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Level Requirements: None

Description: The starting part to becoming a strong warrior. Most characters will start with this job.

Skill: Basic Skill



Level Requirements: None

Description: Gives items to wounded allies in battle. Early in the game this is your only method of healing. Learn Item Throw quickly.

Skill: Item


My Opinion: Have at least two characters who have mastered this job.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Squire

Description: The Knight is a strong fighter who is good with a sword. He can wear heavy armor which gives him very high HP.

Skill: Battle Skill


My Opinion: Meh...I dont like them too much because im the kinda guy who would rather break skulls than break swords.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Squire

Description: The Archer uses a bow to cause damage from a distance. Very useful if you can get the archer in a high place.

Skill: Charge


My Opinion: I felt they were good in the 1st and a bit of the 2nd chapter but there are alot better jobs out there


Level Requirements: Level 2 Knight

Description: Low defense, but the Monk has an extremely powerful attack with his bare hands.

Skill: Punch Art


My Opinion: A really effective character if built up early.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Chemist

Description: Takes over where the Chemist leaves off. Uses Holy and Recovery Magic.

Skill: White Magic

Best Abilities:

My Opinion: Im not too fond of having to give up valuable Mp to cure of heal a character when I can do it for a measly amount of gil with a Chemist.

Black Mage

Level Requirements: Level 2 Chemist

Description: Uses Black Magic to his/her advantage calliing upon the elements to do his/her dirty work.

Skill: Black Magic


My Opinion: A pain in the ass to fight, but an exellent ally.

Time Mage

Level Requirements: Level 2 Black Mage

Description: Uses magic to put time on his/her side making a tough apponent and usefull ally.

Skill: Time Magic


My Opinion: Never use them much because I go for might over mind.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Time Mage

Description: Summoners call powerful monsters in battle to aid thier party. If you have high MP you can cast very powerful spells.

Skill: Summon


My Opinion: I think they are great especially if you pair them up with a Black Mage.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Archer

Description: Steals items from unexpecting victems. Also known to steal gil and even hearts so watch out.

Skill: Steal


My Opinion: They're good and all but I'd rather actually steal someone's heart...hehe.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Yin-Yang Mage

Description: Talks instead of fighting. Has powerful persuasion skills. Also cant Invite enemies to join your party.

Skill: Talk Skill


My Opinion: At 1st I loved the idea of having monsters on my team but later realized that humans are much more effective in battle not to mention cleaner.


Level Requirements: Level 2 Priest

Description: Casting effect spells on enemies is their specialties.

Skill: Yin and Yang


My Opinion: Again I much more prefer might over mind.


Level Requirements: Level 3 Monk

Description: A strong fighter that uses the power of the Earth. Allows you to use a sword, but not wear heavy armor.

Skill: Elemental


My Opinion: Could've been a very effective character if they could choose which elemental to use.


Level Requirements: Level 3 Thief

Description: Heavily armored warrior, with the amazing Jump ability. Lancers have good attack and can attack something 2 squares away.

Skill: Jump


My Opinion: Really good for getting those hard to reach places.


Level Requirements: Level 3 Knight, Level 4 Monk, Level 2 Lancer

Description: Master swordsman, that wears strong armor. Very high attack power. Blade Grasp increases the Samurai already high Evade.

Skill: Draw Out


My Opinion: Really effective...once you buy the swords!!! Hehe... at first I didnt know you had to buy the weapons to draw then out.


Level Requirements: Level 3 Archer, Level 4 Thief, Level 2 Geomancer

Description: A quick and nimble character that uses its keen eye sight and accuracy to throw items at enemies.

Skill: Throw


My Opinion: Really good as a secondary skill.


Level Requirements: Level 4 White Mage, Level 4 Black Mage, Level 3 Time Mage, Level 3 Oracle

Description: Very powerful job, especially if the character has a strong magic background. Uses math to destroy.

Skill: Math Skill


My Opinion: Frustrating and time-consuming, but extremely deadly once you figure it out. Auto battle a few times to see how its done.

Bard (Male Character Only)

Level Requirements: Level 4 Summoner, Level 4 Mediator

Description: Uses his songs to support his allies.

Skill: Sing


My Opinion: Not that great of a job.

Dancer (Female Character Only)

Level Requirements: Level 4 Geomancer, Level 4 Lancer

Description: Uses her expert dancing skills to attck enemies.

Skill: Dance


My Opinion: Again, not the greatest job class.


Level Requirements: Level 8 Squire, Level 8 Chemist, Level 4 Summoner, Level 4 Mediator, Level 4 Geomancer, Level 4 Lancer

Description: Like Gogo from Final Fantasy 3. Mimics an allies attack. Uses the weapon of the person it mimes, even though it does not have a weapon.

Skill: Mimic


My opinion: I'll let you know once I get one.
