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The cast of The Matrix is as diverse as the movie itself. It stars a variety of cahracters such as:

Neo is the main character of the Matrix. He was living in the year 1999, when Morpheus pulled him out into the real world. He has been chosen to be the one to finaly defeat the Matrix. It is up to him to save humanity.

Morpheus is the leader of the resistance and the commander of the Nebuchadnezzar. He has been told by the oracle that he would find the one. He belives he has with Neo. Morpheus helps Neo with his training and helps him get over the fear of being the one.

Trinity is the second in command of the Neb. She can kick some major ass as you will find out in the movie. She helps Neo cope with the fact that he has been chosen. She might even start to like him.

Agent Smith is the head program sent by the Matrix to keep everything under control. Although completely a program, he is sentient and can feel, smell, taste, and has emotions. He is nearly indestructable and has never been beaten. He is incredibly fast, but still operates inside the rules of the Matrix.

Cypher is one of the members of the Neb. He complains often and wished he would have taken the blue pill. I would watch him if I were you.

Tank is the operator of the Neb. He and his twin brother Dozer were born free of the Matrix. He coaches the team while on leave and uploads programs directly to them.

Twin brother of Tank, he is the cook of the Neb. Famous for his beer which some may say is better for unclogging drains than to drink.

Mouse is a young energetic genius. He designs programs for the small Matrix in the ship. He carries the big guns.

Apok is the driver on away missions. He was assigned to the group for backup. His weapon of choice is anything that fires fast and has a large payload.

Switch was also assigned for backup. She uses handguns, but will probably accept anything you give to her.