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  • W R I T E R / C O O R D I N A T O R

An A. B. Political Science graduate from Lyceum of the Philippines, Lucky's second place finish in the 1995 National Rizal Quiz held annualy in Baguio City gave birth to Lyceum's version of the competition. He is at present taking up his Master of Arts in Education degree in the same institution and is expected to finish the course in 1999.

His penchant for writing gave him awards in various competitions both local and international. A member of the Elite Quizzers' League whom he founded together with Edric Andrey Cruz, Redenthor Lubuguin, Randy Ogaya, and Jan Ardosa - all of them "Battle of the Brains" veterans - he competed in quiz-type competitions in Lyceum before joining the National Rizal Quiz whom he lost via one-point-clincher-round decision. He once became a member and two time technical committee chairman of the Lyceum Debating Society; vice chairman of the Lyceum Historical Society; and managing editor 2 of the Lyceum Independent Sentinel publications.

Describe as a shy, quiet type of person, he's planning to take up Law after his Masteral Studies. Together with Red Lubuguin, Lucky's at present organizing the Lyceum Rizal Quiz and is planning to join Pithaya, a mountaineering group.

"There is no adequate justice when too few of the people have too many while too many have too few."
Alonzo Laqui

  • D E S I G N E R / P R O G R A M M E R


An Electronics and Communication Engineering student with Computer Engineering students skills, or better. A Battle of the Brains veteran, he is the 1996 National Rizal Quiz and Lyceum of the Philippines History Quiz champion. An environmentalist at heart, Red is one of the founding members of PITHAYA, a budding mountaineering group.

A sports buff, he indulges himself in different sports activities. He's a member of the Rowers Club-PHILIPPINES, a good basketball player (playing guard-forward), dart fan, and a POWER-UP wall climbing member. His varying interest drove him to try floriculture, cultivating different flower species. He'll be proud to show his mexican sunflower,roses, and orchids at home. Aside from JPR CUP webpage - he's planning to design another website dedicated to the preservation of our natural environment, the KALIKASAN WEB.

Their group recently launched a clean-up drive in Mt. Maculot in Cuenca, Batangas, and is planning to do the same in other mountains which they can reach. A plant- a-tree project in Mt. Maculot is also being planned where they aim to contribute 100 fruit trees, their way of celebrating the Philippines 100th year. After graduation, Red wants to further his studies by taking up a M.A in ECE specializing in communications technology.

"It is better to be hated for what I am, than to be loved for what I have not"


Page created and maintained by
red lubuguin and alonzo laqui
Last updated Oct.1998