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Synopsis - A look at things to come

San Francisco 2086, High school teens have found the ultimate high. The ultimate adrenaline rush doesn’t rely purl on ‘e’ anymore, you need speed, a car, and half a dozen cops onto you responding to GTA – Grand Theft Auto. By staging elaborate driving routes in a world where cars fly at 675k/h, no wheels equal no rules. The better the route, the better the high. Cops hate ’em , kids adore ‘em, and parents disown them. They live by their own rules, of which there is only one: don’t get caught! Death before being caught whether by the fail safe cyanide sleeping pill or some bullet of a personal gun. Honor is everything; better to die doing what you love, than watch the world wither around you. In this world appreciation for life comes only after cheating death, there’s no rush like beating the odds on no tomorrow.

Ghost Girl
Born in BCE 7230, she is a Pisces. Kalani was born in a small fishing village located in Polynesia, her father was a local fisherman, and her mother was the granddaughter of the Goddess of all creation. At 17 years old Kalani drowned at sea when she and her father were caught in a storm trying to save a fellow fisherman who was stranded. When Kalani came to, stepping through the light of the spirit world, she was greeted by her great-grandmother Sinhayana. Realizing what this meant Kalani rejected the death of her body and the spirit world that followed. Banished, she watched from Earth with no body of her own, as her family grew old and died, leaving her behind. Eventually, she too saw her people conquered, oppressed, assimilated, and eventually lost and forgotten to history. Alone and without hope Kalani besieged her great-grandmother to allow her to return to the spirit realm and to the home she knew and loved. But she was refused entry to her home as a permanent member and that the only way she would be allowed to visit was to become an angel. (An angel is a spirit that hunts and destroys demons and deviant spirits). When the time comes for humanity’s chapter to end, Kalani will be readmitted into her home. But there is a catch with her line of work; to kill demons and deviant spirits it takes the blood of the holy pure or innocent. Kalani must kill the holy and innocent to do away with the evil, and her good deeds must outweigh the number of lives she has taken. So now Kalani assumes a human form, her wings hidden on her back as a pair of tattoos that edge from shoulder to hip, and she hunts the evil of this world for the ultimate bounty: to get her home and family back.

The Protecters

Naryia: Pride & Justice
Most people don’t think much of their dreams outside of entertainment and the same goes for the leader of The Protectors, Paul Antineil. However, Paul has been having some disturbing dreams lately that feel more like an omen, than entertainment. Being kidnapped and taken to another dimension by the space pirate Casata, Paul learns of his true heritage and the wrongs done not only to him, but his people. Will Paul Antineil have the courage to learn about all of his true origins and take back the kingdom that is rightfully his or will he look for a way back home to earth and resume his comfort zone?

Naryia: Twist of Soulmate
Libaniel is a man of wanderlust and pride, he has everything he wants in life, everything… except a companion to share it with. After fighting for the rights for the Kingdom of Antineil, alongside of the rightful owner Prince Paul Antineil, Libaniel roams the land for his personal bliss. Finding himself in the city of Acolasia, Libaniel comes into contact with his childhood love. Will old sparks ignite a passion to romance or will the time they’ve been a part keep them separated? Nostalgia from the past and personality of the present will surely twist into something unforeseen by our hero.

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