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Dumas Brothel
Butte, Montana

In mid-March, Umbria was contacted by a woman named Teri Goodson regarding the restoration of the Dumas Brothel in Butte, Montana. The property was a brothel from its construction in 1890 until its lockdown in 1982. It was recently purchased by the International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture, and Education to be used as their international museum and cultural center. The restoration begins this summer and will most likely continue each summer through 2002. Teri's first e-mail reads in part:

"Rudy Guicek, the museum curator, has spent many hours there. He has some very interesting photographs and strange experiences to share. He's convinced the Dumas has at least one spirit. A married couple he knows once spent the night there on the same floor where a madam was reputedly murdered. During the night, the man and his wife woke up and saw an unknown woman staring at them. Then the strange woman vanished without a trace. When I visited the Dumas with a friend, we both had unusual things happen. I experienced a very strong scent in an unused room which was completely unattributed to any natural phenomena. My friend sat on a bed in one of the rooms and felt that something had pushed him up and off the bed. I also tried to talk to one spirit, perhaps the "madam," and reassure it that we would try to find someone who had the expertise to help it. I seemed to sense a personality in the room with me which was quiet as if it was listening, and I don't think it was my imagination."

We will be in Butte this summer to investigate the Dumas and possibly give a lecture on ghost-hunting, as well as participating in the restoration of this historic building.

For more information on the restoration and ISWFACE, please visit their webpage at

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