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If you have a buffy related site and would like to see your site here than please feel free to email me the link and I will add it here as soon as I can. Click on a Buffy or Angel site of your choice and it will open in a new browser.

:Official Sites:

:Buffy The Vampire Slayer:

:Buffy Sites:

:The Buffy Cross & Stake:
:Tom's Buffy page:
:Zax's Buffy page:
:Destructo Girl Thats Me!:
:Raven's Realm:
:Lurking In The Shadows:

:Angel Sites:

:The Angel Keepers Page:
:Angel's Secrets:
:Love Always Angel:
:On Angel Wings:

:Buffy & Angel Sites:

:The Slayer & Her Angel:
:Passion Forever:

:Sarah Michelle Gellar Sites:

:SMG City: