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Happy New Year


Its 2002 now.   This year should be the best ever.  Well, for me at least.  Graduate this year, turn 18, got a great girlfriend, and more time for Jeeping.  So far, great year.  Added a few things to my car like dual batteries which is really cool cause now im never worried about not starting cause i drained a battery down to much.  Hope you all have a happy new year and sign my guest book please.

Black Widow

Finally Updating


I haven't updated because I lost my web page software so I couldn't do much. I have one now so its all good now. I have made a few Mods to my jeep and also got some pictures too. They should be up or up shortly. I'm Also adding a few things to the coming attractions part too like a dual bat. kit. Should be nice so I don't have to worry about having the enigine on for short winching or running my stereo. Can run the stereo till the battery dies now and have no worries. Lates

More Mods


Got a new Alternator for my Jeep about a month ago. I also ordered something else but I'm not saying yet. Its really cool is all you need to know for right now. School has Also stated and I'm finally senior. Yes! I also went to pismo over the summer and drove off a sand dund and laned on my nose of my Jeep. No damage except for a bent up Liscense plate and a sub box bracket. Guess all The Heavy duty Upgrading to the front end helped. More upgrades to come. Also Pictures too hopefully. Lates

Boomin' Bass Bass Bass Bass Bass


I finally got my SUBS in today. Oh man is it sweet. Two 12"s, powered by a Kenwood Excelon amp. Ill put specs later. I do have to get a new head unit cause it has a defect that I think all the head units of my model have cause my friend has the same problem. When the volume is too low, the sub turns off. Oh well I get 250 dollars of credit so I can get a new better one. Dude its just one of those things you have to hear. When school gets out, everything seems to be all better and fall in place. Lates


Okay, if no one wants to sing the guest book, then im just gonna get rid of it cause its buggin me looking at it when only 3 people have signed it. By the way thank you to those three people who have signed it. Anyways, ig you want the thing up, start signing it, if not dont sign it and ill take it off if not enough people sign it. Thank you.


Flash has been added to this page now. If you haven't seen it, its the first page you should come to when entering my site. The title has also been changed to Chris' Black Widow Jeep. As you can see in the flash, it shows my logo turning into the new Black Widow logo. I think its pretty cool. It was my first time making something on flash so be kind. The Black Widow has entered.


Got new Pictures up now. Glamis Spring Break 2001. Go check 'em out. Got some really cool ones. Went with some friends and they are in there too. Also got some cool ones with picture effect with my digital cam i just got. You got to see 'em. There really cool. Ready, Set, GO!



Revised my Jeep Modifications page. Did some work on it so I was just keeping it up to date. Also incase you havent noticed, If you are using IE 5.0 ir better, you should see colored scroll bars here and there. If you don't, go get IE 5.0 or better.


Added a link to my links page. It's Lindsey's Oh-So-Cool page. Check it out cause its pretty cool. Has lots of pics of her and her frinds on it.


More mods


Just added a few more modifications to my jeep. Got some Rocker pannals finaly. Also put in a 1" throttle body. I Should be putting on a custom gas tank skid plate soon. Just a few other little changes here and there.

ARCA/Goodyear Rockcrawler Nationals


Well I just got back yesterday from the rockcrawler nationals at Jounson Valley. Man I have never seen such great action. When they say these are the best of the best, I believe it. Well I added some pictures. Theres not a hole lot cause I could get my new digital camera to work with some of the disks I brought. Well they are in the pictures section. Take a look at the yellow YJ. He fliped end over end, then he did the same rock again, and then fliped again then that was it for him. You can see in one of the pictures his coil from one his coil-over shocks in the ground. The whole shock broke off. I would have gotten a better shot of the broken side but some little kid wouldnt get out of my way for a few seconds to take it. Little brat. Hope you enjoy.

Just news


Happy New Year

(better late then never)

Well, its been a while. I've done a lot of updates since the last time I updated this part of the page. More modifications to my jeep and some picture updates. I havent finished the friends part but i'll do it soon. Just come back and make sure you have bookmored this page. Its the best on the internet so it should already be there unless this is your first time. Also let me know if this color is better then the blue. Some people told me that they blue on black hurt their eyes. Let me know if its better, worse, or it doesn't matter. Pass this page on to all of your friends.


Announced about a couple of weeks ago, BLM and some hotshot environmentalists is going to shut down 48,000 acres of Glamis. For many of us, we will not be affected, but some us who venture out into these areas will be devastated about this. Even if you do not go into these areas, You should care cause this is just the start. When the see that they can't stop people form going in to this preservation, they will just close it down completely. Why are they doing this? Because they are a bunch of party poopers. J/k. There is a plant called Peirson's Milkvetch, a silvery short-lived perennial plant reportedly found only here. A man named Bob Ham wanted to close only small parts of Glamis (go Ham) but the court and the environmental groups rejected his ideas. Dean Shores said it is unfortunate the county became aware of the settlement to close the dunes so late in the process, and that it is only a matter of time before the whole desert is closed to recreation. Greg Thomsen, BLM field manager in El Centro, said the area has not been closed yet. "It's open at this point," he said. "There is no decision by the court at this time." Thomsen said BLM has plans to take action to close the area, if necessary, by Thanksgiving. "In the meantime, one of the things we're trying to do is get the word out that something may happen out there," he said. So everyone who goes to Glamis, please take some sort of action. If they do close the 48,000 acres, please obey the rules and signs for the closure. If people disobey them, I'm sure that environmentalists will want to just close the whole thing down. Well that's the News of the month.

To view a map of the clousure, and a more detailed story, please visit Glamis OnLine . I got most of my facts from them but summed it up a little. I have a copy for the Map here if you want to view it here.

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