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What's the Secret?

Sometimes I am asked to explain what has helped me to heal my wounded soul. The people asking the questions always seem to have certain preconceived ideas which they hope I will confirm. They are probably almost always disappointed, because I can't point to any one belief or course of action that brought me around the corner from wanting to die to cherishing life with newfound joy and optimism.

In particular, I can't separate the physical, psychic/emotional and spiritual aspects of help and healing and point to any one area that was more helpful or more necessary than the others. For example, I willingly take my antidepressant medications without any sense of guilt or shame, because they enable me to get out of bed in the morning and look forward to my day. In retrospect, I can see ample evidence that I am a genetic depressive and so will probably have to be on these medications for the rest of my life.

That fact alone does not always sit well with those who ask about my experiences. I used to get angry when people would ask me what helped me heal and then would preach at me about the evils of psychotropic medications when I told them that's what I take. Now I can usually see a bit of humor in such responses, as well as understanding that perhaps they are trying to tell me how afraid they are of such drugs and the power they have to alter one's mental functions.

The second brick of my healing foundation has been prayer and steadfast spiritual support. I thank God daily for the people who kept me in their prayers, choosing at times to "shut up and pray" even though they didn't understand me, my mental condition or my actions. I was blessed with a pastor who willingly admitted he did not understand everything I told him, but who sat with me through my many crises of faith. He never pretended to have answers when he had none, and he never chastised me for challenging our religious traditions and practices as I struggled to hold on to my faith in God.

Mosaic Minds
