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In the winter 2000 issue of Mandala of Light I proposed five be-attitudes of FAITH that would engender synchronistic experiences through attunement with our higher Self. My higher Self told me that there were more and that these other be-attitudes would also connect us with our divine Self and bring about unusual experiences. It has taken me this long to discover them.

If the five be-attitudes help connect us to our higher Self, I reasoned, then perhaps the others would help unite us with our highest Self, or I AM Presence. As M. Scott Peck noted, synchronistic experiences constitute one form of grace and miracles are another. If we could become one with our I AM Presence, perhaps we could perform miracles. Jesus said, "The things that I do shall ye do also; and greater things than these shall ye do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12). I always wondered what Jesus’ disciple’s ability to work miracles had to do with Jesus going to his Father in heaven. The answer is in the previous two verses: "...the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the father in me..." Jesus was telling his disciples that the secret of working miracles is to become one with the Father, that in-dwelling Presence of God. Invoking his name, as he instructed in the subsequent verses, is also important, but first become one with the Father.

How do you become one with God? What be-attitudes will enable me to "go unto my father," that is, raise consciousness to the level of the I AM Presence. I propose that there are three, just as God is a trinity: be loving, be grateful and be still. What these three be-attitudes have in common is that they transcend the ego. Maslow said that beyond self actualization is self transcendence, which he defined as "a transegoic level that emphasizes visionary intuition, altruism, and unity consciousness." This state was attained only temporarily in what he referred to as "peak experiences." Maslow puts it this way in assessing the peak experience: "...My feeling is that people in peak experiences are most their identities, closest to their real selves..." Thus, paradoxically self-transcendence is Self realization.

Be Loving - Love or compassion is the nature of God. John wrote, "God is love." Other scriptures say the same. When Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes, he told his disciples, "I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now for three days, and have nothing to eat." (Matt. 15:32). The few loaves and fishes were multiplied by the power of his compassion so that the leftovers filled seven baskets. When Jesus returned to Bethany after Lazarus died, he wept with compassion for Mary and Martha and the other Jews who were in mourning. When he raised the only son of a mother from the dead, "he had compassion on her..." (Luke 7:13) When Jesus restored sight to the two blind men, "Jesus had compassion on them. and touched there eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight..." (Matt. 20:34). Compassion is not just feeling sorry for someone who is suffering; it is actually feeling that suffering. Compassion is unconditional love in which the ego and all self-concern are swallowed up in one-pointed service to another. When you can be that loving, you will become one with God and he can work miracles through you.

Be Grateful - When Jesus fed the multitude, Matthew wrote that "he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave them to his disciples and the disciples to the multitude." (Matt. 15:36). He didn’t complain to God, "how am I supposed to feed all these people with just seven loaves and two measly fishes? No, he thanked God for what he had, and, by virtue of this gratitude coupled with his compassion, was able to multiply it. Also, just before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he prayed, "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me..." When you can transcend your sense of lack, your craving for more, be content and grateful for what you have, and thank God in advance for giving you what you need, then you will be blessed with every good and perfect thing from your causal body, that treasure in heaven that surrounds your I AM Presence. The key is to "seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33).

Be Still - ...and know that I AM God. (Psalm 46:10) In the stillness of meditation one can transcend the noise and activity of the outer self and experience the infinite energy and peace of God. The tiny drop of the self merges with the ocean of God. Before Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes he "went up into a mountain and sat down there." (Matt. 15:29). During his ministry, Jesus would occasionally retreat into the mountains to pray and meditate. Everytime he came down from the mountains, he would work miracles. Before he raised Lazarus from the dead "he went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode." (John 10:40). When the two blind men asked Jesus to heal them, Matthew wrote, "And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I should do unto you?" (Matt.20:32).

Swami Veda Bharati wrote: "In the stillness of consciousness within you, within me, who am one, one hears the still and the silent voice, and slowly that voice too trials off. And in that dimension, which is no dimension, in the deep heart of a living son, I and the light are one. I, and my father are one. I am the light. I am all the ways. I am the life force. Whether the father speaks or the son speaks it is I who speak. In the son the father speaks. In the father the son speaks. When you meditate, let your senses still themselves and it is in that stillness that the apex of all energy will be reached.... There is only a force known as consciousness, known as life. I am that." From Swami Veda's CONTEMPLATION: Be Still and Know That I Am God.

In the article on the five be-attitudes of FAITH, I suggested a prayer that would instill those be-attitudes. I have composed one for this article on the three be-attitudes of transcendence. Again, use it as is or change it to suit yourself, just make sure it covers all three be-attitudes.

Beloved heavenly Father, I AM, in me, let your love blaze forth from my heart to bless all with whom I come in contact. Let no trace of my petty ego stand in the way. Make me an instrument of thy peace. I thank thee, dear God for all that I have and all that I AM. I thank thee in advance for granting me all that I need and all that I ask for on behalf of others, especially __________________________________________________. Now as I prepare to meditate and merge into the ocean of thy infinite being, I command my mind to "be still and know that I AM God."