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Tunnel of Love


"One pussy licking coming up"

"What's your name, handsome?"

"Well, Claude, Miss Virginia. A pleasure to see.

Oh my, you're all naked to.

Like Miss Marge. Are you going to suck the poison out too?"

"Do you know what's under my dress?"

"Well, no, ma'am, I ain't never looked. Well, a cock like I got

I guess."

"No, Claude, it's a nice big cxnt."

My name is Shaggy, but some call me Shaggy Balls

Cuz you can my ball sac hanging out my drawers

I wear short shorts, bitches stop and stare

Later on you see me parting through the cotton hair

I meet a bitch, I always gotta check and ask

How many corn dogs been to the cotton patch

And when I fxck bitches ass what I'm trying to do

My nuts is people, so I'm trying to stuff em in there too

Cotton Candy, it wasn't made for the mouth

You don't believe me, then take a look and then south

Rotten candy, is what you'll find without a doubt

I stick my wang in the cotton hole and then I'm out

Jump Steady, Rude Boy, and Nate the Mack

They huntin cotton and Shaggy Shagg know where it's at

So don't be stingy, there's more than one wicked clown

And, bitch, you got enough cotton here to go around

Now some bitches wanna go and shave the cotton off

Straight to the candy, I'm with it, I won't get lost

That's why I bring the clippers with me, they coming in handy

When you fxck around with the cotton candy

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey

Cotton Candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me

My name is J, the kiddies call me genie pants

Cuz I can play the flute and make my dick start to dance

Like a snake, I make it shake, rattle and roll

And this year, my ball's made it to the Cotton Bowl

Unlike Shaggy, he's scared of the cotton pie

I ate so much cotton candy I got pink eye

I can remember the first time I had a taste

She pulled her panties down and stuffed her cotton in my face

I said, "your daddy's home", she said "so xxxxing what?"

I tried to take my dingaling and stick it in her butt

I tried to push it in, I couldn't turn it out

She said "Cotton Candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth"

Oh shxt, so what was I to do

Run like a bitch, or have the cotton stew

I thought for a second, then I said what the fxck

I ate so much cotton that my tongue came out her butt

Eewwww, bitch, I'll have another bowl

My boys had to come and get me cuz I lost control

On the way home, I had a new attitude

I'm like "hey, let's go eat some more pussy, dude"

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey

Cotton Candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me

"Marge, you know where the money is. You get it and hold it for

Miss Vicki while I kiss her pussy."

"Sure, Claude, honey."

"Okay Claude, now before you kiss my pussy. Lick the insides of

my thighs. Here and here. Yes, it helps get pussy warm."

"Yes, ma'am"

"That's it, Claude, nice and slow. Oh, that's nice, Claude baby."

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey

Cotton Candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me

"Nice and slow. Oh, that's nice, Claude baby. Oh God. Oh. Lick the

hairs of my pussy. Ohh-oh that's nice Clause. Keep licking. Huh uh

keep licking. Oh my pussy, come on, Claude."

"Go ahead and suck you bastard.

Oh lick it, oh! fxck! lick more

Suck it, suck it, suck motherfxcker, suck!"


"Yeah, you give sax lessons. Why not to spend the night? I am only to

spend the night? I play music of the night. No, no, I'm not awake in

the day. Read my lips, scary. Aww, man, why you guys in the goddamn,

Yellow Pages then, the fxckin, the goddamn, what's it, no, it's the

Weekly. In paranthasees, 'No gig too scary'. And that's just what I am.


Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane

Nah, bitch, Super Balls, is the name

And I come from a far away planet

Southwest Del Ray, goddamn it!

And it's the land of the smog-filled maniacs

Super Balls, and concrete nutsacs

You know that fat lady skank that always bothers you

I'm here to fxck her, yo, that's what I do

So tell me where the hoes is at

The fat loopy bitches with the lumpy backs

Super Balls ain't scared of a fxckin' thing

Hold your belly up and I'll stick you with my Super Wang

So, who's next, the bitch with the rubber eye

It won't shut, and now she can't find a guy

It scared everybody off, so I guess my duty calls

BITCH!!!!!!!!!! Call me Super Balls

Ain't no bitch to fat

Ain't no bitch to whack

Ain't no bitch to ugly

For Super Balls, woowoo!

I met a girl looked a lot like a turkey

So I fxcked her and her neden went bublabublabubla

Cuz I could give a motherfxck about looks

I just jock up another one for the books

I know this bitch fat round like a beachball

You can roll her up, and bounce her off the wall

We played ball, shoot hoops, she can hold steady

Then I stick my dick down in the fat patty

Just cuz no one calls your home

Don't mean that you're all alone

Just call Super Balls to the rescue

Now here's what I'm a do

I might stick my big toe in your butthole

And then tickle your neden with my other toes

Ugly bitches in need, I crash through their walls

Big daddy J Violent Super BallS

Ain't no bitch to fat (yeah, motherfxcker)

Ain't no bitch to whack (better ask somebody)

Ain't no bitch to ugly

For Super Balls, woowoo!

"It's a bright mid-summer day in Metropolis, and there's not much

news fit to televise at Galaxy Communications. Where, in his

office, Clark Kent is monitoring the twelve o'clock news."

"Uh uh, it goes thump thump thumpin against your clit"

"Harder, harder!"

"Lois Lane, ace reporter for Galaxy Communications, opens Clark's

door and looks in."

"When the hell do I get something out of this?"

It's down, it's down with the clown

fxck fat bitches and charge by the pound

I gets paid and I bought a new Lexus

Cuz I fxcked a bitch bigger than Texas (yeeehaw!!)

Super Balls don't care where his nuts at

One night, I found em in your mom's butt crack

You was playin Nintendo upstairs

I had my dick stickin in your mom's butt hairs

Granny walked in, puffing on a jay

"Pfft, my pussy's turning grey"

She asked if I would mind dipping in the sugar walls

I said it ain't no thing for Super Balls

Super Balls is in the motherfxcking house!!!

Ain't no bitch to fat

Ain't no bitch to whack

Ain't no bitch to ugly

For Super Balls, woowoo!


"Eh, yo, J, man, eh?"


"Eh, man, you remember me?"


"You remember that shxt you said?"


"Well, paybacks a bitch!"

(4 gunshots)

"Mmm, motherfxcker, let's go man."

"Hold up, man, he's still alive, man."

(5 gunshots)

"Die motherfxcker, damn!"

(1 gunshot)

"Shoot the motherfxcker again, man"

(1 gunshot)

"Aw, xxxx."

(2 gunshots)

"Shoot him again, man."

"Ahahaha. ahahah."

(3 gunshots)

"Motherfxcker's still alive man"


(3 gunshots)

"Die, man."

(1 gunshot)


"Aw shxt, let's get the fxck out of here, man"

"Ahhhh! Ahahahaha!


Hahahahah, bitches."

"What's the hell's a ninja?"

"A ninja is the branch of the Japenese samurai. A very old

orginization. It's origins are hundreds of years old. Much

of its history's been lost. Not many ninjas exist today, yet

they all have imdominal fighting skills as a part of Ninjitsu.

No matter what weapons you use, a ninja will never die."

(at the same time: in background)

Ninja's possess superior skills of Ninjitsu, motherfxcker

Ninja's have imdominal fighting skills

I'm ninja, a ninjer, a motherfxcking ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a shogun samurai

So I can swing a sword and make necks fly

I'd go to school and ninja crawl through the halls

Then I'd jump out and stab bitches in the balls

Cuz I remember these kids from the playground

Everybody'd hang around, we were all down

But then we grew up and everybody turned away

And now they dissin me, yellin "Fxck Nerdy J"

Its sad to think of how it changed as I got older

As I sit and draw a ninja on my folder, uh

What I would do if I only had a ninja sword

You'd see blood start flingin on the chalk board

I'd tell the whole class nobody move a jiggle

First one to do, I'll make your fxckin neck wiggle

Everyone would start jockin, the news would take my picture

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

After I was done killing all the yuppie fxcks

All the poor kids would come and swing from my nuts

And I would walk home feeling like a samurai

I'd walk in the house and see my momma cry

I'd ask why, she'd point to my drunk pops

He tried to hit her again but that shxt stops

I kick him in his throat, you hear his neck break

I throw a roundhouse and knock his beard off his face

I'd tell him, "Dad, now look at all your broken glass

Why don't you pick it all up and stick it in your ass?"

I watch him do it, now hurry up, you take forever

When he was done, I'd squeeze his butt cheeks together

Now get the fxck out my house, never come back

I throw a Chinese star and stick him in his ass crack (aaahhh!!!)

I turn to my mother, "I'm sorry that he hit ya"

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

If I could be a ninja, my daddy'd be dead

But I still gotta go to work and pay the rent

I flip french fries for two twenty-five

Mr. Donny works here, he's fxckin forty-five

But he think he the shxt cuz he the boss

I guess he don't know that his life is a loss

I walk in, about 5 minutes late

Cuz I was trying to clean the blood off my ninja blade

But Mr. Donny wanna try and get up in my face

Screaming at me, sweatin over this place

Mad cuz I'm late, he's no better than me

Just another bitch working for next to free

I thought about taking my ninja steel

And cuttin up his body and fry him on the grill

But he's too fxckin whack and I can kill this bitch

And I don't even need to be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

Yeah, yeah, I'm a ninja, yeah



Stomp stomp stomp (forks is up forks is down) (3x)

Stomp stomp stomp (wicked clown, wicked town)

Take a look around, tell me what'cha see

You see flames and smoke, then there's me

I'm burning house and jumping telephone poles

They call me fireface, I'm sucking hot coals

Give me a quarter, I'll buy a quarter worth of gas

Sneek in your house and slowly pour it in your ass

Blaze it up, you're running around screechin scorn

Your ass is burning, your nuts pop like popcorn

And when I see you, I stomp all the flames out

Stomp your face and your ass, stomp your titties

I'll stomp your balls, we stomp in my wicked town

Forks up and forks down, a wicked clown

I represent like a true gangbanger should

I paint the forks and kays in your neighborhood

And when you see me, give a nod, say what up

Then walk away or I'll stomp your fxckin mouth shut

When I'm done, I drink a couple gallons of gas

Then I stick a lighter in my ass

Yeah, so if you down with the fxcking clown

Check it out!

I says stomp you say woowoo

STOMP woowoo STOMP woowoo

..........Guess who's coming to your big town

Jugglin jugglers jugglin jugglers (kiss the clown)


Won't you be my prom queen? (another morning)

Won't you be my prom queen?

Everybody has a real good time

Won't you be my prom queen? (must take for my senior prom)

Won't you be my prom queen?

Everybody has a real good time

Another morning, I must get up and go to school

I'm taking too long gettin dressed, tryin to look my best

Because today is not your ordinary every morning

My high school prom is coming and I heave my daddy's warnings

I'm going to find myself a girl to take to the prom

I shouldn't have too much trouble because I'm

I'm very nice, my mother says I'm very handsome

When I wear my good vest, and mother knows best

I got to school, I straggle through the hallways

I stop and gaze at all the girls just like always

But this time, I must now approach them (or)

Or my daddy might get mad and break my wrist again (ow)

And so I chose her, her hair, it matches with her face

She is so lovely, my heart pulse begin to race

I make my way between her friends and to her presence

Hello, Christine, would you be my prom queen?

I'd rather die, I'd rather die, I'd rather die... (repeat over)

(would you be my prom queen? no! aaah! prom queen)

There was a time when I could except a no

That was before, Christine is gonna have to go

My parents will be proud of me when I bring her home

So now I sit and watch her practice in the gym dome

Christine is famous, she has so many different friends

Will they miss her when she's dead or will they just pretend

Nobody talks to me, I only talk to I

And I been telling myself all day, she's gotta die

"Good morning, everybody. This is Principal Rogers, and I would just

like to congradulate our Senior class and wish them at tonight's

Prom dance."

Won't you be my prom queen? (I can be your prom baby)

Won't you be my prom queen?

Everybody has a real good time

It was really fxckin easy, I'm a human hater

I took a towel from the locker room to suffocate her

I had to throw away her gym bag and all her folders

And when it got dark, I caried her home on my shoulders

My daddy was asleep, when I snuck her in the back

I thought about my situation and it's kind of whack

It sounds cheap, but we're having prom in my cellar

But she's dead, I guess I'll never have to tell her

I took the bottles of Tamiace, four dollars worth

I took the seventeen dollars that was in her purse

I bought balloons and streaming and stuff to munch

I had a dollar left, I bought a Faygo Punch

I hung the streamers and balloons on my basement wall

I banged my head a couple times, I'm just too xxxxin tall

I would have took her to the school like a normal man

But I had to kill her first they'd never understand

I put a record on and then I picked her up to dance

I bet she cannot feel the woody growing in my pants

I know my daddy would be proud of all that I've done

Instead of burning me, he'd probably come and hug his son

I think about it as I dance slowly to the beat

The more I think about it tears are rolling down my cheek

I hope I showed Christine a night like no other

After all, that's how my daddy did my mother

"Our Seniors deserve a night to celebrate with friends, celebrate

all their great work. Prom night is your very own special night,

and everybody always remember their high school prom."

Won't you be my prom queen? (I can be your prom baby)

Won't you be my prom queen?

Everybody has a real good time


My kind of bitch ain't like your bitch

Cuz my bitch don't bitch at all

My bitch don't blink, she don't even think

About money or fxckin mall

My kind of bitch don't fix her hair

She don't care about what she wears

Cuz she's much too busy pulling the worms

Out her butt, she ain't bathed in years

My kind of bitch, I'll never forget

We forced met on a Oujia board

Miss Crabber Damned, she would chew on snakes

And swallow a ninja sword

I said, "hey bitch, how do you do?

Some xxxxs call me Violent J"

She picked her nose and flicked it at me

Smiled and was on her way, my kind of bitch

My kind of bitch

My kind of bitch don't fix her hair

She don't care about what she wears

My kind of bitch don't fix her hair

She don't care about what she wears

Fxck that!

My kind of bitch has a hole in her neck

And has to talk like this "I love you"

She can drink through it, ya get used to it

It whistle every time we kiss

My kind of bitch gots one good tittie

The other one's skinny and red

She can make the one jiggle

The other one don't do shxt but just sit their dead

My kind of bitch has a wooden eye

With a nail sticking half way out

It once caught a fire and we all had to spit

In her face just to put it out

My kind of bitch is a little loopy

And her ass might droop a bit

But I scoop that loop and fold the flop

And I fxck that pile of shxt, my kind of bitch

My kind of bitch

My kind of bitch gots one good tittie

The other one's skinny and red

My kind of bitch gots one good tittie

"Hello? Um, my name is J. I'm from Detroit. I'm looking for a girl,

who's, um, dead. Um, a girl who can possibly forfill some of my

fetishes. Which include, um, dipping your titties in Faygo and

slapping my face with them. Um, jumping from the dresser and landing on my balls. Uh..."

My kind of bitch waits till I sleep

Then run and fxck my friends

And everytime I break her legs

Then give my homie's ends (haha what's up, man!)

She shot me once and stabbed my neck

And even broke my nose

But I lick her from her crooked neck

Down to her stringy toes, my kind of bitch

My kind of bitch

My kind of bitch waits till I sleep

Then run and fxck my friend

My kind of bitch waits till I sleep then..

"Hello? Uh, my name is Shaggs, and I'm lookin for a girl with a

big big fat fxckin ass. And titties. And a big fat fxckin ass.

And, uh, I want my dick sucked, and I want my balls scratched.

And I want her to scratch my ass and twist my balls at the same

time, that's a must. And I'm looking for a girl who can stretch   titties and stuff em in her ass."

Fxck yeah, motherfxcker

I'm looking for a bitch

I'm looking for a girl to fit my needs (my kind of bitch)

We can have picnics under the moon

In the graveyard

We can have picnics under my house (my kind of bitch)

I'm looking for a girl to die with

If you're already dead, that's cool

You can sit around and wait for me to die (my kind of bitch)

I'm looking for a girl to squeeze me

I'm looking for a girl to squeeze my balls

Let me squeeze your neck

"This is Lisa. I've been a bad, bad girl."


"Comaley, get up. Let's go."


"Well, it's your lucky day today, pal. You're free."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Yup, that's right you been pardoned. So come on get your shxt Let's go."

"What are you talking about, I don't understand?"

"Yup, governor's pardoned you. Now come on, let's get the fxck out of here."

"Uh, uh, I'm free. Are you serious!?"

"fxck no, you got for more years, stupid ass. Hahahaha. Every

fxckin day, you fall for it. fxckin stupid ass."

Wicked clown!

When I get out, I'm going home to southwest

Going straight to my freaks and get undressed

And I'm a hit it like an insane chicken hawk

Hoochie, won't be able to walk

When I get out, I'm a run around town naked

Cuz my freedom feels good, I can't fake it

I let my nuts flop to the hip-hop

I wanna chop chop punk cop flip flop

When I get out, I'm going to my mother's house

She gonna cook a steak and serve it with brussel sprouts

But I don't care, she can cook a cinder block

And I'm a chew it on up to the last rock

When I get out, I'm putting on my new shoes

But I don't see anybody sportin kangaroos

And them wizaby shorts are history

But so what, I'm a sport mine like a G

Wicked clowns! Check it out y'all

Wicked clowns! We gettin out y'all

Wicked clowns! Check it out y'all

Wicked clowns! We gettin out

When I get out, I'm going to the festivals

Cussing, rude, and scratching my testicles

Like we did before we got locked down

I'm coming back around, the wicked clown

When I get out, I'm a throw a party

And guess who shows up, nobody!

I just sit alone and play solitaire

I don't care, at least I won't be here

When I get out, I'm coming back to Del Ray

So I can breathe the smog but that's okay

Cuz I'd much rather whif that shxt

Then my cellmate Rico's funky armpits

When I get out, I'm heading straight to the store

For a big long cold thing of Faygo

And I'm a drink it down to the very end

After that, I eat the bottle that it came in.

Wicked clowns! check it out y'all!

Wicked clowns! We gettin out y'all

Wicked clowns! Check it out y'all

Wicked clowns! We gettin out

"Yeah, let me call this broad up, tell her I'm getting out.

This is my baby, ya know what I'm saying."

"What's up, baby, man, it's me."

"Wait a minute."


"Who the hell is this? WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!"

When I get out, I'm shooting someone in the head

Somebody been sleeping in my bed

I never thought my sweetheart would sell me out

Now I gotta walk up and blow her mouth out

Wicked clown

Wicked wicked clown

When I get out, I'm back to the good life

So don't sweat me, Officer Barney Fife

In the pen, I seen your cop friend butt son

Seen daddy like to use his butt some

When I get out, it's all about the underground

I'll crawl back into the pipes and never be found

So when you brush your teeth

You might see my eyeball looking at you through the sink

Wicked clowns! Check it out y'all

Wicked clowns! We gettin out y'all

Wicked clowns! Check it out y'all

Wicked clowns! We gettin out

I'm getting out, I'm getting out!

..............Guess who's coming to your big town

Jugglin jugglers jugglin jugglers (kiss the clown)