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Imagine a map of the world that points out the best places for you to find love, wealth, fame, enlightenment; and the places of danger, drudgery and delusion you should avoid. Well, there is such a map, generated by a computer program that calculates your relocated astrology for thousands of points on the planet. This program was designed by Jim Lewis, the world’s foremost authority on Astrocartography, and has been found to be valid and extremely accurate.

I can vouch for its accuracy and usefulness from my own experience as well as that of clients whom I have helped relocate. When I first got my astrocartography map back in 1983, I was amazed by one of the lines, Jupiter on the ascendant, which went right over Malibu, California and Corwin Springs, Montana, the former and present headquarters of Church Universal and Triumphant where I spent eight years from 1984 to 1991. Here is the interpretation for this line: "Spiritual evolution is possible here. You grow and evolve under the protection of deities or forces favorable to you. Religion and education flourish under this line. Every need is taken care of, so this is one of the least stressful and challenging places to be."(133) This exactly describes my experiences at Camelot and the Royal Teton Ranch.

My experiences at another place I visited for a month, New Delhi, India is accurately described by astrocartography. On my map New Delhi is right under the intersection of a Mercury line and a Pluto line. Here is the interpretation of this crossing: "It is hard here to get any meaningful information, and language or speech difficulties tend to cut you off from others. You are attracted to forbiddenly technical or bizarre areas of thought and you require a new symbol code as information inside and outside yourself are linked in new ways."(134) I did find it hard to get any meaningful information from the Indians even though many spoke English. I was attending a Vedic Science course which was integrating modern science with the Vedas. I would spend hours listening to quantum physics or other abstract subject and how it related to certain verses in the Rid Veda, then I would meditate and experience a vision of the universe as spiralling circles of galaxies around a central hub sun.

I remember one client who came to me on crutches. She had been in several accidents and had been physically assaulted and wanted to know if the Bozeman and Livingston, Montana area was bad for her. I took one look at her map with the Pluto on the Midheaven line going right over Bozeman/Livingston and called her immediately. I told her that it was a miracle she was still alive and that she should move away as soon as possible. She stubbornly insisted on staying another year to finish her degree and continued to experience physical problems, but I think she eventually moved to Hawaii, which happened to be the best place for her to live. She had courage and, by God’s grace she survived the intense karma of a Pluto on the midheaven line. John F. Kennedy didn’t; Dallas was right under his Pluto on the midheaven line.

I think people are attracted to locations where they have a Saturn, Pluto, Mars or other difficult line so that they can balance karma. (I moved back to Connecticut where I have a Saturn on the Descendant line from 1970 to 1974 when I balanced a lot of karma with family.) Perhaps these locations are where they made the karma in past embodiments. Then after a few months or years, they move on to a place near a Jupiter, Sun, Venus or other easy line to recover. (I now live near a Jupiter and Venus line.) It may not be Hawaii, but it will be a good place for them. With an astrocartography map, you can chart the course of your life. I consider it an essential tool for those who travel often, who are planning a vacation, or who want to move to a better place. For more information, e-mail me at