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In a news article that appeared a few days before the August 11th eclipse, the superstitious beliefs and practices of ignorant, simple-minded country folk were contrasted with the sensible observations of scientists and the acceptable behavior of city folk who gathered in parties to celebrate the last eclipse of the millennium. These beliefs and practices, which were the same in countries as far apart as Romania and India, included the ringing of bells, the creation of loud noises to scare away demons, and the gathering together to pray for atonement during the eclipse.

Based on what I have discovered about the effects of eclipses and certain sounds on the earth grid and the astral plane, I have come to the conclusion that the rural people, even though they may have acted out of superstitious beliefs and don’t really understand the higher physics of sound, were the sensible ones who took precautions based on an ancient forgotten science, and it was the close-minded scientists and beer-guzzling revelers who were the ignorant ones.

Rudolf Steiner claimed that during an eclipse, astral debris comes into the physical dimension. This may have something to do with the collapse of the magnetic field which acts like a barrier between the physical and astral dimensions. During the eclipse at the death of Jesus Christ, many ghosts were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem and Rome, as recorded in the Bible and other historical texts. Anything that would strengthen the earth’s magnetic field would seem to cause ghosts and other astral entities to go back into the astral plane by closing the door. Sound vibration is a form of electromagnetic energy. The only difference is that it is at a lower frequency of vibration. Strictly speaking, sound is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, quantum physics is discovering that all matter, all energy is vibration. Thus, certain sounds like loud noises, bells and chanting strengthen the earth’s electromagnetic field, close the door to the astral and opens the door to the etheric dimension. The Chinese science of placement, Feng Shui, states that one method of increasing ch’i in a room or the entrance to a home is to hang chimes that emit harmonious vibrations. If chimes can do this for a home, perhaps bells and gongs can do it for an entire city. It is a well known fact that cathedrals, synagogues and temples are built over energy vortices. What do they have in common? Bells, gongs, and other musical instruments; chanting and singing; prayer and meditation; and possibly an architecture that acts as an amplifier for these vibrations being transmitted to the earth.

Thus, during an eclipse when the grid collapses, people gather in churches and temples; ring bells and gongs; and sing, chant, or pray sacred words to reactivate the grid much like emergency generators coming on line during a blacked out electrical power grid.

If the bells and chanting help strengthen the grid during an eclipse, then we would expect power surges in the earth grid when people gather in temples and churches at other times. William Becker and Bethe Hagens, in "Antigravity and the World Grid," wrote about two jetliners that were shot down by Russian MIGs for straying into Soviet air space: KAL 007 on September 1, 1983 and KAL 902 on April 20, 1978. They claim that in both cases the geocompass in the autopilot’s guidance system was slowly pulled off its north bearing by energized ley lines. What Becker and Bethe found to be a common factor in both instances is that they occurred during religious feast days: 007 during a major Hindu feast for Vishnu, and 902 during Good Friday/Passover.(80) Yes, there are power surges in the grid when people gather at churches, synagogues and temples, sometimes with tragic results.

David Tame writes, "Wherever harmonious tones are sounded out, there is the door open to higher dimensions of reality; there do the invigorating, resurrecting energies pour into the physical world and radiate forth like a divine electricity of life. In this is found the original meaning and significance behind the bells of churches, which so truly sound out the OM itself, along with dozens of beautiful overtones. Bells and gongs in the various temples and shrines of the world were originally for the same purpose. And for the same reason do Sufi dervishes play the Nai or Algoza (a double flute). So too do the yogis blow the Singh (a horn) or the Shankha ( a shell): to attune themselves to, and to flood forth, the spiritual qualities of the One Tone."(81) Dane Rudhyar in "The Rebirth of Hindu Music," writes that bells and gongs "represent an aspect of the highest and most spiritual music, that of single tones which are one and many, which throb and live, which are at times the perfect dynamic bodies of celestial entities, the chakras of the Diety. Single living tones! Of these there are really two kinds: those uttered by the human being, audibly or inaudibly, the AUM of each being; and those produced by gongs and bells cast according to hieratic forms."(82)

David Tame also writes that "long ago, the British Isles possessed three perpetual choirs where saints maintained a ceaseless chant, twenty four hours a day... The chanted verbal formulas of spiritual power are said to have varied with the hours, seasons, years and other cycles. John Mitchell states: ‘...The temple was the central power station of the whole country, transmitting throughout the nation the current of the divine word, generated through the ceaseless activity of its astrologers, priests and officials.’"(83) Tame goes on to describe a huge perpetual orchestra in ancient China that energized the earth grid. And even today, "groups of sadhus roam the land of India or congregate at religious festivals, chanting bhajans and yogic mantras for many hour per day, every day of the year; and this for the dual purpose of elevating themselves in consciousness and maintaining the equilibrium of society. For thousands of years there has never been an instant in time when many thousands of holy men were not chanting Sanskrit verses within the Indian subcontinent, that evil or disaster might not prevail on earth... Sacred sound was ... thought capable of preventing natural cataclysms such as earthquakes."(84)

On the other hand, Tame and others warn about ignorant minds experimenting with frequencies who don’t realize the power of sound and evil minds who know it well and have no qualms about using it for destructive purposes.