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Hello All

This is my site


Pictures now here

Ok guys, here you go!

To address the constant question... "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LET US MEET HER?"

We are planning to come to New York as soon as we have enough money, we can't come out to the tute because I have allready volinteered to work both X-mas and New years. When i know more i will drop a e-mail to you all. Love you and hope you hear this in good health.

I know that my sister comes onto this sight and if she reads this, remember, you are the only one i can count on for anything Hay so keep it up and I love you. Here is a rose i made just for you. @__()__

Well got to go


My new e-mail is if you want to reach me. The "j" is a lowercase for all those who want to write.

<--- This is where the name Jaxom come form. This is the coverart to my favorite book, The White Dragon. It is in the Dragon Riders Of Pern Series... So good. If you like Si-Fi then you would also like The Incarnations of Immortality series SO SO SO SO SO GOOOD!!! Read them and you will see but hay that is enough for me! WOW I rymed.


:-D -BYE