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Pen and Pic


Unexpected Present

A Friend

Dark Night Sky




Open Letter

SoulMates and Settling


Updated December 18, 2003


YES! I finally updated my homepage!(again! lol)Tis the season to be jolly.... well I am 'usually' jolly except for the fact that my love is far from me and I am not sure when we will be able to get together again. Sooner the better I say. Will just have to wait patiently since it is totally and completely out of my hands. And I don't like it! Doesn't that drive you crazy??? It sure does me!!!

Anyways.... Just an FYI, just because you see that the homepage hasn't been updated in awhile, it doesn't mean I haven't blogged or added stuff to my website. So don't let that be decieving to you, ok??? I have had people ask 'when are you going to update your site.' Well it is!!! Just not the homepage! :o)

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. I hope the weather and your family treats you well. As well as YOU treat your family well in return. Whether they are treating you like you want them to or not. I firmly believe in treating other people the way you want to be treated. So remember that next time you feel like 'killing' some one! :o)

Until later; Take Care!

Peeking Through My Window...

design by phil of all people