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I have been using the chi machine for over seven weeks now, and I am happy to report that I no longer have any problem falling asleep on weekend nights, and even though I sleep for only 3 to 5 hours, I wake up refreshed as though I have slept 8 hours. Also I have more energy. I no longer get exhausted doing hard physical work for 10 hours a day during the week. And my back, shoulder and neck have been realigned so that I feel less pain and stiffness, which is amazing, considering the fact that repeated visits to chiropractors and physical therapists over the past five years have not helped. I feel and look younger. My wife has had similar results. I could devote ten pages of other testimonials from people who have benefited from the chi machine, but instead I will concentrate on its proper use and other modalities that can enhance it effects. Thus, this article is mainly for those who already have a chi machine. If you don’t have one, go to The Chi Place and order one now.

The Sun Harmony chi machine retails at $660, but you can get it for the wholesale price of $460 if you become a distributor. You don’t like selling? That’s fine; you don’t have to sell and no one will pressure you to do so. But the machine sells itself. A visiting relative, friend or neighbor may try it out and may want to buy one. It would be convenient if you could sell it yourself instead of referring them to a third party. Distributor dues are only $18/year and you can cancel after the first year. If you think the $460 is too much, consider this. An elderly lady who read my first article came to try out my chi machine. She told me that an acupuncturist diagnosed her as severely chi deficient and recommend a series of treatments at $45 per treatment. She figured that her money would be better spent on a machine that is designed to increase chi rather than an expensive treatment program that had no guarantee of success. She would spend almost as much with just 10 treatment as she would purchasing a machine she could use for years. She made a wise decision.

There are three cheap imitations that I know of on the market with retail prices ranging from $98 to $398. Don’t be fooled. They may look like a chi machine but they don’t produce the beneficial effects. In fact, they may cause harmful effects such as back injuries due to their harsh and jarring movements at the wrong speed. Also, since they are poorly constructed, they don’t last. If it doesn’t have "Sun Harmony" in it’s name, it’s not the real chi machine. It’s unfortunate that unscrupulous profiteers are ripping people off and harming them with their back-engineered fakes, but they are being taken to court for patent violations and hopefully their contraptions will soon be off the market.

Once you purchase your chi machine and experience the benefits of using it for just 5 minutes twice a day, you will be tempted to increase the time to 10 minutes or more. Don’t do it! With the chi machine, less is better, especially in the beginning. moderation is the key to success in all detoxification regimens such as fasting and saunas. The chi machine is no exception. I learned this the hard way when I increased my time from 4 minutes to 8 and experienced soreness in my back from too much realignment all at once. This went away after I reverted to 4 minutes. Now I’m up to 6 minutes with no discomfort. Most people who increase their time too soon, learn to cut back. The effects of not drinking enough water before and after a chi machine session are similar to those of overdoing it. I forgot once and got a headache. Water aids in the elimination of toxins from your cells. If you don’t have enough water in your system, the toxins stay in your blood. I was amazed at number of trips to the bathroom I had to take when I first began using the chi machine. People who have tried my machine are equally amazed. The only other time I have experienced such massive elimination is when I fasted on water or juice for three days.

The positive effects of the chi machine are enhanced by deep breathing. I began using Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise and discovered a few days later that most Keepers of the Flame who own a chi machine do it. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with this technique, I will describe it here: First sit confortably in a meditative posture with feet flat on the floor, hands cupped in your lap, head erect, eyes level, and chin drawn in. Then give the Call to the Fire Breath three times slowly, rhythmically, and with feeling. As you give this call, visualize your aura as an ovoid of white light surrounding your body. See it increase in intensity as the swirling white mist that is the fire breath of God flows first from your heart chakra and eventually from all your chakras. No lie down, put your feet in the chi machine stirrups, and turn it on. Take a few deep breaths then, to the count of eight, draw in through your nostrils the sacred fire breath. See it as pure white light as you inflate your diaphragm like a balloon. Now to the count of eight, hold the air and visualize it flowing through your veins and nervous system, penetrating every cell of your body and absorbing all impurities. Visualize these impurities leaving your body as you exhale slowly to the count of eight. Finally, hold for eight beats without breathing in. When this process becomes automatic, you may replace the counting to eight with the eight syllables of the affirmation, "I AM Alpha and Omega!"

When the chi machine turns itself off, continue doing Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise, because 60% of the oxygenation occurs after the machine stops. However, instead of lying still, stretch and contact your muscles and joints during the inbreath and first retention then totally relax during the outbreath and second retention. If you’ve ever watched a dog preparing to take a nap, he first shakes himself vigorously, then he lays down and stretches out to his full length and relaxes. The shaking probably has an effect similar to that of the chi machine.

I combine three other techniques with the chi machine: castor oil massage of my feet and any sore areas beforehand, listening to Tibetan singing bowls during the chi machine session, and practicing the five rites of rejuvenation afterwards. The castor oil increases blood circulation and acts as a catalyst in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, while assisting in the efficient disposal of toxic waste from the cells. The singing bowls put my mind in a state of deep meditation which the chi machine tends to do anyway. At the end of a session I am in a state of heightened awareness and my thoughts are powerful. Once I thought of calling someone and the phone rang. When I answered it, it was the person I was thinking of. A few minutes later, while in the shower, I thought of calling my wife. The phone rang again. You guessed it. I told my wife that I had to be careful from now to refrain from thinking of calling someone till after I am done with the chi machine and after I’m out of the shower.

The five rites of rejuvenation are special hatha yoga exercises that have been used by Tibetan monks to reverse aging. When I first began doing the five rites, I was very stiff and had difficulty doing just five repetitions. Now I can easily do 15 repetitions almost as expertly as a yogi. I attribute this transformation partly to the chi machine realigning my spine and partly to the working out of the kinks during daily practice of the five rites.

In conclusion, I consider the chi machine an effective health maintenance device that should be in every home along with other essential appliances like the refrigerator, phone, computer (I consider it so), washer and dryer. With correct use and the addition of other modalities, it can quickly erase years off your body, sharpen your mind, and improve your quality of life. If you have any questions about specific ailments, I have dozens of pages of testimonies about how the chi machine has helped numerous problems from aches and pains to viral infections to getting more zzz’s. Just e-mail me at with your postal address and I will mail you a copy of the testimonies you are interested in.