WebTV Power-Off Codes

When you have trouble with your box that the CSRs just can't seem to help you fix, (or it is inconvenient to contact them), then using a power-off code may do the trick.

Most of these codes are NOT for use with the Old Classic; they may burn-out/fry an old Classic box.

The Main 'Power-Off' Codes:

127 ~~ (reset to factory settings?)
217 ~~ (dialing option's screen; your dialing-out numbers, and ISP settings etc.)
411 ~~ (your box technical information; like your box I.D.#)
7264 ~~ (clears your dialing-out information to force the box to dial toll free for dialing info)
12357 ~~ (resets the phone option settings like 'call-waiting', to the default settings)
31820 ~~ (printer driver reset?)
32768 ~~ (resets all your adjustable settings to the default settings; also clears the ram/cache)
77437 ~~ (brings up the 'obscure dialing' option's screen)
7225000 ~~ (clears the TV listings from a Plus)
8675309 ~~ (forces the box to dial in and look for the latest upgrade; referred to being the 'Jenny Code')
55325532 ~~ (to re-initialize the 'old' Plus harddrive; resets the harddrive)
07081969 ~~ (Old Classics Only; Reboots and loads the 2.5.9MPEG update to stop the nag prompts)

Often, you may need to use two codes back to back, to get the desired results; (do one, then the other, BEFORE powering on):


To sometimes get the full ISP screen, use:

32768  then  217


To fully reset an older Plus box:

55325532  then 32768


To use the 'power-off' codes:

1) power 'off' your box. (power button)

2) tap the 'option' key, three times.

3) invisibly type one of the 'power-off' codes
(observe the box lights, and they should
flash an acknowledgement of a correct
code being set and entered) 4) power up the box, and view the screen.


Alternate Code List #1

Alternate Code List #2


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