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picture of me

picture of Heather

My baby


not me

2-19-00 Hey everyone my name is Julie Marlene Johnson. I am the chick in the pic that is looking down. This is my first Diary entry so I am gonna tell you about myself. I am 15 years old and I live in Michigan and sometimes Montana. I have an 18 year old brother named Josh and a mom dad and like six step siblings. I sing and listen to music for fun and I love to rollerblade play volleyball and LASERTAG. Well, I am gonna go finish my site and let me know what you think
Julie Johnson

Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't written in like forever! Please please please sign my guestbook I really like to know what you feel about my page! Anyways, don't forget that Hanson's new C.D. comes out in 2 days!!! And they are on Rosie O'Donell tomorrow and David Letterman on Tuesday. Today is Hanson Day so celebrate and also it is 3 years ago that Hanson released there first c.d. well please tell your friends about my page!
Love always,
Julie Johnson
Hey everyone! The girl in the pic is Heather she is my fellow Montfanson! She has a really great website at you should go visit it it has some great pics!!! (totally sexy) If you have any pics you want up here of Hanson fans please email them to me! and tell me you want them on my site! Well, have a good day everyone! Happy Mother's Day!!!

Hey everyone I just need to say that we should really suggest to people out there that they need to buy the hanson c.d.!!!Its great and I think everyone would enjoy it also remember that we need to vote for "If Only" on TRL and flood the radio stations!!! This week we are having a dedication to Zac on the picture section so go there and check it out it is great!!! Well Gotta go everyone please promote my site to your friends!

Hey guys!!! I am really sorry that I have not updated lately! I moved to Michigan about a week and a half ago and my grandma just died on Friday so it is really hard with the funeral and everything. Please keep coming back because I will do it as soon as possible also please do not come to my page and leave evil mean stuff on the guestbook, it ruins it for other people and it really has no point to it! Why come to my page to diss me? Just please because I can not delete it thank you :) Later~
Hey guys~ I got asked a question the other day, who is your favorite Hanson brother and why? Well, I got to thinking about this and this is what went through my head. I have considered Zac my favorite Hanson brother since the beginning of time because of his gapped tooth grin that makes me smile at my own little gap and his sence of humor that put a smile on my face in the toughest of times. But, now that I think about it why wouldn't I be in love with the soul that Taylor portrays in his music or the sultry beautiful unique voice of Isaac? Zac, the turkey oops. I mean the ham of the group. He fulfills that need of laughter in this world. Taylor, the shy guy fulfills that need for passion that you lose after a certain age because people tell you that you can't do it. Isaac, the stupid funny one, who fulfills your need for humor in the oddest places but a sence of seriousness when needed. Without any one of these personalities Hanson wouldn't be who they are today. How could I possibly choose a favorite when each one has fulfilled a need here or there. So, Zac may always be the guy that holds my heart but Taylor holds my soul and Isaac holds my mind. I can only answer that question by saying, which one is my favorite? Hanson is my favorite! Laytor all~ Julie
Hey guys!!! Today is such a great day! I have no idea why but I am just so proud of all of us!!! We have made Hanson number one on TRL! We have moved them up the Billboard charts! EVERYTHING is SO great guys!!! Thank you and I am sure that Hanson is totally greatful for us!We are by far the most dedicated fanbase I ever seen. Thank you for making me part of a group of people whom I am so damn proud to be a part of guys! This page is my way of saying thank you. It means so much to me and I hope that I show my true appreciation in this page. I am going to hire someone to help me with updating my pictures section because I do not have my computer yet and this computer does not allow me to updload pics so please be patient! Thanks again guys! I know Hanson appreciates us! Laytor~ Julie
Hey Hanpsters!!! Hehehe. Well here we go guys! WOOOOOAAAAHHHHHHHH! Hehehe Hanson is officially on tour! WOOHOO! Does anyone know what the tour is called? I dont! OwOw! Anyways~ I have heard a lot of controversy over M2M and Hanson. Guys listen to what I have to say about this. Okay, Hanson NEEDS to be happy. They can not suffer because us as the fans want them to be single. I do not believe that Hanson and M2M are dating but personally it isn't any of our business if they are or not. We can not forever wait around for that Hanson brother to meet that one right fan. We all think we are the right fan. M2M are Hanson fans and we should be happy that a fellow fan has gotten the opportunity to meet them and maybe date them. I also heard a girl say that Hanson would never date a regular person. I am gonna stick my neck out here and say that that is a false accusation. IF you are a beautiful person inside and believe n yourself than I don't know why they wouldn't. I mean yes I am voicing my own opinion here but guys, I hate to see all of the fansons freaking out and stuff. You all have an equal chance to meet Taylor Zac and Isaac and if it isn't Isaac, Taylor, and Zac HANSON you will one day meet your own Zac Taylor, or Isaac. This is one of them things that really does have a point but I have no idea if I addressed it or not. hehehe oh well. I hope y'all understand. Have a GREAT day everyone!!! Bye Bye Bye (not meant for N*Sync)

Oh my gosh guys!!! I am SO sorry that I have not updated this is SOOOO long! HAve I got a story to tell you! Okay, well I moved out of my aunts house and in with my dad, I really loved the school their and everything, okay? Well my dad drinks REALLY heavy and I was scared so I moved back to Montana :o( I am sad but at least I am with people that really love me now. I dont get to go to my Hanson concert in September either but oh well, I have to look at it like this: I have been fortunate enough to go to two Hanson concerts so far and some people never get to go to any. Also~ I thought Hanson was great on TRL! I know that alot of you are getting your oportunity to meet Hanson now and go to the concerts and stuff so please send me your stories about the concerts to and I will post it under the stories section! Well I am updating my site right now so I will talk to yall later! Loves!!!!
Hey guys!!! That guy on the top is my boyfriend he is hot and so nice!!! Love ya Andy! Anyways~ today I got auditioned for a band and I made it!!! I will post more later about it! Later~