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Inuit Water Transportation

Inuit Water Transportation

The Inuit used the kayak and the umiak in water transport and hunting. Kayaks are built to hold one to three people and are 4 to 7m in length. Their frame is often made from driftwood, with ribs of willow branches, then covered in seal or cariboo skins. The Inuit use both single and double-bladed paddles to power their craft. The Umiak was significantly larger, holding more than 20 people in its 6 to 10 meter frame. It is used in summer to move people and possessions to seasonal hunting grounds and for whaling expeditions. The frame is constructed using whale bones or driftwood on which seal skin is stretched around, then lashed on pegs made of antlers, ivory or wood.

This is a kayak

To learn more about Kayaks, Umiaks and other Inuit Watercraft click here

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A Letter From A Modern Inuit Woman