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When I posted "Chart Your Course by the Stars," I didn’t expect the huge response from readers that followed. Many e-mailed me wanting to know more about astrocartography. I did reports and maps for seven people. This article is a further examination of this branch of astrology using the seven cases as examples. The names have been changed to protect their privacy.

Usually when I do astrocartography reports for a couple, the best place for one is usually not the best place for the other. So, in most cases, they have to compromise. For example, if one wants to go to college and Madison, Wisconsin is where he has a Mercury line, but his partner has a Saturn line, indicating hardships, near Madison, they have to decide if the negative energies of Saturn can be dealt with for a few years so that the beneficial influence of Mercury can be taken advantage of. They should take into consideration the fact that Saturn can strengthen an individual if he passes it’s tests.

I encountered an exception to the above rule recently when I did reports for two men who were life-long, inseparable buddies. They wanted to find the best place to fulfill their goals and aspirations. Bob wanted a place conducive to spiritual advancement and education and Bill wanted the best place for finances, romance and career. When I compared their maps, I was amazed to find that they both had lines going down the West Coast at around 123 W. longitude. Bob had a Jupiter on the I.C. line and Bill had a Venus on the Midheaven line at that longitude. What was really amazing is that the influence of these lines would fulfill there respective goals. In narrowing down the search for the best place along that longitude, I looked at their crossing latitudes. That is, latitudes where two lines intersected. Bob had two Jupiter/Venus crossings near the latitude of Portland, Oregon. Bill had a Jupiter/Saturn crossing at that same latitude. Again, these were conducive to their goals. When I e-mailed Bob the results of their reports, he replied that Bill had been yearning to go to Oregon and lately that’s all he seemed to be talking about. Read Bob's letter about his report in Letter to the Editor

The two lessons in the above story are that: (1) two people who have karma together would probably have similar astrocartography. Bob and Bill had negative lines going near their present location and positive lines near Portland. And (2) Each person knows intuitively where his or her best place is and places where their karmic records are. Astrocartography just confirms it. I recently did reports for two woman, Betty in a southern state and Maria in South America. Both felt that there were where they were supposed to be, but just wanted to make sure. I discovered that their present place was good, but if they moved a little closer to a Jupiter line and a benefic crossing latitude, they would be in their best place. Both decided to stay. Betty didn’t like the hotter and more humid climate of her best place in Florida, and Maria didn’t want to leave her beautiful mountain paradise to move to her best place near the coast. Thus, you don’t have to move to your best place to find happiness and fulfillment. I told Maria that she had a Venus line going right through the Inner Retreat (just about every Keeper of the Flame I have done an astrocartography report for has one or more lines going through or near the Inner Retreat) and it would be a good place to vacation. I didn’t tell her that it would also be a good place to fall in love since I felt that would be too personal. She e-mailed me back saying that the Inner Retreat was so much more than a vacation place. It was where she first met her ex-husband and her present boyfriend.

Betty told me she had a feeling about Greece, that perhaps she had some karmic records there. Sure enough, her map shows a Saturn line going right through Greece. I advised her to avoid Northern Greece where there was a Uranus/Neptune crossing and just visit southern Greece and then isles where she had a Venus/Jupiter crossing. That same crossing latitude went through Las Vegas where she also had a Venus on the Midheaven line. I suggested that Las Vegas would be a good place to vacation. She e-mailed back that she did vacation in Las Vegas, had a great time and even won some money playing the slots.

Some people choose to live in a place with malefic planetary lines, such as Neptune or Pluto even when they are told the possible consequences because they have to balance karma or fulfill dharma in that place. I wrote about the woman who had a Pluto on the Midheaven line going through Bozeman/Livingston, Montana in the last issue. Even though she had been in five serious accidents and was a physical wreck, her spirit was indomitable, and she chose to remain until she got her degree. By the way, my wife saw her last weekend. She is back in Bozeman for a short visit, is doing great and has been all over the world. Which goes to prove that there is life after Pluto. I just spoke with Susan yesterday who also has a Pluto on the Midheaven line going right through the Bozeman pass. She has been in this area for over a dozen years and, by God’s grace, hasn’t had any serious accidents. But she has endured the intense effects of this line psychologically long enough and feels it is time to move on to a less onerous place. I suggested the Chicago-Milwaukee area where she has three beneficial lines: Jupiter on the Ascendant, and Sun and Mercury on the Descendant. Not surprisingly, it was where she was thinking of moving.

Some people, like Ted, don’t have a clue where they want to move to or what they want to do when they get there. Ted sent me his chart and wrote in effect "Tell me where to go." In such cases I look at the natal chart to see the location of planets in signs and houses to get an idea of what the person's divine plan should be. In Ted's case, he has Saturn in the tenth and Mars in Scorpio in the ninth both conjoin the midheaven and both afflicted by close squares. He also has a Capricorn Ascendant. If his Saturn and Mars weren't afflicted, he could be a successful business owner or executive. He presently lives right between his Saturn on the Midheaven and Mars on the Midheaven line. He needs to get away from those afflicted lines, so I suggested moving to Los Angeles close to his Sun on the Ascendant line to bring out the positive Jupiterian influence of his Sagittarius sun sign. Also, there is a Jupiter/Saturn crossing there which would help him to succeed through diligent effort in his own business.

Astrocartography is a fascinating branch of astrology. It’s accuracy always amazes me. As I wrote in the previous article, it is an essential tool for globetrotters like my sister-in-law, Jennifer, and her boyfriend, those who are planning a vacation like Betty. or those who want to move to a better place, like Bob and Bill. But if you’re like me and happy where you are, then chances are you have good lines nearby and you don’t need to move even if astrocartography would show a better place.