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My Love ...

My days are bleak without your smile,
and my nights are cold without your warmth...
I'm missing you so terribly...
wish you're here
to hold me tight...
Come to me, my sweet..

I tell you all day long
how much I want to be by your side
and to hold you close to my heart...
Your smile lightens up my heart
everytime I see it in my mind...
How I wish I could have you
by my side everyday
and everynight,
every minute and every hour!

I have no dream but to
hold you so close to me...
Even for a moment,
that joy would last a lifetime.

I think about the times we would
spend looking at each other...
with you in my arms...
and my face embedded in your hair...
and would remember how we looked
like the lovers we are together...
and then I begin to miss you
more than ever again..


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