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Overall report of Roosa, De Jongh and related families

A-I-a GOERT (OR GEURT) (ROSA), born about the year 1530 at The Netherlands.

His sons from an unknown woman:


Alart was married to


From this marriage:

A-I-c HERMEN JANSEN, died before October 9, 1580.

His son from an unknown woman:

A-II-a GIJSBERT GOERTTZEN (or GEURTSZ) (ROSA), born about the year 1560 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after February 27, 1619, aged at least 59 years, son of A-I-a.

Kerkmeester (church warden) at Herwijnen in 1612, where he and his wife Maria can be found on the church membership list on 25 Dec 1612.

Gijsbert was married to

MARIA (MARIJE) ALERTS, daughter of A-I-b.

From this marriage:

A-II-b poss JAN (ROSA), son of A-I-a.

His son from an unknown woman:

A-II-c WALRAVEN HERMENS, died on February 13, 1599, son of A-I-c.

Walraven was married to

LYSKEN, died after July 12, 1602.

From this marriage:

A-II-d MEERTEN ADRIAENS DE JONGH, born about the year 1552.

His sons from an unknown woman:


Schout of Poederoijen, Gelderland, Netherlands.
His daughter from an unknown woman:

A-II-f HENRICK (HANDRICK) JACOBSZ, died before January 30, 1598.

Henrick was married to


From this marriage:

A-III-a AL(D)ERT GIJSBERTS (ROSA), born between 1582 and 1584 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before February 26, 1615, son of A-II-a.

Found on the Herwijnen church membership list of 12 Dec 1612, with wife Metken.
Al(d)ert was married probably before 1609 to

METKEN WALRAVENSDR, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after December 4, 1645, daughter of A-II-c.
Metken was married afterwards on February 26, 1615 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to OTTO HARBERENS, born about the year 1585 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

No children.

Elisabeth was married to JACOB GROENEN.

A-III-b HEIJMEN GIJSBERTS (ROSA), born between 1580 and 1585 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after 1636, son of A-II-a.

Found on tax rolls at Andel, North Brabant in 1608 and 1614. Source: Alphen, van, Evert, "Het Geslacht Rosa" The Family Rosa, Gens Nostra, January, 1965, p. 22-25. On 4 Mar 1626 Heijman Gijsbertsen was charged 25 guilders payable to the two minor childre n of Walraven van Heijdenwijck (probably as lord) for two certain properties. Source: ORA Tuil (Bank of Tuil)

His children from an unknown woman:

Recorded by Schepen (Bank of Tuil) Goirt Janssoon, Roosa Gijsbert Abrahamssoon vs. Imbert Janssen & Gijsbert Hijmensz. Imbert Janssen and Gijsbert Hijmonsz as husband and "momber" (guardian) of Dirksken Jans have sold 8.5 hont land or so large and small as it is situated in Herwijnen in the Broekgraeff, where east and west of it is I (Gijsbert Abrahamssoon) Roosa, south is the parsonage and north of it is the prementioned Broekgraeff sold them for a free own farmyard and property without dike and without thithes to possess and own in hereditary and the before mentioned persons testify and believe the 8.5 hont land before mentioned with full value from the inventory of Jan Imbertsz and further because of her according to the customs of the country to meet until "Petri ad Cathedram" (22 Feb) from now 12 Aug 1638. Source: Bank of Tuil (Old Judical Archives). Note: from this record it is not certain that Gijsbert Heijmonsz was a Rosa, but the likelihood seems strong.

prob was married before August 12, 1638 to DIRKSKEN JANS, daughter of A-III-i.

Mentioned in Andel, North Brabant (Oude Land van Altena) 1654, 1656 & 1658. Source: Alphen, van, Evert, "Het Geslacht Rosa" The Family Rosa, Gens Nostra, January, 1965, p. 22-25. Guardian to his sister Anneke's children.

Her brother, Jan Heijmanszoon Rosa, was made guardian of Anneke's children.


Sheriff in Wijk

A-III-c ABRAHAM GIJSBERTS ROSA (ROOSA), born between 1587 and 1592 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in the year 1651, son of A-II-a.

Schepen Hoge Bank of Tyil, 1615, 1636, 1645. He served as Buurmeester of Herwijnen with Cornelis Mertens de Jongh in 1647. Source: Alphen, van, Evert, "Het Geslacht Rosa" The Family Rosa, Gens Nostra, January, 1965, p. 22-25. Received 5 1/2 hont land, situated in the "Geertgeshoeff" from Heijmans Gijsberts (his brother) in 1636. Source: Hoge Bank of Tuil (old judical court).

Abraham was married in November 1612 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

MAIJKE (MERICKE) CORNELISSE VAN WEELT, of Poederoijen, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-II-e.

From this marriage:

Recorded by Schepen (Bank of Tuil) Goirt Janssoon, Roosa Gijsbert Abrahamssoon vs. Imbert Janssen & Gijsbert Hijmensz Imbert Janssen and Gijsbert Hijmonsz as husband and "momber" (guardian) of Dirksken Jans have sold 8.5 hont land or so large and small as it is situated in Herwijnen in the Broekgraeff, where east and west of it is I (Gijsbert Abrahamssoon) Roosa, south is the parsonage and north of it is the prementioned Broekgraeff sold them for a free own farmyard and property without dike and without thithes to possess and own in hereditary and the before mentioned persons testify and believe the 8.5 hont land before mentioned with full value from the inventory of Jan Imbertsz and further because of her according to the customs of the country to meet until "Petri ad Cathedram" (22 Feb) from now 12 Aug 1638. Source: Bank of Tuil (Old Judical Archives).

Probably the Jan Abrahams Rosa who was witnessed the baptism 5 Nov 1655 of Neelke, daughter of Alert Heijmans and "Heijke" Ariens de Jongh (though Aldert's wife is known to have been Wilhelmina (Wijntie) Ariens de Jongh). He is named for himself and his "sisters and brothers" as heirs of Abraham Gijsberts & Jan Cornelisen de Jongh and his brothers and sisters, heirs of Cornelis Mertens de Jongh on 7 December 1656. Also named as "geerfde" of his mother 29 June 1677 and 15 Jan 1681. Mentioned as schout 1683. Seems to have been residing Herwijnen in 1672 when the manditory loan was levied for the fortification of the area his name appears as Johan Abramsz "de" Rosa on the list as on of the well-to-do residents. Source: Alphen, van, Evert, "Het Geslacht Rosa" The Family Rosa, Gens Nostra , January, 1965, p. 22-25.

Abraham was married (2) to

JENNEKE TEUNISSE, died after November 17, 1666.

Possibly still living on 17 Nov 1666, when she is mentioned as the widow of Abraham Gijsbertsen Rosa as owner of pledged capital when Heijman Gijsbertsen on 24 Mar 1626 promissed to pay Johan van de Poll, in favor of the two minor children of Walraven Heijderwick. In this extract Schepen Jeurien van Bijsterveld is mentioned as the authorized agent of "joffer" (nobelwoman) Anna Heijderwick widow of "jonker" (nobleman) Reijnier van Dort. Source: Extract "B" from Bank of Tuil.

From this marriage:

Thought to have lived at or near Andel, North Brabant, However, on 17 Aug 1669 is said to be living in the vicinity of Buren, Gelderland when it was found that he must pay 84 guilders for a horse he had purchased. Source: Bank of Tuil record.

A-III-d GOIRT JANSOON ROOSA, died after February 28, 1644 of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-II-b.

Schepen Bank of Tuil (Old Judical Archives) in 1636& 1644.

His son from an unknown woman:

Schepen Bank of Tuil in 1644.

A-III-e CORNELIS MEERTENS DE JONGH, born about the year 1582, died before December 7, 1656, son of A-II-d.

Found in the Herwijnen church membership list of 1645+/- residing at Hellouw, with wife. Buurmeester of Herwijnen in 1647.

Cornelis was married on June 17, 1608 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

HEIJLKEN GERRITS, born about the year 1585.

From this marriage:


A-III-f ARIEN (or ADRIAEN) MEERTENSEN DE JONGH, born about the year 1585 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before 1664, aged at most 79 years, son of A-II-d.

Found with his wife, Maijken, on the church membership list at Herwijnen 25 Dec 1612. Also on church membership list of 1645+/- with wife. Also a buurmeester of Herwijnen.

Arien was married before December 12, 1612 to


From this marriage:

She is mentioned as the widow of Geurt Rosa in the spring of 1772, when she is found on a l ist of well-to-do residents at Herwijnen. (Gens Nostra, 1954, p. 138-41.) She provided the marriage information for her son Jan when he married 27 Jul 1680.

Engeltgen was married to GEURT ALERTSEN ROSA, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), follows A-IV-a.

Of her it is said that she is "presumably" the daughter of Arien Cornelis Meetens (Gens Nostra, 1960, pp. 153-165). However, on close examination of the known facts of Cornelis Meertens and Arien Meertens is seems more likely that she is the daughter of the latter.

ORA TUIL (inv. 202) nr 1252. (Old judical archive Tuil): Alert Heijmensz Roosa, neighbor in Herwijnen has sold half of 4 morgen land undivided with the heirs of GOVERT ARIENSZ DE JONGH in the jurisdiction of Hellouw inside the "Paelgraeft" located between land of Jasper Geritz east and Gerart Falcken west stretching south to land of Willem Jansz "cum suis" and north <<...> defected with 8 feet dike situated in the jurisdiction of Herwijnen downwards and half of the "thijns" (tithes or rents) of 8 guilders yearly to the heirs of GOVERT ARIENS DE JONGH before mentioned having in property and the before mentioned person (Alert Heijmensz) signs on that to the property of Arien Meertens. Dated: March 3 1660. Transcripted by: Bureau for Historical Research, Zutphen.

A-III-g ANNEKEN (ANNEN) HEN(DE)RICX, of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-II-f.

Anneken's father died prior to 30 January 1598, when her mother, Gert Cornelisdr, is mentioned as a widow in the will of Eem Jacobs (possibly the sister of Henrick Jacobsz?). Henrick Jacobsz and Gert Cornelisdr had three daughters and a son, as named in the will of Eem Jacobs; and all born between 1578 and when the will was made 30 January 1598 as none had reached the age of 20 years on that date. Source: Van Baalen, D., "Verploegh", Gens Nostra, June 1960, pp. 153-165.

Anneken was married on February 11, 1609 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

HENDRICK CORNELISSEN VERPLOEGH, of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before February 1642.

From this marriage:

Marriage bans published 6 Feb 1648 to Mariken de Jongh. Described as a 'huistimmerman' (house builder) and "molenmaker" (builter of mill works). He continued to reside at Hellouw where Cornelis had extensive property. He lived in the house called "de Zak" (the Back). Cornelis appears to have been one of the wealthier men of his day and a community leader. He was a schepen (advisor) and "buurmeester" (bergermaster). When the water mills of Hellouw needed repair and reconstruction in 1686 Cornelis put up his house and near by property as collateral for the loan. He was also commissioner of the horse expedition, master builder and contractor of horse cannons, accorded in 1678 the delivery of 70 horses, in 1689 of 50 and periods in 1691 surety for 500 horses. Source: Van Baalen, D., "Verploegh", Gens Nostra, June 1960, pp. 153-165. His name appears in the 1672 list of leading citizens and influential people, at Hellouw. Source: Heeswijk, van, J. H. G. J., "Een Onderzoek naar de Gegoedheid van de Plattelandsbevolking van de Bommeler- en Tielerwaard", Gens Nostra, 1954, pp. 138-141.

Cornelis was married in the year 1648 (1) to MARIKEN ARIENSDR DE JONGH, follows A-IV-i.
Cornelis was married on March 7, 1675 at Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to AELTJE VAN HOLT, christened on November 1, 1632 at Geldermalsen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on September 14, 1716 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), aged 83 years, daughter of A-IV-b.
Aeltje was married before (February 1) March 1, 1663 at Deil, Gelderland (Netherlands) to GIJSBERT JANSEN VAN RIJCKLICKHUIJSEN, born about the year 1622, died on July 24, 1674, aged 52 years, son of A-IV-u.


Tailor living in Geldermalsen.

His son from an unknown woman:

Schoolmaster, sexton and secretary in Deil, Gelderland.

Govert was married to MARIA (MARIKEN) ALDERTS ROSA, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), follows A-IV-b.


His children from an unknown woman:


His sons from an unknown woman:

A-III-k WALRAVEN KOCK (DE COCK), born about the year 1628.

His children from an unknown woman:


Thijs was married to


From this marriage:

A-III-m HENDRICK BLOM, born about the year 1610 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after August 1664, aged at least 54 years.

Found of the Herwijnen church membership list of 1645+/-.

His children from an unknown woman:

A-III-n JAN DE ROUW, born about the year 1575 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before 1608, aged at most 33 years.

Jan was married to

WILMKEN ARIENS, born about the year 1580 of Brakel, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

A-IV-a GEURT ALERTSEN ROSA, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died between March 30, 1667 and 1772, son of A-III-a.

Found on Herwijnen church membership list of 1645+/- with wife and mother. Wife, Engeltgen, mentioned as widow in the spring of 1672.

Geurt was married to

ENGELTGEN ARIENS DE JONGH, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after July 1680, daughter of A-III-f.

From this marriage:

Never married. Schepen Bank of Tuil.

Attendant at the Exchange Bank at Rotterdam.

A-IV-b MARIA (MARIKEN) ALDERTS ROSA, of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on June 23, 1681 at Deil, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-III-a.

Maria was married to

GOVERT HENDRICKS VAN HOLT, died before February 6, 1674, son of A-III-h.

From this marriage:

Banns first published 1 Feb 1663. When married at Deil, Gelderland he was described as young man, carpenter of Herwijnen.

Aeltje was married on March 7, 1675 at Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to CORNELIS HENDRICKS VERPLOEGH, of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in the year 1694, son of A-III-g.
Cornelis was married before in the year 1648 to MARIKEN ARIENSDR DE JONGH, follows A-IV-i.

Occupation: Shoeing-smith.

Cornelis was married on August 20, 1671 at Haaften, Gelderland (Netherlands) to STIJNTJEN PETERS RAM, christened on October 27, 1650 at Haaften, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after June 6, 1728, aged at least 77 years, daughter of A-IV-w.
Stijntjen was married afterwards before December 31, 1682 at Haaften, Gelderland (Netherlands) to DIRCK WILLEMSEN VAN DIEN, of Geldermalsen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before August 9, 1682.

When bans were published at 's-Hertogenbosch on 21 Jan 1662 he is said to have been young man of Geldermalsen (Gelderland) sargant of the company of the lord Commander Tuijl.

Gijsbert was married on January 21, 1662 at 's Hertogenbosch, North Brabant (Netherlands) to ANNA WILLEMS VAN STRAESBURG, of "de Schans in Voorn", daughter of A-IV-x.

At the time marriage bans were published at 's Hertogenbosch on 21 Jan 1662 she is said to have been living in the Hintemerstraet

A-IV-c AELDERT (AERT) HEIJMANS ROSA, born about the year 1621 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on February 27, 1679 at Esopus (Hurley), Ulster Co. (NY), aged about 58 years, son of A-III-b.

Al(d)ert Heijmanszn Rosa with his wife, Wijntje Ariensdr de Jongh, with eight children immigrated on the ship "Bontekoe" in the spring of 1660 to New Amsterdam. The names of their children and their ages are listed on the passenger list. They are believed to have had two other children after arriving in New Amsterdam, both believed to have died young. For more information about these families see Sheila Soto's web site. On Feb 28, 1660, prior to departure, Alert Heymans, yeoman of Herwijnen, gives Adriaen Adriaens de Jongh, (Alert's brother-in-law) power of attorney to handle his affairs. Source: The New York Genealogical And Biographical Record, Issued Quarterly, Volume LVIII, 1927, 226 West 58th. Street, New York.

Aeldert was married to

WILHELMINA (WIJNTJE) ARIENS DE JONGH, born about the year 1621 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on October 28, 1686 at Kingston, Ulster Co. (NY), aged about 65 years, daughter of A-III-f.

From this marriage:

Said to be age 7 in 1660 ship passenger list. A baptism for a Neelke Alerts is found in Herwijnen on 5 Nov 1655, where Jan Abrahams Rosa is the witness; though probably a clerks error her mother is given as "Heijlke" Ariens de Jongh.

A-IV-d GOVERT HEIJMANS ROSA, born about the year 1622 of Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), died in the year 1677 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), aged 55 years, son of A-III-b.

Mentioned in Andel 1635 & 1656. Source: Alphen, van, Evert, "Het Geslacht Rosa" The Family Rosa, Gens Nostra, January, 1965, p. 22-25.

Info about the Andel line provided by Wil Keulemans.

Govert was married in the year 1655 to


From this marriage:

No known children.

Heijman was married on February 12, 1688 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) to MARIA DE MAN, of Giessen, North Brabant (Netherlands).

A-IV-e MAIJKE ABRAHAMS ROSA, born about the year 1620, daughter of A-III-c.

Maijke was married to



From this marriage:

A-IV-f ALERT (AERT) ROSA, born about the year 1631 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-c.

Alert was married on October 25, 1656 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

ANNEKE ARIENS, born about the year 1634 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before July 1670, aged at most 36 years.

From this marriage:

Alert was married on July 31, 1670 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-g JAN CORNELISSE DE JONGH, born about the year 1620, son of A-III-e.

Jan was married on January 4, 1648 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-h AART CORNELISSE DE JONGH, born about the year 1622, son of A-III-e.

Aart was married before 1655 (1) to


His son from an unknown woman:

A-IV-i MARIKEN ARIENSDR DE JONGH, died in the year 1674 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-III-e.

Mariken was married in the year 1648 to

CORNELIS HENDRICKS VERPLOEGH, of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in the year 1694, son of A-III-g.
Cornelis was married afterwards on March 7, 1675 at Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands) to AELTJE VAN HOLT, christened on November 1, 1632 at Geldermalsen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on September 14, 1716 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), aged 83 years, daughter of A-IV-b. Aeltje was married peviously on (February 1) March 1, 1663 at Deil, Gelderland (Netherlands) to GIJSBERT JANSEN VAN RIJCKLICKHUIJSEN, born about the year 1622, died on July 24, 1674, aged about 52 years, son of A-IV-u.

From this marriage:

A-IV-j ARIEN (or ADRIAEN) ARIENSE (or ADRIAENS) DE JONGH, died after 1670 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-f.

Arien was married on December 16, 1665 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

JANNETJE THIJSSE VAN HERWAARDEN, born about the year 1644 of Asperen, South Holland (Netherlands), daughter of A-III-l.

From this marriage:

A-IV-k JASPER VERPLOEGH, born between 1609 and 1615 of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-g.

Jasper was married (1) to


Jasper was married on October 1, 1648 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-l MARIA VERPLOEGH, daughter of A-III-g.

Maria was married to


From this marriage:

A-IV-m WILLEM CORNELISSE BOON, born about the year 1637 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after 1693, aged at least 56 years, son of A-III-j.

Willem was married on April 16, 1664 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

MARIJKE JURRIAENS VALCK, of Littoijen, died before March 1684.

From this marriage:

Willem was married on March 12, 1684 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-n JAN CORNELISSE BOON, born about the year 1639 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-j.

Jan was married on November 13, 1664 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

ELISABETH HENDRICKSE VAN BREUMMELEN, died before May 1667 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

Jan was married on May 18, 1667 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-o FREDERICK CORNELISSE BOON, born about the year 1641 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before July 1696, aged at most 55 years, son of A-III-j.

Frederick was married on April 13, 1667 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

Anneke was married afterwards on July 5, 1696 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to TEUNIS WALRAVENSE KOCK (DE COCK), born about the year 1660, son of A-III-k.

From this marriage:

For more info about the van Zee line e-mail Valentine Van Zee

Leendert's grandfather, Leendert Bastiaensz, can be found in Heukulum, South Holland as early as 1591. In 1599 he is found with the last name "de Zeeu". Leendert's father, Claas Leendertsz resided at Heukelum, where in 1630 he was sheriff, in 1643 on the dike-reserve and in 1647 is identifed as burgermeester. Leendert Claase appears to have come to Herwijnen about the time of his marriage with Maaijke Boon, where he was a master carpenter. From this time until today the van Zees have been leading members of Herwijnen.

A-IV-p CORNELIS HENDRICKSE BLOM, born about the year 1637 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before January 1690, aged at most 53 years, son of A-III-m.

Cornelis was married on March 30, 1662 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-q ARIEN JANS DE ROUW, born about the year 1601 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-n.

Arien was married on December 26, 1626 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

ANNEKEN WILLEMS, born about the year 1604 of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

Secretary and schepen court of Tiel and secretary of Hellouw.

Hendrik was married on October 22, 1670 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to MARIA GEURTZE ROSA, christened on December 19, 1643 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), follows A-V-b.

A-IV-r JAN JANS DE ROUW, born about the year 1602 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-III-n.

Jan was married on November 11, 1627 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

NIELKEN HENDRICKS, born about the year 1604 of Hellouw, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

A-IV-s ARNTJEN JANS DE ROUW, born about the year 1605 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-III-n.

Arntjen was married on January 27, 1628 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

ROELOPH PETERSE, born about the year 1600 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:


Maerten was married to


From this marriage:


Carpenter and innkeeper in Herwijnen.

Jan was married to


From this marriage:


Reinier was married to


From this marriage:


Peter was married to


From this marriage:


Willem was married to


From this marriage:


Willem was married to


From this marriage:

A-IV-z JAN CLAESZEON (VAN MERCKWIJCK), of Driel, Gelderland (Netherlands).

Jan was married to


From this marriage:

A-IV-aa HERBERT TEUNIS VAN BALLEGOIJEN, born about the year 1627 at prob Zuilichem, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before June 1696 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), aged at most 69 years.

Herbert was married to


From this marriage:

A-IV-ab CLAAS LEENDERTSZ VAN ZEE, born between 1600 and 1605 of Heukelum, South Holland (Netherlands), died in the year 1662.

Claas was married in the year 1647 to


From this marriage:

A-IV-ac AERT ANTONIESE DE FOCKERT, born between 1580 and 1585 at poss Zaltbommel, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after 1640.

Aert Antonies had marriage banns published in Herwijnen on 1 June 1608 with NEELTJE Jans (VAN DER MEIJDEN), as young daughter of Brakel. In an action filed 6 September 1638 at the Hoge Bank of Tuil, Aert Antonis de Fockert is de scribed as "machtig", which translates to powerful, mighty, tremendous, and/or rich. Source : Meijden, van der, V., "Oude Geslachten Uit de Bommelerwaard en Aangrenzende Gebieden," Gens Nostra, 1969, pp. 297-302. This same article is also the source for the information about Aert's first family.

Aert was married in the year 1608 (1) to

NEELTJE JANS VAN DER MEIJDEN, of Brakel, Gelderland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

Aert was married on January 8, 1626 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


From this marriage:

A-IV-ad GIJSBERT ARIENSE NOOTEBOOM, born about the year 1615 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

Found on Herwijnen church membership list of 1645+/- as Gijsbert Ariense Nooteboom, with wife.

His children from an unknown woman:

A-IV-ae JACOB AARTS VAN DUSSELDORP, born about the year 1632 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

His daughters from an unknown woman:

A-V-a ARIEN GEURTSEN ROSA, christened on September 19, 1641 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in the year 1690 there, aged 49 years, son of A-IV-a.

Schepen Bank of Tuil.

Arien was married to

ARIKE MAERTENS STERCK, christened in March 1650 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on 20 December 1736, aged 86 years, daughter of A-IV-t.

From this marriage:

A-V-b MARIA GEURTZE ROSA, christened on December 19, 1643 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in November 1690 there, aged 46 years, daughter of A-IV-a.

Maria was married on October 22, 1670 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

HENDRIK ADREANSE DE ROUW, born about the year 1645 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-IV-q.

From this marriage:

Maria was married (2) to

GERRIT MEERTENSE VAN ARENDONK, born about the year 1644, died on April 2, 1722, aged 78 years.

From this marriage:

A-V-c METJE (MARIKE) GEURTZE ROSA, christened on December 29, 1647 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on March 16, 1703, aged 55 years, daughter of A-IV-a.

Metje was married on December 10, 1671 at Zoelen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

JACOB NICOLAASZ VAN UTRECHT, born about 1642, died on May 4, 1737 at Leeuwen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

Assistant schoolmaster and schoolmaster and recorder of the land tenure court at Zoelen, Gelderland.

From this marriage:

A-V-d JAN GEURTZOON ROOSA, christened on May 12, 1651 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on January 21, 1703 there, aged 51 years, son of A-IV-a.

Jan was married on February 27, 1680 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

NEELTJE JACOBSE VOS, born about the year 1661 at Wel, Gelderland (Netherlands), died at Herwijnen 26 July 1731.

From this marriage:

Resided near Leyden, South Holland where he was a gatekeeper in 1727.

Resided in Leyden, South Holland where he worked on a beerwagon.

A-V-e NEELKEN GEURTSE ROSA, christened on March 28, 1654 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on September 4, 1721 there, aged 67 years, daughter of A-IV-a.

Neelken was married in the year 1683 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

ANTONIJ (TEUNIS) HERBERTS VAN BALLEGOIJEN, christened on December 14, 1656 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on April 5, 1723 there, aged 66 years, son of A-IV-aa.

From this marriage:

They had a common law marriage prior to this, when they married the had 6 children, 3 others had previously died.

A-V-f JAN GOVERTS ROSA, born about the year 1644 of Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on February 15, 1710 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), aged 66 years, son of A-IV-d.

Jan was married on March 5, 1672 at Hedikhuizen (Netherland) to


From this marriage:

A-V-g AERT GOVERTS ROSA, born about the year 1670 of Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), died on June 26, 1711 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), aged 41 years, son of A-IV-d.

Aert was married in the year 1697 to


From this marriage:

No known children.

Leendert was married on August 9, 1743 at St. Annaland,Zeeland (Netherland) to JANNA BOEIJEN.

A-V-h GERRIT JANSE DE JONG, christened on October 7, 1660 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-IV-g.

Gerrit was married on March 20, 1687 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

EELKEN JACOBSE VAN DUSSELDORP, born about the year 1665 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before 1702, aged at most 37 years, daughter of A-IV-ae.

From this marriage:

Gerrit was married on June 25, 1702 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to

MARIJKEN JANS VAN DEN BURGH, born about the year 1680 at Waardenburg, Gelderland (Netherlands).

A-V-i CORNELIS AARTS DE JONGH, born about the year 1655 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-IV-h.

Cornelis was married in the year 1674 to

JENNEKE GIJSBERTS NOOTEBOOM, born about the year 1659 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-IV-ad.

From this marriage:

A-V-j GEURT (GOVERT) VERPLOEGH, christened on April 13, 1656 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died on June 15, 1716 there, aged 60 years, son of A-IV-i.

Collector of the "verpondingen" 1699, and commissioner of the artilleriepaarden (artillery horses). He was schepen at the Court of Justice of Tuil from 1708-16, as well as serving as judge and on the polder board of Tuil from 1712 until his death. Source: Van Baalen, D., " Verploegh", Gens Nostra, June 1960, pp. 153-165.

Geurt was married to


From this marriage:

Mentioned as "Heer of Hellouw" on January 12, 1717; schepen at the Court of Justice of Tuil; high councilor of Tielerward; and Judge at Herwijnen. (artillery horses).

A-V-k GERRIT VERPLOEGH, born about the year 1659, son of A-IV-i.

Sighted in his brother's Will as "Heer", a title indicating some social standing and/or respect. The christenings of their two daughters can be found at the Dutch Reformed Church in Herwijnen; it was always assumed that the first Maria must have died young. However, this must be incorrect for she and her sister are both mentioned as married in the will of Gerrit's brother, Willem Cornelis Verploegh.

Gerrit was married in the year 1688 to


From this marriage:

A-V-l WILLEM VERPLOEGH, christened in January 1661, son of A-IV-i.

Willem & Josijntjen wrote a joint will dated 4 December 1717 from which it is learned Jenneke Draak appears to be the heir of Cornelis Draak and Peter Draak widower of Osch (possibly Oss, North Brabant), or perhaps was an heir with them through her mother. (Hendrik and Cornelis Lambertse Draak are also mentioned.) Further the will mentions the children of just two of Willem's brothers and makes his nephew the guardian of his sole heir and only son. Source: Van Baalen, D., "Verploegh", Gens Nostra, June 1960, pp. 153-165.

Willem was married (1) to

JOSIJNTJEN VAN RIEMSDIJK, died on June 7, 1719.

From this marriage:

Willem was married (2) to


A-V-m ADRIAUNUS VERPLOEGH, born about the year 1664 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died in the year 1732, aged about 68 years, son of A-IV-i.

As a young man he was a "gemeenlandstimmerman" (commonlands carpenter) until about 1686. He resided at Herwijnen after his marriage where he built mills and later was schepen and buurmeester, "maanmeester van de kribpenningen". Adriaan was secretary of Herwijnen from 1711 until his death. During the period 1694 he and one of his brothers promised surety for the delivery of 170 ammunition wagons. Source: Van Baalen, D., "Verploegh", Gens Nostra, June 1960, pp. 153-165.

Adriaunus was married in the year 1688 (1) to

ANNEKE HUIBERTSE TREDT, of Gorkum, South Holland (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

Adriaunus was married on December 27, 1718 at Herwijnen orf Haaften, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to

DIRSKE GERRITS DE JONG, born about the year 1690, daughter of A-V-h.

From this marriage:

A-V-n WILLEMEKE JANS DE ROUW, born about the year 1645, daughter of A-IV-r.

Willemeke was married on July 3, 1668 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

ARIEN AERTS DE FOCKERT, born about the year 1638 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died before 1690, aged at most 52 years, son of A-IV-ac.

From this marriage:

A-V-o ANTONIE AERTS DE FOCKERT, born about the year 1630 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), died after 1680, aged at least 50 years, son of A-IV-ac.

Schout of Herwijnen. Still held Polder rights in the 1680-90 accounting.
Antonie was married to


From this marriage:

Schout of Herwijnen.

Aart was married on February 21, 1683 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to ARIAENTJE DIRKSE HOOGERWERFF, christened on April 21, 1662 at Brakel, Gelderland (Netherlands), daughter of A-V-t.

A-V-p GEURT AERTS DE FOCKERT, born about the year 1632 of Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands), son of A-IV-ac.

Geurt was married on May 5, 1659 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) to

METJE BRANDE, born about the year 1638.

From this marriage:


Thonij was married to


From this marriage:


His daughter from an unknown woman:

Steven was married (2) to



Jan was married to


From this marriage:


A-V-t DIRK LEONARDTS HOOGERWERFF, died on July 2, 1689 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands).

Dirk was married on August 6, 1658 at Zuilichem, Gelderland (Netherlands) (1) to

TEUNTJE CORNELISSE SCHAULK(EN), born about the year 1636 of Meeuwen, North Brabant (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

Dirk was married on April 19, 1679 at Herwijnen, Gelderland (Netherlands) (2) to


A-VI-a PETER JANSZN ROSA, buried on December 30, 1729 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), son of A-V-f.

Peter was married on February 26, 1701 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) to

MARIA ARIENS KUIPERS, of Hemert, (Netherland).

From this marriage:


Govert was married between April 19 and May 11, 1701 at Veen, North Brabant (Netherlands) to

LIJSBETH JANSZE VAN RIJSWIJK, christened on January 22, 1677 at Veen, North Brabant (Netherlands), daughter of A-V-s.

From this marriage:

A-VI-c GEERTRUIJ AERTS ROSA, christened on September 3, 1702 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on January 5, 1748 there, aged 45 years, daughter of A-V-g.

Geertruij was married between October 30 and November 21, 1734 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) (1) to

JAN THONIJ STRAVERS, christened on March 16, 1683 at Babilonienbroek, North Brabant, (Netherlands), see A-VI-e.

From this marriage:

Geertruij was married (2) to


From this marriage:

A-VI-d GIJSBERT AERTSZN ROSA, christened on February 27, 1707 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on March 20, 1754 there, aged 47 years, son of A-V-g.

Gijsbert was married (March 26) April 19, 1745 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) to

ANTHONETTA STEVENS VAN VUUREN, christened on November 26, 1713 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on February 11, 1774 there, aged 60 years, daughter of A-V-r.

From this marriage:

A-VI-e JAN THONIJ STRAVERS, christened on March 16, 1683 at Babilonienbroek, North Brabant, (Netherlands), buried on April 29, 1750 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), aged 67 years, son of A-V-q.

Jan was married (October 14) November 6, 1718 at Dussen, North Brabant (Netherlands) (1) to

MARIA DE ROIJ, of Dussen, North Brabant (Netherlands).

From this marriage:

Jan was married (October 30) November 21, 1734 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) (2) to Removed "between" and "and"

GEERTRUIJ AERTS ROSA, christened on September 3, 1702 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), see A-VI-c.

From this marriage:

A-VII-a ADRIAAN PIETERS ROSA, christened on October 17, 1703 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on September 20, 1732 there, aged 28 years, son of A-VI-a.

Adriaan was married (April 18) May 11, 1727 at Babilonienbroek, North Brabant, (Netherlands) (1) to

HELENA ISAKSDR VAN DER BEEK, christened on October 7, 1696 at Babilonienbroek, North Brabant, (Netherlands), died before July 23, 1729, aged at most 32 years.

From this marriage:

Adriaan was married (July 23) August 14, 1729 at Almkerk, North Brabant (Netherlands) (2) to

MAIJKE ANTONISDR KEIJSER, of Almkerk, North Brabant (Netherlands), died before April 18, 1727.

A-VII-b LIJSBETH PIETERS ROSA, christened on December 6, 1705 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), died before September 26, 1738, aged at most 32 years, daughter of A-VI-a.

Lijsbeth was married (October 11, 1727) January 18, 1728 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) to

GERRIT JANSE VAN ANDEL, christened on August 13, 1702 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands).
Gerrit was married afterwards to GIJSBERTJE JACOBSDR DE VEERMAN, christened on November 28, 1706 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), see A-VII-e.

From this marriage:

A-VII-c ANNEKE PIETERS ROSA, christened on February 6, 1706 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on January 19, 1741 there, aged 34 years, daughter of A-VI-a.

Anneke was married to

JAN ARIENSE VAN ANDEL, christened on April 1, 1708 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands).

From this marriage:


Willem was married to


From this marriage:

A-VII-e GIJSBERTJE JACOBSDR DE VEERMAN, christened on November 28, 1706 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on December 23, 1743 there, aged 37 years.

Gijsbertje was married to

GERRIT JANSE VAN ANDEL, christened on August 13, 1702 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands).
Gerrit was married before (October 11, 1727) January 18, 1728 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) to LIJSBETH PIETERS ROSA, christened on December 6, 1705 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), see A-VII-b.

A-VIII MARIA ARIENS ROSA, christened on May 4, 1732, daughter of A-VII-a.

Maria was married (May 7) May 30, 1756 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) (1) to

WILLEM WILLEMS VAN BRAKEL, christened on December 31, 1724 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on February 9, 1767 there, aged 42 years, son of A-VII-d.

From this marriage:

Died the same date as her father.

Maria was married on October 31, 1779 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands) (2) to

BASTIAAN JANSZN STRAVER, christened on December 27, 1724 at Andel, North Brabant (Netherlands), buried on September 28, 1804 there, aged 79 years.

From this marriage: