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Descendants of John Hiles

The photo of James Arthur and Nellie HILES on this page is courtesy of our newly found (November 2000) cousin, Chris Daly. Thank you Chris and welcome.

The information on this page has been graciously provided by Marcia COX, sister in law of Bonnie HILES COX. We take this opportunity to welcome Bonnie to the family and to extend to Marcia an honorary membership in the HILES family. Thank you both.

John Hiles died at age 96, ³after leading a quiet and peaceable life².

John married Sarah Chrispen. She was born in Salem Co., New Jersey. Sarah died at age 98.

John was from Salem Co., New Jersey, where he managed a large farm and raised stock in Mannington Township near Bridgeport, New Jersey.

James Hiles, son of John and Sarah (Chrispen) Hiles, was born January 4, 1822 in Salem Co., New Jersey.

James married Sarah Kidd March 7, 1844 in Woodtown, New Jersey. She was born in 1818 and was raised in Salem Co., daughter of Joseph and Jane Kidd.

Sarah¹s parents lived on a farm in Salem Co. and died there. They were members of the Presbyterian Church.

James grew up in New Jersey and began farming when he was first married. He was a successful farmer in Marion County for about 9 years. He was then a butcher in Woodtown for two years. He removed to Illinois in 1856 where he was first employed as a butcher and then returned to farming at Brighton, IL. for two years.

While the railroad was being built in Quincy, IL., he furnished the meat to the workmen. He was engaged in that business for three years. As a farmer, ³he has been very successful, because of his progressive nature, and because he understood the nature of the soil. He soon began growing sweet potatoes and watermelons, and this occupied his time for 25 years. He raised from 2000 to 2500 bushels annually and a large number of melons². James owned 59 acres of land.

In the newspaper article in which James and Sarah were featured, they were referred to as ³good people, both have been active members of the Methodist Church². They were members for over 50 years.

³Mr. Hiles has never been a chewer or smoker of tobacco, has never been intoxicated, nor has he ever used a profane word. He has been a lifelong democrat².

James and Sarah were the parents of ten children: two sets of twins who died young, Elizabeth, James and Charles Hiles. The names of the other children are unknown.

Elizabeth Hiles, daughter of James and Sarah (Kidd) Hiles, married Thomas Reeves.

Thomas was a gardener and farmer near Beardstown, Cass Co., IL.

Thomas and Elizabeth were the parents of Rachael, Alvina and Walter REEVES.

Rachael Hiles, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hiles) Reeves, married Orla Davis.

Alvina REEVES, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hiles) Reeves, married ?(first name unknown) Johnson.

Walter REEVES was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hiles) Reeves.

James Arthur Hiles, son of James and Sarah (Kidd) Hiles, married Isabel "Bel" Lucretia Paschall.

James was a farmer in Cass Co., IL.

James and Bel were the parents of James Arthur, Frank and Lee Bailey, four children who died young of diphtheria and Nellie and Maggie Hiles who died young of tuberculosis.

James Arthur Hiles, son of James and Isabel Lucretia (Paschall) Hiles, was born December 4, 1878. He died January 6, 1931.

Frank Hiles was the son of James and Isabel Lucretia (Paschall) Hiles.

Lee Bailey Hiles was the daughter of James and Isabel Lucretia (Paschall) Hiles.

Lee married Frank B. (last name unknown).

Charles A. Hiles, the youngest son of James and Sarah (Kidd) Hiles, was born October 27, 1853 in Salem Co., New Jersey. He died January 19, 1931 at Schmitt Memorial Hospital, Beardstown, Cass Co., IL. He died after having surgery there for stomach cancer. He was buried at Beardstown City Cemetery.

Note: His obituary records his death date as January 19, 1931. Anna¹s obituary records his death the same month and date and the year as 1932, probably an error.

Charles married Anna C. Brown in 1878. Anna was born near Beardstown, September 26, 1858, daughter of William and Mary Brown. She died January 24, 1939 at her home in Rushville at age 71. She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, her parents, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She was survived by a sister, Mrs. Emma Beaston of Kewanee, IL., 26 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

The following quotation was written in a newspaper article concerning Charles Hiles:

³For more than 30 years an honored resident of the vicinity of Rushville, he was 78 years of age. In the year of 1856, the Hiles family, with a colony of 35 others, left Philadelphia by rail and came to Pittsburgh, PA. From there they took a steamship down the Ohio River to St. Louis, Mo., where the Hiles family settled on a farm near Brighton, Ill. in Macoupin County. After residing there about two years, they moved to Greenfield, Ill., and from there to Beardstown, Ill. the year the Civil War broke out.

While residing at Beardstown, Mr. Hiles grew to manhood and in his twenty-second year he was converted and joined the Methodist Church under the leadership of Rev. D. W. English. Mr. Hiles was one of eight children, four dying in infancy, and four growing to manhood and womanhood. In the year 1878 he was married to Anna C. Brown, who has been a constant companion and help through his life. Mr. Hiles leaves to mourn his passing, his wife Mrs. Anna Hiles; his three daughters, Mrs. S.S. Terrill, of Pleasant Hill, Mo.; Mrs. Lydia Smith and Mrs. Bernice Icenogle, of Rushville, Ill. (one daughter dying in infancy); five sons, Frank and Lue Hiles of Rushville; Will and Edward Hiles of Beardstown; and David Hiles of Canandgua, New York².

³Mr. Hiles was a loving and kind father. He was very patient during his suffering and sickness. Up until the last few weeks of his sickness he was ever hopeful of his recovery, but was quite resigned and ready to go when the end was inevitable. Grandpa Hiles will be greatly missed by his grandchildren and his many friends².

Anna joined the Beardstown M.E. Church at age 15 and later joined the Christian Church at Rushville.

Charles and Anna were the parents of Edith, Frank A., David C. ³Dave², Charles Edward or Edward Charles, William H., Lue James, Lydia and Bernice Hiles.

Edith Hiles, daughter of Charles A. and Anna C.(Brown) Hiles, married S.S. Terrill.

They may have had two children. They lived at Pleasant Hill, MO.

Frank A. Hiles, son of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, married Mildred Moore of Rushville, Schuyler Co., IL. Frank lived with his family in Rushville, Schuyler Co., IL.

Their children were Francis and Wilfred Hiles. No other information is known of Frank or his descendants.

David C. ³Dave² Hiles, son of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, married and had children. They lived in Canandigua, New York. His mother¹s obituary stated that he was from Pen Yan, New York. No other information is known of Dave and his descendants.

William H. ³Will² Hiles, son of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, married Ruth Moore, who was a sister to his brother Frank¹s wife, Mildred Moore.

Will married Ruth Adelee Moore. Ruth was born August 8, 1891 at Rushville, Schuyler Co., IL., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U.G. Moore. She died four hours after giving birth to an infant son March 9, 1927 at Beardstown, Cass Co., IL. She was 35 at the time of her death and the oldest daughter of eight children.

Other than her children who ranged from ages 11 years to 10 months, she was survived by William, three brothers, Glenn, Floyd and Robert Moore; four sisters: Mrs. Chester Wilson, Harriet, Nina and Mary Moore.

Her funeral was held at Moore¹s Chapel M.E. Church where she had attended since a child and was a member of the church. She was buried at Moore Cemetery.

Will and Ruth were the parents of seven children: Roderick Henry ³Rodney², Ella Catherine/Katherine, Charles or Raymond Moore, Wilma Ruth, William Richard, Dwight Victor ³Bud², and Herbert Ronald Hiles and Royal Gene Hiles who died during childbirth with is mother.

Lue James Hiles, son of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, was born March 31, 1892 in Beardstown, Cass Co., IL. He died at age 80 December 28, 1972 at Vaughn Haven Nursing Home in Rushville. Lue was buried at Rushville Cemetery in Schuyler Co., IL. Military rites were conducted by American Legion Post No. 4.

Lue married Florence Marguerite Lawler May 28, 1918. She was born April 4, 1895 at Rushville, IL., daughter of S. Alvin and Charity (Harrison) Lawler. Marguerite either died November 23, 1927 or that was the date of the newspaper in which her obituary appeared. She was referred to ³as a Christian mother whose children were left at an early age to mourn the loss of their mother². She was survived by Lue, her parents, two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Heaton of Rushville and Mrs. Lorena McKee of Sand Springs, OK. and many other relatives and friends.

³Marguerite, as she was familiarly known, was loved by all who knew her. Her ever present smile and many acts of kindness won the hearts of all with whom she came in contact.

At the age of fourteen she gave her heart to God. She united with the First Christian church of Rushville during a meeting held by Rev. Haynes and ever after was a regular attendant and an earnest worker in her church. She was a member of the Philathia class in Sunday school, and whenever she was able, she, with her three small children, was always present. She graduated from the Rushville high school in 1914.

Her illness was of short duration. She had been afflicted with asthma and bronchial trouble and contracted a cold from which bronchial pneumonia developed. She bore her suffering with the patience which characterized her life. She was conscious of her surrounds to the end. When she realized that the time was near, she summoned her mother to her bedside and gave final instructions, asking her to take care of the children and then quietly and peacefully went into her last sleep at 5 a.m., Nov. 15, 1927.

She was a devoted daughter, sister, wife and mother, and in the home where she presided, the strong and fine qualities of her Christian character were tested and proven.

The keynote of her life was harmony, love and happiness. And tho never very strong her affliction never dispelled this atmosphere².

Lue and Marguerite were the parents of Clark Eugene, Dorothy Ruth and Maurice La Verne Hiles. Dorothy married a Mr. Phillips and lived at rural Rushville, IL. Clark lived at rural Rushville. Maurice lived in Denver, CO.

At the time of his death, he was survived by his daughter and two sons, sisters Lydia and Berniece, 12 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. His parents and wife, four brothers and one sister preceded him in death. Lue was a veteran of WWI.

Reference: Lue¹s newspaper obituary-The Rushville Times, Dec. 28, 1972;

Marguerite¹s newspaper obituary November 23, 1927

Lydia Hiles, daughter of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, married a Mr. Smith. (name unknown).

Lydia married a Mr. Gust. Lydia and her family lived in Rushville, IL.

Lydia and her husband had one child, Charles Laverne. It is not known which of Lydia¹s husbands is Charles¹ father.

Reference: Lue Hiles¹ obituary

Berniece Hiles, daughter of Charles A. and Anna C. (Brown) Hiles, married Grover Icenogle. They lived at Rushville, IL.

Grover Icenogle was unable to attend the funeral services of his father-in-law, Charles A. Hiles, as he was ill in the veterans' hospital in Great Lakes, IL.

Berniece and Grover had no children. No other information is known of Berniece or her husband.

Charles Edward ³Ed² Hiles, son of Charles A. and Anna (Brown) Hiles, was born January 6, 1884. He died September 21, 1943.

Ed married Bessie Lee Davis July 8, 1908. Bessie was born May 12, 1890, daughter of James Philo and Nancy Jane (Dyche) Davis. She died February 23, 1982. The Davis family lineage appears later in this publication under the Byron Hiles section.

Ed was engaged in the truck farming business near Beardstown, Cass Co.,IL.

Ed and Bessie were the parents of Clarence Earl, Clara Marie, Charles Elmer, Velma Louise, Edward Junior, Robert Eugene and Byron Gerald Hiles.

Clarence Earl Hiles, son of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, was born November 18, 1909. He died December 31, 1995.

Clara Marie Hiles, daughter of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, was born April 29, 1911. She died August 31, 1980.

Clara married Frederick Carl Volkmar II. He was born July 24, 1906 and died March 1, 1968.

Their children are Sylvia Marie and Frederick Carl Volkmar III.

Sylvia Marie Volkmar, daughter of Frederick Carl and Clara Marie (Hiles) Volkmar, was born September 6, 1932. She died October 17, 1961.

Frederick Carl Volkmar, III, son of Frederick Carl and Clara Marie (Hiles) Volkmar, married Linda Johnson in 1964. They were divorced.

Fred and Linda are the parents of Karen, Fredda and Jenel Volkmar.

Charles Elmer Hiles, son of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, married Doris Laffady.

Her children are: David, Linda and Shirley Laffady?

Elmer and Doris are the parents of Edward Charles Hiles.

Edward Charles Hiles, son of Charles Elmer and Doris (Laffady)*maiden or married name? Velma Louise Hiles, daughter of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis)Hiles, was born July 30, 1915.

Velma married Russel Carl Ruppel. He was born April 5, 1895. He died in July 1962.

Velma¹s married name is Gish.

Russel and Velma are the parents of Rosanne Louise and Russell Ray Ruppel.

Rosanne Louise Ruppel, daughter of Russel Carl and Velma Louise (Hiles) Ruppel, married Louis M. Simmons in 1954. They were divorced.

Rosanne married Robert Saletta.

Rosanne and Robert are the parents of Juliet Saletta.

Russell Ray Ruppel, son of Russel Carl and Velma Louise (Hiles) Ruppel, *Spelling of Russel or for his father may be incorrect married Maria Trinidad Cervantes.

Ray and Maria are the parents of Russell Richard, Mark, Randy, Eddie and Robert Ruppel.

Note: the spelling of Russell or his father, Russel, may be incorrect. Sons named for their father usually have the same spelled name.

Edward Junior Hiles, son of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, was born March 7, 1923.

Robert Eugene Hiles, son of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, was born February 21, 1926.

Byron Gerald Hiles, son of Charles Edward and Bessie Lee (Davis) Hiles, was born April 21, 1928 at Beardstown, Cass Co., IL.

Byron married Mary Mildred Logsdon May 8, 1946 at Congregational Church in Beardstown. Mary was born February 9, 1929 at Beardstown, Cass Co., IL., daughter of Ray and Elva Lee (Jones) Logsdon.

Byron and Mary are the parents of Cynthia ³Cindy² Jean, Bonnie Lee, Pamela ³Pam² Jo and Michael ³Mike² Craig Hiles.

Cynthia ³Cindy² Jean Hiles, daughter of Byron Gerald and Mary Mildred (Logsdon) Hiles, married Michael James Kania February 12, 1966 They were divorced. Mike was the son of Lehde Kania.

Cindy married Charles William ³Bill² Jackson December 31, 1976. Bill is the son of Berry Benton and Locky Ann (Brady) Jackson. They were both born in Monroe County, KY. in 1896.

Bill was previously married and has children.

Cindy and Mike are the parents of Michael James ³Jay² Kania, Jr.

Bonnie Lee Hiles, daughter of Byron Gerald and Mary Mildred (Logsdon)Hiles, married Kenneth Carl Cox April 27, 1968. Ken is the son of Kenneth Virgil and Della Marie (Schall) Cox.

Ken and Bonnie are parents of three children: Kenneth Curtis, Kristofer Bradley and Jennifer Kristine Lee Cox.

Kenneth Curtis Cox, son of Kenneth Carl and Bonnie Lee (Hiles) Cox, married Rhamonda Jane Riggins December 28, 1991. Rhamonda is the daughter of Richard Grant Riggins and Wanda Lee (Sanders) Riggins.

Curt and Rhamonda are the parents of Della Rene¹e Riggins Cox.

Kristofer Bradley Cox, son of Kenneth Carl and Bonnie Lee (Hiles) Cox, married Tara Renee Paul April 29, 1995. Tara is the daughter of James and Judith Ann (Putnam) Paul.

Jennifer Kristine Lee Cox is the daughter of Kenneth Carl and Bonnie Lee (Hiles)Cox. Pamela Jo Hiles, daughter of Byron Gerald and Mary Mildred (Logsdon) Hiles, married Phillip Lee Johnson November 4, 1972.

Pam and Phil are the parents of Leslie Michelle, Jessica Lee and Denise Danielle Johnson.

Leslie Michelle Johnson, daughter of Phillip Lee and Pamela Jo (Hiles) Johnson, married Ricky Ray.

Leslie and Ricky are the parents of a daughter.

Jessica Lee Johnson, daughter of Phillip Lee and Pamela Jo (Hiles) Johnson, is the mother of Raven Ashley Johnson.

Denise Danielle Johnson, is the daughter of Phillip Lee and Pamela Jo (Hiles) Johnson

Michael Craig Hiles, son of Byron Gerald and Mary Mildred (Logsdon) Hiles, married Laura Ann Sloan October 7, 1989. Laura is the daughter of Robert Merrill and Patricia Ann (Snyder) Sloan.


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