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April, 1999 - Previous Issues in City of Mt. Shasta

October, 1999

Appeal of Use Permit for Ace Hardware's Outdoor Storage Enclosure

    • Ace proposes to expand its sales and storage area both beyond what the City's General Plan permits, and to allow it to sell odor causing steer manure and various lumberyard materials downtown in spite of Zoning Ordinance prohibitions. By expanding its sales area, Ace cannot provide as much parking in its parking lot. It already expanded its building on the other side causing 10 parking spaces to be lost. And it is not providing the other 18 or so parking spaces its project expansion requires. But why worry about parking when there's all that publicly funded parking right there on Castle Street that Ace can use for its own private purposes? The trouble is that Ace is essentially expecting the public to also pay perhaps as much as $120,000 to $200,000 for the parking which Ace should be providing at its own cost! Ace won't let you steal its merchandize, so why should other business owners and members of the public allow it to reach into their pockets like this? We are blowing the whistle on this offensive behavior. Mt. Shasta Tomorrow's appeal hinges on both preventing theft of public resources as well as having our planning laws followed to ultimately protect our downtown's vitality and attractiveness. Click on the above link for the underlying details which we've just submitted to the City. This Appeal Hearing is scheduled for Monday, October 25, 1999 at 7:00 pm at the Community Center in case you want to participate in helping positively shape Mt. Shasta's future. Ace Hardware's owners will have plenty of its supporters there to seek special privileges for it and attempt to distract the Council members from the real issues before them.

(Web site is still under construction so all pages may not be accessible yet)

Mt. Shasta Tomorrow - Mailing Address: 101 E. Alma Street, Suite 100-A, Mt. Shasta, California 96067

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