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In the face of the increasing violence and immorality of the end times and the shamelessness and arrogance of corrupt leaders, it’s easy to feel powerless to do anything about this deplorable situation. This is what our corrupt leaders want us to feel so that we will submit, out of fear and helplessness, to ever increasing encroachments on our freedoms. But we, in fact, do have the power to effect change for the good and expose the evil and remove the fallen ones from power.


Love is the greatest force in the universe. Love is meant to be given freely and multiplied. The more love that you give out, the more love that comes back to you. It is the law. The following is a way you can spread love a billion times. Print it out and give it along with your acts of love to others so that they can keep the snowball rolling:


Do you feel powerless to bring about positive change in the world? "What can I do?" you might ask, "I’m just one person." What you can do is multiply yourself by the power of 10. That is 1 followed by a circle; one person, yourself, followed by a chain reaction of love and kindness that will circle the earth and touch every man, woman and child.

Here’s how it works. make a commitment to perform at least 10 acts of kindness in the course of one week or less. Ask each person you touch to do the same, and so on. The best way to do this is to give them a copy of this letter. If everyone follows through everyone on earth will have been blessed with some kindness in a little over two months.

Your not concerned about effecting change for the good in the world? Still, you should use the power of 10 out of enlightened self interest. If you spread love and kindness, it will come back to you many times over. This is the law of the universe expressed in such sayings as "What goes around, comes around," and "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Can’t think of anything to do for others. Here’s a list of ideas to get you going:

1. Call someone you haven’t called in a long time and tell them about the power of 10.

2. Give someone a 10 dollar tip.

3. Give the mailman a cup of coffee or a cool drink, depending on the weather.

4. Buy a bouquet of roses and hand them out to strangers wrapped in this letter.

5. Help an elderly neighbor with a chore or errand.

6. Put a nickel in a parking meter before someone gets a ticket.

7. Write a letter to a serviceman overseas.

8. Forgive someone a debt.

9. Baby-sit for free.

10. Cook a meal for an invalid.

11. Send a basket of fruit to a teacher, pastor, janitor, etc. to show appreciation.

Remember, you’re not limited to ten in one week. You can hand out a dozen roses today. You can also help get this snowball of love and kindness rolling by copying, faxing, and e-mailing this letter and posting it on bulletin boards. God bless you!



We can also bring about positive change by spreading our good ideas and the teachings of the Ascended Masters and exposing the bad ideas and actions of the fallen ones through letters to congressmen and editors, and putting them on the Internet. The Mandala of Light e-zine and discussion forum are two examples of this.

In his "State of the Nation’s Consciousness" dictation, El Morya said, "Keepers of the Flame in every nation can educate the public and show the workability of solutions to various problems, solutions that might not be evident to the majority. Public opinion can be influenced by writing to the editors of newspapers, by appearing on radio and television to convey the message of freedom."(135)

The majority of Americans are asleep. If they are not awakened and warned by minute men and women of St. Germain, they will continue to sleep until they are rudely tossed out of their beds of ignorance by some political, economic or social upheaval.

You ask, "What can I do? Who will listen to me? I’m just one small voice among many." The World Teacher, Jesus Christ answered this question when he said, "...what did I accomplish - one voice? Well, I was not one voice. I was the voice of the living Word. I was the voice of God speaking.... You also are the instrument of the Word. And when the Word is spoken and the Truth is declared, it impresses itself upon your soul and unites with the Word in all other children of the Light. And it is heard, it is known, and there is a self-correcting force in the very fabric of society which, when the Word does impinge upon it, forces the alignment of atoms and molecules. And the trends in society change and are remolded and aligned with the divine force of the Universal Word..."(136)

The truth of this statement was demonstrated by a Keeper of the Flame. During one winter, she wrote 27 articles that exposed the fallen ones nation by nation. Even though none of them were published, she noticed that major newspapers and magazines had feature stories on the topics of her articles soon after she submitted them.

The alchemy

1. Dedicate the article to an ascended master, archangel, etc. before starting work on it.

2. Burn one copy of the final draft addressed to that master.

3. Decree to that master about the article for 7 days.

In addition to this inner alchemy of the Word, there are outer effects that change policies and public opinion whenever you speak or write the truth. The most influential form of communication in shaping legislative policies and decisions are the personal letters congressmen receive from their constituents. Every letter is multiplied thousands of times since it is considered to be a representative sample of constituent opinion. When you add your voice with others through a letter writing campaign, you can achieve resounding victories. However, form letters are not effective since they indicate that you’re not concerned enough to write your own letter.

Another effective use of the power of the written word is writing articles and letters to the editor of newspapers. The "Letters to the Editor" and Op-Ed columns have the widest readership of any column in newspapers and magazines. Thus, a letter or guest editorial in a major newspaper might be read by millions of people as well as legislators. Don’t think that these big newspapers will automatically reject your opinion because it doesn’t conform to their liberal point of view. They occasionally will print conservative material just to show that they are fair and not one-sided.

A good letter or editorial should provide intellectual ammunition to those already on your side, convince those who are on the fence to come over, and give opponents a new perspective on an issue they can’t easily dismiss. the most important factor in successful letter writing is to do it now. If you procrastinate, chances are you will never write that letter or editorial. Or if you eventually get around to it, it won’t be as good because your initial enthusiasm has cooled. Also, the issue would be old news by then. So always carry a pen and notepad, and when an ideas comes into your mind, stop what you’re doing and jot it down.

The power of ideas can be multiplied and spread, just as the power of love in the previous section, by forming a Writers’ Roundtable, a group of writers who discuss and share their letters, editorials and articles, improve them and submit them to many newspapers and magazines. This is how it works. Find Keepers of the Flame and Lightbearers who write letters to the editor by searching the "Letters to the Editor" column in major newspapers. Usually the writer’s name and address is included with the letter. You will know which ones are good candidates for the Writers’ Roundtable by the flavor and content of their letter. Avoid fanatics. Write the following to each candidate:

Dear Mr. _____:

I read your letter to the editor in the New York Times (or whatever) and agree wholeheartedly with your views. I feel your letter should be read by as many people as possible. I belong to an organization called the Writers’ Roundtable. It is composed of letter writers such as you who discuss ways of improving each others letters and allow each other to publish their letters. Your letter could be published in major newspapers across the country under the names of the Writers’ roundtable members in those cities.

All you have to do is give them permission to do so. In return you can submit their letters under your name to the New York Times. In this way the truth will get out to more people than if we were separate writers submitting our own letters to our local paper. Remember, you don’t have to send every letter, just those you wholeheartedly agree with. If there is something you want to change about a letter, you can discuss it with the member who originally wrote it. Together we can improve and multiply our writing. If "the pen is mightier than the sword," an army of pen-wielding writers is invincible and victorious!

The Writers Roundtable could work through postal mail, but it would be slow. The only way to do it, in my opinion, is through an Internet discussion group that you can form for free through or


Those who are Keepers of the Flame need no explanation of the power of the spoken Word. For those who are not, the following is a good introduction. To find out more, visit In "The Science of the Spoken Word," Saint Germain described a decree in terms of a three-part letter to God: "1) The salutation of the decree is invocative. It is addressed to the individualized God Presence of every son and daughter of God and to those servants of God who comprise the spiritual hierarchy. This salutation (the preamble of the decree), when reverently given, is a call that compels the answer from the ascended ones. We could no more refuse to answer this summons in our octave than could your firemen refuse to answer a call for help in yours. The purpose of the salutation, then, is to engage immediately the energies of the ascended masters in answering the body of your letter to God which you so lovingly vocalize individually or in unison. 2) The body of your letter is composed of statement phrasing your desires, the qualifications you would invoke for self and others, and the supplication that would be involved even in ordinary prayer. Having released the power of the spoken Word through your outer consciousness, your subconscious mind, and your superconscious or Higher Self, you can rest assured that the supreme consciousness of the ascended masters whom you have invoked is also concerned with the manifestations of that which you have called forth. 3) Now you come to the close of your decree, the acceptance, the sealing of the letter in the heart of God, released with a sense of commitment into the realm of the Spirit whence manifestation must return to the world of material form according to the unerring laws of alchemy (the all chemistry of God) and precipitation."(137)

Just as a group of writers can have an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual parts, so too can a group of Keepers of the Flame who focus their decrees on certain issues. This is the purpose of the Mandala of Light. It is not limited by policy and dogma. Keepers of the Flame, Torch Bearers, Light Bearers, or any rose by another name from any organization who want to join in this effort to change the world, to avert prophecy, to defeat the fallen ones through the power of the spoken Word can read the articles presented here, join in the discussion at, and decree, pray, intone mantras, etc.