Copyright (c) 1997 Lisa Cohn. ALL Rights Reserved The Day I Licked Out Those Panty Wetting Brownies. My girlfriend has been involved with the Guide and Brownie movement for a few years now. I haven't taken any interest or notice - until recently! A few weeks ago she invited half a dozen of her little eight year olds back to our place to finish making some decorations for a party they were having for one of the leaders (Brown Owl or something like that.) They had to use our place so that this woman wouldn't find out - it was a surprise. I was rather pissed off as it was my birthday and we had talked about going out for a meal. But still, they would be gone quite early and we could go out then. I had been out for the morning and returned home just after lunchtime to find six little girls in brown uniforms scrabbling around in the middle of piles of paper, all frantically cutting out and sticking and taping. I said hello to Jenny, my girlfriend, and then decided to stay out of the way. About ten minutes later as I enjoyed a cup of coffee in the kitchen the phone rang. It was one of the little darlings mothers. Something had happened at home and she wanted Jenny to return her daughter as soon as possible. Jenny couldn't really refuse as it was obviously important. She asked me if I would mind 'sitting' the other five for a while whilst she drove little Pat back to her mom's. I had nothing really important to do, so I agreed.

Jenny introduced me to the girls, who just carried on making and sticking, etc, and then she left with Pat. She would be gone about half an hour. I sat down in my chair in the lounge and watched as these elf like girls carried on working. They seemed to know exactly what they were doing so I just let them carry on. I picked up the paper and started to read the sport pages. Every so often I would glance over the top of the paper to check that everything was okay. I noticed one girl, a blonde with long shiney hair. She was sat right opposite to me cutting out a shape from some bright red paper. The way in which she was sitting has made her short, brown dress ride up, and I could see her panties. I had never been one for looking at very young girls, but somehow this was different. I found myself looking more and more at the girl's crotch, and getting a little turned on. Her panties were a lovely shade of blue. As she shuffled back and forth picking things up and putting them down they pulled into her little slit. I could see her cunt lips quite clearly through the material. I thought that it was a nice little cunt, then rebuked myself for even thinking such a thing. Just when I was settling back down to a football report she spoke and asked, quite timidly, if she could use the bathroom. I said that it would be fine and told her where to go. A minute or so later she was back and sitting as she had before. I couldn't help noticing that there was now quite a damp patch on the crotch of her panties. It made the blue colour that much darker. The outline of her tiny cunt lips was even more pronounced. A lovely sight! I started to take more of an interest in the other little girls. Several of them were sitting in an immodest way, thighs and panties showing, and it didn't seem to bother them a bit. Stacey, a redheaded girl, had white panties on, and I could see that there was a little streak of yellow between her cunt lips. She too had either not wiped all the drips up, pulled her panties up too fast, or had had a little leak! She was fidgeting around a bit and I guessed that she wanted to go, but was trying to finish the cutting out she was doing first.

Sure enough, a few minutes later she was hopping up and down wanting to know where the bathroom was. I told her. When she returned I was eager to see if she had a damp patch on her panties too. I tried to sneak a look for a couple of minutes, but she was facing the wrong way, and I didn't want to make my attentions obvious. Finally, she sat down facing me, and sure enough after a few moments her dress rode higher and higher. I almost gasped out loud. Stacey wasn't wearing ANY panties now! She was sat there, cross-legged, exposing her lovely little cunt to me. It was beautiful and rounded. A plump mons - totally bear - with a slit that seemed to go on forever. Sometimes when she moved I got the tiniest glimpse of pinky-red as her lips parted and showed a fraction of her inner portions. Then I started thinking - Where were those panties and why had she taken them off? The answer, or the only answer that I could think of, was that she had actually had a little accident of the way to the bathroom, and didn't want to sit around in wet knickers. Quite sensible, really!

She must have hidden them. Her uniform didn't have any pockets so I thought that they must be in her coat pocket. I started to make small talk with the girls and casually, after a few minutes, asked them what types of coats they had. It was a long-winded way to go about things, but I found out that Stacey's coat was red. I then made some excuse about making myself another cup of coffee and left them and went out into the hallway. As soon as I was outside I went straight for Stacey's red coat and looked through the pockets. There, in the lefthand pocket, I discovered a small pair of white panties. I immediately slipped up to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat down on the toilet seat lid and opened up the moist material in my hand. I was right, she had had an accident. Her panties were soaked in her pee. I lifted the material to my nose and started to smell the aroma of little girl pee. It was a new, sweet smell. I sat for a full five minutes smelling each piece of the material, and getting a good sniff of Stacey. I was getting very worked up by then and pausing only for a second selected the dampest patch on the panties and started to suck Stacey's pee into my mouth. This was something I had never done before, and hadn't even contemplated before today, but somehow I was so worked up I simply HAD to do it. This little girls pee tasted so good. I wondered why I had never had the urge, or tried this sort of thing before. With the taste in my mouth, and the smell in my nose I simply had to have a wank. I was feeling really good when I was brought back down to earth with a tremendous crash! There was a knock at the door and a small voice asked if I was going to be long because she was absolutely bursting and couldn't hold it much longer! I pulled myself together ( in more ways than one! ) and hid the panties in the laundry basket. I went over to the door, unlocked it and opened it. There stood a little brownie, all red in the face with her legs crossed. She pushed past me and headed straight for the toilet. Before I could even draw breath she had hitched up her uniform, pulled down her panties and was sat on the seat facing me. By then all rational thought had left my head and I shut the door and locked it again. The girl, Susie, didn't seem alarmed. I boldly walked up to her, sank down to my knees and pushed her slightly back on the seat. I told her that I had never seen a litle girl pee before and I wanted to watch. She looked at me in a strange way for a second, then shifted herself back a fraction more so that I could get a better look. Her little lips were parted and I could see a small jet of her golden liquid shoot down into the bowl. She stopped the first 'push' and I told her to stop. I asked her if I could see inside a bit more - she nodded and I carefully used my fingers to part her cunt lips. She started to pee again and I could see further into her hole. I slipped one finger a little closer and let this little angel's warm pee flow over it. I heard a noise and looked round. Shit!! I hadn't shut the door properly, let alone locked it, and there behind me stood watching were the whole group. I went bright red - I hadn't a clue what to do. I stood up and walked towards them. The phone rang. Saved for the moment I walked straight past them and down to the phone. It was Jenny. She had be asked to stay for a while and hoped I didn't mind. The girls mothers would be round to pick them up in a couple of hours. I mumbled that I didn't mind and put the phone down. What to do about these little brownies? I walked slowly back upstairs and into the bathroom, and what I saw took my breath away. Six little brownies all standing in a row in just their panties, save for Stacey who was nude. ( I remember where I had put her wet ones! ) I don't know what kind of game they thought that they were playing but I certainly wanted to join in the fun. It was Stacey who spoke. "Susie says she let you watch her pee. Now we want to see you pee!" What was I to say? I stepped forward to the toilet bowl and unzipped my fly. My prick shot out like a rabbit out of a hole. The little girls gathered round and looked intently at my prick. I struggled hard. It is damn near impossible to pee with a raging hard-on! A few little squirts of pee shot from the little hole at the end of my cock and splashed into the water in the pan. These little girls seemed quite excited by what they had seen. Stacey spoke again. "Do you want to touch my pussy?" she asked in a very matter-of-fact way. I moved over towards her and she stood there, nude with a great big smile on her face. I knelt down in front of her and reached out and stroked a finger over her plump little mons. She shuffled a bit and widened her legs slightly. My finger traced the outline of her little slit, and then I went a little further, letting my finger dip in between the folds of skin. She giggled. God this whole thing was blowing my mind - I just couldn't help myself. I picked up this little brownie and laid her on the floor, parted her legs and started to lick at her tiny cunt. I pulled back her lips to expose the pinkness of her cunt and lapped furiously at her clit. The girl just rolled around under my tongue. She tasted so good. I drove my tongue deeper and deeper into her hole as she twisted underneath me. The other brownies were jostling for position to watch the action. She obviously liked what was going on as she purred away as I licked her slit. I looked up at one point to see another little brownie, no more than 6 inches away, rubbing at her slit through her panties. My cock was so very stiff. I had never thought that a group of little eight year-olds could get me so steamed up! Just then I heard a voice behind me! "Michael!!" shouted Jenny. I turned to see my girlfriend standing in the doorway. I didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think. I just sat on the bathroom floor, surrounded by little brownies. "I see you've been getting to know my little brownies. You dirty old man. Have you fucked one yet?" I was surprised at her tone and the language she was using. I just looked at her. "I take that as a no." she continued. "I hope you have damaged any of them with your big cock. They're only little girls. Well, anyway - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I began to realize that she had planned the whole thing. She wanted me to have sex with these little girls, she wanted to pretend to catch me. The brownies wanted it too! From behind Jenny appeared Pat, the girl she was supposed to have taken home. She was completely nude except for a red ribbon tied round her middle. "Here's your birthday present, darling! " cried Jenny. "and she fucks too!" All the little brownies cheered as Pat walked forward and pushed me back onto the floor. Then she climbed onto me, positioning her cunt over my mouth. What else was I to do but lick the girl out. I could feel lots of pairs of hands working at my jeans. Soon they had the belt off, the buttons undone and were pulling them down my legs. Next to go were my shorts, my aching prick stood bolt upright. I could feel several little tongues licking up and down my tool, then a small warm mouth closed over the end. God, I nearly came there and then. Pat slowly slid down my body and I got a look at all the little brownies, now completely naked, licking and sucking at my cock in turn. It was Stacey who had closed her mouth over my tip. Jenny ushered them away as Pat moved back. They all gathered round to watch little Pat position herself over my cock and slowly slip down. First the head then two inches, then three, four, five..... This eight-year-old was going to take six inches inside herself. Jenny stood above her and held her under the armpits incase she needed to get off in a hurry, but soon the little darling had taken all 6 inches of my fat cock into her lovely warm, tight cunt. I could feel the end of my prick touching the top of her insides. She started to move up and down, with Jenny's help, and I could feel my prick about to burst. I was having my cock sucked out by a tiny, eight-year-old brownie. It was all too much. I tried to hold on, but I couldn't. My cock twitched and I rammed it as far up into Pat as I could and deposited was seemed like a gallon of come. As my cock twitched for the last time Jenny lifted Pat of and laid her on the floor. Two little brownies immediately parted her legs and started to take turns licking my come from their friend's bald pussy. Stacey and another of the girls were licking my cock clean and a third sat on my face, grinding her love box into my mouth. I obliged by licking her as hard as I could. I could just see Jenny, out of the corner of my eye. She was lying on the floor with her mouth open and a small naked body was standing over her, legs apart, pissing into her open mouth. We have the brownies round every few weeks now and I get to fuck little pat any time I want! We get up to loads of other things as well - but that can wait for another time!