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Secrets of Final Fantasy Tactics

How to Get Cloud

1. You must be in CHAPTER 4, before the Orbonne Monastery Battle.

2. You must have Mustadio in your group.

3. Listen to the Rumor of the "Cursed Island" at the bar in Zeltennia Castle.

4. Buy a flower from the flower girl named Aeris in Zarghidas Trade City. Named Aeris??? Where have I heard that before?

5. Go to Goug Machine City with Mustadio. Basrodio will look over a steel ball found in the No. 57 Mine.

6. Listen to the Rumor of the "Ghost of Colliery" in the bar at Goland Coal City.

7. Get Beowulf to join your party in Lesalia Imperial Capitol.

8. Now, go back to Goland Coal City and complete the four battles. When you save Reis, the Holy Dragon, have her join your party. You will also receive the Aquarius Zodiac Stone in this city. You will use it to activate the Steel Ball.

9. Go back to Goug Machine City, and the fearsome Steel Giant will violently transform from the steel ball.

10. Go to the Nelveska Temple, and defeat the evil Steel Giant and receive another Zodiac Stone.

11. Return to Goug once again. The new Zodiac Stone will trigger the Time Machine that will summon Cloud into the new world. Dont thing you have him yet because he runs out in a rush.

12. Once the story has progressed past the dispute with your brother Dycedarg and the battle with his metamorphosed soul, Adramelk. Go to the Trade City of Zarghidas and protect Cloud from the Thieves. When Cloud joins you he will have no weapon and wont be any use in battle so read the following step to fix that problem.

13. Put the Chemist's "Move-find" ability and anything that enhances jump height on someone. Go to Bervenia Volcano and climb to the top of the highest rock formation. There you will find the Materia Blade, the sword Cloud needs to use his SOLDIER skills.

Cloud starts at level 1 so he wont be that good of an ally until you build up his job and experience points so you can learn his limit breaks and gain levels. You can learn all of Clouds FF7 limit breaks.

The Zodiac Summon Spell

It is possible to learn the summon spell "Zodiac" that is cast by Elidibs, the last boss of the Deep Dungeon. To do this Elidibs must cast Zodiac on a Summoner and the Summoner must survive. To do this use the Knight ability "Mind Break" and other spells to lower Elidibs Magic Attack Power. Hopefully you will survive. Once you know it, you can cast it on other summoners in your group to teach it to them too.

The Deep Dungeon

The Deep Dungeon is a subquest that becomes accessible after the St. Murond Holy Place battles. When you walk up to Warjilis Trade City, you will trigger a scene at the bar. When you leave, a path will open to an island in the East. This is the beginning of the Deep Dungeon subquest. It consists of 10 dark and violent levels: Nogias, Terminate, Delta, Valkyries, Mlapan, Tiger, Bride, Voyage, Horror and End. Each level will open up after you complete the previous battle and find the exit. If you don't find the exit the next level will not become availble. If you replay the same Dungeon, the monsters will be differnt. This is also a great place to Poach. The variety of enemies is large. The nearest Fur Shop is in Warjilis. You can go back and forth without having random battles.

The Deep Dungeon is FULL of powerful items. To get them you must do some work. Put the "Move-Find" ability of the Chemist on someone with low Bravery. If you are lucky you will find great stuff. Sometimes an item should be in a spot but you get something else, all you can do is reset and try again.

Change Ramza Into a Dark Knight

Before Gafgaron betrays you unequip all of his armor and weapons equip them all on Ramza, and reduce Gafgarons level to priest, enter the battle at Goroland Execution Site,kill everybody and after that battle you will become a Dark Knight. The Dark Knight Job will come instead of Squire Job. The code may not work 100% so before the battle save. If u didn't get the Dark Knight Job load the game again. Just keep on tryin.