their mouths to swallow, I fight my rapidly hardening cock down enough that I can take aim at their bald little slits. Anna gasps as the hot stream hits her exposed clitoris, making it vibrate under the impact, but her wide open mouth tells me where she really wants it, so I resume pissing in her face. As my bladder empties and the pressure lessens, I move forwards, laying the tip of my, almost fully hardened cock on her lower lip and releasing a short spurt directly into her mouth. Turning my hips I do the same for Alison then Rene, squeezing the last of my piss out onto my tiniest lover's tongue as she pushes her head forwards and engulfs the first two inches of my cock in her warm wet mouth. Rene nurses on my fully hardened cock, her cheeks hollowed as she strips the last salty drops of urine from my shaft. Then taking a deep breath, she pushes her face forwards, driving my swelling glans against the back of her throat and part way into it. Immediately, her throat convulses about my cock head, forcing it clear and her teeth scrape the underside of by shaft as she pulls back gagging. Straight away, I drop to my knees and gather her up in my arms, pulling her into my lap as I hold her, waiting for the paroxysmic coughing to finish. Peripherally, I am aware of Alison's concerned expression and Anna explaining to her what had happened, but most of my attention is on calming Rene. A little while later, she lifts her head from my chest and turns her tear streaked face up to me, asking "How come I can't do it like Anna did?" "Because you tried to do it the very hardest way it is to do it, silly billy." I gently chide her, lowering my lips to her cheeks and kissing and licking her salty tears away, before I realise that most of those tears were my piss. I then mentally shrug my shoulders and continue cleaning her face with my tongue, ignoring the slightly bitter taste. "Unless you are used to it like Anna is," I continue explaining, "you have to make sure that your neck is really straight. And you tried to force it down too. Some people can do it like that, but until you know just how to make your muscles go loose you have to take it slow and swallow at the same time. The way you did it, made your body think it was choking so it forced my cock out." "Now are you O.K.?" I finish. "Uh, huh." she nods, dragging the back of her arm under her nose and sniffing. She then asks with a wan little grin, "How do I do it then?" "Anna can show you a bit later," I say helping her to her feet, "but first, We better clean up a bit. Why don't you three hop in the shower while I find the mop." leaving them pushing, shoving and giggling, I get the mop from the laundry, and after wetting it in the trough, I walk backwards into the bathroom, cleaning up my pissy footprints as I go. I then push the pool of urine on the floor into the drain, rinsing the mop between the girl's feet. Then once the floor is clean I set the mop aside and squeeze in with my three giggling lovers. Taking the shampoo from the tidy hanging from the shower head, I squeeze a dollop onto the crown of Rene's head suggesting that Alison wash her hair while I do Anna's. With much giggling and unnecessary rubbing of skin against skin, we wash each other's hair. When it is her turn to do my hair, Anna stands on my thighs as I sit with my legs crossed so that she can comfortably reach the top of my head. Then as She takes the head on it's long hose to rinse the suds from my hair, I can no longer resist the temptation to press my lips between her belly button and blow. Squealing, she looses control of the shower head, and water goes everywhere. Enfolding her tiny waist with my hands, I lift her squirming body higher, blowing zoobers all over her belly and mound, paying a great deal off attention to the distended pink shaft that protrudes from between her labia. As I continue she stops squirming and her hands entangle themselves in my hair, pulling me closer as the vibrations of my lips around her enormous clit turn her shrieking giggles to softer more sensuous sounds. I let her grind her pussy against my face for a few seconds then after spearing my tongue into the slit of her belly button, I release her to stand giggling and gasping between my legs. Grabbing the shower head, I finish rinsing my hair and then turn it on Rene and Alison who are slowly soaping each other's groins, their fingers softly tracing the lines of their labia amid the froth. I alternate the pounding spray between Rene's and Alison's pussies, rinsing the suds away. Making little noises of pleasure, they both widen their stance and push their hips forwards, their fingers stretching their pussy lips apart to reveal their clits. Their lips unconsciously parting and pelvises slowly gyrating as they lean their shoulders against the tiles and surrender themselves to the pleasurable sensations emanating their pussies. Almost, their pleasure makes me change my mind, but the opportunity is too good to miss. With their eyes closed, they do not see me wink at Anna and as I turn the spray fully on Alison's prominently displayed mound, I reach across and turn the hot water fully off, getting my revenge for her doing the same to me the night before. With a screech of outrage that makes me wince, her eyes open comically wide, and she jams her hands between her legs to cover her suddenly cooled ardour. Using the chilled water like a lash, I back her into a corner and hose her up and down, eliciting more shrieks as her sister and Anna retreat from the stall, giggling madly at her misfortune. A couple of seconds later I relent, turning the shower head away from her, I bring the hot water back up and help her warm up a little as I say, "That's for last night." "You're a bastard!" she yells, then as two shocked gasps come from the other side of the curtain, she realises what she has just said and claps her hands over her mouth in a vain attempt to stuff the words back in. "Go and dry off in front of the fire you two." I say through the curtain, and hear the sounds of their feet beating a hasty retreat down the hall. Chapter 24 - Lessons. Slowly standing up, I return the shower head to it's hook and look down on Alison, who's eyes follow every movement of mine with deep apprehension. "Well," I say, as I hear the loungeroom door close with a bang, "what are we going to do about this?" "Mamma'd hit me with the wooden spoon." Alison volunteers, a catch in her voice. "Well I don't think we have to go that far." I say letting a little of the sternness fall from my voice, "I probably deserved it and more, but you said it in front of Rene and Anna, so we can't just let it go can we?" "I s'pose not." she mumbles, "Whatcha gonna do?" "Well I could send you to bed now." I say. Upon hearing this, her eyes look beseechingly up at me and she asks, "Do I have to? Can't you do something else instead?" "Like what?" I ask in return. "You could spank me," she says almost inaudibly, "and then I could still fuck you later." Suddenly she asks, "Hey how come I can say that and not bastard?" "Remember what I said about words last night." I remind her, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." "Oh yeah. So will you spank me instead of sending me to bed?" she asks, her eyes eloquently informing me which is her preference. "Well," I say slowly, "Your mamma didn't give me permission to spank you, so I guess I'll just have to send you to bed." "No she cries, "I want you to spank me. Besides," she adds calculatingly, "if you spank me, Rene will see it and she'll remember better than if I just go to bed." "I think this has more to do with you wanting a good dicking, than any concern for Rene's moral upbringing." "Yeah that too." she grins up at me, "So you'll do it?" "You realise that it'll be a proper spanking, don't you?" I warn her, "Not just a couple of swipes at you're bum." Her expression becomes serious, and she replies, "Uh, huh. You're gonna spank me pretty hard, but it's still better than the wooden spoon." "O.K." I say, shutting off the water and giving her a medium hard swat on her backside, which makes her squeal, "Let's go." "That's one." she giggles, skipping ahead of me. "Uh, uh." I say, grabbing a couple of towels, draping one over her shoulders and wrapping the other about my waist, "That's just a warm up." In the lounge we find the younger girls sitting in the middle of the mattress watching 'My Little Pony', their damp towels discarded in front of the fire. "Are you going to tell Mamma?" Rene asks me apprehensively, turning her head to look at us. "No, he's going to spank me instead." Alison replies cheerfully. "You're glad he's going to spank you?" Anna asks incredulously. "Yep," Alison replies with a grin, "otherwise he was going to send me to bed without a fuck." "I don't get it," Anna asks confusedly, "she says that word and Rene said it and a lot of other words today, how come she gets spanked for what she said in the shower?" "Because I said it to try and hurt him." Alison says. I notice that the look of confusion doesn't clear from Anna's face, so I continue the explanation, "She's not getting spanked for saying 'bastard' she's getting it for how she said it. As far as I'm concerned, you or anyone else, can say what you like so long as you are in control of yourself." "You see, this time Alison just let fly with words, but what if it had been somebody else, somebody smaller than her, who had sprayed her with cold water and instead of yelling she grabbed the shower head and hit them with it?" "So she's getting spanked for loosing her temper, not swearing." Anna says, "Is that right?" "Pretty much." I say, "There is never any reason for loosing your temper. Get angry yes, but when you loose control, you put yourself and other people in danger." "How?" Rene asks. "Any number of ways." I reply, "When you loose your temper, you stop thinking clearly and sometimes you do something really stupid." "Like really hurt someone when you don't really mean to?" Alison asks. "Exactly." I reply. "So can we get it over with so we can start fucking?" she asks dropping the towel she had been drying herself with. "O.K." I agree, looking about the room for a suitable location to administer her punishment. Finally I settle on the couch and guide her into position draped over the arm, her cheek pressed into the seat cushion. "So how many should it be?" I ask. "Ten." Alison replies, somewhat more subdued, now that the moment of truth has arrived. "A hundred." is Rene's enthusiastic response, while Anna stands mute. "A hundred it is, you can count them for me Rene." I say concealing a grin as Alison snaps upright. "But I can only count to ten." Rene objects. "Well this is your lucky day Alison," I say grinning at her, "I guess ten will have to do, unless of course Anna wants to do the counting instead." "Stop teasing me!" Alison says, moving back into position over the arm of the couch and pressing her cheek back into the seat cushion. "O.K. here goes." I say, taking up position by her hip and lifting my hand. I bring it down on her smooth buttocks with a ringing crack, that makes Alison yelp. As I lift my hand, I see the outline of my fingers in white against the slightly tanned skin of her backside and as I watch the imprint turns a delicate shade of pink. "One!" Rene sings out with relish. "Don't looks so pleased Rene." I tell her, "This is for your benefit too. Somehow or other I think you might be getting your own backside warmed in the very near future, now that you've stopped being scared of your own shadow." "Oh!" she murmurs in a small voice as the implication of my words sink home. Motioning for Alison to get back into position I lifting my hand again and I deliver three quick blows in succession to her backside, eliciting pained yelps as Rene counts off "Two, three, four." clearly but without her earlier enthusiasm. The remaining six slaps I deliver in pairs, alternating from side to side. When I finish, Alison rights herself, and turns to me, rubbing her injured pride, "Can we fuck now?" Suddenly something in Anna's expression catches her attention and she asks, "What's wrong Anna?" I turn away from Alison and see on Anna's face a look of shock. Shaking herself, she replies, "Mummy never hits me and I've never seen anyone else either. Did it really hurt?" "It's not that bad." Alison reassures her, "See?" she turns and pushes her reddened bottom out towards Anna, clapping herself on the bum. "Ouch!" she yelps wincing, "It's not that good either." she finishes with a wry grin. "Wow it's really red." Anna breaths, bending over to examine Alison's glowing backside. She gently lays her palm on the reddened skin and observes, "Oh! It's really hot." "I dare you to kiss it better." Rene challenges, grinning as she moves up beside Anna, cocking her head to one side as she views her sister's chastened rear end. Blushing, Anna slowly moves her head lower, covering the remaining ten inches or so, in short almost staccato jerks, cautiously sniffing all the while. As Anna's lips come within two inches of the glowing pink orb of Alison's buttocks, Rene grabs her behind the neck and pushes her nose into the crack separating them. As Anna jerks back, the naughty five year old skips out of her reach giggling. However she is not out of my reach and I grasp her about the waist and pull her to me as I say, "I think you just earned that bottom warming I warned you about." Rene's giggles suddenly cut off and she turns her eyes on me. At first she seems ready to protest, then with a resigned grin she says, "I guess I did. Sorry Anna I shouldn't have made you do that." "It's O.K." Anna replies. Then in a surprising move, she pushes Alison further forwards until she has to support herself on the couch. Then screwing her eyes tightly shut, she quickly licks from the bottom of Alison's pouting pussy lips to the base of her spine, her tongue coming into direct if brief contact with Alison's little, pink anal sphincter. At the unexpected contact, Alison squeaks in surprise and stands bolt upright as Rene claps her hands in delight and cheers Anna's brave move. "Do it again!" Rene encourages. "O.K. I will!" Anna declares, pushing Alison so hard between the shoulder blades that she topples over the arm of the couch, landing with her face pressed into the cushions. Kneeling behind her, Anna pushes her buttocks apart, exposing her hairless pussy lips and winking anus. With her eyes open this time, Anna insinuates her tongue between Alison's labia and drags it back and forth as Alison moans into the seat cushion. Then as the sweet aroma of Alison's arousal wafts upwards, Anna shifts her attention to the puckered rim of her twitching arsehole. Her brow furrowed in concentration, she flicks the rubbery ring with the tip of her tongue, making Alison squirm with delight. Encouraged by this reaction, Anna repeats the move her tongue moving in tight circles about Alison's arsehole. As Anna's lingual attentions continue, Alison's anus begins to relax and as Anna's tongue passes over the opening Alison presses her toes into the carpet and lifts her bum, impaling herself on Anna's tongue. This however is too much for the little eight year old and she jerks back, declaring, "I'm not going to stick my tongue IN your bum." "That's all right." I say, more for the benefit of Alison and Rene, who look ready to push Anna further, "Remember what I said, you don't have to do anything your don't want too." As Alison and Rene subside, Anna pushes Alison back down and applies her tongue to Alison's swelling labia, lifting her hands to pull them apart. Her tongue snakes out and flicks at Alison's engorged clitoris, then drags upwards along the length of her slit to dip into the entrance of her vagina, collecting the sweet elixir that is seeping out. Moaning in sheer bliss, Alison pushes back against the intruding tongue. "O.K. that's enough," Rene declares, "We need the couch." "What for?" Anna and I ask simultaneously. While Alison's expression is comical in the extreme, comprising a mixture of frustrated sexual release, curiosity and disgust at Rene's timing. "Yeah what for?" she asks and ominously growls, "It better be good." "He's gotta smack my bum now." Rene cheerfully declares, perversely proud that she too can join her sister in yet another way. "Because I pushed Anna's nose into your bum, and that's worse than what you said." "Are you sure?" I ask, "You've got to be really, really sure, because if I do it it's going to be real and it'll hurt." "Uh-huh," she nods vigorously, "I want you to spank me just like Alison." "Hey," I ask, "are you just doing this just to be like your big sister? Because if you are I won't do it." "Yeah I guess so." she sheepishly admits, "But I really was too naughty. You know like you said before? And now I have to take the coska, uh cons..." She fumbles over the big word and I supply it for her, "Consequences?" "Yeah, cons'kenses." "O.K." I say, "Alison's ten and she got ten smacks, so I think you should get five. Does that sound fair?" "Yes, I guess so." she replies, sounding and looking a little more subdued now that the moment is upon her. Alison, makes way for her sister, moving aside and helping her to lie face down over the arm of the couch, her cheek pressed into the cushion and her feet dangling with her toes a good six inches off the floor. "O.K. I'm ready." she says in muffled tones. Waving Alison aside to stand with Anna, I take up my station and bring my hand down on the tiny bottom before me. Rene yelps at the impact and chokes back a sob as she counts for herself, "One." "Two." she yelps, as the second stroke of my hand drops onto her behind. My hand so large in comparison to her bottom that the imprint of my hand extends across both cheeks of her behind. "Three ... Four ... Five." she counts, her voice dropping to a choked whisper as my last blow falls on her little five year old arse. Breathing in great gulps, she lies limply over the arm of the couch for half a minute or so before pushing herself backwards until her toes touch the floor. Then levering herself upright she turns to us, a few tears trailing down her cheeks. She gives me a brave, if wavering, smile and whispers, "Thank you." My heart goes out to her bravery, I extent my arms towards her and she throws herself into them, burying her nose in the side of my neck and hugging me convulsively as I gently fold my arms around her. A few seconds later she pulls away and turns to Anna, who gives her a big hug and kiss. "I suppose you want me to kiss your's better too?" she asks, in mock exasperation. "Giggling, Rene nods and pulls away. Moving to the centre of the mattress, she drops to her knees and presses her face into the bunched up sheet as she reaches back with both hands and gingerly pulls her buttocks apart to reveal her tiny pink pucker. "Hey he didn't hit that bit." Anna giggles, even as she kneels behind Rene and jabs her tongue directly at the little rubbery ring. Rene squirms and giggles in response, Twisting her head to one side she says, "No, but it's making the rest feel better anyway." Anna giggles again and plants a resounding kiss on Rene's pucker then plants two more on the reddened skin on either side. Sitting back on her heels, she looks at Rene's behind and the fat lips of her pussy, protruding from between her thighs. Just as Rene begins to lift her head and turn it, Anna grins wickedly up at Alison and me and pushes a finger into Rene's little twat. "Ooh, that feels really, really weird." she giggles over Rene's gasp. Move it in and out." Rene says, wiggling her bottom from side to side. Frowning in concentration, Anna pumps her hand back and forth, her finger taking on a glistening sheen as it becomes coated with Rene's sweet juices. As Alison and I look on it is obvious that Rene is enjoying these attentions, her hands closing into fists grasping the sheet. "Put another one in." Rene orders, her voice taking on ragged edge, "Do it faster." A liquid sucking noise emanates from Rene's little bald quim as Anna slips a second finger in beside the first and speeds up the motion of her arm. "Cool!" Anna observes as oily droplets begin to seep around her fingers and dribble over Rene's hairless pussy lips. Using the forefinger of her other hand like a squeegee, she collects the leaking fluid, transfers it to her lips and avidly sucks it clean. "Oh yeah, rub her tingle bump." Alison orders, "Move your legs apart Rene." Unsteadily, the tiny preschooler rocks from side to side, shuffling her knees outwards an inch at a time, until her mound is only a few inches from the mattress. Stretched by her widespread legs, her labia part revealing a small, glistening pearl peeking from within the folds of it's pale pink hood. Smiling at the effect she is having on Rene, Anna twists her hand from a palm up to a palm down position in order to bring her thumb to bear on the sensitive, little pebble nestled within the folds of Rene's baby cunt. Even before Anna's thumb touches her clit, Rene gasps and pushes backwards against the fingers embedded within her cunt. A grin of pure mischief forms on Anna's lips and she begins to rotate her fingers back and forth, the pad of her thumb brushing back and forth over Rene's swollen little clit. Under the onslaught of the new sensations induced by Anna's fingers, Rene groans into the mattress, her tiny fists tightening convulsively on the sheet. A few moments later Anna pulls her fingers free of Rene's drooling cunt and putting the index fingers of both hands side by side she pushes them back into Rene's vagina. At first, she moves them in and out together, her thumbs sliding over the pliant flesh of Rene's labia to squeeze her clit between them. Obviously appreciative of this treatment, Rene squeals quietly as she bounces her hips up and down. Half a minute or so later, Anna changes the rhythm of her fingers motions within the highly aroused preschoolers tiny twat, her fingers sliding over each other in a complicated twisting motion, one finger pressing inwards at the top as she withdraws the other at the bottom. At the same time her thumbs slip through the crease between Rene's glistening, engorged labia and over the top of her ultra-sensitive clit. Under the impetus of this unorthodox, but extremely effective treatment of her little pussy, Rene's squeals of enjoyment deepen in pitch ant become considerably louder. Leaning forwards, I whisper in Anna's ear, "push down a bit harder with your fingers." A few seconds later Rene's legs straighten convulsively, and her breath is expelled in a single piercing shriek. In the grip of a powerful climax, her neck and back arching with vertebrae popping force. At the same time Anna exclaims in a voice filled with wonder, "She's squeezing my fingers!" Because Anna stopped pumping her fingers when Rene's climax hit her, the little preschooler's orgasm is soon over and she quickly recovers. Rolling over, she throws her arms about Anna's neck and pulls her down on top of herself. "That was neat!" she squeals and peppers Anna's face with kisses. "Yeah that was real cool." Alison says, reaching across to wrap her hand around my rock hard shaft, "Was that what you did to us before?" "Yeah," I reply, pulling her against my side and sliding a pair of fingers deep into her drooling cunt, "it's called a G-Spot, orgasm and every girl I know reckons it's the best, most intense orgasm ever." "How do you do it?" She asks, slowly tensing and relaxing her buttocks so that she moves on my fingers in short strokes less than half an inch long. At the same time her thumb smears my pre-cum over the swollen head of my cock. "Can you do it to men?" "Sort of," I say answering her second question first, "If you put your finger in a mans bum and press towards the front you'll feel something that feels like a little orange. If you rub that you can make him cum in a few seconds." "Does he faint like we did before?" she asks, her wicked grin telling me that she wants me to say 'Yes.' "No," I reply, "but if you don't stop, you can make him feel really sore, because he keeps on trying to squirt semen out even when he runs out. If you want to make a man faint, you have to keep on teasing him until he almost cums then stop for a while and then do it again and again. After a while you let him cum and sometimes if you've teased him long enough he might faint. It's only happened to me once and it takes forever to do, so save it for special occasions. And when you do, do it you can forget about getting him to do anything else for hours, because it's like he has all the orgasm that you stopped all at once and it really wears him out." "When's your birthday?" she asks with an evil looking grin. "Last week." I answer, matching her grin. "Now you wanted to know how to do it to girls. It's a bit like how you do it to men, except you do it in her vagina of course." I curl my fingers within her tight little fuck tube and massage the front wall of her cunt behind her clit. "Here, there's a spot where a lot of nerves from different parts of your pussy come together and if you rub it for a while you can't help but cum, and you'll keep cumming until you pass out or you stop rubbing it." "That feels really weird, it feels like I need to pee." Alison's comment, gets the attention of Rene, and she abandons her oral exploration of Anna's oversized clitoris. This time Anna realises that there is something beyond the undeniably pleasant feelings that emanate from her pussy and she moans in frustration as Rene leaves her to pounce on her sister and ask, "Are you going to piddle? Can I drink it please? I haven't tasted your piddle yet, Anna got it all last time." Rene's voice takes on a slightly aggrieved tone as she says this last. "No, she doesn't really need to pee." I answer for Alison, "That's what it's supposed to feel like when I rub her G-Spot." "What's a G-Spot." my five year old lover asks. "It's the place inside your vagina where Anne just rubbed you." I explain. "How come I didn't feel like I need to pee then?" Rene asks. "Because you were nearly cumming already," I say, "and when Anna rubbed it, you had your orgasm before you could notice the 'I need to pee' feeling." "Can you do it to me?" Anna asks, her voice filled with a plaintive note that almost breaks my heart, "Everybody else has had an orgasm, but every time I think I'm going to have one, you stop." she includes all three of us in this last accusatory statement. "At first I though that nice tingly feeling you made me feel was one, but I think it's even better than that. Can you rub my G-Spot for me?" Gathering the slightly sad little eight year old into my arms, I lift her into my lap and hug her against my chest, the rock hard shaft of my cock pressed into her hips. "Anna honey," I say, "I can't reach your G-Spot because it's behind your hymen. You know that little piece of skin I told you about." "Oh, well how do I get rid of it then?" she asks. "You push something through it." I say. "These two did it with the handles of their hairbrushes, or you can use your fingers or a man can do it with his penis." "Will you do it for me." she asks, turning her dark expressive eyes up to me. "Does it hurt much?" "Lots!" Rene answers, gruesomely, "And you bleed too." "A bit," is Alison's estimation, "like pulling a bit of skin from your fingernail." "Why did it hurt Rene more?" Anna asks, her eyes widening with fright, "Will it hurt me lots because I'm littler than Alison? Is there lots of blood?" "It probably hurt Rene more because she just shoved her hairbrush in and didn't wait until she was excided. Am I right?" I turn my eyes to the blushing first grader. "Um yeah?" she replies with a sheepish grin, "I forgot what Jenny said about making sure it was all slippery and going slow. I just wanted to be a big girl so they'd play with me." "So if we take it slowly and make sure that your vagina is all slippery and receptive it won't hurt very much." I reassure her. "And there will be a little bit of blood, that's unavoidable, but usually there's only lots of blood if it's done too fast and the girl gets torn inside." "Oh." Anna's voice is very small and quavers slightly as she says, "I really want you to break my hymen thingy with your penis in me, but I'm scared too." "Well you could watch him fuck me first." is Alison's helpful, if somewhat self serving offer. Besides, if he tried to do it to you now, I think he'd squirt all over the place as soon as his dick touched your pussy." I follow their gaze, looking down at my cock, with it's tracery of angry blue veins and dark bloated head and I have to agree with her. Anna's offer of her cherry, has left me so close to cumming that my shaft visibly twitches in time with my rapid heartbeat and a continuous rivulet of pre-cum dribbles down the underside of my shaft. "I think you're right Alison." I say with a grin, "Well Anna, would you like to do it that way and watch Alison and me first to see what it's like?" "Yeah O.K." she nods her head after thinking about it for a while. While we'd been speaking, Alison had moved behind me. Suddenly I feel something cold, hard and wet on my balls. Yelling with surprise I knock Alison's hand aside, and send the half full lemonade bottle, beaded with condensation, skittering across the floor. The skin of my scrotum has tightened, shrinking until my balls a pulled tight against my body. At the same time the blood drains from my cock. "You're still a bastard, but we're even now." Alison grins up at me. "Typical bloody woman." I mutter, "Not even until she's ahead." "Of course." she giggles. "Well how are we going to fuck now?" I ask grinning back. "I don't think this limp noodle going anywhere." "Wanna bet?" she chortles, "I can fix it." Shoving my shoulders, she knocks me over onto my back, throws her leg across my chest and drops her head into my lap. Pressing her lip to the now pale crown of my prick, she vacuums my cock into her mouth, Then with her lips pressed against my pubis, begins to roll my rapidly reinflating shaft around inside the warm wet cavern of her mouth. Within seconds my glans begins to push against the back of her throat, but instead of pulling back to give it more room, she works the muscles of her throat, literally swallowing the head of my cock. The incredible sensations of her epiglottis pulling my cock deep into her throat is all that it takes to finish the job of refilling my shaft with blood, leaving me lightheaded as I groan in reaction. She keeps her lips pressed into my pubes for a few seconds, then pulls back, the muscles of her throat, holding my cock and tugging on it slightly for a moment, before it releases me with a slight popping sensation. She raises her hip and look back between her legs, giving me a shit eating grin as she asks with a giggle, "How was that Greg?" "Fucking incredible." I tell her, grasping her hips and driving my stiffened tongue straight up her drooling fuck hole. ""Oh FUCK!" she squeals, pressing back against my face, "Fuck me with your tongue! Lick my fucking clit! Suck it! Fucking suck it harder." She pushes herself up, sitting back on my face and rocking her hips from side to side as she grinds her pussy against my lips and chin. She gyrates her pelvis on my face for half a minute or so then as I judge her as ready to cum, she suddenly drops forward, pulling free of my tongue, and re-impales her face on my straining shaft, brutally forcing her throat down over my bloated, purple glans until her chin impacts painfully against my pubis. The feeling of her throat surrounding my shaft is almost too much for me and my groan is a mixture of relief and frustrated desire as she pulls back and sits up. Twisting around to look under her arm at me, she giggles at the expression on my face. "I can tell you liked that." "I want to do that." Rene says, "I want to suck all of his cock." "Rene," I say, "if you touch it right now, it'll go off before you can get your lips around the tip, let alone the rest of it. Besides, I don't think you're throat is big enough." "I wanna try!" she repeats stubbornly. "Get the lemonade." Alison orders, shoving back to sit on my face as I groan and begin to struggle just enough to rub my nose, tongue and chin over every moist, delectable square millimetre of little girl flesh I can reach. A moment later, I feel the cold, wet kiss of the lemonade bottle against my balls and hear them giggling at my shrinking equipment. This time, prevented by Alison's legs on my arms, from shoving it aside, she holds the clammy plastic bottle against my genitals until they feel like they have been encased in ice. Alison sets the bottle aside and her weigh leaves my face. As she throws her leg over my head and rolls aside, I look down at my poor abused wedding tackle. My sack is almost painfully tight around my throbbing balls and my once proud prick has shrunken until it is a tiny nubbin barely three quarters of an inch long. "O.K. get up here and sit on his chest." she tells Rene then As her little sister does as she is told, Alison continues, "It's real easy, when it starts to push against your throat, just tilt your head back as far as it will go and swallow it. It feels really neat when it grows in your mouth." Leaning forwards, Rene presents me with a perfect view of the plump, glistening lips of her tiny baby pussy and her winking pink arsehole above it. Unable to resist the temptation, I push myself up onto my elbows and lick along the length of her crack from her clit back to her rubbery pink pucker. She squeals and wriggles back against my tongue for a few seconds, then pulls herself just out of reach as she wraps her lips around the base of my shrunken member, easily taking my entire cock into her mouth. In fact it has been so reduced by Alison's treatment, that Rene has no difficulty flicking her tongue back and forth over the end of my frozen prick. A couple of seconds later, she insinuates the tip of her tongue under my foreskin and licks at my glans. Twice abused by the frigid bottle, it takes my cock a little while to recover and Rene rolls my limp little prick around inside her mouth for nearly half a minute before it finally begins to swell. As the growing head of my cock pushes her tongue aside, she starts bobbing her head up and down slowly, massaging it from root to tip with the tight ring of her warm, soft lips and her agile little tongue. Then as it fills her mouth to capacity, she takes a deep breath through her nose and swallows. Pulling my glans into her throat. "Oh FUCK!" I almost scream, as a massive hydraulic pulse pounds into my groin, instantly filling my cock to capacity and beyond. The sensation of Rene's tiny pre-teen throat massaging my blood filled knob, causes my hips to snap upwards and drive the last inch of my cock between her lips, forcing over half of my rock hard prick over the back of her tongue and down her oesophagus. Only the tight ring of her lips locked tight about my shaft keeps me from emptying my load straight into her stomach then and there. I'm so caught up in the incredible sensations of having my prick buried in the throat of a five year old girl that it takes a few seconds for it to register with my lust hazed brain that she is struggling to pull herself free of my shaft. For a couple of seconds it looks like Alison is going to have to apply the bottle in order to free Rene, but just as I open my mouth to tell her to do so, there is an incredible slipping sensation and my bloated glans slips free of her throat with an audible pop and her sharp little teeth scrape painfully over the rim. I immediately push myself up into a sitting position and gather Rene into my arms, gently cuddling the gasping preschooler as I rock her back and forth. "Are you O.K.?" I ask almost in tears as I realise just how close I had come to choking her to death on my cock. She pulls in another shuddering lung-full of air, then nods her head. Suddenly she giggles and looks at her sister, "You're right, it feels really neat when it goes down your neck. I can't wait until I show Mama." "Shit Rene," I gasp, "I'm not going to let you do that again, I nearly killed you." "No you didn't." she tells me forcefully, "I can hold my breath lot's longer than that. I just got scared for a minute and, and... What's that word where you do silly things 'cause you're scared?" "Panic?" I supply for her. "Yeah panic." she continues, "I panicked when I couldn't breave, but you know what? My pussy really tingled too. Why's that?" "It's a nature thing." I tell her, "When your body thinks it might die, it gets really horny, because it wants to get pregnant and have a baby and pass you're genes on." "That's silly." she giggles, "If I was dying I wouldn't have long enough to have a baby and how could I give it my pants when I don't have any?" "Not pants jeans: G E N E S." I spell it for her, "They are things in your eggs and a mans sperm that are instructions for making a baby. And your body doesn't care if you don't have time to have a baby. If it's in danger it gets ready to get pregnant just in case there is enough time to have it." "Uh-huh." she nods seriously. "So that's why it feels so good when you kept on making us cum before." Alison says, "We couldn't breath so our bodies though they were dying and that made it even better." "Uh that's right." I manage to say, surprised that she'd had enough brain function above her limbic system to note her lack of breath while in the throes of a massive G-spot orgasm. "O.K. Rene get off his lap I want to fuck him now." Alison says as she tugs on her sister's arm. "Oh, you're bleeding." I look down at myself and discover that Rene's teeth have taken a little piece of skin with them as they scraped the flare of my glans when she pulled off me, and a tiny bead of blood has squeezed out from under my foreskin. "Oh I'm sorry!" Rene cries, her voice filled with remorse as she kneels beside me and gently skins my foreskin back to inspect the damage. "Let me kiss it better." without waiting for an answer, Rene lowers her lips to the tiny scrape and makes a loud smacking noise. "There, all better now." she giggles. "But it's not going to fit in my sister's pussy like this. I'll just have to keep kissing it until it gets all big and stiff, so Anna can watch it slide into my big sister's pussy." Her words alone are enough to start the rush of blood to my groin, but Rene is not satisfied with the progress of my shaft towards tumescence, so she wraps her lips around the swelling head and before I can stop her, she pushes downwards and swallows at the same time. "Oh fuck!" I groan as my cock once again plugs her tight little throat. I put my hands on her shoulders intending to pull her off me, but she makes it plain that she isn't going anywhere until she's ready by grasping the backs of my legs and shrugging my hands off. She calmly holds herself there, her nose pressed into my pubic hair for twenty seconds or so, then shifts her hands around to the front of my legs and pushes. For a moment her throat holds me tight, stretching my cock painfully, delightfully before releasing it's grip allowing my cock to slide free with a pop. She keeps her lips closed in a tight ring just under the rim of my glans while she takes a deep breath, then pushes her lips back down along my shaft until my glans presses against the back of her throat. She pauses there for a few seconds as she takes another breath, then works her throat as she pushes downwards. Her little throat however is not up to the challenge, being unable to open up enough to accommodate my now fully engorged glans and all that she does is massage the head of my prick exquisitely with the back of her tongue. I let her try for a few seconds them gently take her by the shoulders and pull her up until my prick slips free of her lips and slaps wetly against my belly. "Oooh!" she moans in disappointment, "It won't fit." "What can go up a chimney, down, but not down a chimney, up?" Alison asks with a giggle. "An umbrella." Rene giggles back. I laugh at the joke and a couple of seconds later Anna catches the double meaning and collapses, giggling helplessly as she rolls about on the mattress, finally rolling onto the floor with a thump as Alison gives her a shove with her foot. "O.K. I want you to put your umbrella in my chimney now." Alison giggles, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs wide. "Uh-uh." I shake my head, "This time you can do the work." Leaving her on the mattress, I grab a towel and lay it, folded double, over the cushions of the couch and I sit down. "Come here and sit on my lap little girl." I say in wheedling tones. "But there's a big lump there." she objects with a giggle. "Well we'll just have to see it there's somewhere to hide it." I say. "Where mister?" she asks, biting down on the tip of her thumb as she sidles up to me. "I'm sure you've got a place between your legs where it might fit." I say, reaching out to hook the tip of my finger in her juicy, little girl slot. "Tha's rooood." she giggles pulling away from me. "Well you're a rude little girl anyway." I tell her, "So you'd better come here and sit on my lap before I have to spank you." "Can't spank me." she pouts. "And why not?" I ask. "Because you can't catch me." she informs me as she spins on her heels and scampers from the room. Springing up from the couch, I give chase, with the other two girls scampering close on my heels. Alison leads me on a mad, shrieking and giggling chase, doing two circuits of the house - down the hall and back through the bathroom, laundry and kitchen to the lounge. Then the third time around she continues on down the hall to her bedroom. Once I have her cornered, she backs into a gap between her wardrobe and the wall and very unconvincingly, begs me to spare her. Growling fiercely, I slowly advance on her, saying, "You can't get away from me now little girl. Do you know what I'm going to do to you when I get hold of you? I'm going to throw you on the bed and I'm going spank your cute little butt until it's red as a baboon's and then I'm going to force my big, fat cock into your tight, hairless, little girl's cunt and fuck you and fuck you until I fill it up with my nasty gooey sperm." "Oh no mister, please no mister." she giggles, "If you do that I will be ruined." "But that's why I'm going to jam my nasty fat dick in your little hole." I inform her in my best Dick Dastardly voice, "I like ruining innocent little girls like you." Chapter 25 - Despoiling Alison. Again. With a final lunge, I pounce on her and gather her shrieking, cringing body in my arms and throw her face down on the bed. Almost helpless with her giggles, she pushes her little bum into the air and tries to crawl away. Grabbing her by one ankle, I haul her back towards me and land a ringing but painless blow on her bottom. She shrieks with laughter and squirms away from me. I let her get to the head of the bed, then grab her and pull her back for another swat on her bottom. I've let her escape me and recapture her another half dozen times or so when Rene asks, "Can we help you mister?" I look down to the foot of the bed, to where Anna and Rene are standing, their fingers slowly working away in their little slots. "Yeah!" I grin, you can come and hold her legs apart so I can spank her pretty, little pussy, to get it warmed up for my cock. "NOOOoooo!" Alison shrieks, squirming violently to pull away from my hand encircling her ankle. "Hold her tight girls." I say ignoring, Alison's protests. As she feels their fingers closing about her ankles, her struggles weaken a little and they easily pull her legs out to an acute angle as they drag her until her pussy mound is clear of the bed. A moment later she slides all of the way to the floor and has to scramble back onto the bed. "Wait!" Rene tells me, handing me her ankle and going to a box in the corner, retuning a moment later with a skipping rope. Climbing onto the bed, she sits on the back of her sister's head and grabbing an arm which resists just strongly enough to be captured, she ties one end of the rope around the wrist. Then leaning forwards, her little bum wriggling from side to side as she grinds her hot little quim into her sister's hair, she loops the rope under the frame of the bed and ties up her sister's other hand. "There she can't get away now." Rene declares with finality, taking her ankle back and tugging on it. She blithely ignores the facts that: a) her sister had no intentions of escaping; and b) the loop of rope about her right wrist had already fallen undone and Alison was only staying on the bed because she was tightly gripping the far edge of the mattress. I leave Alison to stew in her own copious juices for a few moments while I kneel between her legs and slip a hand each between the legs of the little girls holding her ankles. Giggling they spread their legs apart and press down against my fingers, as I stroke their damp little slits from front to back a few times. Finishing with a quick tweak of Anna's enormous clit and a single in out stroke of my finger in Rene's tight, little fuck hole, I stand and contemplate Alison's slowly bouncing behind and beneath it the engorged mound split by a very wet cleft. Reaching between Alison's wide spread legs, I insinuate my fingers between her mons and the edge of the mattress, taking great care that I don't touch the area around her, by now, hypersensitive clitoris. Unable to hump herself against the bedclothes, she groans in frustration and rapidly thrusts her hips up and down, trying without success to get some sort of stimulation on her overheated little pussy. "Hey girls." I say, "I think she likes this. See how wet her nasty bits are." As soon as I remove my fingers to hold my wet hand up for first Anna then Rene to lick, Alison resumes humping against the mattress. "Girls!" I say sharply, "We can't have this. Look at this filthy little girl shamelessly rubbing herself against the bed like a dirty little animal. Look at her I say, see how she's trying to bring her vile private parts into contact with the bed, in a brazen attempt to achieve sexual gratification. Listen to her breathing, hear how it catches as disgusting lascivious feelings course through her depraved young body." Poor Alison is indeed close to cumming and as she approaches the peak, I continue, "Girl's, we're just have to save this poor girl from her own dark lusts." Grasping Alison's legs, I pull her a few inches towards us, making her cry out, "NOOOoooo!" in a lost voice as her literally dripping pussy, leaves the edge of the bed. Bending over, I take Rene's leg in my hand as I whisper in her ear. She grins from ear to ear when she hears my words and giggling madly, scampers from the room. "Remember don't let her see it." I call after the fleeing youngster. "Where's she going?" Alison asks mock apprehensively, "What's she getting? What are you going to do to me?" Ignoring her questions, deliver a light swat to her dripping pussy, causing her to squeal happily and bounce her hips up and down, however in the spirit of the game, she tells me, "You're a bad man and my teacher says if a bad man tries to touch me down there I should tell somebody about it." "Really?" I ask, delivering another swat, keeping my fingers splayed so that they land either side of her swollen clit. "Yeah," she says barely suppressing a giggle as she continues, "Anna, he's a bad man, and he touched my private place." "Did he?" Anna replies in mock shock, "What did he touch you with?" "His fingers!" she says, her voice rising on the last syllable as I spank her swollen, oily, mound. "See, he did it again." "Does he do anything else?" Anna asks grinning. "Uh-huh, he puts his fingers right up inside me and he even puts his dickie in my pee hole, and some times he puts it in my mouth." ""Oooh yuck!" Anna cries, "Does he wee inside you too?" "No he squirts yucky, gooey stuff in me." "Gross! Does he do it in your mouth too?" "Uh-huh. Eeeek!" I land another swat on her hairless, slimy mound and drag my finger back through her crack, plunging it deep into the hot, slimy embrace of her tight young fuck hole. "Oh he put his finger in you." Anna squeals, "What's it feel like?" "Great!" Alison cries, working her hips frantically on my embedded finger, "But if he doesn't put something bigger in soon I'm gonna go fucking crazy." Even as Alison speaks, Rene sidles back into the room with her hands behind her back, a cheesy grin of monumental proportions plastered across her face. "What's she got?" Alison asks beginning to struggle in earnest as she realises whatever it is bodes poorly for her. "What are you going to do to me." I quickly hop up onto the bed, straddling Alison's back and pinning her shoulders to the bed. I then take hold of Alison's ankles and press her heels to her buttocks, effectively immobilising her. As Rene moves out of her big sister's line of sight she holds up a Zooper Dooper, (a long, thin, flavoured ice block) saying, "I found something even better." "You little beauty." I say happily, the tone of my voice setting Alison to trying to bounce me off. At the same time Anna spies the icy dagger in Rene's fist and screams. Hearing this, Alison very nearly bucks me off and I struggle for a few tense moments to retain control of her legs. "What is it?" she yells. "You'll find out." Anna giggles, staring at the inch thick shaft of raspberry ice in Rene's hand. "Can I do it?" "No I want to." Rene says, holding the ice block out of reach. "I'll fucking get you for this Rene." Alison yells threateningly. "I changed my mind." Rene says hastily, "Here Anna, she can't hit visitors." Giggling, Anna takes the freezing shaft from Rene's hand and advances on the struggling little girls beneath me. "Hang on a sec." Rene cries, scrambling up onto the bed with me and insinuating herself between my arms. Sitting in the small of her sister's back, she pushes a small hand between Alison's legs, and prises her engorged and very moist pussy lips apart with her fingers. "O.K. Anna, do it." At the first icy touch on her overheated little twat, Alison goes totally rigid and doesn't move until fully four inches of the frozen, shaft is buried in her young cunt. Even then her motions are a series of uncoordinated spastic shudders as her much delayed orgasm rips through her. Ululating shrilly, she jounces up and down, driving more and more of the raspberry flavoured ice block into her young cunt until the end comes into contact with her cervix. Releasing a final rising wail, Alison goes limp, breathing in great shuddering gasps. Finally though she realises that the icy shaft is still within her cunt and she begins to squirm, begging us to remove it. "Giggling, Anna shakes her head, then realising that Alison can't see her, she says, "No." as she begins to slowly pump the frozen bar in and out of Alison's hot/cold vaginal sheath. "Get it out!" Alison yells, it's bloody freezing you fucking bastards." "Uh-uh. not yet." Anna giggles. "Make her walk back to the lounge like that." Rene adds cheerfully. "NOooo!" Alison giggles, "My pussy's freezing solid." "Well you'd better get moving." I say, moving back until my cock pokes her in the eye and grabbing her wrists before she can reach back to grasp the icy shaft impaling her. While I retain control of her arms, she picks Rene's ineffectual knot loose and lowers her feet to the floor. A moment later, with my help, she stands unsteadily, Anna bending at the waist behind her, holding the Zooper Dooper in place. "Oh fuck, this feels sooo weird." Alison squeaks, as she takes short mincing steps towards her bedroom door. "Oooh, it's dribbling down my legs." "Don't worry, We'll clean it up." Anna giggles, collecting a finger full of oily, red goo from Alison's upper thigh and popping it in her mouth. "Mmmm, pussyberry my favourite." "Lemme taste." Rene says, almost tripping her sister up as she thrusts a hand in from the front. "Hey wait until we get her stuffed and mounted," I laughingly chide her, "Then you can taste to your heart's content." "How? Your bum will be in the way." She objects, avidly sucking the mixture of Raspberry cordial and her sister's pussy juice from her fingers. "You'll see." I tell her, herding her through the loungeroom door with my toe between her bum cheeks. The rest of us follow the giggling preschooler into the lounge, and move over to the couch, where I sit down on the towel. "Now Alison, you sit in my lap with your knees on the couch. When I lift her up; Rene, you pull the icy pole out, and Anna you can put my cock in her pussy." Slipping my hands under her tight little arse, I lift Alison high enough for my cock to stand free beneath her. She squeals as her baby sister takes hold of the icy pole and pulls it, much diminished, from her pussy. At the same time, Anna takes my rigid shaft in her cold hand and fits it against Alison's dripping fuck hole as I lower her back into my lap. My cock slides into a sheath tighter than it was the first time I'd fucked it, pushing Anna's hand down the length of my shaft, until it presses against my pubic bone. Only the incredible quantity of lubricants that she has produced allow vaginal tissues tightened by the intense cold of the icy phallus to slide reluctantly down the length of my shaft, enveloping it in an incredible cool, wet embrace that has to be felt to be believed. Even when Anna takes her hand away only a little more of my cock slips into the cold embrace of her little vagina. So shrunken is her young fuck tube that barely two thirds of my cock enters her quivering body before I bottom out against her cervix. "Oh shit!" I groan, "Your little pussy is so fucking tight." "Mmmm, This tastes so good." Rene says, sliding the icy pole from her lips with a pop. "Lemme try." Anna cries, grabbing Rene's wrist and pulling the ice block into her mouth. "Mmmm yeah! You try it." She guides Rene's hand towards my face. I wrap my lips around the proffered iceblock and taste a delightful mixture of raspberry ice and little girl spend. Even when I bite an inch or so off the end an crunch it up, I discover no diminution in the piquant taste and realise that the flavour of her delicious juices have suffused completely through the ice. "Give it here. It's my pussy you stuffed it in." Alison cries grabbing her little sister's wrist and pulling as much of the frozen ice block into her mouth as possible. "Mmmm I do taste good don't I?" she says, briefly releasing the ice from her lips. She then bites a chunk off the end, and levers herself slowly upwards, groaning as her little pussy reluctantly allows my cock to slide from it's tight embrace. "Ohhh fuck!" she moans, echoing me, "It feels like it's pulling my guts out." "Well it feels like you're going to rip my cock off." I reply, "Great isn't it?" "Oh Yeah!" she sighs, slowly sinking back onto my rock hard pole, stopping as the head of my cock kisses her cervix. "Oh sooo fucking good." she rises again, stopping with only my glans still buried in her little box. "Play with my tits." Taking my hands from beneath her, I slide them up over her hips and the soft smooth skin of her flanks, the hard ridges of her ribs and onto the firm, just swelling mounds of her tiny breasts. Gently, I take the half erect little nubbins between my fingers and roll them back and forth, feeling the skin tighten and crinkle until they are fully engorged. Suddenly, without warning, she drops back down on my cock, allowing almost all of her full weight to fall on it as her cervix slams down on the crown. For a moment it feels like my cock is about to snap in two, then I feel an impossibly tight elastic ring open up and roll over the tip of my cock, sliding down to grip me painfully just below the flare of my glans. For a moment, she goes totally rigid in my arms then lets out an agonised yelp and collapses back against my chest, sobbing loudly with tears of pain streaming down her cheeks. Her pain hits me like a slap in the face, and I try to lift her off me, but her little pussy has spasmed tight around my shaft and her cries force me to stop and lower her back to my lap. And even though her pain has chased any feelings of desire and lust from me, her vaginal entrance is locked so tightly about the base of my shaft that there is no way for the blood to escape. Anna & Rene drop what's left of the iceblock on hearing Alison's heart rending cry, and begin clamouring, asking what's wrong. "Shush!" I say, "Get up here and cuddle her with me." As Anna clambers up beside me, Rene retrieves the iceblock and a moment later her arms join mine and Anna's about Alison, soothing her hurt. Slowly her sobs diminish, and her body relaxes as the three of us pour our love into her. Finally, she draws a shuddering breath and tilts her head back to look up at me and ask, "How come it hurt so much? It didn't when you put all of it in before." I kiss her cold-sweat beaded brow and say, "That ice made your pussy shrink and when you sat down like that you forced my cock up into your womb." "But Rene does that with Mama's plastic dicks and it doesn't hurt her." Alison objects. "Rene doesn't try to put them in with a hammer." I say with a smile. Alison giggles at the image of her little sister hammering one of her mother's vibrators into her tiny little snatch, then as her laughter causes her insides to move she lets out a little yip of pain. This in turn makes her laugh sheepishly brining on another yelp. "Easy." I murmur kissing her ear, "Wait a bit more until you feel better." She squirms away from my breath in her ear, gasping as her pussy tugs on my cock. "Oh that didn't hurt as much." Experimentally she begins moving her hips slowly and carefully her breath occasionally catching as my cock tugs on her bruised cervix. A little while later she slides a hand down to he pussy crack and begins to gently massage her clitoris, the movements of her hips becoming a little stronger as her body heats up again. "Oh that's not too bad!" she says, and tries to lift upwards, falling back with a gasp as my cock tugs on her uterus. "Ouch! Not to good either. Greg will you play with my titties some more and can you two lick my pussy?" By way of answer, Anna and Rene each kiss Alison on her cheeks and lift my hands to Alison's breasts as they slide to the floor in front of us. Giggling, they lick their way up the insides of Alison's thighs, collecting the sticky mixture of raspberry flavouring and pussy juice on their tongues. My fingers brush over her tiny nipples like butterfly wings, barely touching them as I tease them to arousal. Then once her little nipples stand out stiffly atop the twin pink-brown domes of her growing breasts, I lift my fingers to her lips. She slowly draws my fingers into her mouth, her tongue swirling sensuously around them as she sucks like a baby on a tit. As I pull the saliva slicked fingers of one hand from her lips, she turns her head to the other, her cheeks hollowing as she pulls the fingers into her warm, wet mouth. Trailing my fingers down over her chest, I trace small circles around her nipple for a few seconds before closing my thumb and forefinger on the hard little numb and gently squeezing it. She groans as fresh sensations of arousal corse through her body and pushes her hips upwards towards Anna's and Rene's approaching tongues, gasping as the injudicious move tugs on the neck of her womb. A moment later she giggles as their heads bump into her belly. "They can't reach my pussy." she says. "Move forwards Greg." I carefully ease my hips towards the edge of the couch. Alison grunts and squeaks as my movements stir up her insides but she urges me on until my legs are fully clear of the couch and I am slumped back with her lying on my chest. As Anna plunges her tongue into the splayed gap between her legs, Alison's hands close over mine, increasing the force with which my fingers grasp and tug on her engorged nipples. As I play with Alison's sensitive little breasts, I feel two lively little tongues at work on the junction of our bodies, flickering maddeningly over may balls and the base of my shaft one moment and seconds later, my ears follow their progress in Alison's squeaks and gasps. The silken sheath surrounding my impaling member rapidly warms under the combined influence of my fingers on her nipples and two tiny tongues on her clit and it is not long before she starts slowly grinding her hips in a small circle, occasionally grunting as her uterus tugs on my cock. In only a few minutes, her hands tighten convulsively on mine, pinching her nipples with more force than I'd dare subject them to. A moment later she pulls them away from her chest, until her spit slicked nipples slip from between my fingers like watermelon seeds. Her cervix tugs almost painfully on my deeply embedded cock as her gyrating movements become wilder under the influence of an approaching orgasm. Moaning almost continuously now, she slams my hands back to her chest and I close my fingertips on her swollen nipples, pinching them harder and harder under the shrill goad of her voice. I pull on them almost viciously, stretching her developing tit flesh more than an inch, only to be told in a voice that is almost a snarl. "Pull on my fucking tits you bastard." Lashed by her voice, my hands jerk outwards further actually lifting her from my chest before her nipples slip from my grasp and she falls back against me. "Do it again." she snarls, her hands on the back of Anna's head as she humps her hips up into the little eight year old's face. only to be pulled back into my lap by the rigid shaft of man flesh spearing her uterus. As my fingers close on her nipples twisting and squeezing the swollen rock hard fleshy nodules, a guttural scream escapes her lips and her hips fly upwards with sufficient force to finally pull herself free of my cock. The sensation of her cervix pulling over my glans is a strange mixture of incredible pleasure and incredible pain, causing my voice to blend with hers as I let out a similar scream three octaves deeper. Now free of the barbed spear that had kept her locked tight against my body, she pounds her spasming cunt up and down the full length of my shaft, grunts punctuating her orgasmic howls as the tip pounds against and halfway penetrates her bruised cervix. Around my rampant member, the slick, fiery walls of her vagina ripple from bottom to top, exquisitely massaging my cock with incredible force. Only my earlier concern for her, and the lingering pain in my cock keeps me from decorating her womb with my great greasy gouts of my semen. Even so, I am still close to my own climax and as Alison's subsides, I stand and with her limp body still impaled on my rock hard prick I carry her over to the mattress. Kneeling, I hold her against me with one arm as gather all of the pillows together into a pile. I carefully lower her onto her stomach, draped over the pile and begin my own glory strokes, pounding away into her quickly recovering body as Anna and Rene look on with awe tinged with a little fear. "Harder!" Alison's muffled cry goads me as my balls slap wetly against her moist, oily cunt lips, "Fuck me harder. Squirt your stuff in my pussy." "You know what happens to little girls who let bad men fill their little pussies with their nasty gooey sperm?" I ask, my words coming in staccato grunts as my belly slaps against her tiny upturned arse. "They get pregnant. Their cute little tummies start to swell as a baby grows, inside her belly. Do you want that? Do you want me to fuck a baby into you? Do you want to feel my baby wriggle and kick inside you?" As I speak, Alison takes her weight on her hands and knees and drives herself back against my pounding thrusts. "Do it Daddy!" she yelps, "Make a baby in me. Squirt me full of the nasty stu-uh-ff that makes babies. Make a little girl slu-uh-t in me so I can show her how to suck her dad-uh-dy's big nasty cock and I'll make her lick your stuff out of my pussy and when she's old en-uh-ough I'll hold her legs op-uh-en so you can fu-uh-ck her tiny little cunt hole and ma-uh-ke a baby in her too." My mind goes blank on hearing her depraved words and I have no idea how she manages to hold a train of thought, let alone continue to speak as I become nothing more than a rutting animal. Seizing her slim hips in a vice like grip throw my cock into her receptive little body with jackhammer thrusts, stirring the juices leaking from her hot little hairless snatch to a bubbling froth that bespatters my thighs and lower belly. No longer capable of coherent thought, I jam my aching prick into the hot wet clasp of her velvety fuck tube over and over again, driving towards an explosive release. Suddenly Alison's head snaps back and from her lips there emerges a choked howl, totally devoid of intelligence and the muscular walls of her young cunt seize my buried shaft in a rippling, vice like grip. Bereft of sanity, my voice joins hers as my aching balls empty themselves in wave after fiery wave of agonised release. Like molten lead my semen traverses the length of my cock, splashing against the neck of her juvenile womb. Still desperately hunching against her upturned arse, I feel my seed leak from her overfilled little snatch, joining the bubbling mess that coats our loins. Long after my balls empty, her overstimulated young twat continues to spasm about my shaft, prolonging my orgasm, triggering one exquisitely agonising dry heave after another in my aching loins. Finally though, her little pussy relaxes and a wave of exhaustion sweeps over me. Collapsing forwards I barely get my arms under me as I topple on top of her, covering her slim body with my own, slowly hunching my hips back and forth, pushing my rapidly deflating cock in and out of her now slack vaginal sheath. As she begins to struggle under my weight, I find the strength to roll onto my back, taking her with me, my cock finally slipping free of her pre-teen twat, to release our combined spends and coat my lower belly and crotch with a hot sticky mixture of lubricants, sweat, semen and feminine ejaculate. "That was awesome." Rene breaths from somewhere beside my head. I allow my head to fall to the side and forcing my eyes open, I manage to focus on the little girl kneeling beside me. the flecks of foam bespeckling her tiny torso bear mute witness to the ferocity of mine and Alison's love making and as I silently watch, she collects a sticky handful of cum from our groins and transfers it to her mouth, smacking her lips in obvious enjoyment. On the other side Anna looks on, her face filled with a mixture of hunger, lust and a little fear. Then seeing that we are licking our lips in an attempt to moisten our mouths, she gets the bottle of lemonade and supporting first Alison's and then my head, she carefully dribbles a sweet refreshing draught between out lips. Then as we thank her, she set's the bottle aside and disappears from my sight. A moment later Alison squirms atop me and I realise that Anna has gone directly to the source. A moment later I feel the lower portion of Alison's body slide off me and Rene's tiny tongue at work on my groin. Unlike her more fastidious sister, she has no qualms about my pubic hair and as she sucks the tasty mixture of love juices from my groin, I feel a few painful tugs as one occasionally gets caught between her teeth. Finally though, I have to protest as she moves onto the treat she has saved for last. Drawing my shrunken member between her lips, she sucks vigorously, making my cry out, "Take it easy, it hurts right now." Rather than release me, she slows her sucking, and nurses gently on my flaccid little prick soothing it with soft caresses of her tiny tongue. But even that is too much for me and with great reluctance I pull her away and guide her lips to mine, tasting the exquisite bittersweet flavour of our lovemaking. A minute or so later, even Anna's gentle tonguing becomes too much for Alison, and she pulls her away to taste herself on the lips of her young friend. "Will Alison really have a baby?" Rene asks pulling away from my lips to look into my eyes. "No," I answer, "remember, I told Anna she was still too young." "Oh!" Rene looks disappointed, "Well how come you said you were?" "Because it can be fun to pretend you are." I answer, "Which reminds me Alison, just where did you learn to talk like that anyway?" "From Jenny." she giggles, "She showed me this program on her daddy's computer where you can read all these neat stories about people fucking and things. Her daddy's got hundreds of stories about fucking little girls and there's stacks of these really cool ones about little girls having their daddies' and brother's babies." "I think I know which ones." I say, "That sly old bugger, I never knew Tony felt like that. So that's why you called me Daddy." "Uh-huh," Alison giggles, "made you horny, didn't it?" "Like a three peckered billy goat." I reply. "What's that?" Rene asks. "A goat with three dicks." I tell her, making her giggle. Are you going to fuck me like that?" Anna asks, her tone both hopeful and afraid. "No," I reply cuddling her against me and Alison, "if I tried that with you, I'd split you in half, you're pussy has to be stretched a bit first." "Oh," (she was indeed hoping I would) "will you do it when I'm bigger?" "If you want me to." I say, tightening my arm. "Good," she says, her voice brightening, "it looked like Alison really liked being fucked like that." "Oh I did!" Alison exclaims fervently, "It was like sooo awesome, I can't wait to do it again." "Well you can wait." Anna cries, taking my cock in a proprietary grip, "He's going to fuck me now." "No he's not." I mock groan, "I need a rest." "Can we go in the spa again?" Rene asks. "O.K." I say, struggling upright, "Bring the drink." Chapter 26 - Naughty girls. I totter out to the spa, making the girls giggle at my apparent decrepitude and it is only when I lower myself into the water that I realise that Alison is missing. A few moments later she appears carrying the bong and mix bowl. "What do you think you are doing with that young lady?" I ask, "Your mother said Rene had to be asleep." "Oh pooh!" she says, "Rene knows all about it. Don't you?" Rene giggles sheepishly, which is all the answer I need, "Well what about Anna? She certainly didn't know?" "Well it's too late now." Alison says, "Please?" Against my better judgment I agree, and with a happy squeal, Alison skips the rest of the way to the spa and carefully sets her burden down by my elbow before slipping into the water beside Anna. As Anna looks on in fascination, I take up the bong and carefully pack a cone. Setting the neck of the bong to my lips I light it and draw the cloying sweet smoke deep into my lungs, holding it there as I set the bong down. Alison giggles at Anna's awestruck expression, as I release my breath a few seconds later. "Where'd the smoke go?" she asks. "He kept it all." Alison says. "Hey why's it green?" Anna asks, peering into the bowl. "Because it's mari-ju-ana." Rene giggles, carefully enunciating the 'j'. Anna's jaw drops at this revelation, "But that's bad." she gasps, "My teacher says it makes you take heroin and other stuff." "Your teacher's full of shit." Alison says in reply, "Mum says this stuff can't hurt you unless you smoke heaps and heaps, it just makes you feel good. But sometimes bad people put heroin in marijuana and that is bad because you can't stop taking heroin and then they sell it to you. Hurry up Greg it's my pipe." "You smoke it too?" Anna gasps in shock. "Uh-huh." Alison nods, "it makes my head feel all nice and spinny." Anna's eye follow the progress of the bong from my hands to Alison's not blinking as Alison presses her lips to the opening at the neck of the bong. She flinches a little at the rasp of the spark-wheel and holds her breath as Alison drags the sweet smelling smoke into her lungs. A few moments later Alison lets the smoke trickle from her nostrils as she hands the bong back to me. The slight sound of the bong touching the deck beside the spa makes Anna jump and she finally releases her breath with an explosive rush. "Hey I'm supposed to do that." Alison giggles. "What's it like?" Anna asks. "Real neat." Alison replies, "It makes everything feel all tingly and dreamy at the same time." As I pack and smoke the next bong, Alison pulls Anna's ear to her lips, and I wonder what sort of mischief they are planning to commit against me. With my mind fuzzed by the intoxicating smoke I think nothing of Alison's naughty giggle as I hand her the bong and lighter. A moment later I take bong back from her and turn to set it aside. When I turn back, I find her with her lips pressed to Anna's pushing the sweet mind-numbing smoke from her lungs into Anna's. Before I can separate them, Anna chokes and pulls back coughing as the last of the smoke trickles from Alison's mouth. Grabbing the lemonade, which Rene is already holding out, I hold Anna in my arm and wait for the first hacking spasms to subside then help her take a sip from the bottle. She coughs a couple more times and turns an accusatory glance on Alison. "Sorry," she says contritely, "I forgot that happens the first couple of times." "Well it shouldn't have happened the first time." I say angrily, "Just what do you think you were playing at?" "Don't blame her." Anna cries, "It was my fault. "I asked if I could have some and she said you probably wouldn't let me, but she said she could breath it into me." "That doesn't make it any better." I say, "She still knew that she was doing wrong. And you aren't any better." "Sorry." they murmur together in small contrite voices. "Well it's done now." I say relenting somewhat, "So do you like it?" "Well I feel really funny, it's nice, but I don't know if I want to do it again, it really hurt when I coughed." she replies. "You get used to it." I say, "And it hurt like it did because you coughed up the smoke. Next time, try to keep from coughing until you breath the smoke out. And now that I've given you that piece of advice, your next time shouldn't be until you are at least sixteen." "But Alison's not sixteen." she objects. "Alison's mum says she can," I tell her, "if your mum says you can, I might change my mind." "How come your mum let's you?" Anna ask Alison curiously. "She can tell you later," I say, "it's a long story." I quickly finish off the last two pipes in the bowl and put it and the bond out of harms way. Then after taking a drink of lemonade and passing the bottle around I lift Anna across to my other side and pull Rene into my lap. Alison and Anna snuggle up to my sides and I pull them in close in a warm loving hug. For the next few minutes, we silently embrace, sharing out love for each other, until Rene decides that it has gone on long enough and digs her fingers into Alison's ribs. With an outraged squeal Alison retaliates and a moment later I find myself at the bottom of a shrieking, giggling, laughing pile of little girls. Sliding from underneath, I retreat to the other side of the tub and look on at the indiscriminate free for all that has erupted in the middle of the spa. They continue for a few minutes alternately dunking each other in the roiling water then as if of one mind they abruptly stop and turn to face me. "Uh-oh" I cringe, drawing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms about them. Their faces twisted into hilarious grimaces as they fight to keep from giggling they advance resolutely on me and with Anna and Alison seizing my arms and Rene my legs, they jerk me from the seat and into the middle of the tub. I let the water close over my head then uncoil explosively, roaring as I burst from the water and seize the first little girl that I see. Anna shrieks happily as I grasp her about the waist and raise her high above my head, then bring her down so that she is sitting on my upturned face. Curling my tongue beneath her, I touch the tip to her puckered arsehole and slowly lower her, my tongue rasping over the soft sensitive flesh between her tight pussy lips until her hardening clit presses into my upper lip. Withdrawing my tongue I close my lips about the sensitive little shaft and gently nurse upon it, feeling it continue to swell and harden in my mouth. Keeping my lips over my teeth I bite down on the inch long shaft and lift her away from me, stretching her clit until it is nearly two inches long. She lets out a happy little shriek as It slips from my grasp and snaps back between her slightly swollen labia and pushes her hips back towards my mouth. Taking hold of her clit with my lips I gently nip the tip and lower her back into the water. She petulantly thumps me in the arm as I release her and turn to where Alison and Rene are tussling to be next. Alison pouts as I pick Rene and raise her pussy to my lips and press the tip of my stiffened tongue against her tiny vaginal opening, wriggling it as the tiny hole slowly dilates and allows me to taste the sweet, soft flesh within. As I slide my tongue in and out of the tight, clasping sheath Rene begins to wriggle in my grasp, hunching her soft, little mound against my nose, as a delightful sweet moistness seeps around my intruding tongue, nourishing me with her ambrosial nectar. She groans with disappointment as I withdraw my tongue from her little slot, then pulls her legs up presenting me with her parted pussy lips as I put my lips to her tiny clit and suck hard. Although tiny, I manage to get a grip on her clitoris with my lip cushioned teeth and she moans as I lift her away from me and pull the sensitive little nubbin of flesh away from her body. Squeaking happily she pushes her hips back at me and I nuzzle at the little slot between her legs once again searching for her clit with my mouth. I nip the shiny little pearl gently between my teeth and lower her back to the water, collecting another thump as I reach for an eagerly waiting Alison. As I lift her she raises her legs and locks them about my neck, trapping my head against her sweet pussy. I briefly tongue her hairless slot, until the chlorine taste of the water is replaced by the sweet flavour of her juvenile secretions then drive my tongue deep into her vagina tasting a lingering remnant of my earlier spend mixed with fresh juices seeping from the walls of her cunt. I lave the soft ridged flesh within the confines of her tight young pussy for a while, then begin my search for her clit, pursing my lips and drawing the hard little bundle of nerves against my tongue. I teasingly flick the tip of my tongue back and forth for a few seconds, then tighten my lips and teeth on it and pull. She squeals as it snaps back and tightens her legs pulling herself tight against my lips and grinds her pelvis in tight circles roughly stimulating her sweet vulva against my beard. A moment later, she yelps as I fasten my teeth about her clit and gently gnaw for a few seconds. But when I try to lift her from my shoulders she tightens her legs about my neck refusing to release me. 'Like that huh?' I think and push her over backwards so that she is hanging upside down from my shoulders, her hair trailing in the water. Curling her back to look up at me she giggles, "Can't get rid of me." "Oh yeah." I bend my knees and lower her into the water. As soon as her nose disappears beneath the surface her legs unlock from about my neck and she falls into the water, coming up a moment later snorting violently. "Water went up my nose you ba uh bad man." she accuses between snorts. Rene giggles at her sister's outrage and is immediately set upon by Alison, who starts tickling her unmercifully. Shrieking and squirming violently she tries to escape her sister to no avail. For a moment it looks like Anna is going to go to her rescue but the only aid she offers is to support her head, keeping it above the surface as Alison attacks her little sister's ribs and belly. Finally she shrieks, "STOP! I'm gonna piddle." Alison gives her little sister one last dig, before releasing her and backing away, but that final assault is too much for the little girl and she lets out a mortified yelp as a pink bloom appears in the water between her legs. Pressing her fingers against her mound, she turns her head to me and gives me a beseeching look, "Help, I've gotta go now!" Taking hold of her, I lift her to my hip and step from the water and leaving a dripping trail, I carry her into the house. "Hurry up you two." I call, figuring the elder girls would want to join in again. "Don't wait for us." Alison calls, "We've got something else to do." "We do?" Anna says in surprised tones. "Yeah..." Alison's voice trails off as the kitchen door closes behind us. "All the more for me huh?" I say looking down at Rene. She giggles in response, and I feel a warm wet pulse against my flank. "Oops I wasted some." she says, suppressing a giggle. "Hurry up." I finish the trip with three long strides, stepping into the shower cubicle and lifting her to stand on my shoulders as soon as we pass under the curtain rail. Even as she settles her feet, pale golden stream dribbles from between her labia and splashes from my chin. Grasping the shower hose at the point where it emerges from the wall to steady herself, she manoeuvres her hips aiming the golden stream into my wide open mouth. I avidly gulp the sweet offering down, some of it unavoidably trickling over my cheeks and down my front as I close my mouth to swallow. "Save some for me." she reminds me, as the flow slows to a trickle, and then finishes with a couple of uncoordinated squirts that splash across my cheeks. Holding the last of her pee in my mouth, I carefully lower her until she can wrap her legs around my waist and pull my head down to her lips. Opening my mouth over hers, I let my mouthful of urine to trickle over her tongue and fill her little mouth, allowing the excess to dribble over her chin and down between us. A moment later I see bubbles rise to the surface as she briefly gargles with her own piss then gulps it down with a big smile. After quickly sluicing our bodies down with the shower, we quickly dry off and go to see what the other two are up to. Chapter 27 - Other Lovers. As we walk down the hall the first thing I notice is that the lights in the lounge have been dimmed. As soon as I enter the room I see Anna sitting on the couch, fully dressed, pretending to watch television. Alison has taken great care to get everything 'just right', Anna is sitting with one foot tucked under her thigh, and the skirt of her dress has been arranged so that I can see a tiny patch of white at the juncture of her thighs. The mattress which has dominated the center of the room, has been pushed to one end of the room and is now made up properly. Stunned I stop dead in my tracks and Rene, who has not yet seen the scene set by her sister, runs into me. A stifled giggle from off to the side causes me to look towards the source of the sound and Alison, still naked as the day she was born, asks, "Do you like it?" "Like it?" I return, sweeping her up into my arms and delivering a crushing hug. "You bet I like it." "Well put me down and go unwrap your present." she says, then pulls my head down so she can whisper in my ear, "But you'd better put some clothes on and go and brush your teeth first, and I think you should seduce her. Is that the right word." "Exactly right." I say, delivering a resounding kiss. "Hey save it for Anna." she giggles squirming out of my arms and pulling Rene aside for a whispered consultation. Five minutes later, decently dressed, teeth brushed and smelling of a cologne that CJ keeps in the bathroom, I return to the lounge. Alison and Rene, are squeezed together into one of the armchairs from where they can watch without being in the way. Suddenly I feel like a schoolboy on his first date, unsure of what to do and say. Although I have had more than a few child lovers, I had never seduced any of them even in pretence. Always before, I had seen signs that the girl was sexually curious of her own accord, before beginning the trip down the road towards mutual sexual fulfilment. Even little Sandy had wordlessly invited my attentions, beginning with a time some seven months earlier, when she, because of a breakdown on an unseasonably hot day and no nappy to replace her wet one had contracted a nasty nappy rash. Left to care for her the following day, I applied a soothing cream, as her mother had directed me to do if she seemed in any distress. She fell asleep as I was applying the ointment so rather than disturb her I left her to sleep without a nappy. An hour or so later she woke crying and as soon as I entered the room she parted her legs, inviting another application of salve. This time I noticed that she seemed to be deriving pleasure beyond simple relief from pain, but I thought little of it at the time. However over the course of the day it became apparent that she was enjoying the tactile contact with her tiny mound, her podgy little fingers taking over from mine when I'd finished applying the cream. I took the matter no further that day, but a few weeks later, she was left in my care whilst she was cutting a tooth and when changing her I noticed that she quieted while I was cleaning her. Again I left it at that, but some time later, she was still in considerable distress from the tooth even after the application of an anaesthetic gel. Thinking that another reason might have been the cause of her distress, I insinuated a finger into her nappy to check for dampness. The response was both immediate and dramatic, her whimpering cries choked off and her expression smoothed. Opening her nappy, I began a gentle massage of her infant mound and for the first time since the tooth had begun to trouble her, she was quiet and her an expression of deep contentment suffused her tiny features. However when I stopped the massage she again began to whimper and perforce I returned to caressing her tiny vulva until she finally dropped off to sleep. When she awoke four hours later to the sound of car doors slamming as her parents returned home, the tooth had broken through and thoroughly rested she was a completely different person to the miserable little tyke that her Danny and Angela had left with me that morning. Over the next few weeks, I'd briefly sooth her in the guise of a nappy change if she seemed to be too fractious and I noticed that her mother had unconsciously begun to do the same, she too noticing that a gentle rub over her daughter's mound would settle her during a nappy change. Then another tooth threatened to put in an appearance and nothing that Angela could do would sooth the poor little mite. Either not realising, or not willing to go beyond a quick caress of Sandy's pubis, Angela could get no more than a few seconds of peace. I knew what would work, so I offered to take Sandy home with me for a few hours so that Angela could get some sleep. Grateful for the respite she readily agreed and only minutes later I had Sandy cooing with delight as I massaged olive oil into her baby pussy. But this time there was a difference, instead of becoming drowsy she seemed to become more and more excited. Suddenly I remembered a magazine article I read about girls as young as only a few weeks old being able to experience an orgasm. Parting her tiny labia for the first time I noticed her clitoris was hard and erect and I applied an oil covered finger directly to the tiny little pearl. This heightened her excitement quite a bit, but she still seemed to be straining for something that was just out of reach. I'd moved in close to inspect the tiny, perfect little vulva and it seem the most natural thing in the world to cover those last few inches and apply my tongue to her glistening little puss. Within seconds I knew that I'd made the right decision as her tiny body gently convulsed under the influence of her very first climax. She rewarded my efforts by soaking my beard with pee and by the time I had finished cleaning her up and pinned her into a fresh nappy, she was fast asleep a contented look replacing the grimace that had distorted her features for the past two days. Six hours later I retuned her, complete with THREE brand new teeth, to her grateful and much rested mother. From there it became customary for me to masturbate my tiny neighbour to orgasm every few days. In that whole time, my primary concern had been for her pleasure, and although it aroused me greatly to give her that pleasure, not once had I used her to bring about my own release. While she had the ability to communicate her wants to me, there was no way for me to ask her if she was willing to take care of mine. With older girls too the first cues have usually been nonverbal and always I have allowed them to set the pace and the degree of involvement. In the case of two sister's it never went beyond a fairly innocent session of show and tell. One of them had accidentally barged in on my whilst I was in the toilet. She had been considerably embarrassed by the incident and it had taken me quite some time to calm her down and let her know that I wasn't mad that she'd seen my pee-pee as she called it. A little later I noticed her in a huddle with her sister both of them giving me significant glances punctuated by embarrassed giggles. Two days later I was in the same position when I heard muffled giggles from outside the toilet door and a moment later both girls burst in, their faces red with embarrassment as they stared at my penis. I let them look for a few seconds as I finished my business then calmly put it away. Looking at each other they seemed to come to a decision, and as I stepped away from the bowl the eldest girl pulled her shorts and knickers down and with a crimson face sat down and proceeded to pee before I could leave. As I turned away her sister blocked the doorway, letting me know that this little show was for my benefit so I turned back to watch. As my eyes locked on the little slit between her legs, she kicked her pants off and spread her legs further apart, giving me a better view of her hairless labia and the little strip of pink flesh between them. The golden jet arching from her sweet young mound continued for a few more seconds, them after wiping herself dry, she made way for her little sister, leaving her short and knickers in a pile on the floor. The younger girl had been wearing a dress and In order to give me an unobstructed view she had elected to discard it completely. Totally naked, she sat down in front of me and with her legs spread to their greatest extent she proceeded to urinate as if my presence was the most natural thing in the world. Only once she has wiped herself dry do they speak for the first time, the eldest asking me to tell them why we are different and her little sister asking if they can have a better look at my pee-pee. I scolded them gently about doing that sort of things with strangers and they replied that I was special and they knew I wouldn't hurt them. When I said that wasn't a very good reason that simply insisted that they 'just knew' that I was safe. After explaining the reasons why I shouldn't and giving them a number of opportunities to leave things as they were, they convinced me they really wanted to do this and we went into their bedroom where they proceeded to help me out of my clothes as I began to tell them about boys and girls. Being eight and nine years old, I figured they were old enough for a fairly complete description of the facts of life. As I spoke, we used each other as models to learn about the different parts of our bodies, and what places felt good to touch. They were fascinated by the way my cock got stiff when they touched it but did not seem to be interested in watching me ejaculate. Then having decided that they had seen everything they wanted to, we got dressed and they returned to their colouring in and I to my book. That evening, as I checked to see if they were asleep, the youngest girl told me that I was right and she and her sister thought orgasms were the best thing ever. She gave me a big 'thankyou' kiss and a few minutes later joined her sister in the land of nod. I continued to babysit them on other occasions, but that was the first and only time we touched each other, though whenever we were alone together, it was quite common, but not the rule, for one of us to be peeing while the other's looked on waiting their turn, or simply continuing a conversation. Of all my young lovers Jenny was probably the most forward. I'd answered an ad in the newspaper for a maths and science tutor. The first couple of times I'd tutored her, I did it in their home but it quickly became apparent that her younger brother who had a major personality disorder and was subject to bouts of prolonged screaming, was too much of a disruption for me to do my job properly, so the sessions were moved to my home. Some three months later, her father's job took him to Japan for a week and in order to present the right image he was asked to take his wife with him. They were able to make alternative arrangements for her brother, leaving him with his grandparents, but this would have made it impossible for Jenny to attend school, so they asked me if I would look after her for the week and provide some intensive tutoring at the same time. As my house was actually closer to her school than her own it was decided that she would stay with me. Over that week we explored just about every sexual variation a man and a ten year old child could accomplish; masturbation, sucking and fucking; anal sex; water sports; bondage; dominance and submission, with both of us taking the role of top; even a little mild pain. We took every step with our eyes wide open and we enjoyed every single minute. Jenny lead and I followed; she took me to places I'd heard of but never visited. I was her instructor and she was my guide. [If you want to learn more of my adventures with Jenny, read my story 'Babysitter - Jenny'.] Afterword: In this story there a couple of things that go a bit beyond the pale: First, there is the little vignette at the start with Sandy. I'm a little ambivalent on that one. In one sense I find it quite erotic, but in another it is a little worrisome to me. I have often noticed, when changing babies, that they derive much pleasure from first being cleaned and then having ointments applied. Left to themselves they will happily play with their genitals for quite some time and afterwards it is very easy to put them down for naps. The worry to me, is that if an adult does assist an infant in exploring their own sexuality, they must stop before the child becomes articulate, because of the laws of our society. Leaving the child confused and wondering why the games have stopped. It is an unfortunate reflection on human nature, that such laws are necessary. Putting aside the neuroses brought about by the cultural baggage of poorly thought out morals. It is my belief that the majority of parents and carers would welcome something that brought so much pleasure to their charges. Second, is the matter of giving drugs to a minor child. This is totally repugnant to me, but that is how the story wrote itself, so I guess that something in my subconscious, felt that it needed to be said. I write these stories in an almost totally linear fashion, only twice, in nearly two megabytes of words, have I had to go back to adjust an earlier scene to match a later one. Even within a scene the words are written as they come. The only editing I do is to clean up my phrasing and grammar. I'll go on to say, that in my life I have known of two minor children, who have been allowed to smoke marijuana by their parents. The first was the twelve year old son of somebody a friend had taken me to, to score from. He was a violent little shit, who would beat his mother senseless if she didn't give it to him and the boy's father was the sort to cheer him on. Needless to say, I never went back there and when a month later, I heard the father was in jail and the boy in juvenile detention, I cheered. The second was the child of a neighbour. They did it, because of adulterated drugs that were circulating in the streets at the time. I don't know if their approach was the right one, but I do know that the girl, who was becoming something of a rebel, calmed down and her grades at school improved markedly. With the addition of a specific predatory individual, this tale has been told in my story. -- Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!! Be There.....