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Tuesday November 21st 2000: First I would like to say sorry that I have not added anything in a while just did not feel in the mood and I have a lot of computer problems, I just added the lyrics for "How Did I Fall In Love With You" to the Angelic Poems 2 that is on the new album by the Backstreet Boys called Black & Blue and the song is sung by band members Howie & Brian.

Thursday September 14th 2000: I have added a feedback for please fill it out letting me know what you like and do not like about my site so that i know what my visitors think thanks and please sign the guestbook :).

Wednesday September 13th 2000: Today I added a new guestbook the old one was not leaving messages so please sign the new one if you signed the old one can you please sign the new one again thanks and sorry for the inconvinence. I added more Links to the links page too.

Monday September 11th 2000: I have finished adding all the heading banners to all the pages I am now adding links to the Banner & Links page, so if you please have a website on Buffy or Angel please email me the link so I can add it thanks!!! :).

Monday September 11th 2000: Today I added the :Angelic Poems Three: Page I know that I was going to add it last week I just didnt have the time, This page has small quotes and poems if you have anything to add to that page or the other's please feel free to email me and ill add them and yesterday I added the Full Of Grace banner. Ill try and do more today if not ill add more later on. a few days ago I added a Clique Paage for things I join.

Monday September 4th 2000: I am starting to add the rest of the main heading titles to the pages I have. then im going to make a third 'Angelic Poems'page this one will have short nice and sweet poems that can truly touch the heart and if you happen to find any then please feel free to send them to me if I think there suited ill add them :).

Saturday September 2nd 2000: Today I have started adding the headings to the pages I have so far I have added the Udates banner and the Thanks page banner. I will continue to add the rest in the next couple of days. sorry if the updates are a little slow my computer seems to no want to work on occation.

Thursday August 31st 2000: I changed the HTML link for my Sister site so that it will open on the right. If you would like it in a new browser all together right click on the pic and press open in new browser :). I will try and do more updates this weekend like main headings for pages and stuff I just have been busy and a little tired so i promise to add more and I have a couple of new poems to add that im sure you will love.