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Amby's Place
Thursday, 11 December 2003
Wednesdays Entry
I sincerly apoligize to any one who read wednesdays entry......i read back over it today and was quite discusted with myself for putting such a terrible thing out for the world to read.
ahh....i guess it comes with being LAME AS HELL!

Posted by mt/petrifiedsap2 at 3:05 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 11 December 2003 3:06 PM CST
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Well is such a freakin wierd day. Surreal in fact. Like walking thru a daze...yet i seem to get things done. It's one of those days when you have NO reason not be happy.....but I'm just to blah to even care about it. I mean I am doing good and all but sometimes a blah day just happens. I am freaking out about alot of stuff. Ashlyn getting older, I'm getting older, What the hell am i going to do with my life. I know be a mom and wife, but what else. I guess nothing is more productive, i am just BORED sometimes. Staying home is nice. but it feels like my mind is constantly in a state of numbness. I need a challange....something to use my mind on....i feel like a waste of flesh and all just sitting around. ugh.......................................
Anyway. Things should get better in a week or 2...take care

Posted by mt/petrifiedsap2 at 2:58 PM CST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003
Snow Day
Ugh...Today is miserable. Not only is it cold and dreary out, but I am ripping my hair out with websiter insanity. Turns out, I forgot 85% of the little I once knew. I am now the idiot who asks "How do you make a thumbnail picture again?"...........SUCK! I have added a ton of pictures to Josh's site go to You can see them there under Wells Family Album. Anyway, aside from my brain falling out from my new found state of stupidity & forgetfulness, I am doing fine! :)

Posted by mt/petrifiedsap2 at 4:17 PM CST
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Monday, 8 December 2003
Hey everyone! I decided to do up a new format so that I could keep everyone up to date and people can let me know whats going on! :)
As some of you know, Jon and I just got a new computer. I am really excited because it has been so long since we have owned one! :) WOO!
Ashlyn is growing so much! She has 2 teeth coming in. They are on the bottom. you can check out her site at

Well....take care!

Posted by mt/petrifiedsap2 at 11:41 PM CST
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